The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, September 20, 1929, Image 3

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In the matter of "line" ttyle are
Changing. The fashion alert woman
will Immediately sense In the new
full frocks. In coat alio, fur that
matter, a trend to flare and to prin
cess end molded silhouettes.
While It I true that evening mode
for tome lime have favored prince
line, for the street frock to t cut
B la prince treat the vogue front a
new angle.
A glance atVhs dnytlme frock of
black satin In the picture carrle the
conviction of an Interesting departure
from the uaual order of things. It sug
gests not only the new princess lines,
but lis hemline ripples In latest ap
proved fashion. The scalloed effect
outlining the hem adds to the Charm
f this model.
It 1 also Interesting to note that
while princes frock are "coining In"
thl In no whm. means that full hem
line are "going out." On the contrary,
flare below the knee are a most Im
portant fen lure In the Held of current
dress design.
While many (lures are circular cut,
the newest flares are accomplished by
selling In as few or as many gndets
r gussets is the designer msy car
to employ. I loth dresses and coats
are yielding to the Influence of semi,
fitted line which slenderize the up
per portion, until somewhere nhut
the kuee. or Mow, where the flare
begin cither mildly or fur extreme
: Caring for Flat Silver S
It I easier to keep your flat allver
put away In an orderly fashion If the
spoon, knlve and forks each have
their own compartments. Some of the
new chest of drawer have, a an In
teresting Innovation, small drawer at
the top In triangular arrangement to
bold flat silver. These take the place
of the usual large, single allver
Some Good Things to Eat
Dr fntth yon can move moun
tains; but tha Important thine la,
not to move Ihs mountalne, but to
hsve th faith. Arthur Glutton.
It Is wonderful how largs a lu
lls bit of s fraction will grow. If
you only mulHiilr II enouih.
Hubert Ueverl Hnls,
According to th findings of Dr.
Tbnddcua L tlolton, head of the do
part men! of psychology,
n' ""I Temple university, I'hll-
ii II adflphla, who recently
n concluded an Invostlgn-
11 tlon In which twenty
Q feminine olllce worker
-iW! Were tllhlcctcd to ex-
Temple university, I'hll
adflphla, who recently
concluded an Investiga
tion In which twenty
feminine olllce worker
were subjected to ex
haustive test of sliced,
endiiinnce, mental alert
ness and muscular con
trol, at various hour of
the business dny hi
conclusion I Hint fatigue, diet, snd
working capacity of the modern busi
ness girl are closely related, and de
crease In working riiiaclty due to
futlgue "an be offset by the timely
Ingestion of highly concent ruled, en
ergizing food.
Back of th Investigation lie th
growing belief on the part of employ
er that the unwise reducing diets
resorted to by large number of fem
inine worker are resimr.slhle not
only for frequent absences due to Ill
ness, but for lessened and poorer
Quality of work while In the olllce.
. The studies showed that working
Lints for New Frocks
types In a series of Dure and flare
and never cease flaring.
In some Instance two row of clrcu-
Fairy Tale for the Children
"In the very first place of all people
do not like anak-w," said Mr. Hull
"There I no special resson for thl.
To he sure, there are many dangerous,
bad snakes, but lots of people don't
like sny snake at all."
"Even when w are nice, gentle,
helpful, kindly snikesF asked Mrs.
Hull Snake, hissing In surprise.
"Even then," said Mr. Hull Snake.
That' the unfairness of It alL If
they didn't like dangerous snakes I
wouldn't mind, but when they any
they don't Ilk nice, friendly snakes,
they hurt my poor feelings."
"They hurt mine, too," said Mr.
Itull Snake,
"Well, don't become down-henrted,"
said sir. Hull Snake, "for I have
pleasant new and cheerful tiding
for you."
"Dear me, dear me," hlased Mrs.
Hull Snake, as she wriggled little
In the long grass. "You are very clev
er and your talk ts far beyond me."
"IHdn't I make you bear!" asked
Mr. Hull Honke, In a louder hissing
tih, yes. I heard all right," said
Mrs. Hull Snake, "only you talked so
"When you said my talk was fur
beyond you I thought you meant you
hadn't heard It and thut It had gone
off In the distance somewhere."
"No. I meant It was far beyond my
Intelligence, not fur beyond my bear
ing," said Mrs. Hull Snake.
capacity I comparatively low at the
beginning of the ofllc day. Th hu
man mnchlno. Ilk tie rare horse,
must go through a wnrmlng.up proc
ess. The greatest rush In th av
erage ntDce I from two-thirty to five,
and the period of most strain.
In the Investigation It was sought
to determine to what extent work
ing power may be sustained at Its
early afternoon peak by eating suit
able qiinntltle of foods which arc
quick restorer of depleted energy,
Food having high sugar content
were eloctcd because sugar la mil
only a concentmled energy food, but
one which I quickly asslmllnled by
Ilia avalnin. Ita erTecla. Ihowfiirn
are almost immediately apparent to
the trained Irt'cstlgnlor equipped with
the neressnry liiliornlory Instruments
The addition of dates to a cooked
or dry breukfusl food, I quite a com-
nawti.. r-l ninn cu,,oin nd
of a minute, for
one who keeps
cleaned date
ready for use. If
one can obtain
pitted dntce In
pneknge that are
not too dry, such are most convenient.
Dried out hind date are practically
useless for ordinary serving. They
should he soaked and slewed and then
perhaps strained through a (lev to
make them entnhle.
A package of date may be pitted
Inc or plaited ruffle achieve tlie cov
eted flare. In sympathy with the
movement, even sleeves art begin
ning to (In re, If the skirt how
Jugged full -flnrlng hemline, then a
similar flurs U repented on the thieve,
beginning Just below the elbow. Like
wle l( circular ruffle give fullness
to the skirt, they ara apt to be em
ployed on the thieve.
Then, too, If the frock happen to
he styled with a -blouse or hlpllne
Jacket, not Infrequently It U nnlihed
off with a pepluin whose flare take
on the character of the fliiret finishing
both hemlines and the sleeves.
Outlets of lace set Into the hem
line to give It fullness appear on many
of the dressier frock, especially tho
of sheer fabric.
The new season's fur eoatt also are
showing a disposition to dure, and be
scmlflttlng fur the upicr portion.
Flares of fur ara uUo attached to
cloth coat tops.
& lilt, Wm.n Newepeper Union.)
Collage cheese I a valuable meat
substitute, eaperlally lo lummer.
When washing window remember
that newspaper furnish a good and
cheap material for drying.
refreshing and delldnu milk
drink are tome of the bout bever
age for children on bot summer
When removing a ttnln by sponging
avoid the formation of a ring by strok
Ing from the outidde to the center car
rylng the stroke with the weave of
the good.
"What would yoo have explulnedr
asked Mr. Hull Snake,
"I don't know what It la to be
down-hearted." Mrs. Hull 8nke an
swered, "I don't Just know what It
means. I would Ilk to bav It ex
plained." "When you are down-hearted you
are sad, and I waa afraid you were
becoming sad hearing to much about
people who didn't like us."
"Oli, now, I see," said Mrs. Bull
Snake. "Well, I wont become down-
They Hurt Mine, Too.
hearted then because you said you
had pleasant news for me.
"Hut what are cheerful tldlngsT I
know what cheerful means, but bow
about tidings'
"Do you mean something to eatr
and dropped Into a glass jar, covered
and kepi In a cool place and Ihey will
always he moist and ready to use.
Four dates sliced and added to a
breakfast dish of cereal I sufficient
for on sen Ing.. Her Is a new on
which yon will like to try:
Harty Pudding Os tuns. Cook to
gether one half cupful of commeal,
dnipied slowly, stirring constantly,
one fcaspoonful of salt, at least one
hour. Just before serving stir In one
half cupful of grnpenuts and one
cupful of sliced dates. Any of thl If
left over may be fried and served
with bacon for breakfast.
Osts Brsn Muffins. Take one cup
ful of flour, one half teuspoouful of
salt, four ieasMKinfiiis of baking pow
der, one cupful of bran, one cupful of
date sliced, one cupful of milk, on
egg, two Inhlospoonful of molnsse
and two tnhlespoonfula of melted
shortening. This makes t dark, tasty
muffin which will be enjoyed by those
who must hnve some of the coarser
flour In their diets. Sour milk may
be used for these mulln. adding one
half lenafxmnfiil of soda and hut two
tctpntnftila of hnklng powder. Th
quality of the bran used will vary .the
texture; of th muffins, but any bran
may he nsed wlih good results.
(fi, HI), WMtSra KSMpansr Ualolj.)
Wonts. Watts kul Lltlli
All a woman needs io thluk she'
bavin' a good time I a new dress and
a chunc to show It oft
j Shrubs Near House
(Hrtper-d br the United !( Department
of Agriculture.)
Shrub and other planting near
the foundation brickwork of a bouse
add greatly to a pleasing exterior.
They (often the building lines, con
ceal ogly or uninteresting details, add
color, and, If spaced and arranged to
advantage, beautify the entire yard
or front lawn. Home demonstration
gents In many state, working with
farm women on general borne Im
provement, have given considerable
attention to the pu!bllltle of Inv
North Csrollna Farm Home Having
Foundation Plantings.
proving the exterior of rural borne.
A a result. It baa often been poa
albt to Identify the borne of mem
bers of borne demonstration club be
cause of the charm obtained through
well-selected shrubbery, window or
porch boxes of blight flower, hang
ing fern baskets, ami other Inexpen
sive, easily procured decorative
plants. Flower shows snd Iswn and
garden competitions have done much
"No." laughed Mr. Bull 8ouke,
"cheerful tiding are about the same
as good news, and I will tell you the
pleassnt story I bav to tell yon,
right away."
Mrs. Bull Snake wrlgglet In a com
fortable position and said:
"I sra ready to bear."
So Mr. Bull Snake continued:
"I have been feeling sad for some
time over the way people did not like
snakes. It seemed to me rather hard
on the snakes, a I've atald before.
"There are so many harmless one
and w shouldn't suffer tor the bad
"Well, I was becoming sorrowful
and snd when I beard of a farmer
near here who wrote a letter to be
published In the papers around these
"I'aper. my dear Mrs. Bull Snake,
are things tople read where they
learn what Is going on in the world
they read th news. In short
"Now, this farmer wrote and said
that we did a great deal of good In
destroying creatures who hurt hi clo
ver and alfalfa, and I feel so happy
that there Is such a kind farmer who
appreciate us and who tells about bis
appreciation to th world."
"Ah, that la splendid. Indeed," sold
Mrs. Hull Snake, hlwtlng very happily.
& ll. Wwtrra Nfwaimpw CsloB.)
Drsaoi sf Riches Vani.hwl
Plowing up a rusty, heavy cast-iron
bog near the old Deadwood trail, Al
bert Gelgle, rancher In South Dukota.
had visions of road agents' loot The
bog contained about 110,000 In bank
notes, but, much to the disgust of
Gelgle, they were Confederate notes.
Heat Secret of
Frlsd Eggs With Coated Yolks.
tPrensrtd r tha t'nltM SIMM Department
ot Agriculture.)
Moderate, even heat Is the secret
of frying egg ao that they are ten
der and tasty, as It I of cooking all
egg dishes. While any well-flavored
fat may he nsed for trying extrs, ham
and bacon dripping are prime fit
vorltes. Moderate temperature ts
likewise the secret of cooking hum
anil baron. Do not let th fat become
so hot a to smoke and produce
scorched flavor In the dripping and
disagreeable odor In th kitchen,
warn th bureau of home economics.
Whstever kind of Cat Is used, have
It ttodenitcly hot when the egce are
alluued Into It and cook slowly and
Add to Appearance $
to awoken Interest In attractive aur-
roundlngs, and an Indirect result of
thl Interest I often greater Inter
eat In ber own personal appearance,
on the part of the farm woman whose
home setting ba been Improved.
This photograph, taken by the
United States Department of Agri
culture In Ilertford county, North
Carolina, show a number of these
features suggested by th extension
agent. The low shrubs near the brick
work have been used to screen the
porch foundation without Interfering
wltb the effect of the gay flower
boxe that lake the place of guard
rail on the veranda. Iteosonnhle cart
will keep this exterior planting In
pleading condition all through the
growing season.
Domestic Rabbits May I
Be Eaten Year Round
(Prapand by th t)nlt4 (HIM DMrtmat
of Actlcuirara.)
Itelntlvely few housewives In the
eastern part of the United States are
acquainted wltb the delicious flavor of
domestic rabbit meat Most of them
have been accustomed to think of rab
bit In terms of the cottontail rabbit,
which Is svallable only during a short
open hunting season, or of the Jsck
rabbit which I generally considered
more of a pest than an article of diet
Domestic butcb-rslsed rabbits msy be
eaten the year round, and there are
now hundreds of domestic rabbit
farms throughout th country where
th animal are being raised for th
market The rsbblt-ralalng Industry
I most flourishing In the West par
ticular! In California, but Increasing
Interest In It Is developing In the
Eastern state also,
Dutch-raised rabbit are carefully
bred and fed for table on. They eat
rolled cereals, alfalfa bay, and leafy
vegetables. The nature of their food
makes tns meat sweet, tender and ex
cellently flavored. It can be better
compared wltb chicken than wltb wild
rabbit Babbit raised In email hutches
or on fur fnrms are cleanly In habit
and can be produced under sanitary
Just with poultry or with radon
cot of meat young, tender rabbit
may be fried or roasted, while the
older ones require longer, slow cook
ing. The bureau of home economic
ha co-operated wltb the bureau ot
biological surrey In conducting ex
periment In the various methods of
preparing domestic rabbit meat for
the table and makes th following rec
ommendations :
Young, tender rabbits may be fried
or broiled, or If Just a little larger
than the frying or broiling stage,
smothered according to the method
Southern conk ue for chicken. The
older, larger rabbit may also be ued
for abort orders by parboiling whole,
then cutting Into pieces suitable for
serving, snd frying In hatter. Or Ihey
may be simmered and served with
dumplings or used In chop suey or
salad In the same way as chicken.
Iteclpes will he furnished by the
Cnlted Slates Department ot Agricul
ture upon request
Creosote stains on walla are hard
to do anythln with and U Is pretty
hard to keep them frcm showing
through sfter a time. About the only
thing one can do I to cover them
wltb two thin coat of shellac, then
slx and paper or paint over them In
the usual way. Two thin coots are
better than one heavy one, as the ten
dency for the ibetluc to peel Is not so
Cooking Eggs i
carefully over a low (Ire. The eggs
mny be turned so a to cook them
on both sides, or tome of the hot fnt
may be dipped up aud ponred uvei
the yolk until a coating Is formed
When th whit I oetlcntely Jellied
the egg are cooked enough. Tbs
whit should not become tough.
An egg fried In a little butter
makes an excellent hot toasted ot'f
faced sandwich. After the egg S
sllpiied onto the toast pour over
the melted butter from the skillet
Cooked until Arm throughout, an er(
fried In butter can be shredded fins
to make a palatable garnlah for aoup
iptnach, or other Ulsbca.
fT Buildmcj
Few "Small Town" Not
Thoroughly Up to Dato
The average small town now offer
abont everything the city has except
th "rush hour" and a few other In
conveniences. Convincing proof of the
changes taking place In the life of the
mall centers Is found on almost every
hand. Particularly Is thl true In
many of the older centers, which a
few years back were Inclined to be
satisfied with conditions as they were.
There. Is now a new life and re
newed Interest In times gone by
many town were prone to slumber on
after the arrival and departure of It
few dally trains. Now most center
of any consequence either are on or
near one of the arteries of the state'
road system. This has resulted In an
almost constant traffic, such as the
operation of bus lines on regular
schedules and parades of motor cars.
In addition to roll service.
It is a rather slow locality of any
size that does not have It chamber
of commerce working for the town'
welfare and advancement, Country
clubs, golf courses ,and swimming
pools are becoming eommon. Like
wise the "talkies" t 'about a preva
lent In the smaBfi Communities as In
the cities. Aad the radio Is tuned In
on the same offerings furnished else
where. Tbeomen are playing s
much brtdgfn tbelr sisters In the
more populous center. The girl r
Just aa modern and the boys Just s
ihelktsh and up-to-date a those In the
city. Exchange.
Money Wisely Expended
on Paint and Varnish
Cleaning up the Individual premise
of a borne owner or occupant I the
first essential element In Improving
the appearance and health condition
of the property. After thl Is done
painting and varnishing may follow.
A small amount of money Invested
each year In paint and varnish keen
the property In good condition with
no period of deterioration or expen
sive repairs. A good surface of paint
on the woodwork, both Interior snd ex
terior seals up the pore in th wood,
keeping out germs. Insect and decay.
The borne owner may establish a
system of painting his home, so that
part of It may be painted one year,
other parts the next and still more
part th third year. In this msnner
no heavy expenditure faces the home
owner every three year or so. And
at the same time, the home always
appear to be In flrst-class condition.
Tainting also serves ss a health
measure. Any surface that Is painted
regularly cannot harbor germs that
menace the bealtb of the family.
Problems f Natar Lovers
In Nature Magazine Charles Sum
aer Bird, Jr, chairman of the Massa
chusetts committee oo Needs and
L'se of Open Space, had a most In
teresting article. In the course of
which be says:
"It Is recognized today that beauty
Is not a luxury, but an absolute
necessity to the complete life ot
every normal human being. The
man who does not crave the beauties
of nature ba a twisted (oul and
should be an object of pity; and. If
be should be the slave of a blind
commercialism which Impels him to
destroy for others the beauties of na
ture, he Is a bad citizen. Every prob
lem of Importance today Is common to
all countries ; and England, the cradle
of the Industrial age, faces difficulties
corresponding to those which nature
lover In America are mobilizing to
solve. It may be laid here that the
sooner this mobilisation on as large a
scale as possible I consummated the
sooner will the ravage on the face ut
nature be stayed."
Protecting tbs Tre
Strong wire cable solentltlottly In
stalled In the tope of trees will
strengthen the forks snd hold the
branches safe from storms that would
otherwise be fatally destructive. To
be effective the Job must be done cor
rectly snd carefully. The weight of
the limbs, the strain of the wind, the
strength of the wood and the man
ner of branching must all be consid
ered If proper results are to be se
cured. It Is work for trained men.
Even so. It Is comparatively Inex
pensive work and certainly Is more
than Justified a a mean of Insuring;
trees against the ravages of the wind
storms of summer and the sleet storm
of winter.
Driveways Worth While
An attractive concrete driveway
adds much to the apiearance of the
grounds, because it enhances beauty
and makes tor nentness. Its utility
lies In Its providing safe passage to
the street or hlifhwny the year
round. Automatically a good drive
way Increase th value of property.
It matter not how modest the home
or limited th space In lawn, the
driveway Is an Important and neces
sary adjunct to house and garden.
Give Thought to Tree
Trees that are properly cared for
will live almost Indefinitely. A tree
that Is neglected can no more lie ex
pected to thrive than can the man or
the woman who need medical atten
tion hut neglect to get It Disaster