The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, September 20, 1929, Image 2

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    Brido of Chin Eaetem
(Prepared r the National Oaotrephle
Society. Weehlmtoa. O. O
MANCHURIA, whose ltn(Kryint
east-west railway, the Chi
nese Eastern, has boon the
bone of contention between
China and Russia, la an empire In It
elf. The state? of Texas along with
New Tork and Pennsylvania might be
Sited Into Manchuria and still leave
enough room for New Jersey, Id this
domain of vast else la a mixed popu
lation of Chinese, Koreans, Japanese
and Russians which number between
20,000,000 and 25,000,000. So near to
China's swarming deltas and Japan's
overcrowded Islands, It Is still land
of great open spaces. This la sig
nificant fact la Manchuria politics.
For a while Japan and China com
peted by tending In streams of Immi
grants; but In late years the Chinese
stream baa become dominant owing to
Its lower scale of living.
Thla northern dependency of China
Is shaped like giant jaw tooth whose
roots toucb the Great Wall where It
reaches the tea and whose crown
forma the eouth bank of the Amur
river. Thla tooth la the wedge which
separates Russia and Mongolia on
the one side and Japanese Korea and
the narrow atrip of Russian territory
along the Sea of Japan on the other.
It la land where empires meet, and,
having net, build railroads,
Manchuria la better served In the
matter of railway lines than any other
part of China. After the treaty of
Portsmouth, which ended the Russo
Japanese war, the railways were di
vided. Japan took over matters In the
root of the tooth and Russia those In
the crown. So It stood until a few
weeks ago when the Chinese ousted
Russian railway officials and seised
the line. Japan still maintains ber
own right In the leased territory
urroundlng fort Arthur and Dulren
and along the railway concession run
ning north almost to riurliln.
Dulren, Manchuria's chief seaport,
has been largely Japanese bulit and
resemble other cities of Japan ex
cept that It Is worked out on a more
modern and magnificent scale. Its
docks and harbor equipment are com
parable with the great seaports 0f the
. Uarbln, the metropolis of the north,
Is purely Russian. It lies 'on the
banks of the Sungurt river at the point
of change from tram Siberian trains
to the southern connections with
l'elplng and Tokyo. llarhln now shel
ters great numbers of exiles from the
okl regime In Ru.tala.
Mukden th Focal Point
' Mukden, the provincial capital, lies
In the plains of central Manchuria and
Is the focal point o' throe empires.
Here the Chinese and Japanese and
European each have their distinct
cities, three In one. Modern Japanese
business and residential blocks sur
round the railway station where the
traveler from Chosen (Korea) or
l'elplng' alight. A disreputable ve
hicle with lines reminiscent of old
Russia bear the tourist through a
straggling European quarter to the
ante of the high walled Chinese city
two mile away. Japanese, Russians
and Chinese meet but do not mingle.
Tie Japanese quarter Is a splendid
example of colonial efficiency. Streets
re straight, broad and hard paved
Ilazaar are filled with the latest prod'
Beta from Japanese furms and fac
toriesluscious yellow persimmons,
dainty tea sets, end gorgeous flowered
cotton kimono cloth done op In one-
garment bolts. There are hospitals,
Schools and police stations, electric
lighted and presided over by the lat
est product of the Imperial educa
tlonol aystem. Over the railway sta
tlon I an excellent European style
bote), complete with brass beds and
tile baths.
A short drive In the rickety Russian
droskle and all Is changed. The air
grow heavier with strange odors.
Gray brick Russian houses strangle
along a bumpy road bordered by open
drntns, with millet and sweet potato
fields stretching beyond. . Occasional
recently built Chinese structures give
the appearance of new patches on an
ancient gurment
Thla la the so-called International
settlement and la well named.
Wretched looking white Russian refu
gee abound. Korean women smoke
their pipe In half-open doorways.
Occasionally European consular
compounds form Islond of respecta
bility i the American consulate, oc
cupying series of large and gaudy
temple buildings, being particularly
Imposing, while stutely Georgian
structure upholds the dlxnltyof Great
Ilrltnln. '
Suddwily the carrluge winds through
Railway Ovtr the Sungarl.
towered and tortuously curved gate
way In the wall of the Chinese city.
Uneasy smells Increase Into distinct
malodoroua certainty. One-storied
gray brick, gray tiled houses line a
deeply rutted roadway. Blue cotton
clothes are worn with the monotony
of uniform. Cheerful, unwashed yel
low facea flow past In continuous
streams. ferpotual and strident bar
gnlnlng Oils the air. Coal balls, sweet
cakes, fly awafter and boiling tea wa
ter are hawked with shrill cries and
ringing bells.
Given Up to Trade.
Such la the ancient Manchn capital
front which the dynastic throne was
moved to l'elplng In the Seventeenth
century, after the Manchu conqwst ol
China. The huge palace of the suc
cessors of Genghis Khan still dom
inates the city with Its gaudy empti
ness, and tomb of Manchu rulers
with columned halls and curving eves
brood In lonely magnificence In for
eats outside the city walls.
These few heirlooms from his
toric past lie like soiled Jewels In ths
mud-colored monotony of s dirty com
mercial city. Modern Mukden Is whol
ly absorbed In trade. Lying In th
center of rich agricultural plain. It
forms the meeting point of two great
railway systems. One, running east
and west, connects Tokyo and Chosen
(Korea) with l'elplng; the other nortn
and south Joins I'ort Arthur and
Dalren to the Trans Siberian railway
A monument to Its commercial Im
portance as welt as to fallen soldiers
Is the modest war memorial of tha
Japanese heroes who fell In the his
toric battle of Mukden during th
Russo-Japanese war.
Although In the same latitude as
Chicago and Boston. Mukden baa s
rather severe climate of the so-called
'continental" type. Winters are Ion
and cold; summers short but torrid
The hot season, however, ripens sur
rounding miles of beans and giant
sorghum, making Mukden the beaa
rake and bean oil market as well at
the alcohol distilling center of Norts
China. Cold. winter bring s seasot
of Intense activity In the fur market
Ituyenr from the New lork fur housei
bargain with traders from tlie North
for all aizes and grades of skins from
dog .to marten and from Siberia!
squirrel to Manchurlan tiger.
Surrounding coal mines rumlsa
abundant supplies for a bustling rail
way center. On the other band watel
Is comparatively scarce for a large
part of the year. The relative dispro
portion between these two element ll
prdhalily responsible for the grlmj
complexion of Munchurla's somber bul
seething capital.
Lsnd of ths Soy Btan.
Munchurla, like new England, Is tha
land of the bean, this time the so
bean. Henna, bean oil, and benn cake,
or leavings from the oil press, art
chief export.
The soy bean's rise from obscurity,
only 20 years ago, to It present Im
portance. Is a wonder of modern com
merce. Today Its product,' manufoc
tured by the wholesale at Mukden, ara
shipped all over the world. Not only
diies tha sot bean provide a sauce
which Is the Worcestershire of China,
but It also mnsjaerades ss cheese,
condy, fertilizer, flour, snd oil foi
lighting and lubricating.
The Japanese ose It widely as tha
basis of confectionery. In this fornl
It Is highly palatable and the Japanese
consider their candles and pastries
more wholesome than ours Indeed
they are appalled by the quantity ol
sugar which Americans consume.
Dulren, Just north of I'ort Arthur,
on the Llaotung peninsula, exported
In one year nearly 150.OH0 tons of bcaa
oil, and most of this came direct t
the United State. Many of the ulti
mate consumers thereof probably were
no more awnre that ny bean oil waa
the basis of a delicious mayonnaise,
dressing than that hair-seal oil wa en
Important Ingredient of the bonbons
they ate after dinner.
The region generally referred to at
Munchurla really comprises threa
nrovlnces of China, which are Tsltalkv
har. Klrln and Llaotung. The latter,
which also I known a Khlng-KIng oi
I'engtlen, Is ths most southerly and
gives Its name to the peninsula where
Port Arthur and the Japanese reser
vation are located. It wn here that
the encroachment of Russia, In 181)8,
brought on her war with Jupnn.
Chinese In Manchuria are, as a rule,
not native aons. They have Immigrat
ed hither from all part of China,
driven from their home by war and
(amine. The recent shortage of food
and political turmoil In Shnntung have
sent millions of farmers and luborer
from thut province alone.
iyfl.ii Adventure oj the
Scarlet Pimpernel
WNTJ Service I SMVl"711
CowrieM Uaroneaa Orciy e Vn.Va.14
t s'
Ths Scarlet Pimpernel, known
during the French revolution ss
the most Intrepid adventurer In
Kurope, Is an Kngllehman. At a
hnuie party (Iven by Sir Percy
(llakeney the latest adventure of
the Scarlet Pimpernel, the reecue
of theTournon-d' Afenaya, la be
ing related by 8lr Andrew
Ftoulkea. The 8crlet Plmperi el
la really 8lr Percy Blnkeney.
popular London dandy. The fall,
ure of Lauaet, revolutionary
chle! of the section In which the
Scarlet Pimpernel baa been oper
ating, to prevent tha eecape of
the Tournon-d' Agenaya brlnsa
the condemnation of the govern,
ment upon him. He raueea the
arreat of the Deaeae family ea a
charge of treason. ,
Chapter III Continued
The following day was 'market day
In Molssoo, and at first Laucet bad
been doubtful whether It would not
be best to wait another twenty-four
hour before carrying through bla
friend Cbauvelln" project The dawn,
however, broke with Ideal conditions
for It; leaden sky, tearing wind,
and torrents of rain alternating wltb
s thin drizzle. On ths whole, nature
had ranged herself on the side of all
those who worked their nefarious
deed under cover of semi darkness
Lauzet, gazing out on the mournful
autuninrul aspect of weather snd sky.
felt that If the Scarlet Pimpernel did
Indeed meditate mischief bs would
choose such a day as this.
Thus It wns that In the early dawn
of this market day the cltlzena ot
MoUson bad a sad scene to witness
Soon after aeven o'clock a small crowd
collected round the big. old fashioned
diligence which bad drawn op ootslde
the Peseta house In ths Hue des
"loots. To right and left of the vehl
cle were soldier on horseback, two
on each side, mounting guard, and the
man who held the reins wss also In
the uniform of the rural gendormerle.
Every one In the city knew this man.
Charles Marie was bis asms, snd be
had begun life ss s baker's assletant
a weak, anemic looking youth, who
had been sent out of the army because)
he was no use as s fighting man. so
timorous snd (low wltted was he.
Lately he had obtained s position
as hostler st the posting Inn In Mantes,
because, It seem, he did know eoioe
thlng about horse: but why be should
have been chosen to drive the dili
gence to Paris today oohody could
conjecture. He most bars bad s friend
In high places to be so exalted above
his capabilities. Anyway, there be
sat on the bos. looking neither to right
nor left hut straight between the ear
of his off leader, and not a word would
he say In response to the questions
the Jeers, end the taunt filch came
to him from his many friends In tbe
Soon, however, excitement centered
round the porte-cochere ot the leei
house. It had auddenly been thrown
wide open, and In the doorway ap
peared poor Cltlzeness Dcseze. es
corted by two officers of gendarmerie
and closely followed by Madeleine, he;
little daughter, also under guard. It
was pitiable to see the poor Invalid
who could scarcely stand on her bn If
paralyzed limbs, thus being dragged
away from the borne where she had
lived aa a happy wife and mother for
close on s quarter of s century. A
murmur of sympathy for these two
women, and of execration for the
brutality of this srrest, rose from the
crowd. Rut It was quickly enough
suppressed. Who would dare murium
openly these days, when spies of the
revolutionary government lurked st
every eornerl
Hostile glances, however, were shot
st Citizen Lauzet, who bad come over
thst morning from Mantes snd now
stood by, somewhat detached from the
crowd, watching the proceedings In
ths compsny of his friend Cbauvelln.
"la this In accordance wltb youi
IdeaT he aaked In whisper when,
presently, Chauvelln completed a quirk
and comprehensive examination of the
Chauvelln's only reply was a con
and peremptory "llusbl" snd a furtive
glance about him to see that there
were no likely eavesdroppers within
hearing. He knew from experience
that the famous League of the Scarlet
I'lmpernel also had spies lurking In
every corner; spies not so numerous,
perhaps, ss those Id ths pay of the
commute of public safety, but s grest
deal more sstute. snd he slso knew
none better that the case of the
Iteseze family whs J nut one that would
appeal to the sporting or chivalrous
Insilncts of that band of English sd
Iim he was satisfied with ths mlse
enacene organized, under bis super
vlslyn. by Chief ol Section Lauzet
I'roiiiltience had been given nil over
the department to the srrest ot the
Oeseze family, to ths worth snd In
tegrlty of Its head, the sickness of the
wife, the charm and modesty of the
daughter. Half dozen picked men
of the gendarmerie ol Mantes, armed
to the teeth, would Join the diligence
st Matilea, bul they would ride Inside
disguised as passengers, whilst It was
left for anybody to sea that the coach
whs raveling under feeble guard ol
four men. an olllcer, snd three troop
era, and waa driven hy a lout who wus
known to huvs oo fight In Mm.
The Road to Death
Lauzet had been Inspired when ha
chose this day; a typical day In lat
October, with that pitiless ruin lashed
by s southeasterly wind that would
score ths roads and fret ths dorses.
Down In the forest the diligence would
have to go almost at foot pace, fot
the outline of every tree on ths road
side would be . blurred, and object'
would loom like ghosts out of the mist
Tesl The scene waa set for tht
comedy Invented by Chauvelln for the
capture of hla arch enemy. It only re
mained for the principal actor to play
their roles to his satisfaction. Al
ready the female prisoners had been
hustled Into the diligence amidst tht
sigh and tears of their sympathizers
In ths crowd. I'oor Madam Dcses
had sunk half fulntlng wltb exhaus
tion Into the arms of ber young daugh
ter, and the two women aat huddled
In tbe extreme corner ot the vehicle
more dead than alive. And now
amidst much Jolting snd creaking
some shunting and cursing, too, wltb
cracking of whip and Jingling of spurs
ths awkward, lumbering diligence wsi
started on Its way. Bom two bun
dred meters farther on It cam to
halt once more, outside the couinit
sarlat, and here the male prisoner.
Citizen IVscze himself, was mail to
Join his family In the airless, creak
Ing vehicle, Iteslgned to bis own fate,
be set blmself tbe task of making the
painful Journey as eodurable as may
be to bis Invalid wife,. Hardly real Is
Ing yet the extent of their misfortune
sod ths Imminence of their doom, tbe
Hostile Glances Were Shot at C'tliee
three victims of (ouzel's cupidity snd
I'huuvello vengcf illness suffered (hvl
martyrdom In silence snd wltb realg
The final start from Molsson bad
teeo made st eight o'clock, liy thl
time the small city was ailing wltt
the neighboring farmers snd drovers
with their cattle and their carta ana
vehicles ot every kind, sll tending
either to the I'lace do March ol to
the various taverns for refreshment.
Lauzet, accouipauled by Cbnmellfe.
had ridden back to Mantes. Just be
fore nine o'clock ths diligence rst
tied over the cobblestone of that clt)
and bait was called at ths posting
Inn. It wss part of ths program to
spend some hours in Mantes, where
the extra men ot the gendarmerie
would be picked op. and only to make
a fresh start when the shades ot v
ulna were heiilnulng to draw In. It
was out to be supposed that ths Eng
llsh brigands would launch their at
tack Id broad dnyllghtand thswesthet
did not look as If It were going to
Chauvelln, of course, was there, see
Ing to every arrangement wltb bis
friend Unset close st his slbow. II
had himself picked out ths six men of
the gendarmerie who were to ride In
disguise Inside the diligence; he had
Insnectcd their disguises, Sdded SO
artistic or realistic touch here snd
there, before he pronounced them to
he good.
finally he turned to ths young ofn
cer who whs In command of the party
Senate Pages
The page bs In the senate sra
paid I3..K1 per day while the senilis ll
In session Their hours srs concur
rent with those of ths senate, but It It
necessary for them to report some
what earlier than the hour st whlce
the senate convenes. Their duties sr
those of messengers, generally. Undei
the laws of the District of Columbia
ibey are required to attend school foi
15 hours onch week. Home attend
night school and other attend clussoi
conducted by an Instructor si the cap
Itol In ths mornings.
Magnificent Opal
The finest opal In the world tin
earthed st Lightning llldge. New
Koutb Wales, Is Inches hy I
Inches, weighs 7!H) carats and com
bines every color of III rainbow la
shimmering perfection,
U-A !. Weetma NewaeepM Uliluu.1
Ily fnlth you can move molin
tnlnai but the Impurtnnt thing la,
nut to move the iimuiitnlna, but to
have the faith Arthur Cluttua
II la wonderful how large a IIU
tie bit of a frsutlnii will grow. It
you only multiply It enough.
Hubert tleverly llnle.
According to the findings of I'r.
rtuuldeiis U lloltnii, lieud of the do-
partmetit of luiychology,
Temple tuilverslly, I'lill
adelpliln, who recently
roiicludiMl an ln ('situa
tion In nlucli twenty
rciiiliiltui oil I cii workers
were enlijei-ted to cv
hiitiHtlve tests ot hhmiI
eiidiiiiiiice. tneufiil alert
ni-as mi l iiiiiaciiiar con
tml, nt various hours ot
the hiiHlness liny Ills
conclusion Is thai fatigue, diet, and
working capacity of Iim modern bust
ocas girl ar closely related, and de
crease In working capacity due to
fatigue "hp he offset by the timely
ngestlon of highly concentrated, en
ergizing fowls.
Hack of Die liivestlgiillun lies the
rowing belief on the part of employ
ers that the unwise reducing diets
resorted to by large numtier of fern
nine worker are rcaponaltil not
nly for frequent absence due to 111
oesa, but for li-swned and poorer
luullty of work while In the office,
The studies showed that working
rapacity Is comparatively low at the
Scginnlng of the oltlce day, The hu
man machine. Ilk tie race home,
must go through a warmlng.up proc
ess. The greatest rush In the ev
tinge office la from two-thirty to five,
snd the period of most strain
In the Investigation It was sought
;o determine to what extent wots
ng power may be sustained at Its
tnrly afternoon peak by eating suit
idle quantities of foods which ar
lulck restorers of depleted energy.
Foods having high sugar content
were selected because sugar Is not
nl a concentrated energy food, but
ti which I quickly assimilated by
the system. It effect, therefore.
are almost Immediately apparent to
he trained Investigator equipped with
the necessary laboratory Instruments.
Such Investigation, to be brief, baa
shown positive results In favor ol
imall quantities of concentrated food
taken In mid -afternoon. There can
m no doubt that the physical and
mental let down which Is apt to occut
it the busiest liillncss period of Hi
day, I to a considerable extent dn
to Insufficient and Improjieriy hul
meed diets, and can lie largely, If not
a holly, prevented by the eating ol
finals that In aimtli volume act
lulikly aa fuel for the body engine
The serving of sweetened coiu
drinks, or s few pieces of candy tnk
tn when the energy seems to flag,
sill set as an emergency ration and
inpply the nilorlee needed for th
rest of the day's work.
Approximately five hundred thou-
intid calculation were necessary lu
joiiipllliig. tubulating and comparing
the records of twenty girls.
Havs a Date for Breakfast
The addition of dates to a cooked
or dry breukfust food. Is quite a com
mon custom ana
atom sua
the work
Is but
of a minute, foi
one who keepi
cleaned date
ready for use. II
one can otitain
pitted dales in
packages that are
not too dry, such are most convenient
lirled out hard dates srs pructlcnllj
useless for ordinary serving. They
should be soaked and stewed and then
perhaps strained through a (lev tc
make them eatable.
A package of dates may be pitted
snd dropped Into s glass Jar, covered
and kept In a cool place and they will
iways bs moist snd ready to use.
Four dates sliced and sdded to s
breakfast dish of celeral Is sufllclenl
for one serving. Hers Is a new out
which you will like to try t
Hasty Pudding Ds Lux. Cook to
gether one-half cupful of corn meal
dropped slowly, stirring constantly
one teaapootiful of salt, it leaat on
hour. Just before serving stir In one-
half cupful of grnpenuts and out
enpful of sliced dates.' Any of this II
left over may be fried and served
with bacon for breakfast
Ths practice or serving sugar wun
cereala la so common, yet s few date
or raisins will add the sweetness so
well liked snd at l lie sams tlms mukei
the dish more sttrnctlve.
Date Bran Muffins. Take one cup
ful of flour, one-half teaspooiiful ol
suit, four tciiapoonfuls of baking pow
der. one cunful of bran, one cupful ol
dates sliced, one cupful of milk, on
egg, two innicspoomiiis oi iiioiuufwi
a,M turn Inl.lnalwionfllle of molted
shortening. This makes s dark, tasty
muflln which will be enjoyed by thos
who must have soma of tbe coarsei
flours tn their diets. Hour milk may
bs used for these muffins, adding one-
half teiispoonful of soda snd but two
toospiKinfuls of baking powder, 1 n
nnnllie of the bran nsed will vary ths
..... ... m. kt .n hmn
lesiuia "i mu i "" "
may he Used Willi goon results.
Makes Life
Children's stomach sour, and need
an null-arid. Keep their syaimiu
wont with rhllllps Milk of Magnesia!
When tongue or breath tells ot acid
condition correct U with a spoonful
of 1'hllllps, Moat men nutl women bav
been comforted by this universal
sweetener uuire mother should In
voke Us aid for their children. It la s
pleasant thing to take, yet nenirnllzei
more acid than the harsher things to
often employed for the purpose, Nt
household should lie without It.
Phillip Is the genuine, prescrlp
ttnnal product physicians endorse fot
eenerul use; the name 1 Important
"Milk of Magnesia" tin boon the U, 8
registered trade mark of the Chariot
1L rhllllps Chemlcnl Co. and It pre
decessor Charle II. rhllllps sine 1873
V. Milk ,
of Magnesia
For Barbed Wire Cuts
I Balsam of Myrrh
Snl 1 1 ill, ll mmt wait
Ife-ret l.lrl.l Wake Wary Halllnf Artlrle '!
h-'Uvir l,ua I.We lr-e M .tally. Atae SI-
rr-'lra. illamoml rinse. I e--la .ami.laa ana
Ibatiut tlolte. Ilaraa Lftvratuir. i mciueaii, ,
pmm Piles ellaWal ec lea fetaeSa lathe
SSKiril-NAiM KANCf. waftrtloaJoinoiar-
eoM-ewrafeal BMthuJ at tiH
inaiM. tl are k m rhiv.l.
HameraaMe enccrat alM VMS
SanSKIIlAV kelNt.K KO.
paae Bk prin erlaUs aa
- -r A T t , .
ki'A.i, j.r;2jr'if.jaf:tr.a
Big Following
More than l.isj amateurs are co-op
erating wltb the United States llu-
renu of Illologlt-al Rurvey In tracing
the migration of handed birds.
Om'st to Coast good Grocer sell and
recommend Itus Hull lllue, Better
value than any other. Adv.
Plentiful There
"I Just adore durk men,"
"You'd have a splendid time In Af-
Two graduate students of the t'nl-
verslly of California sre studying the
shoreline of the I'aclllc ocean ss It
was some 10,0si,ix) years ago.
Ask for
Fly Catcher
1 Va A I
vtJytrtutd, mi
(pronounced A Kurk . bon) H Ceicliere Hh
I Thue,e-1aca Alla.had NefUM-noliouhle.The
eatrn inoinanoa ni nire tor a nicme. iniiei
I n... ..Hina A I, Ul iVnM l.'l ('ut,... ......
aaaier. aula import ere ana uiuiibutori lor U b. A,
0RAEF e. IANDKN0P, Kdlna, Mo.
Coetalne e"e, S
list INnees"" " "X-'
SwUiliMf e.
, "Ores' Sulpha SoapN
aw etaenne effert ea mr kie
f that W kalvful awl Itelifrle
f I It lalken meal sS ll-e
I f rtaow WW Meeuelty auiek.
y I Sulphur Soap
f mini V A
HUT. reeeseteSer J I
ILK Dve, - V
Mack sail 1
brow. e eae aaaaa-