The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, September 20, 1929, Image 1

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IONE, ORECON, FRIDAY, Sept. 20,1929.
Hermiston, Sept. 20.
Preparations have been com
pleted for Kermlstun's 17ih un
nukl Umatilla Project Fair, Oct
4 and 6.
We hive now an Interesting
feature appearing In the annual
Umatilla Project Fair. A subotan
tial reward will be made for ex
hibiting the three most profitable
cowi, the brofit to be determined
by the cow testing association
recordl and the herd books to be
submitted for inspection.
Trn Umatilla County Ueekeep
en Association ii sponsoring a
contest for the general exhibits
of food co'jked with honey, anil
the live stock division will give
ivecial awards for Guernnejs,
Over 11500 in cash will bedivi.l
d among the farmets in the var
lous divisions Many livestock
exhibits have been entered and
all indications point In the mist
successful year in the bister) of
tho fair.
Arrangements have been made
with the Field Clark Fl- ing Ser
vice for an airplane and and an
experienced pilot to be here for
the show. Tho airplane will be
equipped to take up passengers
at a nominal fee, and a parachute
jumper and wing walker will be
hore to provide some Interesting
stunta for the crowds,
The local post of the American
Legion will be in charge of all
Concessions, and a Merry go-
round will be on the grounds for
the amusement of the children.
There will be special free shows
In the evening, open tot h-s public
which will t e followed by danc
ing each evening. The plans call
for the repitllion of the 49 shows
in connection with the dances, j
Finger surgery will heal your
tonsil instead of removing them.
consult a physician who believes
in conserving the natural organs.
J. Perry Conder.
Personal Mention
Mrs. Kittie Turntr was a vg.
tor on Thursday of last week at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. A.
Heinhart of Hermiston.' Mrs.
Turner and the Kelnharts were
old school friends in La Grande.
Mrs. Turner was accompanied on
the trip by Clarence Linn, who
drove the cor for her.
Mrs. J.O Kincaid has reeiv Ahalt,' accompanied them.
The Dalles. Thursday of last returned thefirst'of last week
week. jfroni their honey moon trip to
Robert Harbison Jr. left Satur-:'h beach. They will make their
day for Eugene to resume hi hone in the C. A. Low house on
studies at the University of Ore i Second Street,
gon. He visited en route
friends In Hood River.
Mr. and Mrs.
woved-thia we.
Charley Nord
k to Portland
Rev. and Mrs. Cecil Ahalt rm!'nere Mr- Nor'1 has employment
toaed Into lone. Friday,, from! Mr8- Mason was happily
their home in ToDoeniih. Mr. wrwriia-l . on Friday evening
Ahalt's mother, Mrs. Hannah
ed word from her brother, Joe
MaHon of Prineville, that h) has
been discharged from the Veter
ans hospital atl'ortland. Hestates
that there seems to be no hope
thas his condition will improve.
i a' .
f v
jr MntuijAz. yurnn v-r-v
Start that Precious
Kodak Record
AFTER YOUR youngsters have rown up you'll
l value every reminder of their childhood.
Think what today' snapshots will mean to you
then. Don't until too late. Start that pre
cious Rod!; iccord new.
Modern KoiLls have lenses so fast that you
don't need to depend on bright sunlight. You
can take good pictures indoors, outdoors, on
cloudy days or brilliant ones. Come In today and
eee our line.
Bullard's - Pharmacy
Tnn ami . nAUTnn
At Your Home!
Mon. K.'C. W. Portland
7:00 - 7:30
Wed., K. N. X Los Angeles
Wed.,K. O. M. CSeattle
Thur., K. F. r. C. Frisco.
7:20 8:00
Thur., K. L Z. Denver.
6:00 6:30
Frl., K. H. Q., Spokane
9:00 9:30
Ahajt returned to his work, Sat
urday, but his wife remained in
lone and- will conduct religious
services in the Pentecortal halt
on Main Street.
' Mr, and Mrs, Herman Haver.
He is able to be ud and around, cost and two sons from Rhea
but not able to do any work. Siding were In Heppner the first
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Btzeley and' of last week visiting with Mrs.
sons have arrived from Li ens Havercost a father, w. IV Ahair,
tiurg and will move at once Oi to' who is iii in a Heppner Hospital
the L. P' Davidson, ranch which They visited on the wsy with
they have rented. ' re'stives in lone.
Mrs. Albert Petteys was taken! Mr. and Mi. E P. Newtnn,
to Hot Laktf on WrfnirU nfUheis son, George, and their
last week and on Friday sheen j daughter, Mrs. Jalmer Koski.
Jerweata major operation, She motored over from South Bend,
was accompanied by her Wh -r-i Washington, Saturday. Theyonme
in- law, Mrs. Frank Ennelman t0 vi,lt Mr- Newton'a mother.
and by her brother-in-law, Ftd1 Mn K,tie P"1. nd olhr
Nichosen, who drove the car. relatives.
Mrs. Engelmnn and Mr. Nicl o I W- E- Bullard will make you
Mon ruriirripH hnm. si,,rH.,- an attractive trale In offer on
They left Mrs. Petteys restii n
Mrs. J. C. Calandra of lie
Dalles spent several days ol lt
week visiting her mother, Ms
Id Fletcher, and other relativ. s
Shirley Stockard, of Harming
was a Wednesday night guest in
the home of bis aunt, Mrs. D,
Ray. On Thursday he sccomi
nled Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Braih--rs
to Hood River. Mr. and M s.
Brashers have been here for the
harvest work. After a short visit
with Mrs. Brashers' parent, th-y i
wilt work in the fruit harvest. l$2tXK) OOj.balance terms. Tractor
Emit Carlson and his daughter 'too small far my use. Apply tl. s
Janet, were business visitors etioffice. (
i . i
vour radio or phonograph if you
ire interested in a Victor EUc
trie Combination of Radio. .
Miss Elva Balsiser left, Turn
1sy to resume her work in the
University of Oregon. This is
Miss Bslsiger'a senior year.
Mr and Mrs. Edison Morgitn
For Sale
40 Cletrack Tractor, New.
ll take young mules up
when a few of her friends came
help celebrate her birthday.
Those present were Mr. bnd Mrs.
Bert Mason, Mr. and Mrs. L. E.
Dick, Mr. and Mrs. R"y Lienallen
and Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Cotter.
The time wrs ipent in playing
bridge. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Clair Calkins have
moved to Hermiston to make
their home. They have made this
change that they might have
their small son in the Advr.tist
-thool which has opened in that
city. They moved Suuday and
ee accompanied by Mrs. Geo.
Frank who wen to visit with her
daughter, Hazel, who Is a stndent
in the school.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Helms
are the pr ud parents of an elev
en pound 'daughter born at a
Heppner Hospital, Monday morn
ing, Septemner 16.
Mrs. Esper Hanson of Portland
arrived. Tuesday, for a visit with
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Engelman. She was met ia
Arlington by her sister. Mies
Fern Engelman and her cousin,
Geooge Newton.
Mr F.-ank Engelman fsduiteilL
Mr T II. Wilson is enjoying
the renewal of old time acquaint
ancesWp, He statts that lone
is a nacU better looking town
than it was twentytwo years ago
when hs resided in our city and
conducted a barber shop.
Members of the Civics Clasa
of the high school have organized
a Civic Social Club. The consti
tution drafted by Margaret Craw
ford and Mildred Smith has been
"They Satisfy"
Our Made to Measure
Suits & Coats
John SKu2eski, TheT.llor
Seventeenth Annual
Divisions for Dairy - Poultry Swine
Sheep - Rabbits Honey - Home Economics
Agricultural and Commercial Displays.
Building Materials
Get Our Prices.
We deliver anywhere, anytime ;
H eppner Planing Mill and i
Lumber Yard .
OCTOBER 4 and 5
(Premium List on request)
IRmdoiDi Sekd a Spmt
CALL and set descriptive literature and see machine work.
wwsiif?fv x f 1
Is I
For Sale
A $'250 value to be sold at a
eacritice for a quick turn, $175
terms or $150 cash. Apply to lone
large stock of ;
Over a thousand
rings in stock at
2G5 Acres :nmcr Tz low,
Inquire of R L. Eklcberry,
Morgan Oregon
For Sale
High grade piano near lone.
Will sacrifice tor quick sale.
Write toTallman Piano Store,
Salem, Oregon.
Vegetables Galore
iuu tuiijjti men anyvirs yu:
need In the vegetable line and get
it fresh from the earth or the vines
,at my place, J mile down the high
, way below the elevator. And I sill
not be undersold or half souled,
'. but will be whole souled. Drive In
under the shade trees.
W. Windsor.
Now ready for school
girls a display of Hum
ming Bird Hosiery, famed
for style and service!
Colors selected by a Paris
style observer delicate
tints, most popular shades.
Standard School
Supplies in Stock v,
Grammar .
Highschool Texts
All Books are
Extra ler-h. Invisible
run-stop lwm. Hidden re
inforcenunU at toe and
heel. Trim tailored heels.
Finest Japanese silk, close
knit to fit snug. Sheer,
smooth. Sun-proof, suuV
proof colors. The new
lustre lasts.
7ull 7ash!oned
For every sport and dress
occasion, at a low price
for pr hosiery, Come
today and fill your every
hosiery need from now
until June,
X c!sKTvS