The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, September 13, 1929, Image 1

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IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Sept. 13, 1929.
Grange News
Willows Change,
NViHowi Uraiitfo was well rep
resented at 'the North Marrow
County fair at Irrigon, Sluray,
there being about forty five in
attendance. All report a splendid
Willowi Grange booth took the
econd place in the competitive
contest, the firet place iiuinir to
Greenfield Grange. We are not
discouraged nor disappointed but
expect to take the blue ribbon
next year if h centeat ii aiiain
the younger members doing
club work did themselves and
the granite p-nud by carrying
home aeveral ribbons. Mabel Cool
KOt Firm on lur Jersey heifer,
alio a scholarship at 0. S. C. next
lummer, liarry King received
aecond place in the lamb club.
The Grange drill team furnish
ed a part of the Saturday night'a
...... l... -.!..!.... I..... I A.
l'i ugi am uy H I viiik I Mil PI I HI II :
which wis splendidly ri reived.
The tame drill in to he a pari of
the profciam at the Stats Confer
ence to be helif at I,n Grande, in
lat October or rthrly November.
Personal 'Mention
Mr. Cotter Cnteitains
Mr. Cotter, Thursday of lent
week, entertained at a delightful
bridge party. Those present were:
Mrs. L. E. Dirk, Mrs. Ernest
Lundell, Mrs Hert Mason, Mm.
Hoy Lleuallen, Mrs Le Becsrier
Mrs. A. G. Wilcox. Mrs Clvde
I)enny and the hostess. High
honors went to Mrs. Lundell and
low to Mrs. Denny.
Mrs. W. F. Turner, her son,
John and grandson, Bobby, pann
ed through lone, Sunday, on their
way to Los Angeles. Here they
wtre joined by Miss Fern Engel
mrt who accompanied them as
far as Portland.
Tbo Cant
"Sine ni)' liiiKtniliil link to golf he
l.ns liecnine very Irrlfnlile. Whnl
mnkei him III llinir III golf.
Start that Precious
Kodak Record
AFTER YOUR youngsters have fcrown up you'll
l value ever' reminder of their childhood.
Think what today's snapshots will mean to you
then. Don't wa!; until too late. Start that pre
cloua Kodak r:cc-d now.
Modern KoduLs have lenses so fast that you
don't need to depend on bright sunlight. You
can take good pictures indoors, outdoors, on
cloudy days or brilliant ones. Come In today and
see our line.
Bullard's Pharmacy
Mrs. Ida Fletcher wij a week
end visitor in Tim Dallen, where
her two daughters, Mr. C. J.
CHlumlra and M'.nn Hofi Hetcher
re-tile. Dining her almence, an
other daughter, Mrs. Drain Black
wi-ll, filled her position at th
lone Hotel. ,
Dell Ward lert for rortlar.-l.
Sunrlav, to vmit Mrs. Ward, Wrr.
is ill in a Portland hospital.
Lust week F'rel McMurray sold
3Cl turkejs to Mr. D.ihertv. who
rentes in Sand Hollow, Mr. Mc
Murray followed this name plan
last yenr of Helling his turkey
before they were fattened ant
prepared for the market. ,
, H. L. Jackson wasanovei
night guest in the E. J. Bristol
home, lant Wednesday. '
Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely retort.
(Saturday, from their honey
moon trip to western Oregon.
They will have charge of the IW)
0. Ely ranch while the family if
iving in Monmouth.
Jack Front paid his first vis:
to several of the lone gardens o-.
Thursday nightof last week.
A few of our farmers have
begun their fall seeding. j
Ralph Akere U driving a new :
Mrs. Holmes Gabbert and little' Miss Minnie Normoyle is attend
daughter, of Portland are visit- in g high school in Fresno, Cali
here at the home of Mr. Gab j fornia, this year. She is making
bert's parents, Mr. and Mrs. j her home with an uncle. 1
Dwight Misener, while Mr. Ga'j-i Mr. Miller, who lives on the
bert is working Oregon and 0 j McNabb ranch, below lone,
Washington in the interest of ,0,t three valuablecows last week,
the Master Engravers of which' re cows were turned into a
he is president. !Corn field and died from founder.
Katherine, the young dauohterj a lady was painfully injured
of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Griffith:),, a motor cyce wrec, jUBt
was taken to Hefner laet v. eek arj0ve lone, Sunday. The trounle
for medical attention. Following wa8 caused by a blowout. The
the advice of the physician thejady was thrown to the highway.
had her clothes badly torn and
recived many severe bruises.
First aid was given at the Albert
Ptteys home. Her companion, a
gentleman, was uninjured. Both
were strangers here.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ritchie
and Uo daughters lelt. Tuesday,
for Portland.
Mrs Cecil Ahalt, an evangelist)
littlt lady has been taken out of
school for a couple of months,
that she may have a complete
Floyd Barnet left, Sunday, for
Hood River where he has employ
Friends htre will be glad to
know that W. E. Aha't, who or.
Thursday of last week urrdtr
went a serious bladder operation,
in a Heppner hospital, is makiny
a satibfaetory recovery. Some
anxiety was felt because of Mr
Ahalt's advanced me.
John Fasnacht, who was coach
in lone hib school when R. L,
SI een was principal, is now sup
eiintendent of the school at
riunden, where twenty teachers
are employed.
Rev. and Mrn. Paul DeF. Mor
1 1 mure and Lahv stonntd at tht
Walter Doby ns ma!e a business ' Ft ank Engelman home. Saturday
ior a brief visit. Rev. and Mrs.
Muiti more had t een visiting the
taller' parents at Lexington
an i were then on their way to
Uu-ir home in Gladstone. Rev.
Alortimore will preach in lone.
: iti..i It trtk..n Ii A mimes In
His family is sti I domic l.d in thf hit! end UiesUie rally at Heuuner.
Han is apartments.
trip to The Dalles, Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Helms
have moved to Lexington.
Cecil Saigent has finished hit
Inarvest work and has cone tc
Portland arut Eugeneon business.
Farewell Party
A hundred neighbors and
friends gathered at the Hal 0.
Ely home near Morgan, Friday
evening. Game' music and con
versation were enjoyed, snp tt
a late hour refreshments were
served. The party was in the na
ture of a donble farewell given
to the Alfred Troedson family,
who are kaving for Pennsylva
nia to spend a year at Mrs. Troed
son's 'u I orn, and Mr. and Mrs.
Hal F ) a "i laughters, who left
Monday lur Monmouth to make
their horn-. Miss Edith Ely grad
nated fnu tte lone high school
last June. She will enter the State
Normal School and her sister,
Margaret, attend the high school
at Monmouth. Those who attend
ed the party from lone were:
of ru-te will preach at Pentecost Mr- ni Mr- 1aul G- Balsiger,
al hall, in lone, next week. ' Continued on Pg.4.
Three Day Cleaning Service
Work reaching us by Wednesday
noon will be returned Saturday.
John SKuZeskl, The Tailor
Miss Frieda McMillan was a
week-end visitor at her home ir
A Remington Portable Type
writer increases efficiency in
school work. See one at Bullard't-Pharmacy.
nn ii n urr1 MP A lAAIITnn X
At Your Home! I
4 I' " .... .,.M ...... ii ii .,m 1,1 , ! 1 1 wwwmmmwmmmmm
X fjl V VwOXDERFlL Dispt,y. of Ore ! X
J L ' gnn products: Si rliyn or ; t
I 1 w - , home raring; Auto nhow; Thrilline
. if " ') feature daily in front of IliO.ODU
T 1 B miimmml (kinds! and. . It
X ; i Kedured Fares on All Railroad, i
lr""' " ' 1
I Building' Materials
Get Our Prices.
t We deliver.any where, anytime:
H eppner Planing' Mill andt
! Lumber Yard 1
home rsrinir; Auto nhow; Thrilline
features daily in front of $liO,OiU
Kedured Fares on All Railroad.
- 1 ' 1
Mon. K.'G. W. Portland
Wed., K. N. X Los Angeles
Wed.,K. 0. M. 0.. Seattle
8:30 : 9:00
Thur., K. F. R. C. Frisco.
7:20 8:00
Thur., K. L Z. Denver.
6:00 6:30
Fri.. K. 11. Q-, Spokane
9:00 9:30
lllmkWJ Stled a Spwl
I "Sr n tit yasai' uETy X
j For Sale
A $250 value to he sold at a
eacrifice for a quick turn, $175,
. terms or $150 cash. Apply. to lone
Independent. i
T h re- rfi H j m -f- !ti
U ilarge stock of w
I lo 1 KJi i jjj
oiTro X
Over a thousand
Olringsin stock at in
263 Acre: Scr.u.icr Fc!!cw.
Inquire f Ii. L. Eklcberry,
Morgan Oregon j
For Sale j
Hiirh grade piano rear lone, j
WiU'sacrifice lor quick sale.
Write toTallman Piiino Store,
Salem, Oregon.
. Vegetables Galore
You can get r.-rsl you
. need in the vegetable line and get
if it fresh from the earth or the vine
f at my place, i mile down the high
way below the elevator. And I will
j not be undersold or half souled,
I but will be whole souled. Drive in
F under the shade trees.
Now rcaJy for school
girls a display of Hum'
mtng Bird Hosiery, famed
for style and service!
Colors selected by a Paris
style observer delicate
tints, most popular shades.
Standard School
Supplies in Stock
Highschool Texts
A 11 Rnnks art? I
Extra L-is.'l Invisible
run stop l..m. Hidden re
inforcementj at toe and
heel. Trim tailored heels.
Finest Japanese silk, close
knit to fit snug. Sheer,
smooth. Sun proof, suds-
proof colors. The new
lustre lasts.
7ull Jasfwntd 7tory
For every sport and dress
occasion, at a low price
for fine hosiery. Come
today and fill your every
hosiery need from now
until June,
CALL and set descriptive literature and tee machine work.
ls . vv . VV111U5UI.
I '