IQMMS9 Stuffed Tomatoes Fine Dish NEARBY AND I YONDER Good Things for the Table 3 By NELLIE MAXWELL . Moil Appetizing Vegetable (Prepare br the Delta Staue Department el srloultere.) On of the mcHit successful and ap prizing vegetables for serving stuffed la tli t'iniHto. Large, unblemished to mntoes should b chosen. Arm enough to hold thotr shape wlion cooked. Alt er they hsv been washed remov a thin allc from th atom. Carefully coop out th pulp o tlmt th tomato hell will ant b broken. Thl pulp la added to th stuffing, fler la th ntlr recipe, (rated by th bureau of bom economic of the United State Department of Agriculture! Stuffed Tomato. I larse Bra lorn, toes I eup diced ult pork 1 cup dry tires erumb I tbe. chopped per ley U tap. celery seed H tip. Mil lap. pappar U eup buttered crumb 1 tbe. enloa pulp Try tli salt pork until crisp and remov It from th pan. Add the parsley tod onion to th fat and cook for two or Hire minute, then add th cup of dry bread crumb, tli aalt, Careful plnnnlnf rata down tltu In preparation of meal. e Salt th flab both Inalrtn and oat before stuffing to get th beat flavor. e Th hahy't first shoe ahould here flat, flexlhl nice, plluhle top and broad tot. ' Silk garments lait longer If washed fluently. Unit particle and per sptratlon bav a destructive effect on th fiber. I'lnn the fnmlly mono to Include acb day an egg yolk fur th baby un der two year of ag and whol egg for arery other member. To make boiled vegetable popular with the family drop thein In boiling water and cook them only until they ar tender. Thl preserve th pleas ant flavor, color and textur a well a th food value. Gay Jacket for Autumn Wear Br JULIA BOTTOMLEY Short rather than long I th ver dict recently rendered for the unllned separate coat alldaeaaon atyle eae clally plac cmphaal on th shortened Jncket It la a ahort-rnther-thnn-long cent which glvea th final touch of chic to th continue In the picture. If one I th happy poaaeawir of a aleeveleaa print frock (moat women own not on but several), th addition of a llttl Jncket similar to this one will tune It admlrnhly to mldaonaon wear. Which la exnetly whnt many are doing thla very minute buying or making rim. rilng Jncket such as will extend the wenmhleiipas of their frock of gny print Into the cool full dny. Color I a very Important considera tion when choosing th right Jacket for the right gown. Kliher white or lilgh color are moat successfully mnt d with the more summery frocks In light print for Immediate wear. It Is a little Jacket of heavy white crepe Which Imparts flattering finesse to th print gown llluatrnted. Th Jacket which fiiaten with a softly tied how as does this on I a favored type. Many women are Inking advantage of the short-Jacket Vogue lo sound a startling color not In an cnaemhlo wny. Kor Inatnnre, a tangerine and brown silk print dress topped with an orange-colored flannel or crep Jacket th snm surmounted with a matching felt lint, become an exponent of mid eeaaon chic. If ther I on color Dior thnn another which I being fea tured at this writing It Is orange, or call It tangerine If you will, the vngu currying even Into bright pumpkin shade. Coming back to the short-Jacket phase of the mode, th popularity for Itnmedlnt wear of th sleeveless pique frock with Jacket accompani ment should be mentioned. The sinart est ar self-colored. That Is, a pale yellow pique which companions with a Jncket of flat crep silk In perfectly matched color bespeaks that which Is fiiahlonuhle. In the snm matching Spirit, a dellcnt pink crep coatee Is posed over a silk or cotton pique, the for rvlng Stuffed. celery soed, and cooked aalt pork, and atlr until well mixed. After preparing th tomatoes for atufllng, mil th pulp with the seasoned bread crumbs and anlt pork and add mar inlt If necessary. Fill Ilia tomato cup with th mlxtur and cover th top with tli buttorod crumb. Tut th Huffed tomato In a pan In a moderate oven and cook until the tnmatoea ar ten der and th crumb ar brown. Brv from th dial) In which cooked. - Fairy Tale for the I want to tell you more about Die little girl Detty who longed to own beautiful red bird who lived In cag In (hop in th town whar Betty wia. Sh had wanted that red bird Dor than anything and now Grandma bad come to visit ber. Grandma wa luch a dear. Sh had not been feeling well lately and ah had com for a Dice rest 8h knew ah would be so happy with Betty, and Dotty looked for ward to having Grandma come. Then such a wonderful thing hap pened to her. It was what Grandma aald to her that waa so perfect "Itotty," sh said, "I shall be want ing good deal of help while I am getting better and I shall pay you as my llttl nun. I (hall pay you ahead of time I know you would lor to hv your bird now. ' "Too can bav th flv dollar for him and three dollar for a cage." Hetty could hardly bellev what th heard. Hut It wa true. A quick ly aa ah could ah went to th shop her th bird stayed. On her way there ah felt almost certain that ah would And th bird had been sold, but wonder of won der. when ah arrived ah law the bird In his cag Just back from th window. Sh looked In the window tint ot all. Sh wanted to do all this very slowly. It waa going to be tuch happiness one equally as fashionable as th other. Contrasting th whit and vivid toned llttl Jacket are those In navy, these snme being very popularly worn with white snd printed frocks. The subject of Jncket and frock cos tumes suggests a very Interesting theme that of th new silks for full which feature a print weav with a plain In choicely related color. Th newest types, which ere simply too beautiful for words, ar called plumage silks, so mimed because of their real istic bird colorings. Watch for theael If nindiim asks to be ahnwn pluuiagu silks In pheasant colorings, or pea cock tones, or parrot shades, th sales person will bring out th moat In triguing combinations, perhaps a tour- Now la th time to get ready for all th good thlugs which add o much to th tuhla dur ing the whol year. lie aur to try on or two Jnr of those attrac tive pickle : Cucumber Cir clet. Select CO- cumber one and one-hnlf Inches In dlamotcr, par, cut Into halve and remove th aed portion with an ap pi corer. Now (lie Into half-Inch thick piece. Simmer for a con pi of hour In half vinegar and water, to cover, editing to taut; drain. Muk a almp of on pound of brown sugar, thre cupful of mild vinegar and boll flv minute with a bag of mixed apices; sklin and pour over th ring. Stand over night: repeat two doya mora. On th third day. park In jars, cover with th boiling sirup and seal, A few large, plump rnlelcis added to this plckl Improve th flavor and add to th appearance. Rhubarb and Orang Marmalade. Tak three pints of good flavored pie B MARY CRAHAM BONNER to aay sh would pay for th bird and tak him along with ber. But aa ah stood looking In th win dow some one waa speaking to an other. What wicked thing to have scarlet tanager In a cage! A bird which lovea th wood and gren tree to be kept In a csgl" Betty turned to th woman who bad tpoken. "But tbe man says b doesn't mind any more than a canary doe." "What nonsense," aald th woman, "Why, It's aa bad aa to cag a robin." "Oh," waa all Betty aald. Sadly sh went Into th shop. Sh told th man ah bad com to boy th bird end th cag and that ah would tak hltn with her. When ah cam outside th peo ple had gone. She took a street ear but not In th direction of ber bouse. . It was hard carrying the cage but she managed and at the end of th Una ah got out There aha walked a llttl until h cam to th dg of torn wood, and then ah opened th door of th cage At flrst th bird did not stir from hla perch. Ill heart was beating from th ride and the excitement, and then suddenly b seemed to reallz hi door waa open. II looked out Ahead of him wer green tree woods a beautiful Wild park. ' And then h spread bla black wings and off h flew to th nearest tree Tor a minute be perched there. velou print all In yellowa and ruddy browns which looks as If It had cap tured ell the glorlou tint of th phensHiit. With It will b shown the sm illk weav In a beguiling pheas ant brown In solid tone. Th Idea 1 to us the print for, say, the frock and the plain for the coat, or vice versa If you prefer. . HIS, Weeters Newspaper UdIob.) Woe Fame Is Amerle April 21, 1881, wa the birthday of John Mulr, who wa on of the fa tnou American naturalists, desptt th fact thnl h wa born In Scotland. II lived tor many year In th to mite valley, and wrote extenalvely of the geological snd botanical tea turet of be 8terra Nevada plant, add the grated rind of thre orange and one lemon, add th Juice and pulp, and thre pound of sugar; let stund.over night and In th morn ing cook down until thick. Put Into small glasses to serve; seal with par aflln when cold. Pssch Conservs. Scald and peel six pounds of kip peaches, add an equal quuntlty of sugar, the shredded kernels of six or eight pits, two or ange put through th meut chopper and the juice from a amall bottle of muruschlno cherries. Cook, stirring frequently until well blended, adding few minute before taking up, the cherries cut Into An pieces. Stor In Jelly glasses or balf-plnt Jar. Poverty Pudding. Th wealthy need not ipurn thl pudding for It I good : Tak six cupful of milk, one-half cupful of rice, one-half cupful of sugar, on teaspooiiful of aalt, one-half tea apoonful of nutmeg and on-balf cup ful of raisin. Put all together In baking dlsb and place In moderate oven. Stir frequently at first, then occasionally, flutter or finely minced suet will add to the richness of th pudding. m Children And then with a gorgeous flight of happiness b flew away Into the green tree. All that Betty could see waa a flash of scarlet In the green ot the leave. Dear, dear bird," Betty (aid, but the bird waa too far off to bear her or to pay any attention at alU She was very let In getting bom, tier family bad just begun to wor- At First th Bird Old Not Stir. ry about ber, and In she walked car rytng the empty cage. Then ah burst out crying. "Why darling, my darling Betty," ber grandmother said, "did th bird get away ton poor llttl girl." "Oh, Grandma, I'm to bappy real ly. Grandma, I am happy." Der family could not understand It at all. Sh had lost ber bird, sh was crying, and th said she was happy. "On, Grandma, the bird wa a acar- let tanager, and be belong with green leave snd In th woods and I let him go free, so h could be with Bib That Child Can Manage W.Y..V.V.Ve'.VV.W.V.V.Ve WaVa'eVeVeVe (Prepared br the Onlle (laiae Departmest et Asrknltare.) Everything a llttl child wear may h mad to play a part In It develop ment If thought I given to th way th garment will be used and what the child Itself will have to do to manage It without adult assistance. Being Interested, In children' cloth ing from th standpoint of self-help In dressing aa well as In practicality and simplicity of design and attrao tlv appearance, th bureau of bom economic of th United State De partment of Agriculture ha scruti nized a good many commonly used children's garments and found them lacking In some Important feature. One of the hum!. lest smallest and yet most universally necessary arti cle I th bib worn at every meal from the time th first solid food I fed from a spoon. Attention ha been given rather to protection of the cloth ing than to ease of manipulation, so that even a child of three or four I usually obliged to ask m on els to tl tli string of hi bib at th back of hi neck. Bib of rubber and other water-proof fabric ar widely told, and while the hav th merit of preventing damage to the garment they are not comfortable. Clothing specialists of th bureau hav several suggestions to mak about th fubrlc used In bib and It attractlvenes to th child, and they recommend Improved ' atyle of bib which train th child In self-help. Ratln and Japanese cotton crep ar favored because they are toft and semi-absorbent, easily washed and re quire no Ironing. These materials prevent the food which th child splits from dropping to th floor, and can b used at napkins. Children love pretty colore, and Interest can be added to the wearing of the bib by making them of different eclor bound with whit or of whit bound with color. On successful bib developed by tb When a little meat of any kind la left over, put It through the meat chop per and use It In layer with scalloped potatoes, adding a little onion, and lacking fat, tome butter. Bake until the potatoes are done. Such a dish will be sustaining enough for a main dish and a little meat will season a large dish of potatoes. Meat PI. Cut On or chop any left over meat add any cooked vegetable and gravy and mix with a good whit sauce, season well with onion, salt and pepper, cover with a biscuit dongb or small biscuits, or a layer of left over mashed potato brushed with egg. Bake In a moderate oven until well heated through. , Itlf, Waatera Newipeper Colon.) l Pineapple Sherbet In the very warm weather a fruit sherbet la often more appealing than a richer dessert Lemon U used with most other fruit Juice to bring out th flavor and add a cooling acidity, a In thl reelp for sherbet made from fresh pineapple. The us of a beaten egg white I customary la sher bet to give a smooth textur and mak th mlxtur seem lea cold on th tongu than a plain water Ice. Tb direction ar from the bureau of home economic. I Urce fraab pine 4 tb. lemon Julc apple white ot 1 egg, Sugar well feeatra Up. ult Select a well-ripened plneappla, re mov akin, eyes and core. Grind the fruit In a food chopper, using tb fln knife, and tak car to place a bowl underneath to catch the Juice. Press tbe Julc from the pulp and add to tbe julc In the bowL To each meas ure ot pulp add an equal measure of sugar and heat When the sugar ha dissolved press th mlxtur through a colander to take out the tougher fibers. Combine th Julc and pulp. Add tb salt and lemon Juice and sufficient wa ter to mak 1 quart, and more sugar If desired. Cae a freezing mixture of 1 part salt and 4 to 6 parts of Ice. Turn tbe crank of. the freezer (lowly and when partially frozen remov th dasher and stir th beaten whit of egg Into tb mixture. Pack th freezer with mor lc and aalt and let th sherbet stand for 2 or 8 hour to ripen In flavor. These proportions make about 1 quart of aberbet when frozen. the other birds. But when be knew he was free be forgot all about me. but somehow, somehow I wa sure hi wings left a thank-you for me as they carried him away to freedom." "My darling," was all ber grandmother aald, but Betty) knew she understood understood bow sad It was with the empty cage after having so longed for the bird but also how beautiful It wa to feel that th bird waa now free and happy. Hla wing said thsnk-yoo. "I koow they did," and Grandma said ah waa aur that they had. tool (& HI. Weatera Nawapapar Colon.) .VeV.V.VeV.V.WeW.VaVeVaV.V.S'.V.VA . . .. eV Not th String Whloh th Llttl Girl Can Adjust Herself. bureau I of whit ratln, bound with bla tape In color. Thl binding I extended at th neck line Into 18-Inch string which ar put through eye lets on opposite tide of th neck and then fastened to small bras or bone ring. Th bib ha no right or wrong side, and th child hss only to gel both string over hi head and pull on th ring a In th Illustration, and th bib 1 adjusted snugly around th neck. If th strings ar thrown back over hi shoulders thuy form a lock which holda th bib securely In plac throughout th meal To get It off. the child take hold ol It at each tldi of th neck and pul.'t It out and down. Even a two-year-old may be taught to manage thl bib without help - Anyon can easily cut a pattern fol this bib. . The United States bureau ol home economic m Washington wl furnish a diagram If needed, but I doea not have patterns of thl or an) other garment! for sal. ' 1 H L.. 3 1 By T. T. MAXEY Churchill Down CHURCHILL DOWNS, that eel brated mlle-and-a-quarter-long race track near Louisville, founded In 1874, annually has been tb scene of a fa mous horse race. It I tbe borne of the Kentucky derby which, to th united States. Is what tb Epsom derby is to England and la laid out on ground formerly owned by tbe Church ill family. Down I an English term often applied to a race track bene th aomewbat peculiar nam. . Tb Kentucky derby la mor than a horse race. It baa become an Insti tution, where tbe horse Is king for a day, the crowds gay and the experi ence thrilling. This outstanding an nual sport event I th culmination of th lov of borsedom by an aggrega tion of humanity which baa coma from practically every nook and cor ner of thl country many a hundred thousand on on occasion, to witness a slngl contest between aris tocratic thoroughbred of tb horse world. Bone racing and tbe fond ness therefor Is an English pastlm which gained a foothold In America tome 800 year ago. It brok out la) Virginia, worked It way over th mountain and lodged la the Blue grass state when Interest la horsea and racing ran high about ISO years ago. Tb history ot tb Kentucky derby and that of the turf la America art largely one and the (am thing. Ob viously, the derby la tbe goal of none and horseman alike, because to wis It la aa honor extraordinary. Strange kS It may seem. It addon has been won by a favorite. The , number of nomination for a slngl derby hav varied from S to 103. Odd a high as 1184 to $2 bav beea won. ' The American Obelisk ABOUT forty years sgo th then khedlv of Egypt Isms 11 Pssha, prevented on of tb forty-two known obelisk In tb world to th city A New Tort Th city of New York caused It to be erected upon a prom inent spot la It great Central park and. Just aa tb pasha probably sur mised, it since bat proved to b an object of marked curiosity to th mil lion of Americans who bsv seen It This la tb only Egyptian obelisk in America. Only live of tbe other forty-one ar larger. It I composed of ayenlte (ton which greatly re semble granite, 88 feet high. T feet 9 tnche squar at th base, tapering to 6 feet 8 tnchee at tbe top, I mounted on a 2-foot has and weighs 114 tons. Its turfsc la covered with his toric Inscription cut In iCgyptlaa hieroglyphics, which are somewhat obliterated on one side, do tl said. to exposure to the and (form of th desert Expert declar that It ha aged and been Injured more since it nss been In America -ban In all th centuriea of It prevlou existence. owing to tb cbanguableness of our cllmat compared to that ot Egypt Accordingly, It baa been coated with) a preservative material to stop fur ther damage by the weather. History record that this obelisk wa originally erected at Hellopolla, but waa moved to Alexandria about th Twelfth century by . Augustus Caesar presumably as a spoil of war, tnd date back fifteen ceoturie before the coming of Christ or to th reign of Tbotme III e e e The Hall of Fame) TUB Hull ot Fame was founded by a gift of $2.Vt.0U0 by Mr, r. J. Sbepsrd (tb former Ills Helen Gould) and th icceptant thereof by th New fork university, for a build ing on Washington Heights In New Tork city to b called "Th Hall of Fam for Great Americans." A structure In th shn of a ter race with a collonad effect wu built th first floor to bouse a museum, th OUO-(uot-long colonnade shove con taining l.Vl panels, each of which I to hold a tablet carrying th nam of a great American who Is represented by a bust on a pedestal. Fifty names vers to be chosen la 1WJ0 snd additional names . sdded st intervals until ihe year 2.0H0. - when the full quota shall have been chosen. A College of electors, consisting of approximately 100 dlstlngulahed men and women of America, was set up to determine who were tbe MO greatest Americans. Nominations by the public were Invited only those great Ameri cans who had been dead V or more years being eligible. A two-third vol wa necessary for name to gain id mlssloo to th ball. Twenty-nlnejuuue ref UiSj) th re quired vote In Moo, nd number have been added- at each five-) ear period sine that tune total of R5 to dnt. t9 onCTtr sthJ-T -nt women, and 5T busts a bean placed In po sition. , IA III) WeatrttNeatpef Uaioa.) , Interaatlonal 4cholartblpe Th Davison scholarships, which en able three undergraduate from Oxford and thre from Cambridge university (England) to attend th universities of Harvard, Yal and Princeton In th United States wer founded In 1028 by Mr. Henry P. Davison ol New toft