IT aW Women Do Heavy (Prepared hr the National Qeotraphle Society, Wsahlacloo, D. C) CirucS, lying almost at the northeast corner of tha Medi terranean once famed (or the copper which bears Its Mime, was an Island stepping-stone and exchange center for ancient civ ilizations. The traveler. If he takes the bar ren ride from the port of Laruaka to the ci.pltal, Nicosia, through a chalky wilderness, Is likely to jump to the conclusion that Cyprus la drnb and Wholly uninteresting But half-oriental Cyprus Tells her charms, mod estly masking her beauty In remote mountain valley and along the northern shore, where no steamer Stops except for carob beans, destined as provender for Spanish cavalry bones. The best way to reach Cyprus Is to steam from Beirut tnto the sun set glow, and dock at dawn In Fama gusta harbor, beside Othello's Tower, where the dnrk-eklnned Moor, In flamed by lago, smothered bis Des demona. Once Famagusta. rich and wicked, bad a church or chapel for every dny In the year. It is a graveyard of old churches now some sunk In ruin,' one or two still used to house the glittering panoply of worship, one changed Into a mosque, starkly sim ple as a prison cell but with s Mecca ward mlhrnb pointing the soul to paradise. The walla of Famagusta are mas sive and high, with moata cut from the native rock on which the bas tions rise; and with gun platforms, or cavaliers, overlooking them from within. At the Land Gate i litre was an almost unique ravelin, or out works, which was useless and at mother corner the masterly Martin engo bastion, whlcb was merely fu tile. i Looking northward one sees the Site of gulamls, six miles away. When Paul and Barnuhas landed In Cyprus, Salamls was a (toman capital. Little by little Its various forums and mar ket place are being rvscued from the drifting sands and viper-Infested brush. Sulamls enthusiasts would gladly use Its Byzantine name. Con stants, for It Is disconcerting, while trying to bang a splendid past onto lot of sadly fallen columns to have visitors exclaim that they have al ways wanted to see the site of the battle of Snlamls, whlcb occurred 000 Dlles iwayi " '. firsai Trts'ess Plain. From Snlamls westward to the American copper-ore docks at Kara vostnsl there stretches the great "treeless plain" of the Mesnorln, with, however, a miniature forest at 8yn era si and orchards surrounding many of the tillages. At pluces, a around l-ofkonlko, this plain Is rich with waving grain or dotted with golden threshing Boors, where the driver sits In an easy chnlr atop the ox-drawn thresh ing sledge. Elsewhere rock strMtn, tlptllted toward the sky. discourage agriculture, but rare Is the view In which some leaden footed animal Is not dragging a plow. Along the north run the Kyrenla mountains, which one lahels mere bills until be has climbed to HulTa vento castle or to Hi. Illlarlon and looked down with nwe on plain and sea. fitriing out In a well -dcltneil and crrffegy ridge, they guard Hie pleas ant northern slope fiom the central pluln. Strong sen winds, sweeping South, blow the trees lopsided townrd the hills. South of the Mesnorln are massed the mountains that culminate In Troodos. the Cypriote Olympus. Cut ting the northern face of that mass re neighborly valleys traversed by Shrunken streams the most charm lng bits of the whole Island. North of Salami, one of the promi nent perches Is occupied by Katitara cnstle the Hundred Chambers. The men of Cyprus have a dls tlnctlve costume a strnw lint with mushroom brim, a plain slilrt some times with Jacket, voluminous Tur klsb trousers whose seats are tucked Into their bells for cross country walk ing, and heavy leather hoots with their tops turned diwn and lied above the calf. The women do little "llv" the Aphrodite tradition. One of their tex snys of them: "The, are rarely pretty or veu food-hmklBg. being VfiVJ Jt Work In Cyprus. heavy of feature and clumsy of form, and their voices are harsh and shrllL But bow could any woman be beau tiful who works from sunrise till dark for a few plasters a dtiyT Kyranla-a Resort Place. In spring the prize resort of Cyprus Is Kyrenla. Almost overhanging the town, St. Illlarlon, castle of Eros, clings to crude crag. Beyond the horseshoe harbor, min iature of Corslcan Rastla'e, there Is the golden mass of Kyrenla castle, dwarfing the white and opal town, set on a green slope between gray mountains and blue sea. Across the waters to the north the snowy heights of the Clllcian Taurus bang like clouds. People come to Kyrenla to see the castles, the monastery, and the pleasant slopes planted with grain and dotted wltb olive and carob trees. They remain nntll the castles are old stories, the I'hoenlclan rock cuttings have lost their first myste rious challenge, and the harbor bas become a mere Incident The climb to St Illlarlon begins through green grain fields, pusses under dusty olive and shiny, heaven sent carob trees, whose sweetish, dark brown pods the prodigal son would fnln have eaten, tlgrags townrd rusty clllT, tops the puss behind, and conies to the plain from which rises the rock pedestal for this ro mantic ruin. But when one has scrambled among the evergreens whose roots sre split ting medieval battlements spart, the romantic cnstle, high and Inaccessi ble, has disappeared, and there are only some decrepit walls, forgotton by the Titans who tossed them there. Cells I'alse Abbey, a mere picnic Jaunt from Kyrenla, Is the finest ruin In Cyprus. The cloisters, from wh.)e graceful archways vandals have torn away stone traceries, are still beautiful. The refectory, with Its swnllow-nest wall-pulpit from which lectors once droned to eating monks, Is almost Intact The sbhey stands In a pleasant hillside town, bowered In fnilt trees. Lovely Views From Bella Palss. The best view Is from a hill to the northwest To the left there Is the gently sloping plain, verdant with crops, and dotted with trees, with l Jnde strip of sea making lace on brown rocks, undecided as to whether to ally Itself to the deep blue of the sea or to the varied greens of the countryside. Where the slope be-com- steeper, there le an Idyllic vil lage, with mtlk-wldte minarets spear lng op through the dark foliage. To the right the gray mountain overhangs steep slopes np which the village has pushed ' lemon and or ange trees, Its mullierrles and gnr. dens. The lower bulwark of the town, Impressive In Its way ns the moun tain 1 1 self. Is this massive gold brown ruin, whose retaining wall rises like a precipice of handworked stone above the fertile fields. America owes Its tncompnmble col lections of Cypriote art to Cesnola, who lived at a time when an Ameri can consul could defy the Turks and honst of outwitting them. Ills hook makes spicy rending In these dn.vs. In the rfldcspreud site of l.nmlmum, to the west of Kyrenla, another fa mous treasure was found, smuggled nut of the Island and sold by an Armenian to the late J. Plcrpont Morgan for a sum Hint still mnkei Cypriote mouths water. For treas ures found, one-third of the Intrinsic value goes to the finder, one-third to the owner of the land, and a third tn the government. Amid the debris of Lambonsa rises a monolithic chnpel of obscure origin. Snld by natives to he a Venus tem ple, a hole In the floor Is explained as the tomh of a priest of Aphrodite. A stone's throw awny Is the Akhlro pletos monastery, "made without hands." "dropped full grown front heaven." Tlptllted Ijiplthos owes Its green freshness to s perennial stren-m which emerges from a barred cavern In tin mountain side, tn Lnplthoe the cur rent price of huge. Juicy lemons Is 4.M) for a shilling. The Juice Is ev pressed, bnltled without sugar, kept for a year or two without fer menting. It makes 'a most refresh lng drink, hut, at IS for a cent, lem on are hardly worth picking and tin ground Is often covered with decay lng fruit tTTYTt"TTTTYtTTYTTT7TTTH An Adventure of the Scarlet Pimpernel By Ue B Orczy aroness Akkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkl M Ml Service 8TORY FROM THE START The 8csrlet Pimpernel, known during the French revolution ee the most Intrepid adventurer In Europe, le an Englishman. At a house tarty given by 8lr Percy Blakeney the latest adventure ot the Scarlet l'lmpernel, the reacue of .he Tournon-d' Aa'naye, le be ln related by Sir Andrew Ffoulkee. The Scarlet Pimpernel la really Sir Percy Ulakeney, popular London dandy. CHAPTER II Continued And so, tn his difficulty, CItoyen La u zet sent an urgent message to bis friend Cbaovelln, to come at once to Mantes, If possible request whlcb delighted Chaevelln and wltb whlcb be forthwith compiled. And thus, three days aftet the sensational rescue of the Tournon d'Agenay family, those two men Laurel and Chaovello both Intent on the capture of one ot the most bitter enemies of the revolution ary government of France, were sit ting together In the office of the rural commissariat at Mantes, Lauset bad quickly put hla friend In possession of the facts connected with that tmpa dent escapade, and Chauvelln, over an excellent glass of wine, bed put bis undoubted gifts and subtle brain at the service of the official. "Now, listen to me. my dear Lao- set" be snld aftet a prolonged silence, during which the chief of section hsd been able to trace on hla friend's fnce tbe Innei workings of master mind concentrated on one all-engrossing ob ject "Listen to me I need not tell yon. I think, thnf have had some ex perience of thst audacious Scarlet l'lmpernel and' his gang; popular rumor will bave told you that. It will also have told yon. no doubt that In all my endeavors for the capture ot that detestable spy I wns Invariably foiled by persistent III lurk no the one side, and the man's boundless linpu donee oo the other. It Is bersuse I failed to lay the audacious rascal by the heels that yon see me now, s dis graced and dlsupixdnted mun, sftei half a lifetime devoted to the service of my country. Hut. In the lexicon ol our glorious revolution, my good Laa set, there Is on such word ss fall; snd many there are who deem me lucky because my head still bspeus to be on my shoulders, after certain episodes at Calais. Boulogne oi I'nrls. of which yon nave. I doubt nt, beurd more than one garbled version." La u ret nodded his bald bead In sym pathy. He also passed a moist, hot finger around the turn of hie cravat This allusion to failure In connection with the desired cspture of the Scarlet Pimpernel had started an unpleasant train of thought "I've only told yon all this, my good La u zet" Chauvelln went on, wltb sarcasilc curl of his thin Hps, "In or der to make yon realize the value which, lo spile of my avowed failures, the committee of public safety still set upon my advice. They have dlsgrsced me. It Is ttue, but only outwardly. And this they have only done In order lo leave me a wider scope for my ai II Ti tles, particularly tn connection with the tracking down of spies. As so actual memlier of the committee I wns obviously sn Important personage whose every movement was In the public rye; now ss so outwardly ob scure agent I come and go In secret I can lay plans. I can help and I cao advise without arousing attention. Above all, I can remain (he guiding bead, prepared 10 use such fearless patriots ss you are ynursell. In the greot cause which we all have at heart, the bringing to Justice of a hand of English spies, together with Iheli elusive chief, the Scarlet l'lmpernel." "Well spoken, friend Chauvelln," Citizen I -nil tot rejoined. Willi a lone of perplexity In hi husky voice, "and. believe me. It was because I had a true Inkling n what you've Just said that. In my anilely, I begged you to come and give me the benefit of your exiiertence. Now, tell me," he went on eagerly, "how do you advise me to proceed?" Chauvelln, before be replied to this direct question, had another drink ot wine. Then he smacked his Hps. set down his glass, snd finally said with slow deliberation. "To begin with, my good Lnuzet try to bethink yourself of some family In your district whose position, shall we say, approaches most nearly to that of the cl devnnl Tour non-d'Agenays before their arrest That family should consist ol at least one woman or, better still, one or two young children, or even sn old man or an Imbecile. Anything, lo fact, to arouse specially that old-fashioned weakness which, for want of belter word, we will call sympathy. "Thai kind of brood swarms In every district All you have lo dn I lo open your eyes. Anyway, having settled on a family, which will become enr tool for the object wt bave lu view, yon will order a summary per quisition to be tnndo by your gend armerie In their house. You will cause the bend of the family to be brought before you and you will Interrogate him first, and detain hi in under sus picion. A second perquisition will then not come amiss ; In fact, you will have It bruited all over the neighborhood that this particular family has been denounced ns 'suspect' and thai their arrest and auhsequent trial In I'nrls, on a charge of treason, Is only a mas ter of days. You understand!" "I do," Lauzet replied. In a tone thnt sounded decidedly perplexed and un convinced. "But" "There Is no but about It," Chauve lln retorted brusquely. "You have asked my help and I give you my or dors. All you have lo do Is tn obey and not to argue, la that clcart" "Quite, quite clear, my good friend," Lauzet hastened to assure hi in. "In fact, I a'reudy bave some one In my mind." "Which Is all to the good Chauve lln broke In curtly. "On the balance of your seul your reward will present ly be weighed. Now listen furl her lo me. Having followed my Instructions as to perquisitions and so on, you will arrange as sensational an arrest of this family ss you can. The more It la talked alniut In the neighborhood the bettei for our purpose. You un derstand r "I do, 1 do, Lauzet snld eagerly. "I see your whole scheme now. Ton want to Induce the English aples to exert themselves on bebull of this family, so that "Exactly I Therefore, the more sym pathy you can evoke for them the bet ter; pretty girl, an Invalid, crip ple; anything like that will rouse tbe so-called chivalry of thuee spies. Then, having effected Jrour arrest you ar range to con re j the family to Ports, "All You Have to Do la to Open Your Eyes." and do so, apparently onder rather feeble escort, any, not mora than four men. "Not more than four men, remem ber," ChauTelln reiterated wltb slow emphasis, "ss visible escort" "I andertfaod." "lustead ol the usual chaise for con veying your prisoner to Paris, yon will use the locsl diligence and, hav ing disposed of the prisoners Inside the vehicle, you will have It further packed wltb half dozen or more picked men from your local gendarm erie, armed with pistols; ant) too will take a leaf out of the 8rM Pim pernel's own bonk, because that half dozen picked men will be disguised as other arlsloa In distress, women, crip ples, old meu, or what yon will. Yon can then go even little further In your trickery and arrange a break down for your diligence In the lone liest bll of road lo the forest of Mezleres, snd choose the twilight for your mis en scene. Then" Hut Lauzet could no longer restrain bis enthusiasm. "Oh, Ihent I see It all I" he ex claimed eagerly. "The bund of Eng lish spies will have been on the wulcb for the diligence. They will attack It thinking lliul It la but feebly guarded. But this time we ahull be ready for them and" But suddenly hit enthusiasm failed. Ills round, fill race lost Its glow of excitement and his small, round eyes stared In comic perplexity at hi friend. (TO flB CONTINUED,) Lie la Urease Al Braunschweig a lion In bronze surmounts a pillar near the market place. It dales from 1100. It Is the Lion of Brunswick, atrlklng symbol of the strength and glory of duchy which endured for centuries and was welded Into the flermnn empire by Ibe mnatery of l.lsmarcii. Two modern statues stand In the streets of the old town, one of "Frederick Wllhelm the Kind," father of Wllhelm II, the other of the Iron chancellor, lo whom more Hum to any other are due the strength and unity of the Oertnnn na tion. Brooklyn Kngle. . Far From Perfect "Why don't yon cull uie donkey and have done with 111 You've hint ed at II long enough," snld the Den pecked husband. "It wouldn't be quite true, re plied Mrs Meek. "I tupiHise not I haven't can long enough for Ihul animal." "Oh, yes, you bave. Yon don't need longer ears." 'What do I need thenr "Two mora lege and better vole. the ytalli t'tf "KITCHEN CABINET aVrd IW. mm. Western Newspaper UuIod.) "Make up your mind that you will accomplish In a thorough and oapnble manner what neede to tie accomplished, and stick to It until you succeed. I wish, I can, I will theee are the three trumpet notes to victory." C00KIN0 VEQKTABLC8 Caroline a King, culinary expert who bus been one of the Investiga tors In the study ol propor cooking and aca onlng of vegetables, ays about the use ol augur lu cookery; "Car tCX1' be observed In adding yvtfrv. sugar, and we should 71 jit V ""'i ,n ",lnJ tlls f"1'' """ 11 u u"lJ 1101 Prl' marlly for Its sweeten ing qualities, but to In tensify and restore the vegetable's natural Iluvor." This holds for fresh, canned and dried vegetables. The fol lowing are some recipes recommended: Spinach Halnault Clean spinach well and cook for ten minutes In as little water as possible ; usually enougt will cling, to the leave after they have been washed. Chop One and drain well. Fry three or fout thin - slices of bacon, cut In small pieces and add to the spinach. To the fat In the pan add one tablespoon ful of Dour, one tenapoonful of sugar, one and one-qusrteg cupful of water. Cook until thick and poor over quart of the cooked spinach. Stir lightly and serve. Is the liquor from the spinach for the water, to save all the mineral possible. Fresh Peas and ScalllonaPut on quart of shelled peas In boiling water and cook uncovered 20 minute. At the same time atew a dozen acalllona cut In two-Inch pieces. In a tablnspoon ful of chicken fat or butter. Mix the drained pens and dust lightly with flour. Stew until tender, adding soma of the water tn whlcb the peaa were cooked. Carottsa la Bourgulgnonne Cut 12 medlum-slsed carrots Into 2 Inch lengths. Cook until lender In sailed water, lo which a teaspoonful of sugar hue been added. In the mean time, cook (wo chopped onions In melted butter until lightly browned. Mix with the carrots and dust with flour. Season with suit and pepier. When the flour la well browned add one cupful of soup stock. Cook gently for ten minutes and serve hot Cherry and Pineapple Conserve Mensure four quarta of pitted cher ries. Shred one medium sized pine apple. Weigh the fruit together and allow an equal amount of auger. Cook the fruit and sugar for three quarter of an hour after reaching the boiling point Allow the mnriniilade to set In the sun for a day. Now pour Into glasses and seal with pn ratlin. Simple Desserts for Summer One of the easiest desserts to pre pare and one thnl takes but five min utes of time. Is custard. Cooked In cups set In boiling water, the custard will be creamy and delicious wltb few m I o o t s' cooking on the range or In the oven. To one pint of milk, use two goodslzed eggs, one third of a cupful of sugar and a fourth teaspoonful of nutmeg, cinnamon or any other spice liked may be used for flavoring. Best the eggs allghtly, add the sugar, milk, pinch of anil and tho spice. Pour Into good-sized cus tard cups and cook until when tried with a knife thrust down through the center, It will come out clean, lie more al once from the heat and the hot water, place In Ice water until coot, then near the Ice where they will become cold. Senr wltb a apornful of whipped cream, freshly grated coconut or plain aa one wishes. This dessert Is one that may be given freely to young and old, so It la an es pecially good one lo serve often. Tapioca In Tarlous guises Is another well liked and simple dessert If the Instant tnploce Is used, take one third of a cupful, add water, to cover well and cook until II la transparent, add ing more water If needed. It should be Just thick enough to pour. Butler baking dish, put In layer of the tapioca which bas been slightly aalted and then add layer of any kind of fruit, fresh or canned. Apples are es pecially good. Use augar wth care If the fruit la canned. Cover with augur and dot with butter and bake until the frull la done and Ihe top brown. When serving apple add nutmeg or cinnamon for flavor and cover the top of the dish wltb apples cut tn eighths. Pruns Jelly With Almondsv Prepare a lemon Jelly using a package of fla vored gelatin, cover with pint of boiling water or any fruit Juice at hand ; add lemon Juice If the mixture la too sweet Take prunes that have been soaked overnight and stewed gently until soft In the same water, unlng" no sugar. Pour the Jelly Into cups to cover the bottom; when stiff drop In two or three prunes and a few blanched end shredded almonds. If carefully done the fruit will be In tin center of the mold. Add more Jelly after the prunes are added and aet awny to chill. Serve with a thin cue turd or with crenm, , r Dill trssj-i . rjOCTORS quite gpprov th quick comfort ot Daycr Aspi rln. These perfectly harmless tab lets ease an selling; head without penally. Their increasing; usa year ftcr year Is proof that the do help ind can't harm. Take them for any; ache; to tvo!4 the pain peculiar to women; many have found them marvelous at such times. Tha proven directions with every pack age of Baytr Aspirin tell bow to treat colds, sore throat, neuralgia, neuritis, etc All druggist. SPIRIN Aejfcia to U trw eu at turn IfuafMtafe kawsiwwe efSdmiMat Kill Rats Without Poison M Mas tnimemlmmtf tkmt MfoMt Kill Uvaafaca, fmuUrf, Dog; Catm, mr mvmm Babp ChJcae K.R.OraabeeiedetMiutthtHaese.hflraorpmittr?' yard Wllhah Jul,l.l r M II rental n, MMI pelseav It H O ( made of aiutU. ee ivrum. fewiklni be U. a. Dtp!. AiiVullu, Mads Ihe ConnaMe prurM wMh liMurae atastmtua? Hraaa'h. Tnnni kiUl S7S celt e Arauias Stilt tim Huadrede ololkft tMtlaMtttele. 11 M a MMeyBaek Oesaraat). Innei Mima K-H-U. the onatnal Squill ( mutator. All 1ruslts, lie. UaridM (four lima ee aturni si do. 1 r,i t u drslsf i eujiilf re. S. H-OC..BprlnarV.U,U KILLS' RATS-ONLY alnrriage occasionally Sobers a mant who la Intoxicated wltb love. For Galled Horses Hartford's Balsam ol Myrrb itMMIilU ASeaaea, Way of the transgressor la not only bard; It la osunlly Idiotic and due to a defective think tank. Tse Hum Hall Ulue tn your laundry. Tiny rust spots may come from lufe rlor Illutng. Ask Orocers. Adv. Dress doe not give knowledge. One Soap JJ1 for T9 enut enaeltslr) htm of hU.iu) mtmtm I Toilet '' " I ivun eiid .aw. . sj wise HjltB aa aliitins. tout alftS. Vou whiikia. eawe audi ntiM snampoo lee Glenn's iSiilnlmrSnnn a - t- taaaUU rahkt. if 1 neeJaael's etryOc Cetlee, IMJ r r- ffiHjji3DD 'IvJla EL Plnlkam'a Vet. table Compound is a wonder- tui medicine at the Change of Life. I would get blue spells and lust walk tha floor. Ivninrrv. ous. could not sleep at nlhr. viua vrae liui UU1G UJ UU Illy work. I know If It had not been for vour metilctne I wnnLI ha vm been in bed most of this time and had a big doctor a bill If women would only take your medldna thrv woM ha h. ter." Mm. Anna Wtavtr, k. r. u. no. a. Host Hill, Iowa. JU I -' I. Liini sn IW li "ill gaifiiioiiiiffli J K-R-0 V '.X