The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, August 30, 1929, Image 2

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    An Adventure
Coprrleht Biwh Ores?
WNU Service
The Scarlet Pimpernel, known
during the French revolution
the moat Intrepid adventurer la
Europe, la an Englishman. At
house party given by 8lr Percy
Blakeney tha lateat adventura of
the 8carlet Pimpernel, tha reecue
ot tha Tournon-d' Asenaya, la be
ing related by Sir Andre
CHAPTER I Continued
"And that wu when the gallnnt
Scarlet Pimpernel Interposed J" Lady
'Alicia put to with a algh. "lie knew
M. le Tournon d'Agenay and bis fam
ily were being token to Paris."
"I believe be had bad an Inkling of
what was In the wind some time be
fore the arrest It la wonderful bow
closely he la always In touch with
those who one da; may need bis help.
But 1 believe that at the last moment
plans bad to be formulated In hurry.
Fortunately, cbnnce oi this occasion
chose to favor those plans. Day bad
. broken without gleam of sunshine;
thin drizzle was falling, and there
was a sharp bead wind on, which
fretted the hemes and forced the
driver to keep his head down, with
Ms brood brlmnrfd bat pulled well over
his eyes, feature, as you see, was
helping all ehe could. One can
Imagine the surprise attack. Vague
forma looming suddenly out of the
mist and the sharp report of a pistol,
twice In quick succession. The horses,
sweating and panting, fell Into a foot
pace, dragging the heavy coaco op the
steep Incline, through the squelching
mud of the road, and came to a vio
lent and audden halt on the crest ot
the hill at the first report At the
second they reared and plunged
"The whole thing was, I am assured,
matter of a couple of minutes. It
was surprise and awlftnesa that won
the upper hand, for the rescue party
was outnumbered three to one. Uad
there been the slightest hesitation, the
slightest slackening of quick action,
the attack would of a certainty have
failed. But during those few minutes
of confusion, and under cover of tlw
mist and the vague grnyness of the
morning the Scarlet Pimpernel and bij
followers, down on their knees In the
squelching mud were not merely right
ing, you understand) No! They were
chiefly engaged In cutting the saddle
girths under the bellies of eight fidgety
and plunging horses, and cracking
their pistols In order to keep op the
confusion. Not an easy task, you will
admit though tia a form of attack
well known In the Cast so I under
stand. "At any rate, those had been the
chlers orders, and they had to be
carried out For my part I Imagine
that superstitious terror had npset the
nerves of that email squad of revolu
tionary guard. Hemmed In by the
thicket n either side of the road. th
men bad not sufficient elbow room for
good fight No roan likes being at
tacked by a foe whom he cannot well
see, and In the melee that ensued the
men were hindered from using their
somewhat clumsy sabers too freely for
fear of Injuring their comrades'
mounts. If not their own; and nil they
could do was to strive tn calm their
bones and through the din, to hear
the words of command uttered by their
JJJAnd all the while," Sir Andrew
went on, amidst breathless silence on
ite part of bj hearer fc' pray you
picture to yourselves (tie confusion;
the Chirking of pistols, (lie horses
Snorting, the lieutenant shouting, the
prisoners screaming. Then, at I given
moment, the Scarlet l'lniernel scram
bled jjp the Nil aeat of the chaise.
As no doubt all of ynu Indlca know by
now, he tins the most wonderful hand
with horses. In one Instant he had
snatched the reins out of the bewll
dered Jehu's hands, and, with word
of mouth snd click of tongue, bad
soothed the poor beasts' nerves. And
sudden he gave the order, fa vet'
which was the signal agreed on be
tween himself and his followers. For
then It menul a scramble for cover
under the veil of mist and rain, whilst
be, the gallnnt chief, whipped up the
tenm. which plunged down the road
now at hreakneek t-ed.
"Of course, the gimrd. and, above
all, the lieutenant, grouped the situs
tlon loon enough, and Immediately
gave chase. Hut they were not trick
riders, any of them, und with severed
saddle girths could not go fur, lie
I hut as it iniiy. the Scarlet I'lmpernet
drove his tenm without a hall aa far
s Moliiy. where he hud arranged for
relays. Once well nwiiy from the Im
piedlnte Influence of I'arls, with all Its
terrors and lyrnnnlcal measures, the
means of escape fr the prisoners be
came comparatively easy, thanks prl
murlly to the Indomitable pluck of
their rescuer and also to a long purse
"The story Is exactly us I had It from
iliidam la Cnintesse de Tournon-d Age
nay, whose only sorrow, now that she
and flume she loves are safe at last
In F.ngiutid. Is that she never once
ciiught a glimpse of her rescuer. He
proved as el u five tn her as to all nf
ns, and we find ourselves repenting
the delightful doggerel Invented on
flint evasive personage hy our prince
Of dandles Sir I'ercy Wnkency."
"Marvelous I" "Knohuntlng I'.' '-Pal
Minting!" "I nearly fainted with et
clleinent. my dear!" These were some
nf the ejaculations uttered hy dainty.
rsll-rougi lips, while the men, oiure
of the Scarlet
or less, were silent, pondering, vague
ly louglng to shake the enigmatical
hero once, at least by the hand.
Ills blghuess was questioning Sir
Andrew Ffoulkes more closely about
certain details connected with the
story, ft was softly whispered, snd
not for the first time, either, that his
highness could, It he would, solve the
riddle of the Identity of that mysteri
ous Scarlet Pimpernel
And the whisperers were correct,
since bla highness waa one of the few
who knew that Sir Percy Blakeney
was the Scarlet Pimpernel, who, with
bis little band of romantic adventur
ersof whom Sir Andrew Ffoulkes
was one waa devoting himself to sav
ing from undeserved death victims of
the Itelgn of Terror In France.
Dainty, sweet and geuerous, ss
usual, Lady Ftoulkea bad edged up
to Lady lilokeney, and the two young
wives of such gallnnt men held one
another tor one Instant closely by the
bund, s token of mutual understand
log. of pride and of happiness.
Then Lady Ffoulkes looked In dainty
puzzlement sbout her. "Sir Percy I"
she exclaimed. "Where Is Sir PercyJ'
And the call was like the chirrup
ing of birds on s sunny spring mora
ing. H stilled all further chattering
tor the moment
"Where Is Sir I'ercyr And silence
alone echoed, "Where V
L'ntll a real material sound came In
response. A loivg drawu-out sound
that caused tbe ladles to snigger and
the men to laugh. It was tbe sound ot
a loud and prolonged snore. The
groups of guy society butterflies, meu
and women, parted, disclosing tbe si
cove at the further end of the room,
where, on the sofa, with handsome
head resting against rose-colored cush
Ions, Sir Percy ISlukeoey was fus'
Citoyen Lauiet
Cut In Paris the news of the evasion
ot the cl-devunt Conite et Cotutes de
Tournond'Ageney wltb their son snd
two daughters was received tn s dlf
ferent spirit Members of tbe com
mlttees of public safety snd of gen
era) security, both official and unottl
claL professional and amateur, were
more Irate than they cared to admit
I'ltoyeo Lauzet chief of section Id
the rural division of the department
Seine et Olse, was most particularly
worried by the Incident which. It must
be remembered, occurred In his dls
trlct The hand of the well-known Eng
lish spy, known throughout France as
the l-eiigue of the Scarlet Pimpernel,
could obviously be traced In the during
and Impudent attack on an armed es
cort and the subsequent driving of the
chaise through three hundred kilo
meters of country where only shame
less bribery and unparalleled audacity
could have snved them from being
traced, followed, snd brought to Jus
Citoyen Lauzet, a faithful sonant
of the state, felt that the situation was
altogether beyond his capacity foi
dealing wltb; those English spies were
so different to the ordinary traitors
snd srlstos whom one suspected ar
rested, snd sent to the guillotine sll to
the turn of s hand. But how wa 00'
to deal wltb men whom one had never
seen and was never likely to tee. It
rumor spoke correctlyi Citoyen tao-
set scratched his bald pate and per
spired freely In his endeavor to And
a solution to bis difficulty, but be
found none.
It was In the midst of his perturbs
tlons that be bethought blm of hlr
friend, Armand Chauvelln, Row, Lsu
ret was quite aware of the fact that
that same friend of his was under s
cloud Just now; that he had lost that
high position he once held on the com
mittee of public safety, tor reasons
which bad never been made public.
Nevertheless, Lauzet had reasons for
knowing that In the matter of track
ing down spies Armnnd fhauvelln had
few, II any, equals; and he also knew
that for some unexplained cause
fhauvelln would give several years of
his life, and everything he possessed
In the world. In get his long, thin fin
gers round the throat of that entg
matlcnl personage known as the Scar
let Pimpernel.
No Sound-Proof Room
Hat Been Developed
nenry Bernstein. Frenrh playwright
til red s builder to build him s sound
proof room In his apurtment The
room cost ITWOti franca and failed to
be sound-proof, ao Bernstein sued the
builder and recovered 87.0(10 franrs
publisher Horace Stokes, discussing
the case, said:
"Writers are always looking In vain
for soundproof rooms. Ton remem
ber the sound-proof room that Car
lyle hull! n top of his little house
In Chelsea. It wasn'l sound proof st
all. '
"Carlyle couldn't eleep In his Chel
sea home oo account of a rooster In
s neighbor's garden. At last, worn out
s nervons wreck, he went to Ihe neigh
bor and said :
"'For the love of heaven kill that
rooster nf yours, or It will kill me.
Look at my bloodshot eyes and shak
ing hands. The bird crows nil night
and I never get a wink of sleep any
'No, no, Mr. Cnrlyle; said the
nclnhlior, Ml don't It can't crow alt
"'Perhaps not,' said Carlyle, "but
when II Isn't crowing I He there
breathless and tense, waiting for It
to begin again.' "
if SUB 1 0
; By H
I ROSA J mimi ::
Two FrUnrls
ETHEL'S two friends, Caroline and
Juno cause her a lot of perplexity.
She's known them both for years and
In het heart of hearts, June stands
prst with her. Vet other people criti
cise June constantly, while they unit
in loving admiration to the fulr Caro
line, "Why on earth do you run around
with June so niucht" demands Nancy.
"She's the most untrustworthy, de
ceitful creature I ever knew. Her
whims and her moods get on my
nerves. She's the most utiiopulur kid
In school and yet you stick to ber Ilk
grim death."
Ktliel sighs 8 he doesn't know her
self why she sticks to June. Certain
ly that young lady Is dltttcull enough
a creature of eternal changing unmt
and Ideas a mulden of violent likes
and dislikes.
And why does she seek June's so
ciety In preference to Caroline'
Caroline, sunny-hulred, unimaginative,
quiet, precise, standa for quiet security.
She has no moods. She la always the
same, tiers Is s quiet self satisfied
calm which brings peace to the Uvea
of her more turbulent friends.
Vet Kthel's natural shrinking from
her Is a perfect rase nf Intuition with
out reason. For of her two friends,
June is the one to be counted on the
final analysis and Caroline the one to
be avoided.
It Is to very often the case thuf th
girl characterized as moody. Irritable
and flight) has the true stuff tn her
while the calm phlegmatic bundle of
aelf-SHtlsfuciInn who wins praise and
admiration la not to be counted on tn
ao emergency. .
June you see Is passing through s
difficult phase.
Her opinions are ot no value, but
her friendship Is Her very altitude
shunt that she Is not seeking popu
larity that her Idea of a perfect el
Istenc does not necessitate her be
ing the center of ao admiring group
of friends
Now she mnkes enemies oftener
than friends. Vet the friends ah
makea should trust ber, tor she Is to
he depended on.
While Caroline, calm, competent,
sunnily smiling Is on the way to make
every moment striving to attract new
friends doing her best always to be
the otie girl everybody loves. Now
you know, no girl In the world can
achieve that She must either Inks
a stund oo one side or Ihe other.
Is There Chance?
itLJUVK I got a chnnce of hnppl
ness with NnlT" asks Isabel
pathetically. "He wants me to marry
him and It seems to me I love him,
but there are so muny drawbacks He
Is much older than I am, and I'm sure
that he won't want to dance or go out
at all In s few years' time and I'm
ton young lo give up parties. Also
Isn't really Interested In the things
which Interest me. And he's nearlng
middle age snd he Isn't a real success
In life. Am I taking too big cl.snc
marrying a man who has no reully
brilliant future and who may be old -before
I'm thirty? I would love to
marry him If only I could set my fear
at ret"
Well, dearie, your fears are doomed
to remain wandering restless spirits.
If ynu wunt them lulled by me.
Too haven't the slightest chnnce ot
success In marriage with anybody If
you go Into the proposition In th
frame of mind Indicated by your ques
tion. Suci-ess In marriage at you may
have heard some four hundred thou
sand time before this means com
promise. And do I hear s word about
compromise from your ruby-red lips?
I do not.
The only thing makes Itself clenr to
me Is this; That Isabel wants tn
have s good time even sfter s few
years of seining down-that she re
sentt Nat's not being Interested lo
her hobbles that she wants lo luiv
enough money tn live comfortably and
Nat ought lo supply Ihe Internal rev
enue. That's all she wants
Not s word about whether you'r
willing to do your part child Not
word about wanting to' help Nat to
make the success which has eluded
him through s rather dismal business
Just the plain statement Hint you
want cash and a successful husband
snd will Not dot
No, ha certainly won't do for yon,
nor will any other poor mortal man
who needs s wife's comfort and sym
pathy and understanding and com
panionship not her Imperious de
mands for menial and financial satis
faction. You've got tbe nest chnnce In th
world of being happy with a man If
you're willing ti take the bud break
with tbe good. With that spirit In
your heart you could stumble Into any
one of half s dozen marriages and
make a success of things.
Hut If you're the wide-awake young
telf-snttificr, eager hands outstretched
to take everything, eager lips forming
the Immortal word "(ilmme," you'r
bound to hump Into a few snugs even
though you marry th most perfect
specimen In the world
Learn to llilnk about what TOO can
do (o make your marring success.
Z br the Bell Sysdlcale, I no.)
- . "
Operated by Bl ATTEMIES !
New improvements heretofore only in
liousc-currcnt sets
NEW. -
Ignored Stone Real Rail
Occupying an obscure position near
the footpath of th Crall-Flfeneas road.
In Scotland, since ISM, t standing
stono has Just been found to l s
relic (luting hack to at least the (elev
enth century. It Is part of the old
Celtic church near Crall, and th In
aiiector of ancient monuments bns had
It removed to prominent place In
Victoria Garden In Crnll,
Hanford'i Balsam of Myrrh
Umt fc a im am un t tu. a imiw.
Pass Cloeely Cuarded
Restrictions as to passuge through
the Khyher pass apply both to men
and women. The pass la open only on
certain dnys of the week and at cer
tain designated hours. It is the main
strategical point of entry Into India
from Afghanistan and Is, therefore,
carefully guarded.
' Such Ignorance I
"Nurse, there Is a little boy st our
school who has never seen s horse."
"How strange!"
"No, he hasn't been use t drew one
today and showed It to him, and he
sold: 'Whatever animal la that)'"
Stray Stories,
Christendom's Champions
St. Ueorge of England, St I'enls of
frunce, St James of Spain, St An
thony of Italy, St Andrew of Scot
land, St Patrick of Ireland and St,
Iald of Wales Were given th title
"Champion of Christendom."
If you wish beautiful clear white
clothes, use Husa Hull Illue, Large
package at Grocers. Adv.
Real Life Romance
The 8iulr I want you for my
Village Mulden Oil, slrl
The Squire She Deeds a new par-lor-muld.
No Reading Matter
"I went out with professional
mind render Inst night."
"How did she enjoy ber holiday T
Enough Said
"What kind of a wife has her
"Well, all I got to say la I pity htm
If he ever forget be Is married."
i VV "" ""W
NEVER wait to see if s heaaacne
willJVear off." Why suffer
when there's Bayer Aspirin? The
millions of men and women who
use it in increasing- quantities every
year prove that it does relieve such
pain. The medical profession pro
nounces it without effect on the
heart, so use it as often as it can
spare you any pain. Every drugpist
always has genuine Bayer Aspirin
for the prompt relief of a headache,
colds, neuralgia, lumbago, etc. Fa
miliarize yourself with the proven
directions in every package.
ii Dirts ) the treat mil ot II; w Hsnnftataii
U MuuleUeaeUt StUulktcld
if.. WK. 4
Airplane Pilots Mk
Study of Bird Flights
New light on th height and speed
ot which birds fly, snd upon bird mi
gration, la being thrown by alrplunt
pilots. Joint plans are being devel
oped by bird societies and aeronauti
cal associations to compll system
atically such aertul observations of
feathered folk.
It seems that birds are rarely sight
ed hy airmen above a height of about
.t.ikiu feet. Not long ago, however, one
pilot reported seeing a couple of lurge
birds, which ti took to be eagles, at
an altitude of more than 12,0tK) feet
It Is believed that mint birds, when
on migrating flights, attain nearly 20,
000 feet Ornithologists are asking
airmen to make epcclul observations
ss to the speed at which blrde fly. In
oneose, already on record, pilot
cruising at about 100 miles sn hour,
waa approached by a number of swifts.
These graceful birds not only overtook
Ihe airplane, but outstripped It with
During. the war pilots oo patrol
above the dunes of western Hclgtutn
Often amused themselves by pulling
(heir airplanes against teal and mal
lard, ltoth these birds seemed ca
pable of a speed ot more than 100
miles an hour.
Longaat Trust Bridge
With the completion of huge
structure across th innulh of the
Waal rlvef, the Netherlands claims to
have the longest truss bridge In the
world. It I two miles long, and cos
nects the cities of Dordecht and Moor
dljk. Hi bridge la made up of a
series of spans of rigid steel frame
work, supported hy massive piers rll
Ing from the river, which I very wide
and shallow at that point.
Defining Engineering
The folios Jtig definition of "en
gineering," designed to be general
enough to Include th varloua
brnnchet, ha been propoaed hy Col.
I. K. Harbour, secretary of the Min
ing and Metallurgical Society ot
America: "Knglneerlng It th Judi
cious application of Jhe technical acl
encet to the human solution of In
animate mechanical problems."
If It Isn't On Thing
"Why are you looking so down In
the mouth, old felU'wr
"Lost toy new cur,"
"Good heavens! Why don't you re
port It to the sheriff?"
"N,i good. He's the on who took
It." Djston Transcript. ,
If Not, O. K.
"Tlila Ihe road lo CfNilungtiliooV
"Keen on the way yer 'eudln'. an' If
yer come to s 'ill with a church on It,
you'll know yev took th wrong turn."
Sydney Ilullelln.
"Babv" Airplane
Measuring only 'i't feel from wing
tip to wing tip, and capable, of flying
more than 40 miles per gallon of fuel,
a new type of "baby" airplane was
recently demonstrated In London.
Th After-Dinner Talk
"The speaker teems to weigh every
word before he speaks."
"Hut you could never accuse him
of giving short weight.
Can't Avoid It
Intto Father What Is that stuff on
my new cart Where have you been?
Culm Hon That's only traffic Jutn
No Chanc
"My wife wunt all my wages."
"Why don't you striker
"Then she'll gimme the lockout"
Tbe lurgest and richest emerald
mines In Colombia nr the property
of the Colombian government
A man who understands men can
give you good ndvlce about one with
out being able to explain It
There Is tome hope for the fool who
doc not boat! of his wisdom.
Don't trim your lump so tealously
ss to niUnguuiU U-
Future of Llghthous
A further demonstration of th Util
ity of wireless Is to b found In th
wireless direction finder wltb which
manv large vessels sr being fitted.
Hy menus of this vessel Is sbl to
discover position and direction with
out the aid of th llghthous or light
ship, n4 Irrespective of th stat ot
th weather. Bo general la th us
ot this appllunc becoming that th
future utility of th llghthous Is be
ing questioned. Th shipowners antici
pate It may lend to a diminution la
th number of lighthouse and ships.
for the upkeep of which they pay many
thousands of dollar every year Ut
light dues."
!,ov may make tbe world go round.
but tt takes llttl jealousy to -eclerute
th speed. -
W never realli how much nerv
we have until w hav occaalun to
occupy a dentist' choir.
A Sour
In th tame time It tukes a dot ot
soda to bring a little temporary rellof
of gas and sour stomach, rhltllpsi
Milk of Magnesia has acidity complete
ly checked, aud th dlgettlv organ
all trnnqulllzed. One you hav tried!
Dili form ot relief you will cease to
worry about your diet and experience)
a new freedom In eating.
This pleasant preparation Is just as)
good for children, too. Us It when
ever coated tongna or fetid breath
glgnals need of a sweetener, Physi
cians will, tell you that every spoon
ful of rhllllps Milk of Magnesia neu
tralise many time Its volume In acid.
Get th genuine, the nam rhllllps I
Important Imitations do not act th
some I
a, Milk ,
of Magnesia
13-yeart success In treating Rectal and
Colon trouble by the I)r. C J. Dean
HON-nuKUiLAl. m.ihod en.
aMMutioalve WKI1TKN AH.
NATPtft M VltV UL'Vt IKJt.L',.
Item! today lot t KKK lOO-naw
.w iiMimm, o, turn ailments.
Write for eur mutd-el rntaloeue sno ene
stie-t of mti-ln VHKM. Kv-rytitliiK tn muile
II New Street . Newark, St. i.
Siddlti ait Haritu
DlrMt te Cmnum at
WnoltMie rrUtt
end far New Cstalof
Wo, N, If.
o, j. sNrnion
S4tt lArimer Street
Denver, Colo,
W. N. U, PORTLAND, NO. W-18i