4 5S -j ' - - VOLUMI! XVIII IONE, OREGON FRIDAY, Aug. 30, 1929. NUMBER 13 10W HOME AGAIN FROM VACATION LAND Mm. Delia C rii", our 1'uoific Tulrphi oiopiTkiur, tVurn!( hiHt week and recoil that lit r vara tion wan altogether a happy one. She wan away five wet-kit, pend ing part of the time at Die home of her aon ami riuughter-in law, Mr and Mr. Eld red Cornon, in Chicago, and part of the time on motor trip with them through the a'atea of Illinois, Mimotiri, Arkansas, Tenm-Hace, Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana. They vioited many Interesting placet, among them being several at ate capital, a National i'ark in Arkanmn, ihc locality in t e Ozark mountains made famous by tUrold lit-II Wrig t'a "Shepherd of the HiIIh" and the Mamolh Caves in Ken' tuck y . Will e un their tour of the eaves they parsed near the Sanu Cave where Floyd Col ffa lies hurried. A place ol apecial intei tit which they vituted in. Ken tucky waa the old home of Abe Continued on pajt 4. NEW! the 1929 Remington Portable Typewriter J O NEW FEATURES X SMART COLORS Now there's a prt;ible type writer that rivals the regular office machine . and in some ways this one is even better. We have it on Jinplay. Come in ? anJtryiu No Increase In prices. J7wir,l PA 11$ Bullard's i "THli KODAK Tinn nrnt rmaK i nc BROADCAST At Your Home! Mon. K. G. V. Portland ""Vtd., K. N. X Los Angeles 7:30-8:00 Wed.,K. 0. M. CSeattle 8:30 : 9:00 Ihur., K F. K. C. F.isco. 7:20 8:00 Thur., K. L. Z. Denver. G:00 6:30 FrL. K. II. Q., Spokane 9:00 9:30 UkadOtttf Seled a Spml CALL and get descriptive literature and see machine work. BRISTOW & JOHNSON OLD HOMES REVISITED The John Cochran and Holmes dolman party returned the Firl or leek'rl)maverypiea,a.,lhiir for ,Vnngyvania l0Bp(;fld ,..o trip. Ihey had iJeaUe8th,r;8 Tro4J(oll old all the way. Ihey went V ! ,10ine. Mr. Tr,edson ha8 re,(ted or roHHii i't uenn. niamooo L.uxe and Crater Luke. They etopp'd at Klammaih FalU and the Ore- egon Cave They croHHed the line into California, saw the won derful redwood foreatand visited Crencnit City. From there they motored up the coast to Handon they slopped at Kugene and at Hrownsvllle and other points le ore they reached I'ortland. At many pointa along the waj they visited with relatives and fridnda. At Dallas thev had a .leaaant visit with Mr. II0mr, sister. Fifty-eight years ago Mn. Cochran left her old home in rWnaville. Throiigh all these yeanshehascarriedamind pic tore of the old hou.e and ha. had desire to see the place attain Un this trip she had the gratiti Qmtlnued ony. 6. 44 SCHOOL Supplies of All Kinds PAPER Writing, I hare inn, TyoewriWr. Pens & Pencils sWi'i to Every Fum y & Every ftirpose. INKS PASTE COLORS i BRUSHES ASK to Set Our -EOVSTMX 1'ES'S. Pharmacy STORIT A rvAUTO I innnvu vv o t Personal Mention Mr. and Mis, Alfred Troedaon unr) llVktmua 1i.rm U'ill ll'SVft Ins farm and ho and his wife (plan on yettif if all the plUBur- they can out of their well earned vacation. Ralph Manon has a new Kern iriKlon Porlabletostart thcscheol yeta with, pnrchastd through Bullard's I'hatmacy. Mr. and Mrn, Eiinha Sperry and John I'. Louy motored lo I'ortland, Tuesday. Tliey were accompanied by Miss A. W. Nib I in, who was returning to her home after a pleasant visit wi J, her Mrs. Sperry. Mrr. Seymour Wiiion. who have hre lookin' lMr farming interests, eiarteo '0n lh retur" trip to C.liforhia. 1 i ii(iihv. ntv win Rinn nvcr 11 - - 0 -,VK w - Portland for t visit with Mrs WiUon's tester, I. It Kubison is a burintst visitor in Portland the last o! this woek. Mrs Laura Ward and son art in town staying at the home of Mrs. Willard Farrens. ' , Stanley Seely of Morgan, mr prised his wife by presenting hnr an Orthophonic Portable J iViclrola, purdhased through th dullard Pharmacy. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Agee and daughtir, Btulah, left laxt week J j o seek a new locition. They ex fjpectto make their home somt J place near Oregon City. The) Ji traveled by Auto and visittc jifirntwith Mr. Auee's brother, f Aaron Agee, a&Boardman. Theii 2 I next stop w as at Lyle, Wash, foi J U visit with, Mrs. Agee's parent) TiMr and Mrs. Thornburg. ant I from there they planned to go ti X Stevenson, Washiugton, to sti ;Mr. Agee's two brothers and) I 'sister. Miss Jobarna P. Stuzmann ol Port and, arrived latt Friday am ' tor a few oaya wu the guest ol I Mrs. Ltta Shippey. Mi'.s Stuz mann is an intimate friend ol 1 Mi-s Florence Shlppev, also oi M'urlland. She is on her way U New York City on J stopped ovet ir. lone that she might have th pleasure of meeting her friend' : mother. Mr. Nolan Page of Iowa City, ilowa, arrived, Sunday, for a visit with his parents, Mr. anc I Mrs. Laxton Mc.Murray. Mr. Page is doing graduate work at ;the University of Iowa, and as sis i ig in hydraulic research con .tucted by the United StatisDe piatmentof Agriculture in con junction with the University. Tne McMurray clan held a f.mtly dinntr, Sunday at the Tor Sale PIANO BARGAIN! A $250 value to. be sold at a eacrifice for a quick turn, $17.1 terms or $150 cash. Apply to lone Indet endent. t . R. RODISON j A COMPLETr:3 3 LINE of Bosch 6i Dixie o 0 MAGNETO PARTS Carried in Stock. I 3 MACHINE SHOP Loren Hale home on Second Street. Those present wore as follows: Mrs. Emily McMurray, Mr. and Mi a. Lonn Halernd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. 1. It. ftobison. Mr. end Mrs. Ralph Harris. Fred Mc Murray, Hazel Ledbtttter, v.r, and M S. Laxton McMusray, Nolan Page and Mr. (j!aence McMuiray and children, Edna, Gertrude, Bilti end Wayne, from Mullan, Idaho. ' W. E. Ahalt returned last wek from a visit of six weeks, Mth his son, Byron Ahalt, whorom Andy Douglas. This land is resies n Idaho. Mr. Aha't says in Twp. 1, South. Range 24 E., that he reachee his son's ilacelaod is the place now being farm just in time tow sis! in pultiigie,by Ralph Ledbetter. up the. second crop of Alfalfa and ff yQur chilJ is troubltJ wkh to heJp ,n the Apncott harveetJaJenoidsseeDr ConJer whowj Mr. Byron Ahalt has C5 acres of rt,move t,)em wilhout he use of irrigated land with a never ' 8,1 a knife. -Adv. ing supp'y of water. W. E. Ahalt ' made the trip with his son-inla j Wheat treating, -the implements was given away by her brother, and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. and the materials at P. C. Bakig George Chandler. During thecer Mirtin of California, who are tr'- Continued onPg.4. visiting here. Mr. H. A and Mrs. Cc'e SmMi, W. Smith and Miss Marcia Smith drove to Portland last wo k. They took Mi?s Smith thhl far on her t'ip to Tacoma, where lit go?s to resume her work as teacher in the Allen C. Mason Junior High School. W. F. Hcney and son. Jchn limey, of I'ortland, were busi uess visitors in lone, Friday. Adelle, the little daughter of M'. and Mrs. Ross Perry, died Mnnday, Aug. 19, at the Heppner Hospital. Adelle had been ill tince June. Her age was seven eleven montes and three days. Funeral services were held at tha Congregational chnrcb. in lone, Wednesday, August 21, at 2:30 p. m Interment was mado in ho I. O- O. F. cemetery. Rev. vV. W. Head, pastor of the Cor tregational Church hai of the funeral services. charge FOR SALE 265 Acres Summer Fallow Inquire of R. L. F.kkberry, Morgan Oregon For Sale High grade piano near lone. Will sacrifice tor quick sale. Write to Tallman Fiano Store, Salem, Oregon. Vegetables Galore : You can get most anyhing you 1 need in the vegetable line and get : it fresh from the earth or the vines! at my place, J mile down the high 1 way below the elevator. And I Mil not be undersold or halfscultd,' 1 but wili be whole sotiled. Drive in under the shade trees. W. Windsor. IraUnd'i Ftmoui Hill Turn U lliu inline of a lilll In I'ou ' Mchlh, Iroliiiul. It win here thut i'ih t'.l 'i;!!!.!' i-orv'x'lrn rf t!'r lr!h M: : mi' .1 1 -'i. I l I'll. mi I ill li nlioiil WH) Jt. C According to I ,i dll'lon I lie pnlnce of Tura win 000 t fiimre, rniitiilnlng 1.10 npnrtmonli u, i i I'iO (lormllorlei. Tlie enrljr klni;i I In'lnnil were mid to be crowned here . nml trnilllliin furllier ttuttt thnt Turn 1 at tlie time of the trlvent of St. I'm. Pl.k In liHtlillul K'llH tllA ni'lnplniil Bunt Tt 1 of Diulillmn In Irvlnnd. It I unlit to t '. have been nhanilonril Ihrnugh the i cui'sc oi ni. niiiiiniii, ixA, od accouni of Hi Itlulntry. I Ambtr and rVUcrtcttuma r i Aniher enn be it nilo to ii.:-n wlu.n ..liented to a high I . m . i l i:n- i: t!iu I 4- nlr. It Is a fi'Ksll rexlu from trcet.ol ! the pine ruiiiny nnu ia aug up rnnn i the iluirel of the llalliu ncn and th North ea and a few other plncoi. It la a compound of carbon, hydroKi'ii nml oiyjii'ii. MiH'rgclinum la a com. pound of niimiionlinii, nlllcon n ml ox.vgi'n mid rcacinhlci a while cluy. It li found chlelly In Aula Minor, whern II ocelli's In iirnswa of clny. Of cmnn. the only connection between the two aulmtunces It the fiut thnt they are REAL ESTATE TRANSLERS B. S. Akers returned, Tuesday, io his home in Portland. While hnre he closed 8 deal .whereby J. E Swanfon and Ed Dick become ,o.-ners of a half section of land j nine miles northeat-t of lone. Sanson and Dick have been i farming this land during the ;pistyear Robert Smith and sons have purchases two sections of land X Th FOR IONE. Work reaching us by Wednesday noon will be returned Saturday. ALL WORK GUARANTEED John SKuZeski, The Tailor HEPPNER BEFORE YOU BUY Building' Materials Get Our Prices. Te deliver anywhere, anytime jHeppner Planing Mill andj Lumber Yard i ' Now ready for scliool girls a display of Hum ming Bird Honfry. famed for style and scrvkc! Colors selected by a Parts style observer delicate tints, most popular shades. Extra l"""'1"' InvisiWc . run-stop :. ni Hidden re inforccmc:.'s .it toe and lieel. Trim tailored heels. Finest Japanese silk, close knit to 6t snug. Sheer, smooth. Sun-proof, suds proof colors. The new lustre lasts. lull 7ashkmeJ OZMitry For every sport and dress occasion, at a low price for fine hosiery. Come today and fill your every hosiery need from now until June. BERT IJ ' j t IONE - Ac ELY-CHANDLER NUPTIALS The marriage of Myrtle Chan dlerand Elvin Ely wassolemnized last Wednesday evening nt the spacious home of Mr. and Mrs. Geoige Krebs of Cecil, the Rev. W. W. Head of lone officiating. The bride, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Chanaler, wore a dress of whit satin georg ette with veil and carried a large bouquet of sweet peas, lillies of the va lc) and nrid losebuds. Tbe groom -v s it s edin convention al man nt r. Ine wedding march waa played I y Mrs. John Krebs. Miss Eiii.Ii Liy,- sister of the groom, acted as bridesmaid, Mr. Elmer Peterson served as best man and little Margaret Ann Krebs was flower girl. The bride ORE. t A FULL LINE of Standard School Supplies in Stockl Including Grammar and Highschool Texts AllBooliS are Cash. x i X MASON OREGON r