The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, August 23, 1929, Image 5

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    'Great Pointer' Work
Revealed by Accident
At flrn, Austria, Doctor Mellon
ftluil, goviirniiicnt trt export, looking
lovur nn art exhibition, slopped before
' III rU CIIIIVNS depicting lilt! UNCC'IIHlOII
of tlio Virgin Mary Into heuvoii,
iHciniolMiiH led III in to eiuiiilii It
climily, and b discovered Hint Hit
cnnviis bore two conn of (mint. Tim
outsld emit win removed nnd beneath
it wm revealed genuine Tintoretto
valued it $riU(i,(MK). Tlio government
'ordered tin complete restoration f
tlio cunviis, 13 by l.'l feet, which whh
tlio property of church. Tin dis
covery In Ilk liinnjf Hint hav been
liinilo liefnrs. When Invaders went
Into Iluljr ninny of the Itnllnn master
piece wero painted over with ordinary
!U'turti, mil when Hie foreign nriiilm
had withdrawn Ibcy wer restored.
Hut sometime Hi foreign art full
hers could nut toll Hid dinVreno lie
tween i dim!) nnd aiiinterploe, i
tin eainnufiiiKcd art treasures wort'
carried off. Many of Ihi'in luiv been
sine discovered, hut dniihllea there
ar (it lion mill concealed lijr com
nionplac pictures. I'uthflnger Mug
Practically Ik Sam
Hilly, tliu iiiiiiII Km of i prominent
doctor, win playing t hla father'
profession, wiilklng up mil down th
itroot wltb a "pretend" incdlcln caa
In till hnnd and very icrloui pre
linn uNn till furs, Murh Imprcased.
noil-door Lillian Imiulrcd of br
"li Illlly doctor, nmtlierr
"lie" quack doctor," laid ber
mother, Jokingly.
Tin next diy one of Lillian's dolli
di'voldiM'd mum pi,
".Mother." suggested Hi llttlt girt.
Importantly, "Xtn going to till la Uo
Hor Duck."
Mia'i Will MyliS
Why Jcilm Humphreys I'lummer 01
ftoulhport, Kngland, ihould leav prac
tically ill of lili mint of approxl
mnlely $t,2.VMKiO In trust for Ui en
dowmont of dm In fur modern nicn
title research it Cambridge university
tl mystifying hli old friends. I'lum
mer bid been la the real eitit buil
noM it Bouthport for trior Hun fifty
yean, III wm never it Cambridge
university; never took piirtlciiliiiy
kern Interrat In educational matter,
and bad never been sciential. Ill
only other bequeat wn in innultjr of
f l.UKI to bli only surviving ma,
Trace J I CrMadars
Tin iword salul originated In the
Ilin of Hi Cruaaden when th hill
f the tword waa mad In th form
of l crow Every Crusader klaaed the
cross i n aonl of hli purpose nd
fnlih and awor by the hill of the
word, mixing It to hli Ilin fur (tint
purpoa. Another custom panned duwn
to th age from th Crusader, and
no Hint ha been a rmttim In all
Christian nit lei line then, I that
of placing an officer's rnp and iwnrd
nn hla coffin during burial aervlce
The Crusader' ahlold ind armi roe
red blm In death.
Cyaay PatUraa
What la a pntteranT II li aanally
composed of two imall at Irk a. seldom
longer than all Inrtioi splec, am"
placed crnls on on top of the
other. The open triangle which the
Itlrka form tell th Inl which earn vat
will lenv ramp or pax a rroa mad,
without leaving a pntternn behind.
Tlili aecret Inngunge of th road nV
Telopcd during thousand of year. Nn
white mnn wn ever ihl to nnd lt.
Amerlcnn Magniln.
nw lime hiv changed. Home
yenr ago. In a foreign country,
young mnn borrowed aom money. A
week ago lli sam young mnn had oc
casion lo Ink pnrt In a radio pro
gr:im. Todiiy h bn a litter from a
radio hound aevernl thounnd mile
awny, inking blm for th money.
Tlitit'i sure remote control," r
marked th Itlnge he mnd oat
check to ond by air mull to the
. : c rn
.A ar B H m - i 'l
ii .""aiBEii
'tVOal 1 1 h 1 1 1 ,F1, I
15-yean uicccu in treating Kectai and
Colon trouble ire th Or C I Ucan
NUN Hl Kl.H Al iwltw (a
Nrtu.loalvf W MIfKN AS
hi K A NIK II t.f Kl IMI
Mtnrf lwl UK KMKK lOUnao
fcKjk itvM-rimnauium im iwie
RU aiaafMaiiewMaa
Our Pet Peeve
scathing Tells I V
(UtiTjeeiw6 f
ME '
If'lnWtt.ll. 01 I
Just One of Those Things
l AnOOt BullOlNtf 1 M A WAV- I IT) "" 11 . 1 ACftlPCI$. J;
UMOo5S4kmi( !?f oeoos ---
I TO MNV WJuKUVlS. I W3wlV0NLV ) i, ! lT WS01Wf8SwSy it'
I I InPtCT - J Icottmto 1 '..LaVL JUrrtTu'"
' viQJ '-y 'io-
FINNEY OF THE FORCE Just Before the Storm
i mm. I J I I
Maa Marriai Crandmothar
MurrliiK of a grundaon and hit
griindmotlii'r hn Junt been reported
from a villus nenr Hwnle, In the
Province of Overl Janet, llollnnd. Tlitt
li how It hnpponod: A mnn nuirrled a
girl of twenty, wlmne mother wm fh
y Ik. Uy hli lint miirrliig Hill
mnn hnd hml a aon nnd Dili ion nuir
rled Hi mother of hli fiithor'a aocund'
wife, lUlntlvei flxur nut Hint th
youth not only nuirrled hla atoptnoth'
er, hut bcciini ilcpfutlier to lila own
f TXertar KewapaparPtUa
a ofAa T wTtgswfe aoT?-
I Xt CMW UlXKS Hi J M way I...1UI FIRST Te ,7rnT5l m ( 10 Kl$ '.f 'ISHL0
V Si if rrs f'vaka
"1 am lending yon aoine mnnn
crlpta," wrote a young and uiiihlilui
sijilinrcKa. "I alio Incloae a IciIit ol
Introduction from my tdiirgymnn. on
from my Riiruliiy achwd tencher. and
pamcruph from our locnl pnper. in
muiiirlng my adoption nl a lltonirj
enrwr. li there anything elne I can
aond jou to ltiteret you In my writ
"lenr Mndam," wrote the editor In
reply. "You need end me but on
more thing a good aliort atoryl"
Montreal Sinr.
"She' quite dimieam-ated. I hear
Knowa how to cook and buka and
'Nothing of the tort. . Why, bc
couldn't even cause a traffic Junt."
Flavin tha Cam
Th same of politlra mar end
in Mjat a woerui wreca.
If you ohould mark the rarda. O friend
Haw Do. Sb Do It T
Air. GcHxItlilng Hi-re' your twt
buck for a palm fading. Go to IL
iladnin Zir.r.l l.Mik al me. tow
hoiild alnayi follow the advice nl
thin, ilurk Indira. You have a trutlnj
and i-reiliilona nature. You hnve re
i-etitl.v pHrteil neeilleul) with a email
um of uioncj and will toon be per
lundi'd tn gv up u.ore. Hut 1on'l
rctrel IL It will lie pui to l good uae
"Jink la awfully ahaent minded.'
"How ?"
"He acrulched PI wlte aud
klaaed a nmtch the other nlhL"
Si'aat Partnarih p
I har are oimov bndt uruoni who
oil muriiMK ul.'klv ur
When thev nrr thnl lhv r ,mpor
Tarn a 'h H In hour
" 'i , s, A
r "imm
A' DOZEN different things may
cause a headache, but there'i
just one thine you need ever do to
get relief. Bayer Aipirin it an
absolute antidote for guch pain.
Keep it at the office. Have it handy
in the home. Those aubject to fre
quent or sudden headaches should
carry Bayer Aspirin in the pocket
tin. Until you have used it for head
aches, colds, neuralgia, etc., you've
no idea how Bayer Aspirin can help.
It means quick, complete relief to
millions of men and women who
use it every year. And it does not
depress the heart
.tipirla t tht tr4t mirk of gUytr VtftnfacM
Ot HUUtigWaTUEgtCtUBVMBj m BiEucaaw
Beautiful Skin
loft, amooth, clear, "pink and
whit" th matchlaaa completion of
youth. Bulphor pnrifi,
clear and rtfrethr th
kin. For bMQ.ifyin( th
fac and anna oa
Sulphur Soap
Cnnulna SH Pun aalgbaf. At Drmln.
Two elterty iploatera Haying In a
seaside hotel hid what Is called "a
few words." and thereafter paaied
each other by In alienee.
One dny th munagereaa aald to
piniter No. t, "Do yoo know poor
II Irs 8n-and-to (mentioning No. T
name) bi been itung on th nose by
t hornet? We're all o aorry for her."
"Are yuuT mnpied aplnsier No, L
I'm aorry for tha hornet."
A Ordered
"Gifiil Scott I Wiui i on enrih hn
tliMt fool ot a lewelei Inh-ii iiliiyiuu al
with tli la ring?" exi'liiliuril a young
mini aiming at the engiiKeitienl ring
In hla hnnd.
"Wlint'a th troubler . asked hi
"Why, I told him to encruve 'From
A tn on the Inside of II nml lie put
In the whole hlonndng Hlphuhet"
Evr F..I Tbat'r WayT
"You're enulne'i mlilng." remarked
the piwonger.
"I know it." growled the motorist,
"nml I wish the whole ilnrn nir wna.
so I could colled on my theft Insur
Waiting I Waiting I
Gueat How long hnve you been
wiirklug In Ihla rule. wnlterT
Wuller I'hly one week. sir.
Gucat tih! Then I must Imve or-
dvretl from loiue other wiilter.
Dia-polnlmnl Ahead
Mlnlslei 1 In Iki flit nu child) -We
will li"l to aee thla child grow tn
nne, brave miinhnoil - mini 1'ils child
Mother Muriel, alr.-ltiipllm Jour-onL
Pract ca MaUa Perfect
Mr Newlyilch (to nuliliy I Now he
.'iireful lieore. nl (Mtrock illnnei
lotiltlhl Pon'l fill with yout kiilta.
tleorne I hurt worry. Anuiinlii I've
el with my knife for 3(1 years anil
uwur cul myself.
Tattoo Turkey la Tex at
Cattle lirundi have given way to
(urkey brand In.Gonuile County, th
center nf Thiik' fumou turkey mlv
Ing reclon. note the Firm Journal.
The turkey-growers' association. In
tta CHinpulvn agiiinst thieve, tiaa de
vised a liittoo mark by which each
member ctin hmnd his hints hart
leasly hut Indelibly.
Accidentally an Arkansas lady eor4
fits In a valuable dog with Rnss Hall
nine. Many other now uae It. Ner
er full, she says. Adr,
Total Lata
"Tc. I studied eight Inngnase In
eo'leze." ailinltteil liie heniievked man.
'Been any help lo your asked tha
"No." be Pished. "I have to do all
my listening In one."
The vamiilre rnr of West Indian
waters has width of about 2.1 feet
across the wing.
Too much to eat too rich a diet
or too much smoking. Lots of thine
cause sour stomach, but one tlitnx cun
correct It quickly. IMillllpa Slillt ot
Magnesia will alkallnlze the ncld.
Tuk a spoonful ot this
preparation, and the system Is soon
riilllips la nlwaya ready to roller
dlstrers from ovcr-endur, ! to chock alt
acidity; or neutralize nicotine. Re
member this for your own comfort
for the snk of those around you.
Endorsed by physicians, but they ol
ways sny fnlWpi. Ikin't buy eorne.
thing else and expect the same re
Milk .
of Magnesia