The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, July 26, 1929, Image 4

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Friday, July 26, 1929
Morgan News
Mas. J. F.IIakui svy
Mrs. Klsirt Shipley spent Tues
i.y ofternoon, wuhMrs. Eudora
James Hardest y called on Mr.
Eckleoerry, Wednesday.
Mrs. George Mahoney called
on Mrs. Uaretsty, Wednesday
h ternoon.
Lsonard Mahoney left fo the
valley on Tuesday.
Atr. nd Mr. Pt Mediae. -
t-Lexington, lor combine extras!80": 10 V.dHMeliker;
list Wednesday afternoon.
W. F. Matlock, of Lexington,
was deliverinaRawleighproducts
in Morgan, Friday.
Mrs. riarbi.-on returned frum
Fort and on the stage, Friday.
She had gons to Fortlann to
cjnsuit an eye specialist
0. C. Wyat, of Hooj River,
was a business visitor in Morgan
Mr. McDonald and son. Rjbert. i
ot Arlington were business visit'
or in Morgan, Thursday evening
Mr. Linsey was shopping in
Murgau, Friday afiermon.
0. E. Wyastt was a guest at
the R. Eckleberry home, Fridaj.
The Mesdames Krebs called
cilleJ on Mrs. R. E. Harbison,
TuesJay evening.
Continued onpg. 6.
OMAHA. .... 74.(
CHICAGO... 8kl.fl
CINCINNATI ... l(.7t
NEW ORI I ANS.. im.10
ATLANTA .... 120.0
riTTSBl RGH ... I2J.S7
NEW VIlHa. 141.01
BOSTON .t7.07
of the
This highly exciting
new novel by Baroness
Orczy tells of the fiery
escapades of the mys
terious unknown leader
of The League of the
Scarlet Pimpernel. It is
written in the same
forceful style respon
sible for the success of
her earlier works, some
of which have enjoyed
a sale of over a quarter
of a million copies
Read It u a Serial In
Sonrc of Vanilla
ft la from the dried pods of a pe
rtea of orchid, a climbing tine, nntlve
of Mexico, that w get vunllln, 10
much used for flavoring.
Three-Letter Drama
The slimiest ilriimii i lull lint ever
been written li contained In one 11 1 1 In
group of three letters "S. 0. S."
merlcao Mngnzloe.
The Fraternities',
Hunch Grass Rebkah Lodge
No i)l and Iona Lodge No. 135,
I. 0. 0. F. held a joint instal'o
lion. Fritftv evening, July 19
Between forty and fily were in
attendance. Refreshments of ice
cn-am nnd cuke were setvnd and
all report an enjoyable time.
The affairs of the two lodges
will be in the hands of the follow
ing officers fo the ensuing Fix
months: For Bunch Grass Rebek
an, N. G., Norma Swanson; V.
G , Kdlh Swanson Lundell; Secy.
Verda Ritchie; Tieas., Etia Bris
tow; Warden Amy Sperrv; Con
Ouctor, Leona Ritchie; Clara
Howk; R. S to N. G. Mary Swan
i. v.i , iieien r art-en?; u. u., cita
Hwell; Musician, Gladys Drake;
R. S to V. G.. Lena Lundel'; L.
S. to V. G.. Ada Bro.vr.
For the Odd ..-: N G .
Chtrley Shav V. G.. Frank
Lundel l ; Secv., Lm Howell;
Treas.. E. J. B i''o ; Warde-,
Richard Lundell;Ui....-clor, Low
til Clark: !.G. G. T. C. Troge;0.
G., E. K Lundell; R S. N. G.,
Hmry C a-k; L. S. N. G., Geo
Kitehi; R. S. V. G, Chay. 0'
Conner; L. S. V. G , T. E. Pet
erson; R. S. S. Otto Rietmanr.;
L S S. Blaine Blackwell; Chap.,
W. W, Head.
J. E. Swanson
Happy Baolt Lover
., ".iiifi iini hi ruiik ir pud niii hp. I he lover of honk Is the
richest nnd the happiest of the chil
dren of men. Pr. John l.aogford.
imcnvi mai is to ttrr. so
Reduced far alt part of east; liberal atop
Tart. Fin train: modem equipment
splendid eer-ricaa ecenic route. Short aid
trips enable you to eiait
Inlarasatlasi east Booklets aa rttMt
-I1! I'V
Lodge Directory
IONE I.IIIUJK Nd.120, A. K. AA, Jl.
Sin-In every flrttt mid third '.Veilm-n
li.iy of t-Hi li motiih.
V. H, Htrlu M.Card,
Secy., W. E. BylUrd
l.ociiMt Chapter No. IIU I). K,
Mcete the at'cumt and fourth Tile.
lnjr of month.
W. HUc,E. rUrbUo
Scy Rutk Matoa
IONK 1.1 WOE No. 111. I. O. O. K
I Vleela evrry Friday eveiilli(.
N. H. G. Raakia
Stcy.i Lm HoU
I O O. K. MffK llrxt iiinl lliln'l
i l liiirilny iiIcmcIi month.
' N. G., Lucila Brlitow
Scy., Vcrdt Rjicbia
I0NF POST No. 91, Amtricaa Ugioa, amil
(hi Ifcood and fourth tltinniiyt of aach awnth.
I Commanilcr, E. G. Sparry
I Fininc Oflicar, Johu Farrii
Aror'c-n Ltgioa Auiilliary No. natti o 2nd
Wtdoidiy of icb maoih at 8:09 P.M. ml
4 k Tuctday at 2:30 P. M.
Prii., Mirgaril Blala
Secy., Glailyi Drali
Local Happenings
Continual from Ptigt t.
Mr. and M-. Cole Smith and
daughter, Miicrcd, spent the day
Sunday, at Fli ck's orchard or the
Columbia H'uhway; The occasion
was a reunion of Mrs. Smith's
people the Elder family. Thirty
members of the family were pres
ent, and spent a very happy day
together. Miss Irene lloech, ot
The Dalles, Miss Blanche Wder
01 St Hellons, Wash , and Miss
Opal Elder, of SunnysiaV, Wash,
accompanied Miss Mildred Smith
on her return to lone and will
spend a we.'k he-e. Ms. Smith
went went with her sister, Mrs.
J. V. Hoecrt to Seaside for a two
weeks outii R.
Mr. Sam Warfield is moving
to Feck, Idaho, next Monday. He cts to mi ke his future home
there and will have the manage
nu it of the Peck elevator. Mr.
Warfield is t'COKn'ZeU ai.uii.
ele atoi .neii as tiavintt exception
si managerial abi ty und the;
Elevaloi Company is to be con-
on securing his service.
The MUsicnsrj of the:
'onKrtKi.tioi al Chinch will bt
held next Thursday afternoon,
AuKUSt 1, in the church parlort-.
everyone is lodiully inviUd to at
tend. The aut ject is Missions in
Bulgaria and the leader is Mrs.
EJ Keller. It may he of interest
to know that one of the Missioii
r es in Bulgaria, Mits Agnes
M. Baird, is a schoolmate of Mrs.
Keller's, both having been sttd
ents in Oberlin College. i
In August the Tonkawa boys
and girl-, under the auspices ol
he Young Men's and Young
Wi men's Christian Associations,
will camp in the Anthony Lakes
rtgion, out from Baker. Theboy.'
section will camp from August
5 to 13 and the girls' section from
August 13 to 21. Mixs E'va Bal
siger wno is a senior at the Uni
versity ol Oregan, will be with
the girls' section and have direc
tin of sports.
aaaaaBMBM m
J. T. Helms snd AnnaYocom,
h'th of Lexington, wkre unite
in mariijg! al the Congregat or.
al parsonage in lone, Friday
afternoon, July 26, Pastor W.
W. Head, officiating. After the
ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Helms
motored to Portlad.
Church Directory
Sunday School at 10:00 A. M.
Prayer Meeting, Thur., 7:30P. M.
R-v W. W. HEAD, Pastor
.1.00 A M.:C. E. at 6:45, P. M.
Prayer Meeting, Wed.. 7:30
Sunday School 10.03 A. M.
t'rayer Meeting TI.ikI Evening
! C. E. : 6:30; Pres h;rg Service,
at 7:30 P. M.
lone, Oregon
Official Announcement
Mass every second Sunday in lone
during Nov., Dec., Jr n., Feb., Mar.
April and May at 10:30 A. M. in
the Home of Mr. J. P. O'Meara.
In June, July, August, September
an J October there will be mass at
9:30 A. M.
Rev.jThos, J. Brady, Pastor.
Mulbarry Cultiaalioa
I TIiitp tire several vintel lea ol m
I lierry In Hie Culled Snilca Hie lent
I (if wlilcli lire ued fir fcedliiji i
wnriiis. One la Hie Ii'.h k ii.ii'Ium
(Munis ntitrii ), uhlch grnn In r
fiiiiilli mid In ('iillfiii'iilii. The uii
niullicrry (Mnrua nltm) la inmli mi'
exteiiKlvety iiliuilcd iiml Its li-nci ir
conaldered tlielinnt fnnil for RlHiWni"
The pnper niullicrry la sat III nii-'ili
species wlilcli fuinlaliri Icuves fur kI
Scientific Method Need in Government
Perils to Democracy Pointed Out by Noted Statesman
in Address to Graduates of University of Oregon
raw arlifla a i wwm! a ritt will a Mil I lu aaiwr.
r Mn "Jfiwial &mf tni Vwl 'rojr,.," akirft Iku arliWt u a part.
aliwrnl t t.Vwrmr l..Jr )r l. i4lit tiM of llvr.Hl af
Ori al A ! naatiwiwil lu r.
Kurnirr Oovtmor of Illinois
Tli moitfrn iiulvcmltr la now making III full contribution to ttio con
tlntioiii loliltvomrnH ot Ilia material aoifiri-a. Ilava tlia iorallcil locial
' ai'lcneea, however, kept paoo with their nmlerlnl ilitera la the progrom of the
Ooe. Lowdoo how far material progreaa naU outatnpprd
spiritual growth.
"Race, klologte qualitr, human psychology are tlie foundations
and suba'n rlurci en tv': rh any civiliuilna Is built. Are these pres
ent founilntlons strong enough to stand the increaaing preaaurs of
the enormous suieratructure of our miterisl achievementat Many
tnea are s ' lng whether Imleol civiliintloa has not already begun
ita dcacent Into the twilight of the gods. There Is no longer doubt
In any thougii.ful mind that the dancer that threatens the world
can be averted nnl by drafting all the powers of science, and all
the finer poaiihllitlca of human nnturp, Into the service of 1 new
Why this note of dcapondoney repeated with ominous frequency front
time to timet la It not beeauae thoae sciences that have had to do wltk
human rrlationihijta have nut kept pne with the mere material sciences!
The scientists tell ua thai the fimt Rjlieeakle progreaa upward began
rhen man became a social animal. 80 lung aa he was not eoaeeimia of being
a member of a socie'y, however primitive, progreaa was tmpoaaihle to him.
It was only when social eonieioiianeaa came ,i him that he began his upward
climb to the heights Un which he standi today.
rerhape la this we find the clue In a higher civilisation than any we
have yet attained. Just as the material sciences have easily Improved the
condition of mankind, so the social sciences seem now to bare entered upon
sew earrer of ntcfulneas to the world.
It was in Hi recognition of the poa bilitlce of the material science
that the social sciences received their greatest impetus. I iuute from that
great work called "The Kiae of American Utilisation," by Heard t
"la the midat of the intellectual activities which surged up
wltk increaaing power as the eighteenth century advanced was
formulated the moat dynamic social theory ever sbnd la the hia
tore of thought the idea of progreaa or the continual Improvement
la the lot of mankind on this earth by the attainment of knowledge
aad the subjugation of the material aotld to the reyi.remeota ot
human welfare."
This eonevpl was unknown to the ancients. It was unkauv.a to medieval
time. For th first tiro In history lb idea dawned upon men's miad
that tber might be continual prugreaa. Aa Implication of th.s concept era
that such progress should go so far as to embrace all mankind. It was th
moat powerful impulse that had been art in motion agaioat the Idea of the
need in society of elaaaes or of slave and free. From ita impulse ther cam
largely the revolution in America atd th revolution la Franc. It Inspired
th uige toward democracy. It has become the underlying and still but
half recognised principle of the social aciences. It Is the abaulute Condition
upon which rests the crctuity of the modern state Th happier and
well being of the average man nnd woman must be ateadily advanced If
our civil'itatioa la to endure. Th economist Buy esplaia, the stateaman
may eicnae, our failure lr aeroniplih tbia, but the fact rcmaina that
government caa endure if the well being of the men and women and children
nder that government is ant continuously Improved.
And why would we despair of the la definite prugrew of the human
race? We are (old by the eeicntiets that sua had been ujKjn the earth fur at
leaat fifteen hundred thousand years before he learned to make the crndset In
urnment if stuns. Aid that event was only eight thousand year age.
On and a half million years to invent his tint rule tool I And only tight
UMaaaad year from that primitive invsatioa te th marvels of todsyl
The social sciences are beginning to apply the came method which, haj
XThe nei) article. jrUJ fcljoj u jaly. lujja.. '
I'HOIrt 1.T OP f.tNKH tL
You Miive In purchaive prire wlien
you buy a Pontine Dig Sii be
cbuh no other t ar olTrrlng com
purublc uilvunliigm ran lie IxH.ylit
for b'K thun tbcnotuiul doIhir.
You nut uIh4 In oMratin vtmtn
and bi (Ifprrrlulion. In ollirr
worrit), you i uvc (A every iy uilh
li e Iut!ac T.j SU Aiueriru
iwvhl motor eur vulue!
And here I what you fnjoyt
More SfHM'd
Moro Snni
31 on Stylo
Moro sSnfoly
Moro Comfort
3Ioro Vulue
I. R. Robison,
Age! It wua but natural In tlia ilovriomiieni or in
oc 111 1 Mieneva (hat tha method which had trnuafurmed
the material cieni'ca iliould b long delayed. Tlia loeial
eleuee dcut 10 Inrgely with Intangllil forrea Involving
human nature, that It wit) mora difficult In thru art
encea to npdy the melliod of obiervlng fneti, of apply
ing the rulo of trial and error, than In the material
lVaplte man's triumpha over mere matter, aa tlia
tlnguiihed an authurity as frofcasor Fetter, of l'rlni!
ton, recently said:
"Throughout the ntnetetnth century the
civilised nationa, like children with new found
toya, rejoiced ln-enrh new wonder of material
progreM. Huildinly we were made to reallie
. k. fnlwi, Sh
rivK - f4HKNr,rn
T0-HMH HrlP-.N
hm nerssiM In frkit
V.vtMK Ihouiih sisiUsb nf
lh rfllia1 tl Ml
hit ihallitrris 1 1
faerie' Pstant lt rMr est
isritl ilnMich ihm
atlne citfrrsMl f I lila)
Mr la wtlttiMil sarsiMl
(siiv--Hi I'm I i sir It sj
hit rsmlsmusTsa lis bm-II fisr
iUm stria- al trh It
tnirMlitre, 1htm
hmt hmmn nit tnr In
oril4M pri$-9t
M-s, 0745 iss $9i,f. :
b. fnntimr. Mirk., fsluf
d mtiwmr y r hmr fmt.
Httmnmrt, upring rnvt
mnH tstwfur thm k b.
e-srlsrva rmgnlnr tqttp
mnt mt H$ht mMtrm
roafe laVristrnl Motm$
Timm Fmvment Plan
mmilmblm mt minimum
CdmnMmf llifi ittlUrieil
rl wrtl (tir IU
irifsa Mlirn r-niiiMirlfif
tilntnitliiln litsi , , s
Ouk ImimI al'itn I Istr tlrl I v
rrd prtrm inrAutlr unly
raia)nnilslt rhrr
fr h ml Una antl fur ft
Kainrilna wltrn lhi i'linsj
FMytMUl rUa U tsafsMl
I ... fisli'. Huh.
1 1 1 H I II H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H II
To the Rainbow's
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H-H- r
nitOI'KHStllt PtrSTMAN wna nn-
niiyi'd Unit III nephew, JinU,
aliimld Iiiivo fhnai'ii llila piirt U-tilssr
wwk t'iiil In Ih'imiiii" nlia(riiiM'niia. Tlia
lirofisaor Imd litn Invllod In spt'iid
H111 111 ilny nnd Hnnilny with Ills old
frli-iid and follow fimsll, Doctor Hook
er. There would lis hour of ilit-aa
Slid oilier piiailinea ua erudlli.
However, lis Imd nroiiilnvd Jurk'a
niotlier iM'fure shs died to look out
for the boy, 10, in spite of tlie die
lutrlty.lii Ihelr llNHnltlona, llierv stun
liollilnii In do b it fuii'go tho attrui'tlre
Invltnllnn and hurry to Jink's town
qunrteis In au rlTort lo I'vert ru
liimlty. r'nim rellnlile anurrea I'rofi-aanr
IhiHtiimii bad Itiat lenniiil thai Jack
was on III limnedliite verge nf eutn
milting iiiatrltiimiy n rrliu.' not itiun
tenaiii'i'd In modems by ibe fmuliy.
He bcallrred liliuaelf aa buaiily 11 lila
age nnd eilremo Hbaent-iiilndedneaa
permitted and took tlie noon tsprca
for New Vork.
There wna 110 vnennt table In lb
dining rar, but waller donued tli
liiilillliiieiils of Kale and led the learned
otia to s sent nppoall s young
and rhariulng woinnn.
I'rofeanor lui-liiinii's rutl.d arrived
snd was pi need before hi 111 In S glit
tering allver itlsli. The waiter, uii
itiThtuilylng r'uto eutt'n, placed knife,
f. . k, gruvy simmhi, " wnrs'ealenililr
me, everything. In furl, bill the
null, III Ibelr irnMr and mreaalhl
Where wa the aultt Ah, over tber
oil the Vision's eld of lbs table. The
old lenober rearlied Willi s blue velue.l
bund and graed Ibe hrtght inetul
linker. I If fi ire gniltl of the aen
oiilng miild touch lila rutlet, quick
Utile rry from lb Vision startled Mm
an tlm I be nearly dropied lb large
shaker lulu a tiny mmiI of Worcester
shire sauce on lila ablny plntter. Koine
tblng soft and wnnn and amaslngly
firm rinsed thtbtly n round his wrist.
"till h h !" exclaimed Ibe olea
of the Vision. Tlie sound of II made
1 1 1 11s think of a aluy afternoon long,
long ngn, s spring brcrxe, and Hit aoft
ripple of a nicnilow luirdered brook.
"I'lrase eicuaei me. won't you?" tli
vole ran on and the aoft, warmgraap
on hi wrlat related. "iHm't you arc
It' the augnr you're about to sprinkle
nn your meat !" A smooth allver
luilgli tinkled over In Hie profi-aaor'S
TberviiiHin the Vlalon pai.') tie
rauae some beautesiua fount ' hap
ilneu welled within her, snd pnrlly
iecnue she gueaaed Ibe profeaaor
In be renliirlea old, nnd waa sorry fur
Mm after Ibe miinner uf Youlli for
Age, passed Mm tlie suit.
Iteming 111 1 1, sculptured lunula nn
the tnble, she talked to liltn of all
the ninny ihlnga Hint mutter lo Youth.
Tlie profesaor'a memory apn lined gulf
of yours way bark lo that May after
iiimiii ; o another Vlalon In while stand
ing In bloaaoindiiden orchard al tli
curve of the old ini-nilnw. Ilia Vlalon
bud left him that afternoon for a nmn
w ho dealt In dollar Instead nf defini
tion a.
In s twinkling, or so It aeemed lo
I'rofeanor Duatninn, the train reached
tha. (Irand Centrii!; long enough,
though for him to have forgotten
lila disagreeable nilaalon. Iterollertlun
elchrd stern llnea about bis moiilli
and ha relinquished all I bought aave
that one of duty; lis inuat save nephew
Jack from an early. Imprudent ninr
rlage. Tlia old scholar eras th first pas
senger to alight Quit so achieve
ment, this, considering his gbteotmlnnV
eduess snd that h was unaccustomed
to travel. Concentrating bit mind on
tnxlcsb and Jack's club address, ha
led th straggling procession of arriv
als down th cement platform toward
th knot of people behind th ropa
waiting to wclcom friend.
Something astounding Interposed It
self In th Immedllat line of his eyee,
th foremost flgur In tht clustered
throng at th gat.
Th very object of hi trip I Stal
wart, bnnilsom Jack himself, clutch
ing the rnp with manifest eagerneaa;
fractious, fugitive Jack victim of th
marrying tannin I
That boy could not be there to meet
Mm. (Julie Imimnalhle! No one, e
cepi Professor Iiuat man's spinster ate
tera, wtlh whom be lived, bad known
of his frustrating Intention. Suddenly
lie saw both Jack's nriii rearh straight
Something snuill and swift, crowned
In while and clothed In whit flew by
Hi old mnn's elbow, at might Into the
out held arms of Jack. , ,
Certainly nobody noticed th old
professor, lie seemed In fndu tutu
the crowd, loat In the light snd
ihmlow of a great station. Ills alow,
tieidtiillng feel moved In the direction
of an obscure corner bench. As he
walked hi bard old eye grew misty
and a faint mile transformed hi
wrinkled fur.
Ita bud Just watched Jack snd the
While Vision vnnlhh through the great
relied (lors Into the mar.e of Forty
second atrevt.
Au Insistent, Inner voice whispered
to Professor PuHtuutn :
"do mid keep your engagement Willi
Doctor Booker. There's s train In ten
minutes. There's Juki time. I'luy
cliensl Discuss chemistry I Iteudl
do anything you will ; hut leuv them
ulone together. They've picked up th
trail to rulnbow's end Just where you
loit It tliut May afternoon,"