Some Good Things By NELLIE MAXWELL Wbirt the pool ar bright and daap, Whin tht rr trout Urn ealeep, Up Hit river a id ov.r tlie laa. That' tht way (or Hilly anil ma. Jaunt iio. Baladt, green, and freah vege tallica ahould In used abundantly at tlili season. Salad. HI It throe fourtln of cupful of green otilima and cover with trench dressing to whlcb tonspoouful of ailintp Iimm huufi milihtA I-ot atuiid one half hour. 7Vt"J) In ! u and arrange wlib TT one cupful each of al Iced new bccta and green pena on bed of wntor cress, (tarnish with cheeae ball niuilu by mixing tlie cream chocs with two-thirds of a cuiful of finely chopped peanuts. Mold Into (mall bnlla and dint with paprika. Bcrv with mors fremh dressing. Boaton Brown Bread. Tuk on cupful each of graham flour, com meal and rja meal, throe-fourth of a teaapoonful of aodo, one and one lialf tcuapooiifula of nit, three-fourth of cupful of molasse and two cup Tula of aour milk. Mil and alft tlia dry Ingredient, add milk and mo laase, bcut well, add few ralalna and pour Into a well grenaed mold, two-thlrda full. Cover and ateatn three and one-half hours. Plain Muffins Mil and alft togeth er two cupfula of flour, three tea apoonfula of baking powder and one half tosspoonful of salt Add on cupful of milk, two tahleapoonfula of ugar and ona unbeaten egg. Heat and mis the batter thoroughly, atlrrtng In widening circles, keeping the anoon on the bottom of the bowl. Plac In muffin pana and baka twenty minute In a hot oven. Bpanlah Meat Loaf, Tak two cup fula of ground beef, one-half cupful of fat aalt pork ground, two cupfula of cracker crutnbe, ona cupful of milk, ona beaten egg, aalt, pepper, tabaaco aauce, ona onion, one and one half HINTS FOR HOUSEKEEPEBSl ( Cook egga at a low eren heat e a e To ellca hard-cooked egga without crumbling uee a hot. dry knife, e e a Vegetable rnnned thla aummer art tnaurnnr against next winter" Ilia, a a a Orated chare on creamed vegeta ble soups or on salads adda vsluabl nutrient and variety to the diet a a a Clilldrvn'a clothing ahould be Inoae cnougb to permit plenty of activity and allow the body freedom for growth, a e a Before measuring molasses, dip the measuring cup or epnon In scalding water and then the tnoluaae will turn out quickly. a a a Blockings short In the feet cans al most aa much trouble aa that caused by short shoes. Get stockings half an Inch longer than the feet, to ba aura of enough room for the toe. ::::: :e::e::e:;;e::ce::e: l Handwork V, t-t't ,, "'" ' t' . ' ' ' In creating stylet for little folkt Tarl designers are laying great (tress on handworked ornamentation, I'ar- a ... .. is r v 3 w BBk cupfula of strained tomato, atrlpa of bacon. Mix all the ingredients ex cept tho tomato, form Into a loaf and place In a greased baking pan. Cover with atrlpa of bncon and over the top pour the tomato aauce. Bilk forty minutes In a moderate oven. Gooseberry Relish Sandwich. Add enough finely grutod Herkimer cheese or old American cheese to one-half cupful of the atralned gooseberry relish to bind. Spread on thin slices of toast cut Into fancy shapes. Bene on lettuce. A nice dish to serve for luncheona. which may be prepared from stowed fowl Is: Chicken Wsrmeln. Take a large fat fowl, cut up for serving, and put on to atew In plenty of water. When tonder, remove the chicken, and cut It Into email pieces, removing all the bones. Tut a bunch or two of diced celery Into the broth and cook It until tender, remove It, and add noodles, cook for fifteen minute, then aorve a neat of noodles with celery and top wltb the chicken. Add a lit tle gravy mode wltb broth, cream and serve. Qreen Pass, Onion and Cucumber Iliad-Take one and one half cup fula of cooked, drained, small green peas, the same amount of thinly sliced young cucumber and on cupful of thinly sliced green onion. Mix and HiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiHHiiiniiuiniit ii inmiiiiini Fairy Tale for the Children II I I I 4 I II I I II I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I "Grandmother waa the first of our kind," aald a beautiful pink rose. "We're known a the Columbian rose family." "I'm glad to make your acquaint ance," aald the yellow rose a little itimy. I waa quit Impresaed talking to a brand-new kind of rose. "Thank you." aald the pink roae. "What did you mean a little while ago when you aald you had only been trained to do what you were told to do lately?" asked the yellow rose, "Well, my grandmother waa the first to do what ah was told to do now wasn't that Interesting In a grandmother? They are usually the nicest people In the world but you don't usually say they do what they're told fur they're not usually told to do things. "I didn't actually mean that I bad only been trained of late to do what I waa told, but 1 meant that my fam ily bad been trained of let to do the thing we were supposed to do. That I we're not doing what we ar not aupMaed to do." The yellow roe dropped a petal In astonishment They were In vase of water In the window of a florist' hop. Some passerby taw the yellow ruse petal drop and aald: "What beautiful yellow rosea, but on of the rosea Just dropped a petal They must be getting a bit old." And they admired the beautiful pink Adds to Little Frocks ! By JULIA BOTTOMLEY J IlillfllilimmBI tlculnr enthusiasm I expressed fur np pllque effect. One notes on coat and dretae of every material a pre- V duat with suit and paprika- Add any good salad dressing, heap on lettuce and serve. Lima Baana and Celery. Take two cupfula of cooked lima beans, add to them, ona cupful of green celery diced and two tubleapoonful of chopped onion. Serve on lettuce with a good boiled droaslng; garnish wltb radlsb roses. A Dainty Dessert Cut out squares or circles of sponge, cake, muke well with a small cutter and bush well with melted butter. Tot Into the oven und toutt Serve wltb the wells filled wltb sugared fruit Strawberries or any seasonable fruit may be used. Top with whipped crenrn or serve cream witb the dessert When tired of sal ad us a fruit cup for a change. Combine almost any In-aeason fruit add a bit of lemon Juice and aome sugar alrup and aerve well chilled, In tall glasses. Orange Banana Cream. Remove the skin and fiber from six banana, mush to a pulp, adding gradually two cupfula of orange Juice. When all I well mixed add four tableaponful of cream and chllL 8crv In glasa cup. Mapl Sirup Salad Dressing. Heat one-fourth of a cupful of mapl alrup to the boiling point and pour over three egg yolk well beaten, add a bit of aalt and paprika and on tea apoonful of lemon Juice and one-half cupful of cream beaten stiff, when the mixture la coot (A 1111. Wwtara Htvspapar Delaa.) By MARY CRAHAM BONNER II I I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I rosea and the pink rose which had been talking tn tb yellow rose, grace fully and very beautifully bowed It head ever to little. "I must be careful and not get ex cited by what yon any again," aald the yellow rose, "for the florist wont be "I Want to Wear a Roaa." able to sell me, and 1 wont be taken borne to cheer up aome on. "I'm not really old. I was only very much excited by what yon had aald. "I tried to keep up with what yon wer aaylng, but graclou! I wss ter ribly confused." "Poor yellow roae," aald the pink rose. "It waa all my fault for a roae that doesn't prick I'm very Incon siderate." pnndernnce of applied design which manipulate color and fabric in strikingly modernistic patterning. There are the clever felt coat and hat ensembles, for Instance. They sound a note of originality whlcb I very refreshing. Almost amusing are some of these "aeta" made of gny felt In that gro'eatiue little figures Bra rut of multi-colored felt, the same nppllqoed In unique bordering and such oh a monotone colored back ground. ' The colorlnga are a lively a Imagination can picture a row of bright flower or fruit on perhaps a pule green felt coat oi bright blue, or own orange color for the background. If son hre looking for a coat, or a slceytrtess) Jacket, or a hnt-nnd-bng aet for yuur child to wear at the eeushore trns summer do not nils seeing theae ctlnnlng felt style. '"'The dress which tho wee ParUlenne In the picture I wearing, show to a nlcetjr the trend toward bright-colored applique design. Not only I the play or color .Indicative of the time hut the bold conventional patterning ap plied on a simple while background la characteristic of present-day design. Thla winsome party dress la of white crepe de chine. About the Irregular hemline la a triple piping done In three colors, peach, nlle and blue. The modernistic design la worked In the same colors of crepe a the piping. Thla frock ought to prove on Inspira tion to mother who muke their chil dren' clothe, for it could b carried out In pique or gingham or any of the ninny gny cotton weave. However, for the party frock, no fabric give any better sutlafnction than doe crepe de chine, rarlslnn stylists are employing thla always de pendable silk weave lor ever so many of their loveliest "dressy" frocks. (&. III!, Wastsra Ntwipapsr Ualea.) to Eat ISll Phnning Ahead far Picnics Community Plcnlo (Frtpvad by the Unit! Itataa Dapartnwal ot Aarkultara.) Whether It occur on the "glorious Fourth" or on any other day of the summer, a community picnic, attended by persona of all agea, la likely to be successful If consideration I given to everybody's comfort Young people do not mind perching on log or rock to eat their lunches, or sitting right on the ground, but tboe who are less energetic prefer a bench of some sort and a place to aet their dlshea or bev erages. Mother wltb little children, too, can manage them better and get them to take their milk or fruit drink more readily In spite of the prevailing in iiiinnini tiniiiiiiii I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 1 I II I I "Wbat do you mean by thatr asked the yellow rose. "I haven't any thorn on me that I I only bav some way, way down by the bottom of my stem. That Is what they bav trained our family to do, "We bare at least succeeded In be ing thorniest or practically thorn lea. "We bav a few by the bottom of our item but none by our flowers." "How remarkable," sold tb yellow rose. "Yes, It took a good deal of train ing and teaching to make us Ilk that, and last spring when my grandmother made her appearance she wa the Drat one to have succeeded being almost thorniest, "Since then we've all followed ber example. Do you like our ahadeF "It's exquisite," ald the yellow rose. "Well, Tm glad you Ilk me," (aid the pink rose. "But I like you, too. "I v alwayt been very fond of yel low roses." The yellow rose smiled a lovely roae smile and Just then some people came In to look at the pink roae and the yellow rosea. "I want to wear a rose," aald a young girl who bad come In the shop, "aa It I my birthday aod my titter Is giving It to me. "Ah, bow I lov them." "Well," aald the florist, "ber I a roae which won't prick you. There ar no thorn around thi flower." And th pink rose was worn proudly by th young girl. nut a little later the yellow roe and com other yellow rosea oh a glorious bunch of yellow rose were taken o little girl who waa tick. (K kr Waattra Ntwaopar I'alos.) (Praparaa kr ! t'nltvil statna Drpartmacl af Asrlcultura.1 A matching sun hat of cretonne and cable net I worn wltb her colorful sun suit by th lilt! girl In the pic ture. Some protection for a child' head and eye I advlaabl when th un I tufllclently hot to give th bene flclnl effect of a aun both on th kin lurface of th body. Th cre tonne used for both ault and hat Is eur to delight any little girl It bo a gay design of plump red cherries on a crenm-colored background. Th waist la of ecru net, aa la the ventilat ing crown of th hat and th whole I banded with bla tape of soft green. The but can be easily made by ex perimenting with a piece of paper and a pair of scissors until a satisfac tory pattern la muds for the brim, fit ting the head comfortably, It should be cut a little wider In front than In bark, and by means of a back seam can be shaped becomingly. Th cir cle of cretonne are needed for th upper and under aide of th brim, and an Interlining of thin muilln. Green binding I used. Th brim I slightly starched to bold It shape. The crown which I detachable, 1 Imply a circle of the net, bound with green bin tape and arranged to draw up and button to the brim. The hat and sun tult wer designed by th Bureau of Horn Economic of th United State Department of Agri culture. No pattern are latued by th bureau' for any children' gnrmente, but thla tun tult con be readily adapt ed wrom a commercial Dutch-romper pattern, which flare out at the tides. Thet tide pieces ar teamed together With Cafeteria Service. distraction and excitement. If th ar rangements for eating ar somewhat like those they are uaed to. Bet table and benches such as are found In au tomobile tourist camps, answer ad mirably, however roughly constructed. Shade Is essential to a comfortable outing. A grove of Ull tree with no underbrush It Ideal, and If tber la a at ream or lak In light to make a pleasant outlook and add interest for tb children, so much the better. A supply of pur drinking water should be assured, either from a well or spring known to be aafe, or carried from bom. Children ahould be taught not to touch the water tn brook or pond, lest It be contaminated. Food tor th community picnic ahould be planned beforehand by a competent committee. The preparation of the various article on tb menu may then be allotted to volunteer and tber will be no unnecessary duplica tion or otnlsalon. Some bot food tike bacon, iteak, wienie, or round of hamburger wrapped tn bacon may be cooked on th ground. Coffee may be cooked when wanted or carried In thermoe bottle. On tb whole, how ever, cold food nd beverage will be found eatiett to manage for a urge group of people, especially on a warm day. Minced and mixed foods whlcb might easily tpoll. are best avoided, either aa separate dlshea or In sand wiches. Salad Ingredient may b carried aeparately,-packed with a lit tie Ice, and put together at the picnic. The cafeteria method of serving is quick snd easy. It Insure every one' getting th foods preferred, so there I a minimum of waste. The Oregon women In the Illustration, taken by the United 8tates Department of Agri culture, belong to a borne demonstra tion club under the direction of the state extension staff. They have found cafeteria service very satisfactory. I Electric Ventilator Keeps Kitchen Cool eooowooooooooooooooooooo An electric ventilator will bring comfort to th one-window kitchen, ay American Home. There are now three kind available: The portable type, whlcb can be bung op over a window and moved when the family moves; th built-in type, whlcb cuta oil no light but mutt be put In when the bouse I constructed, and tbe more elaborate type which 1 Installed In a hood over th range. All of these ventilators, of course, are run by mo tor ; they are simply glorified electric fans, which can be turned on and off and aet at wilt. A man will carry gostp, but only to those be can trust Sun Suit With Matching Hat at th lower edge and doe th other wise open placket, and reinforce th aide of th drop lent Bunds of hint tap trim ind define U legs but d not bind then. mm . " ' ..." '. Q Building Industrial Plant in Rural Area Increase) Industry baa penetrated new rural area In tbe West Iowa, for exam ple, no longer ships practically sll It bog to Chicago. Numerous pack- , lug plants within that state take an increasing number. Moderate sized manufacturing In dustries bav sprung op In out of the way places throughout the United State, plants handling cotton snd corn by-products are numerous. Con cerns producing washing machines, fountain pens, buttons, metal product of many kinds, steel and machinery goods, and many other article not directly dependent on agriculture for raw materials, bar choaen rural dis trict for their bate of operations, apparently to their substantial profit Naturally, however, a large pro-' portion of th Industrie located In rural district are supported by the product of the farm. Rural Industry, besides giving th farmer a better local market betps him to get Improved roads and schools, and to bring electric power to bla farm. Tbe electrification of our farms drags. It seldom psys to build high tension line for only a few farms, but th problem I solved when the rural district contains power-using Industries. In addition. Industrial development In agricultural dlttricla boost farm land value, distributes tax burdens mor equitably, and Improve agricul tural credit facilities, Alto It favor ably Influence farming methods. W. M. Jardine, In the, Saturday Eve ning Post Small Home Require Tree and Shrubbery Tbe email home actually need planting mor than a large house set In broad acre, because a bouse loom larg on a small piece of ground. It needs trees, snd foundation shrubbery to link It naturally to tbe ground. Planting will reduce the apparent size of the bouse snd make It seem In bet ter proportion to tb site of tbe lot Any real estate man will agree that planting around a small home pay In cold cash. Trees and ehrubbery may add several hundred dollars to your bom If you should ever want to sell It They pay good dividends. Select shrubs, plants and tree that ar native to your state. Nature bas pent thousand of year adapting them to your soil and climate, o why elect a foreign plant wblcb haa a constitution as delicate an Incu bator baby. It ba to be carefully nursed to pull It through, while na tive shrub will thrive without much effort on your part Small-Tewa Plaaniag Larger cities of Missouri may need toning law and authority for city planning and torn of them hav found waya to acqulr the rights, but tbe smaller cities are In the best po sition to make Intelligent and effective nse of them. So the smaller communi ties should be vitally Interested tn and welcome th bill passed by th Mis souri house, permitting all cities ot tb state to adopt ordinance creating city planning and toning commissions, with authority to lay out permanent physi cal line. Under the proposed Isw, commissions would hsve their work of laying out and planning placed before city councils tor approval. St Loul Post-Dispatch. Highway Width Width ot the highway fur aafe and expedition movement of traffic la mor and mor concerning tbe road builder. Engineer of th United State bureau of public road are ot the opinion that a minimum of 20 feet should be maintained for a two-lane highway. It la held further that In built-up sections the roadway ahould l 86 feet wide at least, to permit parallel parking and SO feet where diagonal and right angle parking I allowed. Crouad (or Fruit Crowing The extent of ground required 1 about ten or twelve square rods for the different summer fruits, and an acre and a half or two acres for sll th other except the winter apples. Th early or summer apple might b placed In between th winter apple a Oilers, at these are lea permunent tree. Ditcoaraging Did you ever drop your work to do something for community benefit and bav the first bird you tackle tell you to come ignln, that he would like to take a little time to think It over? Wuldport (Ore.) Tribune. Spaad Monty la Horn Tewa Communities are hot built on the money that la earned within the bor der and then tpent with peddler or sent to th mail-order house In tome distant city. Th Dulles (Ore.) Opti mist Wide Beautificatioe. Plaa Sullivan county (Ind.) clubwomen began a campaign of bcautlfirutlon In th planting of trees, evergreens and vlnea along th highway. As th season progresses flower will b planted In pluce (elected by them.