3&m 3mm VOLUME XVIII IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, June 21, 1929 NUMBER 3 Crop Conditions. Mr. II. E. Hor7mm has made several trips th ough the wheat ecliom recently and finds that condition! have been quite well reported by previous obssruers. A Mold here and there will hardly worth harvesting and occasion ly N field was found with thin pots that would be worth more for pasturage, Buthestatesthere will be good deal of vheat. lie estimated the yield on tome places at six bushels per acre and others nearly twenty bushels. He thinks the aversRe will run about midway between thest two flguers. The lode district wss vieited by a light rain Thursday of wi week and by a good tain Satur day followed by showers through out the us Sunday. Haying op errtiona on the Creek ranches have been held up by the rainr, Mil even the alfalfa farmurawho Grange News A good program has been arranged for Saturday night, June 22nd, at the Cecil Grange hall, Mr Sri e 1 1 of Arlington, a very pleasing speaker will address the gpange. Ulhtr numbers induce eadings and solo numbers, a playlet entitled "A Day, s Work", by aeven girls and piano selec tions. All who are eligible sl.ould btar Mr. SneH. Tiiose who have been invited bv a granger will be welcomed. A business meeting will follow the program. Morrow County Pomona Grange will met with the RheuCretk C.rtnuu as hnitt nn Saturday.! July Glh. Watch for a complete program in this paper. Local Happenings r Captain G. L. flail of McMin ville, who wns here lorn twff rr three yeers ago announces that He will hold religious services at Morgan, Sunday a. m., June 30, anlintho lone Baptist chnrch in the evening of the rame day. The Chptoin if accompanied by his two daughters, France and Ph) Ills and on Monday evening, July 1, in the Baptist church, the trio will present "An livening With 'Kile. " Johnnie Eubanks, who has been quite ill with aijendicltin, returned to his home this week apparently much improved. On Wednesday, however, he ruffr a change for the worse and was taken to Portland for treatment. The Americnn Legion Auilliary held their regular afternoon meeting lant Wednesday at the Lee Beck ner home. Those present Mesdames Gorier. Sprey, GHmel Mr. and Mrs, Dale Ray and; Carlton Swanson went 00 PortJ Uaude and Gladyh Brasbears mo land, Friday. He made ths trip tored to Hood Kiver to vicit with J down with E. Sink, who was r Mrs. Kay's son aid daughter in turning to his home after a visit law, Mr. and Mrs Billie BraBhers. j to his ranch in this vicinity. They had a very pleasant visit W. E. Bullard and family, left and while there, Mrs. Kay cross Sundry mortiisg on a ed the river to Lyle, Wah. and and pleasure trip to Poatland. visite.l in the home of her daugb , nurinff tn,ip Mi.. Thi Morgan News Mm. J. F.Mardestv Wheat Market Uncertain Traders are awaiting the rtjmcea wien me wneai men. , . Q ,,. , nu me iwo iiumuBm-B, wrB. oeca of the law. Scould the Inardi f)d Mrg L,euaen. Le,iciou Killing Noxious Weeds i1" ' B ' ' t'"! refreshment, were served and 11 report a very pieaeuni. auer S. "''I County Agent reidilhemarketi. UK si vreinain, Kivn movicc un codtrollins noxious weeds, the worst of whichare Canada thistle wild morning glory, and quark ras. He ssys to sprav th m at blossoming time with sodium chlorate, 01. e pound to gallon r water, or calcium chlorate, the sane proportions. With a thor ough apraping the plants willdie. expected to spring 0 more per bushel but it is not known what course up five cents 0 more per bushel."00" Bert Cork John Grimes and Lewis Pyle, who is a guest In the Grimes home, returded last week Clark & Linn J& frjm P' asadt fishing trip. Mrs. Albert Pettejs who, on June 10, underment a major op peration in a Hood Kiver hospital U making a satisfactory recovery Msny os our people motored to McKay lake, Sunday to wit the American the board will take, Carpenter Work, Painting. Pa per Hanging and Ceneral He pair Work lone, Oregon. 444444444444444444444444444444444 4444444 ness to witness 1, Legion regatta. 4: A Typewriter Sensation! The 1W iSciiiiiif'tloii Now on display! Come in and try it. Convenient terms. BULLARD'S PHARMACY lone Oregon TA 114 Mrs. lUlph Harris went to Portlanl, Fsieay. returning on j Sundsv, accompanied by Mr. liar t ris' who has been in a hospital T for the last three months taking trestments for rtomache trouble. Mr. Harris is much improved. The Masons and Eastern Stars had their annual strawberry feed Wednesday evenidg, June 19, in Masonic hall. Ernest lieiiker and mife made i 1 tiip to Portland on Thursday ol ; last week. They made the return 1 rip by way of lie Mount Hood loop roal andjslopped at Park dale for a vi-it wi'h Mrs. Maude 1 Uevins and Mr. and Mrs. George I lianel. Miriam Hale is spendirg part of her vacation with Frances 1 Jones on the Alfred Troedson auch. ter, Mrs.' Lester Goodrich. Miss Gladys Brashers remained in Hood Kiver. The reit of the par ty came home the first of the; week. Mrs. D. C. Brock, of Salem,' has been here visiting with her brother. Frank Lindsay, Ur sis ! ttr, Mrs. Crabiree, and other rel atives. Mrs. Brock was accompa' nied by a friend, Mrs. Alary: White. j Everette Hummel wis a gradu' at", June 10. from Pacific Acad it Newberg, Ore. He is a former1 lone pupil, having been in school her during the time that hi.M mother was employed us leather! t in our grade school. Mrs. Hum ntl hasno( been in school work J the past year, but next yar will' J tf&ch English in the Hillsborough ! chool. . ' " j Marquis Greenwalt hai receiv- d his eight grade dif l ma and jlans on entering high school .eztfall. (v. !t Kil ie Breshears and Mig loro ? wed t )iiigcame as a surpii e tore a 'ivea and friends here. Mr. B a 4 'lirrsiaan lone boy. He is ntA e iriving a truck for Fred Kay tit f lood Kiver. ' U pent the wetk end fishing in Crooked Kiver. M si Ailela Ferrers as one t f 1 c'as of 200 to graduate, June 14, fnm Washington hiith 8'.,h!Ol Pcrllai.d. M ss F'urrms is a Icr ntr student if lone rchonl, lav ng completed her first thne years of high school work here. Mrs, Helen Karrens ma Forbes has charge of thetliug store. Mr. Radcliff, of Ccseburg, was in Morgan last Wednesday. Be came to bring up a lord of straw business berrit and apples from Hood Kiver and to see about a job of wheal hauling for this year. He hauled wheat here last year. hv Muriihv. of Hood Hivnr 4 narried last mcnir. Th i- 4 4 4 vmit to Cortland to attend the gradui rion of her daughter, Ark'ta. M'ss Fein Engclman a!fo went to i n u.i: j i . u. uii5ikt, "truier in liar 't.c city to witness the gramistion -x citesof Washington High. I Continued onpagt 4. 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444S S444444444 DON'T CALL us On the 'phone to say that you are planning a party for tomorrow night ane will probably need more electricity than you usu ally consume. You may take it for granted that our generating piants will produce enough light and power , for all your demands. Electricity can help in many ways to make your party a success. Lights are essential, of course. Electric cook ing appliances can simplify the prep aration of food and allow the hostess to remain with her guests. The electrical refrigerator provides j ice cubes and makes it easier to keep salads and desserts fresh until they are served. Routine tasks in the home are simplified by enlisting the aid of electricity. Pacific Power and Light Co. :4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 nbmv l ne lhejIxuvj vv o BROADCAST At Your Home! Mon. K. C. W. Portland 7:00 7:30 Wed., K. N. X Los Angeles 7:30 8:00 Wed.,K. O. M. O-Seattle 8:30 : 9:00 Ihur., K. F. K. C. Filsco. 7:20 8:00 Thur., K. L. Z. Denver. 6:00 6:30 Frl., K. II. Q., Spokane 9:00 9:30 WW jKlffi . r"Vs'M"rrv' J v!::LLa:3l.KfU ?)-?fjTiireflm W The baseball llkailcilti SM a Speed CALL and get descriptive literature and see machine work. BRISTOW & JOHNSON game between 4 iter Supply Co. extras to fit 44444444444444444444444444444444444444e Ho t and Harris harvester. ! 44444444444444444444444444444S4444444444444444 11 A. Lindekin and family . J made a business trip to LhGamle J Wednesday of last wetk. return- i ing Thursday. Mr. Lindfkin re- J ports that crtips are la'e in that i part of the country, viiin the heat just heading, j A. A. McCabe and Grot go Ely j Peterson Brothers ha. I a car of I mixed atock on the Portland mir et, Moncay. Clarence Linn, who has been woiking some time at V'erntnia jcame tnursday for sviHtwiih I his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Linn. Elward Keller who has bet-n a stulnt t Whiisn Coi'pue for tlio p-sl )ar b..reJ Lj.ne, HOLT HARVESTER REPAIRS Thursday. This fall he plana on ( me and Arlington on the home : entering Still College of Oteop g-ou'id was played in the rain, thy at Kirlsville, Mo. He will ac The score was 5 to 0 in favor of jcempony his brother. James, who ffi?T feT? jTTwTl fiHfTr rT? sSjfe ' has already had one year at Still "5Col!e(e. Hazel Feldmnn, who is a Btud- i I have received a large stock of gen- 4 I uine HOLT repairs and can supply most any wearing parts. Get your or- ! ders in early and rvoid belay when the Id 4 i l R. ROBISON ,444444444444 4 . A COMPLETE U O LINE of Bosch 6i Dixie MAGNETO PARTS Carried in Stock. 444444444444444 j ent at Oregon State College, and her sister, Katherine, who is student at the State University of Oregon, ret ir red hrmf 'nst 4 week to spend the summer vaca- t tion with their parents. On June 30th, the Sunday School will hold a picnic at some place yet to be selected. J. E. Swanson INSURANCE BERT MASON IONE, OREGON I m MACHINE SHOP ' 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444l 44444444444444444444444444444444444