TEE 10NE INDEPENDENT Publiehed Every Friday by W. W. Head. Editor Publuher. SUBSCRIPTION On Year SixMonfhi Three Monthi . ..$1.50 ...0.75 ...0..M) Seery Devil The AfrU'HK M the Oitliiett coaal Mleve In imrtlonlnrly htiloiiut devil P.tl.otly Waltiai Mm. Nfxtlore Isn't your hiisbnntl I. Ins anything to cure III doiifness? Mix Niijher Nit tuw, but he will i aoon your diiitKliler hn finished hi-r singing lessoni. rmhllnder. 4 t'ljwl'iiiif. from AVi'f J. I Mrs. Rex Fish, of Pasco. Wn. I here visiting ktthe home o' I her aunt, Mrs. Alice McNabb. Fial ia accompanied by Entered m second Class metier at the poetcdu-e al lone, Oregon, under act of March 3, 1879. Irlday,Jun! 14.1929. Morgan Items Harvey and Irvin Medlock were t aulwg straw fiom the N. Pettj j J MORROW COUNTY CREAMERY CO. Pays Top Market Price for Your CREAM. spending the winUr in Pendle- nil Hint If the ilevll aH' himself lii, u,u. ,.u n,u;r u &,.. u huu luti. mill, mill ,-in l Iffl'n ,. , . - a mirror ha tmmeUlatrti ruus awai ml. , Mr l,.rrw or nit n ugnm-. .... . . MoMuKK'a nxnLnii UlllU reiU'iua lubt. etK nom Mi as -"-- '"i ville, Missouri, where he was a J Jewell, also of Pasco, student at Still College. He n ade Mrs. Hannah Ahalt went to me tr.p home by auto; comn,R T0DUenj8h. Mon lav. She made with a fr.e.d whose home ia in the trip wlUi her son. Cecil Ahalt fci.Sink.of Portland, is here!who w" P""!" through town, toj look, I, alter his farming inter,00 hl" to Toppenlah. qut 1 Leave cream at any store in town i haul j .hn place, last Wednesday. i. Mm i. Nnprrv inn j. Mrsj P. Louy were calling injl anrJ we rsAc UD MondaVS aild FndaVS. 1 IT ' J. Morgan, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Rsy and Miss Bi-eshears called on Mr?. Mahoney last week. Messrs Seely and Ball are help ing Mr. Harbison this week in' it Check for each can. jj Agent lor De bird Si-p'rators. the warehouse. Monday, Mr. Glenn Ball visited his brother and family, who ar living on the Gus Leibl ranch ou Eight Mile. Alfred Troecfon and famil) re turned from a trip into Was-hing ton, last Tuesday. Mr. Timms and Mr. and Mr. Werner Keitmanr, called at the Willow Creek Poultry Farm, last Wednesday, for chicks. Thursday night. They repoit hav ing a pleasant trip and ever thing looking fine. The bridge gang under Mr. j dough fa repairing the bridge near Morgan this week. , Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Ely and Mr. and Mrs. Frank. in Ely motor d to Pendleton Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. Davis, ac ompa' nied by their daughter and grand j aon. spent the weekend with K. L. Eckleberry and family. i Charley Christopherson and wife, accompanied by the Stanley Seeleys, motored to Arlington, Sunday afternoon. While there they visited in the home of the'J t Harry Seely s. B. F. Clou9e motored to The Dalles and spent Sunday at his home there. j Beulah and Geneva Pettyjohn attended the Chautauqua in Hepp ner, Monday. Miss Gladys Medltck vent to Heppner on the stage, Saturday afternoon. Mrs Pat Medlock and daughtet Mary spent Sunday with Mrs. James Hardesty. Bill Thomas spent Saturds) afternoon, visiting at the Johr Nash home. Herschel Townsend, Howard Hardesty, Pat. Harvey and lrvin f Medlock. attended the ball game at Dry Fork, Sunday. Morgan won by a score of 7 to 6. Ml" Mildred Smith is apendln r this week with her aunt In The Dalles. Miss Eva Stanjp.of Lo glew, Wash., la here to spend the sum mer with Mrs. I. It. KobUon. Davahter's ledleaetlea Nollilnu Hiiiihfa iliiiiulitt'f 1'iore In dlgnnni (linn (iiihws nol living aiiia to make mimry emnti'li MMilher il in ahp linen -t'lm liil'Mll Kn- g inter " v(ciihii, quirer, ets. He owns the farm where J. 1 It. Wagi.er lives. Raymond and Charles Lundell, and Erling Thompaen are lone i W: C Cox, Mgr. ittti4t. jooyswhoare in attendance at the two weeks course in club work given at CurvaHis. The) went down on Sunday, being ac companies by C. W. Smith, tht county agent. Lewis 1'jle, State Highway Engineer ol La Pine, is here lot couple of weeks visit witti hia mother, Mrs. G' im?s. PROFESSIONAL KIKTCST R? A ED 171 PBffiM bound Ta TO DFNVF.K .....ICT.10 OMAHA. T.l KANSAS CITY T4.ll F.T. LOLI .. M.tt tHICA.0 .. t f I DETBOir toe.ts CINCINNATI ... lot.Tl NIW OBLEANS.. KM. I CI.EVr.LAND IIS.IT TOBONTO 1!! 1 ATLANTA IM.te MTTSBLBCH . 121 17 WASHINGTON . Itf.lT rHILADKl THIA 14. NEW VOHH. 111.01 BOSTON. .7.07 EmcTtvi ma aa to sept RITtmM UMIT OCT. t, SfSf Raducad (arat all parte ol aatt; UbwaJ itop eart. Fina tnuon aaodara aquipeaanl aplaadid earricai acanic rauta. Soart aid tripe enable you to vieil ZION NATIONAL FABK OK AND CANTON NATIONAL fABK EHTCI CANTON NATIONAL PABK TELLOWBTONE NATIONAL PARK HOCKT MOUNTAIN NAT"L PAJLK Inf raaatlej aad BaakJata aa raajsaat CARDS DDanca wmm J. W. HOWIl, Ag't. f,i IONE OREGON. V y SWIFT & COMPANY HAVE OPENED A Produce Buying Station I" IONE X See us for Prices ! On l POULTRY (& CREAM I Peterson Brothers H. 0. Ely is repairing his cat at the Baurenfeirid garage. James Hardesty and son re turned from Glide. On gun, bav ing had a plecsant visit with friends and a nice trip. i i Local H?penings Continued I cm Pg, 1. Caleton Swan.)n s ncmr ny from a tonsil operation. The wot k wan done in Hood River, Satur day and Mr. Swanson came homt Sanday. E J. Bristow and family were weekend visitors in Walia Walla. lone played bi9eball at Hepp ner, Sunday. The score wus 2 to one in favorof Heppner. Mont McMurray of Wilms, Washington, visited the fit ut ol the week with h a mother, Mrs. Emily McMurray. He wasaccom prnied by two of his daughters. Matjorie and Geneva. He was en route to Vancouver, Washington to get another daughter, Mapiil, who is in school there. Gene Eigelman U in Portland this week. He went to attend the Rose Festival. Mr. and Mrr. Ed Keller moved last week Into their house on First Street. T ey have been Dont forget we're in the market this? season. It will pay you to drop in at the Farmers' Elevator land see Cole Smith as he is buying fori J. C. Sanford & Son 4vr STRAUSS & CO. Grain Dealers, of Portland, Oregon Will Be Represented this Season by W. M. Eubanks It will pay you to see him before you f sell your wheat. i JACK FERRIS : Dermatician : It pays to look well. "Specialist in Bobs" C. L S WEEK ATTORNEY AT LAW. First National Bank BUtf Heppner, Oregon When You Visit Heppner Eat At The "Elkhorn Restaurant" Good Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter A.D. McMURDO, ED. Physician And Surgeon Office In Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner, Oregon A. H. JOHNSTON Physician & Surgeon Before contracting or selling your wheat it Will pay you to see L. Balsiger representing B. G. and Co. lone, Oregon. - IONE CASH MARKET Quality Real Estate The place to get your meat Good Service Reasonable Prices We want your fat cattle and hogs Insurance PETERSON BROS. . fcriCNE BLACKSMITH SHOF'Ti We are prepared to take care of your shafting requirements by the installation of an electric key way machine and a stock of shafting In a wide range of sizes. We also have a list of second hand combines for sale. Agency for the Harris Manufacturing Companies new combines. xj& J. P. O Meara, Proprietor n I'lKine Office Kpattli-nre Main U.XI Mnlo 4M'J Heppner Oregon F. II- ROBINSON Attorney & Counselor At Law III rracllce In All The Court IONE OREGON f 8 ? 8 I ! 8 I ? 9 i Dr.J.A.McCrady Dentist X Ray DIAGNOSIS Office; Odd Fellows Bld'g. Heppner Oregon J.O. PETERSON" EXPERT WATCHMAKER AND . JEWELRY REPAIRER Heppner, Oregon. Dr. J. Arthur Craig DENTIST Phone M 1012 Cax Apt. Blag. Heppner, Ore. Evenings anil Sunav.by appointment. lone Independent JOB PRINT ajaiaaasaaMSBlWaBaBMaWaWakaa See Balsiger For Insurance n ; wiitMunmnimmxmmtm Hotel lone cater to the patronage of those who wish first class accommodations. George Ritchie, Prop. I BUY YOUR WOOD AND COAL FROM COLE YOU ALWAYS FIND THE VERY BEST AT THE FARMERS ELEVATOR 8 a ! 8 1 4m4m4 Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR WLND MILLS. WINONA WAGONS. PAUL G. BALSIGER lone. Oregon tww w ww 4. t 4