The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, June 14, 1929, Image 3

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    aJl Tew
m Little
Our Pet Peeve
Whim Dr. Caldwall started to pra-HJc
mullein, bark in 1H7S, tha nrwla fur
luutlvt were not aa great u today,
j'eoiila lived normal lives, at plain,
wholMom food, and got plenty of f reah
air. Hut even that early tfier were
drutle pbyaloa and purge for the relief
of eonlltia which Dr. Caldwell did
Bnt bellov wra good fur human beings,
Tli prescription fur conatlpation that
ba uaed early In hii practlea, and which
ba put In drug atom In lHUi under tha
nam of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup l'epain,
la a lluuld vevetmbl remedy, intended
lor women, children and allcr!y people,
and they Read Just such a BiUiL aafa
buwel stimulant.
Thi prescription has It worth
nd It now the largest telling liquid
buatlrt. It haa Won tha conft.ienre of
people who needed It to jrH relief from
beadarlwe, blllouaruM, flatulence, Indl
aoatlon. loaa of appetite ant sleep, bad
(math, dysiepia, oulda, fevers. At your
druggist, or wrlta "Hyrup l'rjialn."
11. lilt. MootlotUo, Illinois, fur froe
( "Kalese" Mad valuable
Rubber Imprest are Investigating
new source of revenue, extraction of
oil frum rubber sels, which lout hava
been treated aa refuse on Muluynn
rubber estates. Net pniflti of 111
ton li eallmuted with market price
approximately f22 a Ion. Kstale la
borers tarn about three routs a day
collecting semi In apnra I Imp.
VyHEM damp davi, udder
changes in weather, or expo
tire to a draft makes jointa ache,
there it always quick relief in
Haver Aspirin. It makei ihort work
c( headaches or any little pain. Jut
ai effective in the more serious
suffering; froij.naura!(ria, neuritis,
rheumatism or hmtnago. No ache
or pain ii ever too dcep-ieated for
liayer Aspirin to relieve, and it does.
Dot affect the heart. All druggist,
with proven directions for various
uses which many people have found
invaluable in the relief of pain.
AJptrln to the tfU Kurt el Htm MarnifMture
4 M.ho ,iaasUlw W aetkrUfarH
Suppoaa There Were No Bide
MaM At tlm pictures tha oilier
Blclit we were almwn that In Morocco
wen bid for their wives. Jut think
of bring put on the auction block and
baying mm bid for you. It must be
terrible I
Mildred It mnat be; but Juet tup.
poie there were no bids I
ltni Poll Itlue goes further, make
clothes whiter than liquid Blue, l.srgi
package at Grocers. Adv.
"I hnve some lovely shoes for the
bnll. Hud them made to measure
for IX"
"You are extravagant I You could
have sot thorn ready made for ball
the money."
"Yes, but I should huve bad to pay
ready money for them,"
An egotist Is a man who points wltb
pride to himself.
Why He Succeeded
Honored politically and professionally,
during his lifetime, Dr. K. V. I'irrce,
whose picture ap
pears here, made
a succest few
have equalled Hi
pure herbal rente
dies which hare
stood tin test for
many years are
Still tmon( the
"best sellers." Dr.
Tierce's Golden
Medical Discov
ery is a stomach
alterative which
makes the blood richer, it clears the
skin, beautifies it ; pimples and eruptions
vanish quickly. This Discovery, or
"0 M D", of Dr. Pierce's puts you in
fine condition. All dealers have it in
liquid or tablets.
Send 10 centi for trial pkg . of tablet
to Dr. Pierce's Clink, Buffalo, N. Y.
and writ for free medical advice.
i - ...
j I'.,' f . x
vj ?
Turn I "
put w
(CnVH w R o )
xl C ICQt'S AlTCXSfiWf 0 XbO MOOl
( cjta i ToMaoQwooKvmuiBssccm-
' ; yHOvJ,vUiro- fVNliiljiiT
WvUT ro voo I rl"l!'A , WUQ
rsa wwirenkt j.jWr v (warsfti lis:
f'tms) tt ??L) llffl
unit JgA ffijba
Came the Dawn
Too Much Racket
The train drew up at a station and
there wus a long wult during which
ninny of the passengers got up and
craned their neck to tee what wus
happening. At last a man carrying a
heavy box cllnitxd wearily aboard and
deposited the box on the rack.
A nervous old gentleman eyed the
huge package with evident distrust
"Do you think that box 1 safe
fhereT he demanded
"Oh, jim,' replied the man, cheer
fully, "If locked!"
She Met Marry an efficiency ex
pert) Never! He'd Insist on living
within our means.
Higher Mathematics
On and on make two. '
Out If on and on ahould marry
How I It In a year or two
There's two and on to rarryt
"Have you prepared any great
speeches f
"Yen," answered Senutor Sorghum.
1 have In readlnens some of the great
est demonstrations known to oratory."
"When will you deliver themT"
"I'm not sure. Not being a lobbyist
or a propogamliKt, I can't make relia
ble Brruiifcineiita to deliver them
promptly 'c a d.'" Washington Star
Either Way
Mrs. Smith had Inserted an adver
tlsement In the pajiers for a new
nursemaid and whs Interviewing the
first applicant. "And liat," said she,
"Is your attitude on corporal punish
ment!" The applicant thought for a while
and theu replied: "Generally. I take
'em across my knee, but I can smack
'em standing up If necessary"
tmproTiBg the Opportunity
The Tramp (at the buck door)
Lady, will you pleaxe give me a gliiM
of viutcr? I'm so hungry I don't really
know where to spend the night.
lie Whutiha say we gtt married)
She Cosh I Now I think of It, I do
need a rest. had.
Alphabetical Condensation
Poui letieia l.aunt ue on our way
Of aaiiiwlnn or aire;
thla UttM. one dnv. le null O. K.
The next It's all N. O.
Officer, Do Your Duty I
"How lucky we are that we have
air," remarked the thoughtful gent
who was out tilling his lungs with It
"Yes," replied his low brow com
paulon, "we couldn't have bulloon tires
without It."
Beautiful, but Dumb
She This pupet says that a new
star ol hitherto unheard of density has
been discovered,
lie Must he the one I saw Iuhi
night In the moving picture.
The Answer
She (discussing new neighbors) I
can't make them out They've got no
cur, no pianola, no wireless. She's
got no Jewelry, no furs
He They've probably got some
motley. Humorist.
Wife's Bad Habit
"My wife will never go to bed be
fore two o'clock In the morulng I
cun t break her of the habit."
"Whut doe she do all the timer
"Walt up for me." ' .
Makes Life
Too much to ent too rich a diet
or too much amoklng. Lot of things
cause sour stomach, but one thing can
correct It quickly. Phillips Milk of
Magnesia will alkallnlze the add.
Take a spoonful of this pleasant
preparation, and the system la soon
Phillip Is alway ready to relieve
distress from over-eating; to check all
acidity; or neutralize nicotine. Re
member this for jour own comfort;
for the sake of those around yon.
Endorsed by physicians, but they al
ways say Phillipt. Don't buy some
thing else and expect the same r
r. Milk .
of Magnesia
15-vcars saccMa In lrtlni d-.i
Colon troubles by the Dr C. i. Deasj
roii-si KL.1CAI. mrthue e
aMn to ttvt WRITTKN AS
fel KAME ol P1I.KS KUMS.
w too, lor KKf.e lis
Book acacnbnacMneaaad erne.
E'onrtaNTj r. att l i
Good Actios
Lady Paul Dykes, formerly Mrs,
Ogden Mills, saJd at a dinner la New
"Whether beauty Is an advantage
or a hindrance to the working woman,
I can't say. Certainly It draws a lot
of attention to her If she has It
"A doctor once telephoned for a
nurse to look sfter a very sick man.
The nurse arrived. She was a beau
tiful girl, and she seemed to under
stand her duties.
"The next morning the doctor said;
"'Well, nurse, how U our patient's
heart action today T
"'Doctor,' she answered, 'It's Just
wonderful. He's proposed to me four
times already.'
r f ,.
Ti " i7
'Tli l AT
. V - - .mf-il li
When your ;
Children Ciy
for It
Baby has little upsets at times. AL
your care cannot prevent them. But yon
can be prepared. Then you can do what
any experienced nurse would do what
most physicians would tell you to do
give a few drop of plain Castorln, Nc
sooner done than Baby Is soothed; re
lief Is just a nwtter of moment! Tel
you have eased your child without ast
of a single doubtful drug ; Castorla. I
vegetable. So It's safe to use as often
aa an Infant baa any little pain you
cannot pat away. And It's nhvays
endy for the cruder pangs of colic, or
onstlpntlon or diarrhea ; effective, too,
'or older children. Ttcenfy.ti' tstfhtoa
bottlei vert bought last year, i