The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, June 14, 1929, Image 1

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IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, June 14, 1929
Grange News
The Wlllowi Uranus member
and their guvata participated In
one of the moatnjoyable locial
vvenlnc of the ear, honoring
Fa. iMiitol :iai. Wieklander
and Mm. Wieklander, Saturda
A pleasing program prepared
by the Leetuter, consisting o
aetected quartet and aolonumbera
waa well received.
A mock wtddlng completed the
program. Earl Morgan aerved aa
mlnlstor, Mra. Heliker aa the
"bluihlng bride", Elmer Cool aa
groom, Elmer Peteoaon, belt man
and Mr. Kowell aa the bride's
father. With the aix brldeimalda
Crop Conditions.
J. K. Swannon la of the opin
ion that we will have a light
field oa wheat this year, owing
to a ahotage of moisture and to
fielda being foul with weeds.
The alfalfa nay harueet Is
atartlngthie week. Krebs Broe.
state that their flrat will be bet
ter this yesr than It was last.
The weather this week has
been quite favorable to the grow
Irg wheat; cool, with a lighl rain
Mrs Albert Petteys, who has
been quite ill, waa taken to Hcod
River. Saturdav and at la rerort
lamer, wun the aix Driaesmaida . .l T j 1 l
and ushers, flower girl aad ring- t4 hi " Mond" 'rn n ,he
bearer, the bridal party was com
Mrs. Pete Peterson presented
Mr. and Mrs. Wieklander with
a beautiful and unusually large
wedding cake. The granite pre-
underwent an operation for ap
pendicitis. During the time that
she will be away from her home,
three of her email children are
being csrd for by her sister.
Mrs. J. R. Wagner, and the
eented them with a covered cake youngest child Is with Mrs. Katie
Mr. Wieklander eipressed his
appreciation in a short addreis
of well chosen words.
Our next meeting will be held
on June 22nd. A good program is
in store for you wiln E. W. Snell
of Arlington aa apeaker for the
evening. Come out and hear Mr.
Six of our grangers are attend
ing State Grange now in session
at Myrtle Point.
Mrs. Ada Jolly, state pre Ident
of the W. C. T. U., spoke at tne
Christisn church, Sunday even;
j& Clark & Linn J&
Carpenter Work, Painting. Pa
per Hanging and Ceneral Re
pair Work
lone, Oregon.
A Typewriter Sensation
Now oa display! Come in and try it. Convenient terms.
lone - Oregon
PA 114
At Your Home!
Mon. K. C. W. Portland
7:00 7:30
Wed., K. N. X L01 Angeles
7:30 8:00
Wed.,K. O. M.O..Seattle
8:30 : 9:00
Thur., K. F. R. C. Filico.
7:20 8:00
Thur., K. L Z. Denver.
6:00 6:30
Frl., K. H. Q., Spokane
9:00 9:30
llkadoWi Sikd a Spml
CALL and get descriptive literature and see machine work.
Local Happenings
The annual meeting of the Jor
dan Elevator Company was call
ed for June 8, at the Rhea Creek
school house, but no business was
transacted as there was not
enough capital stock represented
Gordon Drapers for all kinds
f harvesting madhinery at P. G.
Bert Johnson,, Junior, is spend
ing the summer in Portland.
Francis Ely left Saturday night
for Salem. He will visit with rel
atives and make the moat of the
strawberry harvest.
Miss LlneaTroedson, a gradu
ate this month of Oregon State
College, has arrived to spend the
summer with the home folks.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rowell
are in attendance at the Advent
campmeeting now in session at
H. V. Smouse has boen remod
eling and enlarging his residence.
The work is nearly completed.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Peterson
motored up from Portland, Fri
day for a brief visit with Mr.
Peterson's mothnr. They were
accompanied by Mrs. Peterson's
mother, Mrs. Willis Fiaher.
Miaa Elva Balsiger, who is s
University of Oregon student, i
st home for the summer vacation.
Miaa Thelma Fortea and h.i
motl er returned to lone, Friday.
They have been sptnding the
winter in Corvallia, where Miss
I helms is a student in O. S.C.
Miss Forbes will hold her formei
position in Bullard's Pharmac)
Juring the summer.
Miaa Janet Carlson is another
a another atudent who returned
noma. Friday. Sbe also is a stuo
ent at O. S. C.
Mra. Lucy Harbison and Mrs.
Anno Blake represented Locust
Chapter. No. 119, O. E. S. at tht
jrand Chapter meeting in Port
land, this week.
Harlan McCurdyaold500lamts
to a firm in Seattle. Thelamts
ere weighei, Saturday, and av
eraged 771 pounds.
Mrs. Ruth Mason and her sen
Junior, depsrted, Fridsy, fm
ipukane. Wnen they return, they
wilt be accompanied by Don'
Mason, who is a atudent in Gon
taga University.
Keithly Blake and wife of
Klamath Falls, arrived in lone,
Mr, and Mra, Chas. Nord re
turned home, the last of the
week, from Walla Walla.
Theodore Thompsen,' a pupil in
Johnle Eubanki who has been!
very ill with appendicitis and
peritonitia is improving. He is in
Heppner for treutmeut and ia
the lone school, has received his being cared for at the Padberg
Mrs. John Louy returned on
Wednesday of last week from
Artoria where she bad a pleasant
visit with her brother, Vant Carl
whom she had not een for 16
Morgan News
Mm. J. F. Haughty
For Sale
Roosters, 8 and 10 weeks old t
30 and foiey cents each if taken
Willow Creek Poultry Farm.
Morgan Ore
Men to examine those fine suit
samples at Bristow & Johnson's
Bosch & Dixie
eight grade diploma. Thire was
some delay in getting it because
of an error in the records of a
former state exsmination.
Mrs. Harriet Brown, seventh
and eighth grade teacher, was
in lone, Friday, giving an exam
(nation to two boys who failed
in one study in the first eighth
grade examination. She also gave
State atventh g ale examination
to Fred Nelson, his first exami
nation papera having been lost.
Ted Troge and family have re
turned from their vacation spent
at Estacada and other valley
pointa. They were accompanied
oy Mr. Irvin Ritchie who has
osen a. atudent in the Estacada
high school, during the past year.
Hill Ahalt who assisted in the
shipment of Krebs Brothers' band
uf 4,400 sheeep to Montana, re
cently, has returned to get bis
car. He will motor back to Mon
csna that they may have the use
if the car at the aheep camp.
Je reports au abundance of feed !
and water for th sheep, good!
ithing and lots of wild game.
Mra. Havercott and children, j
if Khea Siding, visited here lett
veek with her father. W. E. !
Al-alt and other relativea. 1
The first of last week, while
forking 00 his faiher'a combine,!
Jlair Young, son F. A. Yonng,
iad the misfortune to have a f i
ng piece of steel lodge in his eye.
Je waa taken at once to a llepp
?r physician who advised him
.0 go to a specialist in Portland.
Ihia waa done and the young
nan ia alill in Portland receiving
.reatment. His fstherand mother
ire in the ci.y with him.
The annual meeting of the
armera' Elevator Company was
eld here on Monday afternoon,
tune 10.
Notice ot Annual
School Meeting.
0 the legal voted of School District
Vc. 35, of , Morrow Connty, Stute
it Oregon that the ANNUAL 1 1
SCHOOL MEETING of said Dis-! t
...:ll L .1.1 ... r C.L....I
1 hi vuiu it mm ui tunc xnuvi
H use to begin at the hour of 1:30
iclock P. M., on the third Monday
oj June, being the 17th day ot Junet j
D. 1929. j
This meeting is called for the
Purpose of electing one uhool direct-
irjor the term of three yeas, onrj
if10 1 clerk for the term of out year
ind the transaction of business usual
it such meeting,
Dated Mi 31st dar ot May, 1929.
Delta M. Corson
District Clerk j
Geo. W. Ritchie
Chainx.m B.wJ ofDlrsetort
Mra. James Hardettv took din
ner with Mrs. Seely and family,
Mrs. Elsie Shipley was calling
on Mrs. Stanley Seely, Thursday
C. C. Hutchcroft and famlh
returned from the "Valle
Continued on pogt 4.
because it
K offers Big Car
Qualities for only 745
The New Pontiac Big Six ia a sweeping
success an even more pronounced sue
reus than its famous predecessors. And
it owes its success largely to the fact that
it offers big car qualities at low prices.
Oakland produced this car to enable pro
gressive people to step up in motor car
quality without leaving the low-priced
field. And the very people for whom it
was created have made it an impressive
sales success.
tontime Big Sis, $?4S to f W,.o. 6. Fontlmc, Michigan, plut
drlivrry chmrrm. Dumprrt, tor ing corara mnd Lovmjoy thork
mbmorbri rr fitter rquipmen I mt tlight nlracHl. CeneraJ
, v Motor Tim Fmymrnt Plan mrmilabU ml minimum rate.
Conaidc the iMherrd price i writ mm tha Uat pric wbea
comparing automobile aJun . . . OaMand-PontUc VUt
mi frirmrn Include illy raaaunalile charge tow handling
and for financing arben the Time Payment Plan I awed.
O l. R. Robison, Garage
i Carried jn Stock.
n-.omcT or cemchal motors
All Ceneral Fuud Warranus of
borrow County, Oregon, regisUr
id on or before the present date,
vjl be paid on presentation at the
iffice of the County treasurer on
r after June 15, 1929, ay which
late interest on said warrants will
Dated at Heppner, Oregon,
Leon W. Brhjjjs, Co. T.c-s.
I have rsceived a large stock of gen
uine HOLT repairs and can supply
most any wearing parts. Get your or-
ders in early and rvoid belay when the
P. G. BalsiKer, dsaler in Har
vaUer SuppW Co. extraa to fit
dolt and Harris harvesters.
Wheatland League
J. E. Swanson