The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, June 07, 1929, Image 2

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: The Lead Dog :
W. N. U. Servian
Up tlit wild waters of the un
known Yellow-La-, on a winter'e
hunt, Journey Brock McCain and
Gaapard Lecrolx, hie French-Cree
comrade, with Flaah, Brock'a
puppy and thalr dog team. After
several battlaa with tha atormy
watera thay arrlva at a fork In
tha Tallow-Lag. Brock la aevere
ly Injured In making a portaga
and Flaah leada Oaapard to tha
unconicloua youth. Gaspard talla
Brock of hla determination to
And out who killed hla father.
Tracka ara discovered endjhe two
boya aaparata tor acoutlng pur
poaee. Brock la Jumped by two
Indiana and a white man and
knocked unconacloua. He la held
prlaoner. Gaapard reacuea him
while hla capture aleep. Gaapard
bellevea theae men killed bia fa
ther and la prevented from kill
ing them by Brock. While out
alone Gaapard la ahot from am
buab by an Indian and he 11 1 m hie
would-be-alayer. While out on
bla trap llnea Brock la caught In
heavy anow storm. Gaapard
finda him and tha two atari out
on Brock'a trap Una. They kill
enough deer and caribou to sup
ply them with meat until aprlng.
They Snd an Indian who had
been atalklng them caught In a
trap, dead. On him waa knlfa
that belonged to Gaapard'a fa
ther. CHAPTER X Continued
Then Gaspard unfolded bla plan. '"1
t'lnk eet ovalr last night. Brock. We
find good place to bide een de back
countree and trap bard out II de crust
eei bard een March deo joo tut' de
fur tod t'ee ov de dog and itart for
riunjree House. Wld Yellow-Eye, I so
cord. Eef I ccme back I go bo me
een de canoe.
Tbe Ice-blue eyet of Brock opened
In amazement then flamed wltb an
ger. "Whatr be exploded, choking wltb
the enutlont aroused by (be tuggea
tion of bit partner thai be take the
valuable fur pack and return lately
to the Starving while Gaapard (ought
lure death In the north. "You mean
that? Too think I'd leave joa to get
yourself (hot by that gang, while 1
took jour fur and headed borne? What
dy think I ami"
Gaspard did not meet the mapping
eyet of bla friend, at be replied:
"I tole four fader I tak' care of
you. Brock bring yoo home tufa, I
tout' keep de word wld beem"
That i all right, but we're partners
lot weJ Does aura enough partner
end bli friend off on the long chance
and run borne wltb bli dogs and the
GasparC opened his arms tn nrotest.
"Ion bav fum'lee moder, fader. I
nave onlea brodder, and be eet safe
wld my oncle. Las night I bear my
fader call Somew'ere bees bone lie
onburled. On de March crust 1 go fin
out bow be die." The deep set eyes ol
tbe speaker were mist; wltb tear as
he looked pleadingly .t bis friend.
"And 1 go wltb yon," stormed the
white bty. We're goln' north and
we're comln back I Yon understand t
both of us I I'm not read; to die, by
whole Vt, and I won't let yno throw
yourself away I I'm goln' wltb you to
ee you get back!"
Gaspard smiled helplessly as Brock
voiced the law of bis loyalty To at
tempt tk dissuade the strung-willed
Scotch lad was as futile as to try to
turn lack tbe roaring Tellow-Lcg vrlth
Uie band.
"Ton are de good partner, Brock ;
but wh) bunt fur, If we hot' go nnrd
and leave eet to de carcujour But
Gaspard did not argue ll further.
The young trappers were confident
that tbe mysterious disappearance of
three of their men hd already struck
fear to the hearts of the Trees who
were trapping north of l!lg Yellow
Leg lake. The names of "Black Jnrk"
Desaullcs and Etlenne Lerroli were
threats to conjure with had worked
their magic or the snow south
of the lake already wi uld have been
marked by the webbed footprints jf
more th o the two solliury scnum
who bad gone south, never to return
Still, the day was coining when the
red bearded leader uf the free traders
would come south to fake his payment
for the loss of his men. In the mean
time, the boys never fur an Instunt
relnxed their vigilance.
In Klwedln, January, wltb Its
withering winds and frequent bill
turds. It a hard month on trappen
f'eve snow tills the beaten sled trail
end buries the traps and halt The
fur bearert are less on the move,
and rahhlt and wood mouse lie close
until hunger drlvet them forth. But
March was to be t busy month for
J5rork and Gnapord. when they would
lift their trnps, cache fur tnd outfit,
nnd start on 'heir dangerous patrol
Into the country to the north Ho.
twice t wwk. throughout the hitter
est dnyt of tha "Moon of the Big
Winds" the boyt mnde the roundt of
their fur packs. By December, they
had trapped enough fur to wipe out
tha "debt" allowed them by Angus
McCain In August. But although Gut
pnrd worked hard and succesMfully
At hit trapping, he took little Interest
In Brock's ontlclpntlon of their return
to Hungry Douse In the spring and
the wonder their rich fur pack would
nroutie. He was patiently walling for
the frees' "Moon of the Crust on the
Snow," when the dugs could draw
provisions for three weeks, cross coun
Publithinf Co.
try, over the wind-packed and Ice
hard "going," In bla heart but one
hope, oue desire the longing to learn
bis futher't fate.
Early In February, sudden change
In the weather to a tuccesslon of still,
"poudre" dnyt, at tbe old French toy
ageurt nill dnyt when tbe air, shot
with minute crystal! of froxen mois
ture, It alive with pin-point crystalt of
light, drove the restlesa Gaspard to
"Good wedder to travel P ha said
one morning. "I t'lnk I make a swing
back nord and look for tlgn."
"All right, partner," agreed Brock.
"I'm wltb you- This' air makes my
toes Itch to move."
"Von bettulr atay," protested the
balfbreed, "I go ver" fast"
"No, I'm going wltb you to take care
of yon. You're too reckless," Insisted
the white boy. And to It wot finally
arranged. .
Leaving Silt-Ear and Eona loose,
and securely wiring Yellow-Eye and
Flash, to prevent the fight wblcb would
surely follow tbe absence of tbe mas
ten, tbe boyt gave the dogs a gorge
of cariboo and atarted to circle the
upper end of tha lake, each carrying
In bit pack provisions for three dnys
and a rabbit tkln blanket. At they
traveled In tingle file over the pow
dery new mow of the last fall, Orel
one, then the other took the lead, for
the shoes of the first man tank Incite
The Keen Air, Sweet With the Ting
of Spruce and Fir, Cedar and Jack
pins, Spurred tha Blood In the Veins
of the Travelera,
Into the dry onderfootlng at yet on
settled, end unpacked by tha wind.
The keen air, tweet with the tang ol
spruce and fir, cedar and Jack-pine,
spurred the blood In tbe velris of tbe
travelers Ilka a ton I a Picks, cised
rifles, snd axes on backs, with a tide
twlng of their Ioom arms, through
the glorious winter morning tbe two
boyt put behind them tha white miles
of their circle through tbe country
to the north of the lake.
"Which way do we bead, tomor
row?" asked Brock, when be bad cut
a huge pile of birch for the night fire.
"Nurd, we go to de headwater ol
de Carcajou."
"But wt- dont know how far the
lakes are I" demurred Brook, "and
we've got only two days' more grub."
The hulfbreed smiled grimly at the
busky boy, who dreaded an empty
stomach. "We strike Carcajou watei
today, mebhe, den wa circle one da;
east and den back tout' to de Ink'
We on lee starve d las day I" chuck
led CuHpnrd at Brock'a frost burned
fuce pictured bis dislike of a supper
less camp on the fourth day of tbe
Daylight found the tcoutt headed
for i low ridge which lifted from the
flat voimlr In which they bad camped
At they reached the wind hammered,
dwarf spruce on tbe thouider of the
hill and stood In an opening offering
a view Into the white north, Brock
gasped In surprise : "By the great
horned owl, there the 111 This must
he the divide I"
Gaspard turned with t nod. "Cu
enjou wuter, for sure. Dlt eet de dl
elde," he nld. "Kef we follow de out
let down stream, we walk Intodecomi
of M'slen' lledhenrd ehT
Glast Windowi Found
in Old Roman Housei
Glaus windows are not the relaihelj
modern things they are commonly re
puted to be. According to Dr. M
Blaschke, a German ceramic chemist
they were In use In ancient Koine
Most of the panel did not exceed Vi
by 10 inchet in size, though a fc
larger ones have been found. Glass
making, known for ninny centuries Is
Egypt, came to Koine relatively lute.
During the time of Cicero, who died
In 43 B, C, glims objects of uny kind
were rarities, nnd gloss windows weri
unknown. A hundred years Inter most
households owned tome, and by the
time His empire was well eatnlillniind
glass was fairly common. The fani'iiit
moaaict or me inter empire, notnlilj
at Kuvenua and Constantinople, wm
made largely out of bits of glass.
ASCUOOL nurse recently vIsKed
a home to report defective vision
In one of the younger members of the
family. Records had indicated that
average acuteness was noticeably lack
ing in this particular scholar, while
to all appearances the intelligence of
the child was normal.
'Xou tee." tald the nurse, "the medi
cal Inspector came around today and
discovered that Itobert needed glasses.
No wonder he has appeared dull I
The point of this story Is not to
demonstrate the Intelligent core that
It being given to conserve child life
and develop It to itt highest itate
of mental and physical elllclency, but
to emphasize the vital part that the
eyet play In both the young and old.
At a matter of fact, botb parents
of thlt youngster were chronic bead
acbe sufferers because they needed
glasses: and didn't have them. But
after the nurses' story they developed
t ausplcion of this fact and straight
way went to a store and purchased
glasses for themselves 1
Of all the foolish things man Is
likely to perpetrate upon himself to
tamper with that marvelously delicate
mechanism which registers objects foi
tbe brain li about the worst. Tel
thousands of Ignorant "smart" per
tons will go to a counter, try on
glasses until they get a pair that "Qt
their eyes" and march away eluted
over the dollar spent and the ten
dollars saved 1
It It difficult to understand the co
lossul conceit which prompts an other
wise Intelligent person to "pick out'
hit own glasses an act which calif
for most expert examination and ex
And the mall order business li Jim
at bad. Uowever, urged by the high
powered itatementt of expert idver
tlsement writers, there are many
especially those of the more re mot i
or rural regions, who answer a quet
tlonnalre tnd obtain a "perfect cor
rectloo In beautiful gold frames." Tht
fuct that the eyet are likely tn tuffei
vitally as a consequence Is quite be
aide the point.
Just remember this: Tour eyet are
your best friends. It li no fun to wcai
glassct and If yon do not hart t(
do to consider yourself fortunate. But
find out about thlt matter and obtain
your Information only from an oca
list or registered optometrist It U
quite beyond your own Intelligence.
A final warning: If you ire lUfTer
big from an affection of the eye then
proceed quickly to an oculist only. He
alone It tbe person qualified to idvlae
you, and when necessnry, to tumpei
wltb this most useful member of youi
anatomy. Keep an eye on your eyes '
ll T OVE thy neighbor at thyself," Is
a- a familiar inniirai injunction
But even so. It hat Itt qualification
And tha quarantine tlgn la one ol
There appears to be a popular no
tion that for those on the "inside look
Ing out," quarantine It a mandator)
tort of thing, hut that for those on the
"outside looking tn," It meant little oi
Overtotlcttous about the welfare ol
a tick neighbor or a neighbor' tick
children, people will deliberately dlt
obey the order plainly set forth on the
tlgn and go visiting by the way of
the back door. Thus, under a mis
guided Idea of friendship, they will
violate a rule which for their good
and that of others should never be
One hat to be commended tor the
display of solicitude for friends and
acquaintances, but If It takes the form
of Invadlnj a home that Is guarded by
a quarantine sign It It carrying the
thing a hit too fur. It must he under
stood that neither fancy nor whim
bad anything to do with Its place
menL Based upon the absolute knowl
edge that health officials possess. It la
put op for the protection of the public.
It plainly says, "Hlny out I" And that
meant everyone except the physician
and persons In attendance upon (lie
ense. Others are trespassers, tnd
criminal ones at that!
Tho germs of the communicable dis
eases aro not to he tampered with.
While Invisible to the naked eye, they
nevertheless possess tha power to
hang on to you, Infect you, or by using
you at a carrier. Infect others.
Just a few dnys ago there was a
back door Infraction of a scarlet fever
quarantine. "Not bit afraid," re
marked the kind neighbor lady who
wat reluctantly admitted tn tho home.
She wnt not prosecuted, convicted and
fined fo her Indiscretion, hut she paid
t penalty nevertheleat. Scarlet fever
attacked her In five days later and In
two weeks she wat dead.
Therefore, the next time you tee I
quarantine sign on a friend's house,
use the telephone for your Inquiries
and solicitations. Don't stick your
hend Into the lion's mouth. It might
bite 1
(OB. KM. Wtatern Newepeper Union.)
? Advice
A -man It hopelessly egotistic who
won't listen to advice hut he ll
worse than that if he tnkei advice
without giving It a great deal of
thought and turning II over many
timet In his mind.
r0CT0RS quit approve, the
quick comfort of Bayer Aspi
rin. These perfectly harmless tab
lets ease an aching; head without
penalty. Their increasing use year
after year is proof that they do help
and can't harm, Take them for any
ache; to avoid the pain peculiar to
women; many have found them
marvelous at such times. The
proven directions with every pack
age of Bayer Aspirin teli how to
treat colds, tore throat, neuralgia,
neuritis, etc All druggists.
dtolrta H Itw tmdt mt tt IUm Mavnttfwtvt
of M i laTirifTl tff t J tt w of Whtfrlty"rJ
All In
Intatttnal pobona ara aapptac
you enerax eteattna- rou
making too III. Take
-HATVUt SuatUT-th
eafa, dependable, wuble
tauaUn. Keepe too f eeUnc
tiihb Cetatteboa. (
For Sale at AU Drugg lata
Rubber Airplaoee Now
The ueu est -structural material for
ivlutlon construction Is a novel "turn
xt" made by pressing together two
theeti of hard rubber with an tuner
ayer of sponge rubber between. Al--eady
the substance hat been used to
mild inotorbonts, and now It has en
ered the airplane field at well. Pop
ilur Science Monthly. '
Doabting the Majority
"Do you believe tn tbe rule of the
"Sometimes," aald Mr. Chuggtni,
'but not when my wife and two duugh
era combine to drive thlt old flivver
'rora tha back seat"
He who can take advice It some
Imet superior to him who can give
L Von Knebvl.
"They all Say. .
its .the - smartest car at the club"
THE entire line
of new Superi
or Whippet Fours
and Sixes is distin
guished by such
beauty of design
as have never before
been associated with
inexpensive cars.
And Whippet is a
big car, too, with
plenty of room foryou
to lean back, stretch
out your legs and relax in absolute comfort.
Mechanically, no other low-priced car has
so many important advantages.
f WfomsJ 1
Small "Republic" Bowi
to March of Progress
A Uttlo French district near the
Swiss border culls Itself the "Republic
of Siutget," claiming that Its freedom
dates from feudal timet.
There ara only nhout (UK) Inhabi
tants of this "republic," but they have
a language ull their own a language
that It at foreign to their trench
neighbors nt to Americans. The peo
ple of the three- small villages form
ing the "republic" call the people
around them "French" at If speaking
of foreigners.
But a concession has at lust been
made to progress. Haiigut, Ilka her
neighbor Swltstulund, llket to have
tourists. Ucrvtofore the villagers have
been accustomed to treat theae visi
tor! to the tinging of the Sauget na
tional air, hut deciding that tt would
be more courteous to ting In an under
standable language they have hud the
song translated Into French. Of course
all the Baugetlniis know French, for
that It the only language taught tn
their schools. l'athflnder Magailtie.
Flfhl Flu Wltb Fog
Flu suffereri may now walk Into a
I'tmllco (Loudon) clinic and for a few
pence leave the building, quite re
covered. A "sprinkler" li the latest reme
dial device. It generate! a "fog," a
pleasant, fragrant, smoke-cloud which
Is tald to be anything but pleasant
to Influent germs.
Twenty-five "tnlffers" can be treat
ed at one tilting In the "fog" cham
ber, but If you want to mill In pri
vate you can have a cubicle ill to
yourself for two shillings or half a
crown. Pine scents are sprayed Into
the room to muke tbe "fog" extra
Kverybody on the stuff of the clinic
doctors, uursea, and clerical isstst
ants sniff the "fog" two or three
times a week to keep the enemy at
Use Kuss Ball Blue In your laundry.
Tiny rust spots mny come from Infe
rior Bluing, Ask Grocers. Adv.
Adopta Amarlcaa Ida
The minister of health qf Auatralla
proposes to call a conference of life
Insurance companlet and employer! of
labor to discuss a plan for the estab
lishment of free dental clinics by em
ployer! along tha lines of those of
lurge companlet In America.
Easy to Rale
One thing that Is always easy to
raise In a hack yard garden ll per
spiration. Louisville Timely
Not Sa Baa at That
"I've lost uiy spectacles. Shall I
have to be examined all over agalnF
"Oh, no, dear. Only your eyes."
The time made by the losing horse
Isn't money to tha owner.
i i . . '
M 1 .0 BfcW
r ; ie. t i ai' aii n : i i i ei i u-nr
Relies Upon Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetabfa Compound
Itankln, Illinois. "I took Lydla n.
rinkhuu'a Vegntahla Cointmund as
tonlo before and af
ter toy Drat child
wat born tic yara
ago. Then when
my aooond child
came end X folt
weak and) run
down, I took H
again. I am atlll
taking Jt and I am
toellug better. My
mother used it for
herself whan I waa
small and alwaye
got good results. She still takse It I
do all kinds of heavy work, Including
my housework and I also help In tha
field. I recommend tha Vegetable Com
round and will gladly do ae at any
time. I ara willing to answer any lets
Sera asking about this Medicine." Mas,
t, . .... tlA..lA a ll.t.bln 111 '
van, vunuinvi iwuit .'", -
I SO$ ml earulaa.
W U7 Writ.
ta for eirealar.
i Vn Wak-voSKi
W w Bank rW.
Food Product
IIS N. 4th St, Camdoa, N. J.
You Must Wear
Shof f
T)UT DO they hurt? Doeow
fl fret iitMft end bum. etwne and
LunKBt ache ami needy art you
enlU? Thty enm't If you lo m mil-
Ik nm or otiwra are OMne. Bitaae
Atla't Fun, - Km In yuur hute.,1
tke the fru-tiMi from the etwee
and fnaare welklng or danct&t a
reaijoy. oumi evetywuara.
roots Ease
Fooadatioa Stone Mulald
After a long search tha foundutloo
stone of the permanent parliament
building of Australia at Canberra,
which waa "laid" by the prince of
Wales In hat just bwn found.
It had been stacked away In the com
missions storeroom "to Insure Ita
safety against blasting operations,
says nn official announcement, and Itt
exact resting place forgotten.
Venomous Slander
Slander It a poison which extin
guishes charity, both In the tlnnderer
and In the persons who listen to It
St Bernard.
A good many of our narrow es
capes, we never know about
h 7$ ?!
. with 7 Biarit Crankihuft
& VSl Cps. JV-oty Cn, (, nrnik
I) t7S, l" fyfolWt lt bdm $Kkk
All Willp-0ftni ffkm. a. a. T.e, OHu,
i fmfiuwm mijm H limp eMiW tin.