The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, May 24, 1929, Image 5

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' " " ; ' )(JC O
nr ' in nes-v
Our Pet Peeve
ni 1 in I ' : , . 1
cthe Kitchen
, Cabinet
), 12, Weatarn Nawamtxr Union.)
"Hit li a friend, who eao
Uy look, word, renw
The courage In a man,
HIl beat and trua."
lanwrmi r I I r-
Ml J
Weeter Xewseper Dale
naojid amo wohj matemJ KR. Wo caps MflSM i Srnl-iSth tra&dy
-s rip-J TWQ(BLrlllllwLtM...vj,
Finney Has No Restraint
The Great Divide
Alfref I'. filonn, of automobile
fume, wui talking nt the Banker!
eltib In New York about the automo
bile price war.
"One man," wild Mr. Hloon, "pre
dicts tluit he'll give ui a good 1100
rnr within three yean, but lucb a
car li Impossible.
"Tlili nredloter retnlndi me of a I
chnp who wai held up one morning
by a friend, but he Jerked loose and
mid at he trotted off:
"'Excuse nie, George, I can't atop;
I'm ruk'hlng the 8:15 train.'
"'Well.' George yelled after mm.
'you'd better burry, then,
missed If"
He Many doctor are coming out
Out footed agalnit petting.
ghe-Uow do doctora get fl
footedl I
The Real Sport
Ttll me not In dulrlul maeaure,
Baaabell ntare e ad darllne;
Olhr anorle mv torlni von plaiauie
I'll lake tale and balle lor mine.
Critical Comment
"Too criticized the grammar of sev
eral luceches very severely."
Yes." answered Sllsa Cayenne. -Uy
commenting on the pronunciation 1
win able to concent the fact that I
was occiislniiiiily too dumb to know
what the Idea were all about"
Washington Star. .
the Medals
cii.n iii...,.i.)ll..H(vna whnt
i,ii ... iv. 1ni dronned our
Inxt bag of bnllnst and we are still "if mio tne iiqino. io i'"r
..... , ...I. ipoonfuls of melted shortening and
im,i ISuII.M.nlst-Never mind. I'll
tHke this bottle of anil fut and then
we will rise again.
Literal Truth
"Pnpa. whiil win the uti'ne atier
Tlml wul the gliirliiiu perlnd. my
on. wlien a uiun axea wmnun te
Blurry him."
'I give my wlte fort) dollars and
she' klekln' fer sixty. What dyuh
think nf Unit?"
"Well, why don't you give It to
I've only had her one week.''
Sweat Roaet
Th'S old world we're llvln' Id
Is .nlithty hard le bast.
ton set a thorn with every rose
Oat sren't the roes sweet?
Huh I
"I thought you were a chiropodist.'
"I wui. but I gue up Ihal line."
"Whiil are yon lining nowf
"Attending a burner college."
"till. I see. you have gone In for
hlghet education."
Peeileecne lld you ever have more
monev I tin n you knew whnl to do
Iteeveeilee I don t remember, hut
I must luive had or I wouldn't hav
got married.
Overdoing ll
The Lawyer I wouldn't complain
i hi ui l tlml If I were you If an old
malum to throw shoes at bridal
i.oitoli. It'a aoiiliiiKetl III lirlllU lurk.
The Itrt.legrooin-Then I must have
h,, I lii.-b T iv. were horn.
shot: and I iiiopK d a couple.
. ,
- -
Case for a Club
' lliishiind (testily. a.Vn suing down
wdly ul bridge) You mliihf have
guessed I hail no heart, partner
Here U a good southern sponge
cake from the lund of good cooks:
Georgia 8pong
Cake. Heat three
eggs and od
cupful of lugar
for ten minutes,
tlien add one
cupful of flour
lifted wltb one
tea spoonful o f
baking powder and one-eighth tea'
apoonful of lalt; add one-fourth of a
cupful of cold water and a teaspoou-
ful of flavoring. Ituke la imall fluted
tlua and lerve piled high wltb sweet-
ened whipped cream to which chopped
candled cherrlei have been added.
Chocolate Loaf Cake. Cream one-
third of a cupful of butter, add ona
cupful of lugar, one well-beaten egg,
and beat thoroughly. Add two square!
of melted chocolate which haa been
melted In one cupful of boiling water,
then one teaspoonful of vanilla, and
IttKt of all one and one-third cupfuti
of flour, one-fourth teaipoonful of salt
and one teaipoonful each of aoda and
baking powder. Bake In a cake pan
In moderate oven for 40 minutes.
When cool, cover with:
Butter Frosting. Take one and one-
half cupful! of confectioner"! lugar.
add three tablespooofuls of butter, mil
well and add thick cream enough to
make of the right comlitency to
ipread, flavor wltb vanilla and cover
the cold cake.
For those who consider chicken liv
en the great delicacy they are, the)
following din!) will be conaldered:
Chicken Llvera With Olive Sauce,
Cut t eri (nt0 ha Bn(J wrflp each
lD wafer-Ilka itrlpi of bacon.
on ikeWera alternately wltb
miiahninni nirx which have been care-
fully cleaned and dipped Into olive oil.
Place the ikewera acnwi a dripping I
pan In a very hot oven or nnder the
broiler flame. Haste occasionally with
the fut from the pan. Serve on the
akewen with the lauoe made ai fol
low! : Itrown two tahlespoonfuli of
butter wltb two of Worcestershire
sauce, one dozen stuffed olives, thin-
ly sliced, one taniespooniui oi leraon
Juice, ault, cayenne and paprika to
taste. Bene with Drowned potato
bnlls, small string beam or peas.
Corn Bread or Johnny Cake. Rent
one egs. add one cupful of lour milk,
one-half leaspoonrul or nut, one cup-
fill euch of yellow corn meal and
wiiefli nour aim one muies khiuiui ui
..... . ... ,
aKlu. Mix the dry Insmlleiita and
l,n'ir "o a noi prenseu pan anu uk.
twenty five minute.
Good Home Cooking.
There Is ni more nptietlzing dish for
main dish than the good old fush-
loned pot rout
when cooked until
brown and tender
and served with
vein-tubles added
to It.
Pot Roast Take
four pounds of
beef from the
chuck or rump.
wine with a dump cloth and add three
tulilesp xinfuls of dripping to a deep
Iron pun. When hot add the meat
and brown It on both sides. Sprinkle
with suit and peper, using three ta-
blesMN)iifuls of chopped celery leave!
and two cupfuli of boiling water.
Cover tightly and rook fortwo hour
very slowly. Now add sis carrots, sis
turnips, six potatoes, more salt and
pepper to season, cover and cook until
the vegetable ar tender. Thicken
the gruvy and pour over the meiiL
For the gravy take three tiililesxion-
fills euch of flniir nnd cold water, nils
until smooth, add one-hnlf rupful of
milk, salt, celery salt and fepper to
season, four into tne gravy len in
the pun nnd cook, itlrriug constuntly
until thick.
Pear Salad. Arrange eight hnlves
of pears In lettuce cupa. Mix one
cupful of cottage cheese with one-
fourth cupful of nuts, form Into balls
and press one Into each cavity of the
near. Iot with cherrle and serve
with a highly seasoned french dress
ing, using pineapple Juice with a dnsb
of lemon.
Prune Nut PI. Prepare a baked
pastry shell und fill with the follow
ing: Mis Ave liihlespoonfuls of flour
with one-half cupful of sugar und one-
eighth teitspoonftil of salt. Add one
cupful each of milk and prune Juice,
two eig volks Bnd cook over a slow
tire mil II (hick nnd creamy. Add one
leaspiMUiful of lemon extract, two-
thirds cupful rooked prunes, chopped.
mid one-third of a cupful of broken
nut meat Heat for minute, then
fold In the stlllly beaten whites of the
egvs. pour Into the shell, cool and
chill. Whipped creiiui may be used It
Wash bacon dripping, allow to cool
nnd skim off. I've for nil sorts of
cookery. When the bits of burned
bacon drop Itiln the water and sink
' ior . i".
i .. ... . i i. .
" " ' "
shortening for uiolassea or spice cukes
Instead of butter.
I A slice ot lemon added to prunes
1 while cooking will add to Its flavor.
A DOZEN different things ma
cause a headache, but there a
just one thine you need ever do to
get relief. Bayer Aspirin is an
absolute antidote for such pain.
Keep it at the office. Have it bandy
in the home. 1 hose suDjeci to ire
nnent nr aurMrti headaches should
carry Bayer Aspirin in the pocket-
tin. Until you nave usea u tor neaur
aches, colds, neuralgia, etc, you t
no idea how Bayer Aspirin can help.
It means quick, complete relief to
millions ot men ana women wn
use it every year. And it does not
depress the heart
One bad thing about liquor la that
It encourages soma men to sing.
Accidentally an Arkansai lady cured
fits m a valuable dog with Rose Ball
Blue. Many other now use It Nev
er falls, ahe lay. Adv.
Some men are liar, but not all liar
are men.
When your
Children Cry
for It
Baby has little upsets at time. AD
four care cannot prevent them. But yon '
ca be prepared. Then yon can do what
any experienced nurse would do what
most physicians would tell you to do
give a few drops of plain Castorla. No '
sooner done than Baby Is soothed ; re
lief ll Just matter of moment. let
you have eased your child without use
of single doubtful drug; Castorla I
vegetable. So It's safe to use as often
as an Infant has any little pain yon
cannot pat away.' And It' alway
ready for the cruder pang of colic, or
constipation or diarrhea; effective, too,
for older children. Ttcenty-fivt million
toffies srere bought last year.
but you
Verdicl of Woman Who ;
Tried Pinkham's Compound ;
Tully. X. Y. "It hurt m to walk
er sit down without hrlp and I frit '
sick ana weak.
My mothr-In- J
lsw took Lydia
E. rinkhara' '
Vegetable Com- '
pound and she
induced in to
take it I am
now on the fourth
bottle and have
alto used Lydia
K Finkham'a
Sanstiv Wash.
The medicine
that will do for me what the Vege
table Compound and Sanative Wash
have don are certainly worth their
weight in gold. I think I hav given
them a fair trial and I expect to take
two mor bottlrs of the Vegetable
Compound." Mas. CiiARira Aloa '
OA, K. . v. i, iuliy, xi. x.
Wife (sweetly I tjiille, hut I Uough
C Waalar KeweseperCnte
uu bud a bruln. darling.