The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, May 24, 1929, Image 3

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Capl. Benjamin Mendei, Colombian
co who flw from New York to Bo
gota, who will bi (warded the Dletln
gulihed Flying Croat by Iha United
States congreaa.
FLOOD me:-age faces
iiimUIUi.ii i u wr
I.nllt.s, Texua.-Tli-i r....:p:int It. J
river ruat flood incut eo over -troma
northeast Tcxae and south
Arkatiar.a Sunday, whllo other wide- 1
spread sections f T'lua rested fm.u I
a, week-end beating of wind nud ruin !
storms that took two It v , Injure 1 ten
persons and raun-'d gr at Biati rul
Mure than lo;)i) aires III the low '
la mla about Index. Arl!., wore cov.-rnl 1
with water and residents feared that
the flint rise In 111 river itilr.lit !
tip wllh another to i. :n In below ll.-i
lutcx ana, Willi a resultant dlsaatu 1
Ilk that of 1927.
Whll northwest Texas In tho Wlih
Ha Falla vlrlnliy. wna thn hardest hit
by tho wind and rainstorms, two falnl-
II let far In tho aouth. At '
llryan, Frank Trentacnat, merchant,
waa killed by Hrhtnlin aa he wati h-l I
tho atorm'a work. Waller H. Carol It- '
rra, farm hand, was struck down in
tho aamo manner nnar Amlrlan.
lllloil, Mlns.-Coverm.r Hllbo nr-di-rud
3vO ronvlct from tho Parchnwu
prleou fiirm to proceed to Mound's
.amllng, 11 miles north of (iri-i-nvllli', j
Mbe., where tho levee waa reported ;
crumbling and r-'i u-nt 1 thn adjutant
m-ral to hae troops ready to in c
Into that territory If necessary.
Tim Klih.mgo TtflvRriipn ci nipat y
diapati hna from Wareuw Suturility ai y
that more than I"0 p.-raoua wiru
hurni-d to iluuth In a hu,;u f,i at
Clydo Van Duaen, (i-ldi-tl aim of the
mliihty Man o' War, won tho I'sh
Kentucky durby Satunlay afternoon
beforo CO.OuO pi-rnona untli-r tho wor.l
wi-ulht-r condltluna within nuiiiory.
A great port declumeit, Involvlur,
Upenillturo of mora than t M.duii.tiiiu
ml brliiKltiR port grain rapailty up
to iimru than 2I.0u0.0ud bu.hela ol
ator.iKH, la anjun-d to Vnin-ouv-r, II.
('., by aiinouiH-. un lit from Oilawa thut
thu harbor board entlir.utea have In- n
lir. Hugo Kckcner, commander ol tho
(iriif Zeppi-lln, hlmnelf took barge ol
tho mechanical examination of the nm
loi of bla almhip. whlih fi'l-il an
biully on the aixor.d Itilendi I (.j"i.;
to the I'nlted S'.!'-ii. Tho lil.j au.
geeted that mb'l l- iniKht b'lV.' bi en
ie-.piiiiible l i" ::ir led a., i. i;iua
aili!o. '
Ar. ly Flier Killed In Mid Air Cr;--h.
Columhiia, (). Mimic wnrfare
Wna V. lined over Ohio lul Week In the
m.iional army air maneuver claimed
Itn flrat victim Baturd.iy wllh tlia
death of Kucond I.leutiM.utit K. U
Meadow of Nnslivlll.., Ti tin , und in
jury of Kecond I.I' utenntit A. F. tfoltir
of Lo Angelea. Thulr iihlp collld.-d
In tnlil air high ahuve nn outlying res
Id on ( In I aectlon and felt In fluniea.
Oregon lnurnc Total Crow,
Fnlctn, Or. Approxlmtiloly II.K03,.
481,826 of tire and life Insurance of nil
clause, rxclualve of heiilth, accident
and nilseellaneouH, wo curried by In
iiriiiu e compunle operating In Ore
gon at tho close of bushiest December
81, 1928, according to the annual report
nt C'lure A. Lee, itate Insurance com
missioner. Four Killed at Rail Croaaing.
(lletidulu, Cul.-Four persona wora
killed In the itukIiIi" cf their automo
bile by Southern Pntltlc pnaaenger
trnln at a crossliiB u:i Fun Fornaudo
touluvtird hum Buubuy,
, i j
Vr' ' V ""l? ' Washington, 1. C. The result of j
' v. L . 5 'J yunrn of liilmr ly the Inlmtwt com. 1
"Vwk ' t" '" V"lul"11 r,,llro'l" I
i 't!tS,(''ji'r'kil I '"r r"l-""'ln "'"I oilier purposes ,
M'KfK I M ",0UB"' ". '
' T "s' 1 swept allo recently l,y thu supreme 1
. . -if' l .L 'l. Mitl 1 i
Valuation Case Decision Favors
Railroads; Work of Cam
mlsslon Upset.
Tit highest trlhunnl, dividing, C to
1, with Justice Hutlcr nut ptirllclput
l lug, livid Hint thu ''ninmlxalon, In I'S
vuluiitlon work, in. lot observe an. li
j oli'ttimit aa tho ptimrnt coet of ioii
! atrucllon or n in,(!in tlun,
j Tho coutroveray rathi-d tho a'j
; pri-mo court Ihrougli nii aiipcul by tho
HI. l.oula A O'f'nllon rullruiiil, a iiIiib
I mils con I lino In 'Millii-rti llllnola. It
' ioukIiI to Imvo r . o 'S an oritur l
amd by tho li .-. un ncrco coin
fllon tnlll i itr ! rr-t. . ! of a purl
of Ita eiirnlr :,
Tho oplnlt-i of f j t- t waa d-i-,
llvered by Ju ,. Mi-It ,at,U , ft-r
, a quoting of thu : ,- .hlrh rqulri'(
, thn conimlaalon to "kIvo duo ronald
, ei ut ion to all cli nii-iitn cf vulue ri-r-gotik
1 by tho lut? if th bind for
' r. Ir u:.:n-; i u. pKHea'1 ii.iO of tl a
I '-u.t'a fi.n r r ilerlnl. n on tl.o i
J J. rt of vuliiutlon for mtr timkliiK pur
' pi.m-a. Tho opliilou thut amoiiK
I tho eli-nu-nta "la the preaolit tout ol
i-ou ilrui-tion or rej rclu tlon."
I'nili. Tho ripi'ratlon rxprta,
ltll lha riroptlon of tho German
liu-.nlj rn, met In an effort to pruparo
counter pn:to..&!a to tlio C.ruiun roir
illlloiu. Thene wer to be auhii.kti'ii
to Dr. Iljulinar tiihaiht, hond ol the
(lermnn riel.-callon, mi Hint he Wnuld
be aliln to reply tome time Ibla week.
If Dr. Hrhai-ht arci-pn the rouulei
prnpoaiila, then the flgurea proponed
by Owen D. Young will bceoine fu.ii!.
Theee rail for 37 annultlei of t.oo,
000.000 inarka (about t93.000,ooo);
!0 annnltlea of 1.7vo, marka
(about tlu8.0O0.00n), mil one of ti0.
000,111)0 murka (about I JH.0U0.0u0).
Tho reparatlona inniniltti-e then will
have to deride only how to divide
the to annultli g unteni the cr-ililur
prefer to refer tho matter to their n
ieillv rountrlea.
Fifia, llulgnrla.-Andre I.lnplilieff,
premier of Itulgarln, bellevea thn'
nine i; y the ulliea will rceoKUlze that
their di'inanil for reparatlona fr. m
llulgnrla are eicennlve.
In dlm-umlng the llulgarlnn rtjara
tlona alluiitlun the premier aaaerted
that the (lalma by 1K1 will have
reaihed ft total ol ;0,ui)A.0O0 guld
franra, whlih for l ulRiirlu'a niodcet
Iih iinie he fontldera prohibitive.
Girl and Man Cruahed to Death at
Yankee Stadium.
New York. A college girl and
teumnter were trampled to death n
; 60 peraone were Injured Funday lo ft
mad ruli by bleacher fnna for Van
I kee atndluin elite to aeek rover from
audden heavy rain during the flril
game of double header bi twevn the
l Yatilicia tnl Ho ilnn lied ii x.
I . tiio umplre'a announcement ol
i h "l ' fay rang out, 6000 tuna
In the aouth bleacher of the atuuu.ii
rushed for an alley leading tit ll.Tih !
treet. Rome atumhleil and fell, ibe
thouannda In the rear pream d forward
Vli-ntlciinly In thulr blind hiiHte to ee
rape the downpour and almost In un
Inxtunt tho txlt wta clo;i-il wl.h u
n learning buttling masa of bumnnlty.
Federal Expenaea Rla
Wuahlngtoii, I). C An of
tiso linn.Miri in total cxpendliurc of
the government for the flmt ten
month of the 19:9 fiscal year over
thoio for the aamo period for in: la
hewn In preliminary alaiement by
the treasurer. For tho tun montha of
i IHL'S the expendlturea aggreguted in,.
OSI.SiM.m while during the ten
I innntha ending April .10 (he govern
ment apont f3.S02,T21,P42.
Air Rout Tim Clipped).
Bale Inke City. What wn derlured
to be a new record for airplane be
tween Cheyenne and Hull l.nke Clly
waa tt recently by Pilot II. A. Colli
aon of tho Hoeing Air Trnnaport when
he flew thn 417 nillea In two hour
and C9 minutes,
U. of O. Degree lo 0 Awarded 640.
Kugene, Or. Two hundred Portland
students nro cnmlldute for unilergrnil
Utile degree nt thn Unlverslly of Ore
gon thla aprlng out of a total of 510.
Thla I by fur the largest number over
j presented wllh degree from thl In
Senate Plans to Take Up
Census Reapportionment
Very Seen.
WuHhlnglon, I). C.-Coigrea la lo- j
ly working toward the end of Ita fift j
Kiiul, enai tnieiit of fiirm Mllef und r '
upporllonmimt of tho hotian, wl'.h tl ;
prualdenl ftppurunlly lu eight of
lory on thi agrli ulturul luauu, d' iipiio
ft hoHtllo i-llli(ll. - !
Thla week la e-xpectcd to proilu -a j
roiii lunlvu duvuloptni uta on the. ;
1'liMea ol the uiluilnlsircllon J. iui;.' a-n
f r the exira aeanlon und Isadora Bie 1
now looking forward to n vacation
from Duioriitlon dtiy to tho Kuurib of i
July. ;
While the houae prihra ahtid i,n
thu turlff bill, wllh proiipmta lm
piovcd for an uiideratr.ndliiK on It
among the republican mnjorily, '
I -nale will aeek to complete t, ir't on
tho meaaurea aulhorlxing thu lDi j
1-ennua and ft rer-port 'nm of (ill
liotia" on tl. . ba. of thut cuneui.
Monday the eonfereei. of t'-i aenato :
nd bou:ie I.jIiIiiu cloand
doora lo aeek in adjuiitninnt b'-lweun
the ronfllcting farm relief meaaurte
at the two branchea.
,'io rei'ijiu l P ci it by tho con
f r.;i l.uo;e t cut! t.' the week on
tne form controverny anil aoroe mem-bi-ra
of the coiifereiiio believe It Will
tjko ai mit'h ten dayi befuM a a ,
;recn.oat or ment la had.'
Once the cnate pamci the rcnauit
renppirtlonment meaaure, lltll lii.ia
ia ex'HHted to be ri quired for Ita ailop
tlon In the hoime. Kna tment of Una
leglalullnn will dlawao of two of Ilia
five li-lg.liitlve recoinme.idullona ku:
mlltnl to the extra aenelon by Hi't
ji-enldent. Kami relief will make It
three of the five. Tariff la the lourth
; and that will be tul.:-n up by tho
te after the prospective vacation.
rieveland, Ohio. Fear Hint DO pet
rent of the aurvlving vlctlina of the
fliveiand rllnlr d'anrter will d' in
few daya from the c-ffei-ti of the
p liaon gai they Inhaled waa cxprcat d
by Harry I Kockford, city health
i-ommlraloner, nd concurred In by
number of doctora and rhemleta.
An official Inqueat In the ricveltnd
clinic it I taut it. which hai claimed
I lull of 127 Uvea, waa begun by County
Cotoner A. J. I'earie. Simultaneously
tin'; of the rllnlc'a claff of doctora
1 ho aurvlved, opened tenipcrary ,u td
qu.irtera In another bulliilng anj pre
lared lo "carry on" the .tnl phllan
tliroplc work that ended abruptly on
Veilneiilny by fire, exploaloim, and
deadly polaon gaa.
Htru k by properly drtnoge tstl
united nt, the oriKinul clime
will b rebuilt. Within month to
l i werka, thla atrui-ture, famous fr. m
ri.iht to conet it thj lir -diuarter ol
many of America'! gr.:ntel doctota
ml aurgeona, will be reopuni-d, the
committee announced.
Tacna-Ariea Controveray Ended
Direct Ncflotiation.
Washington, 1). C PresUli-nt lli.ov
tr Sunday annouueed aoHlui.ient i.'
th loiiK itunillng Tacau Arlcu Ul.u e
by iliroit negotiation between Cl.l'e
and Peru, under which Chile retultu
Arlca and Tama goea to Peru.
The two provltu. s will be diviilcil.
, wllh the bouudury tunning north ol
, the Arlca I.a Pax r .llway. Chile ro
! Iiiina the port of r:-.-a and will grant
' Peru on the lluy of At Ira a whnrf and
ru.tom house r" I station on the
Tucna-Arlca rnllw. . Chill will pay
Peru J6.0li0.000.
Rovolutlon Under Way In Veneiuc'a.
i Wlllemstud, :.o. Unofflciul r.
, pi rta reaching her.- from Venezuela
die that troop luve been aent Into
aevenil pail of t!::.t country to u ti
ll lie revolutionary i 'ovement. These
; wire reported to b. .ipreudlng. It wna
aid that caauulties had been auffert-d
In battle at S :i Fcrnnnando do
Calle Quit r.'exican Cabinet.
Mexico Clty.-0'l" 'lal announcement
waa made here Hu-.iliiy that General
I'luiurco Ellin Call i, minister of wur
and ex-prrildent, hud resinned hi
portfolio Saturday. He laid be plan
to lenve In ft few iby for Acapulco,
Cuerrero, Pacific coast town, for
Wale and Haotn Win Golf Match.
London. The Prime of Wale and
Walter Nngen, thn American who re
cently won the Itrlllnh open champion
hip, playing a pnrtnor, defeated Sir
Phelllp Saaaonn and Aubrey lloonier,
one up, on the exclusive Swlnley
course, near Aacot, Sut unlay.
Principal Events of the Week
Assembled for information :
of Our Readers.
Mr. Cecillia Morrla, .67, of Broad
aciua, In Miirion county, died suddenly
at I bo wheel of a new automobile abe
waa learning to drive.
Three new aawuiiys, each of a dally
capacity of 4U,0:.0 feet, will atari opur wltlilu a month In Die Pro.4p.-cl
district ot Juekuun county.
Fir ot unknown orli.ln totally do
alroyed Ihu auwmi'I of N K Colo on
the edge of Aurora Nothing a buv
ed, und Hii ro wu no Inaurance.
bcoit Ilrlit, wuli known resident ol
Garden Valley uiatrlet, haa butu
appiilnted fish wank'ii on the t'mpiUU
liver. He will tul.e over bla duties im
uiullntoly. Fire whli h rrs : u ed l,y an explo
alon of gasoline In a pop-corn slop on
Strand etreet In Ht. Helena, caused k
property daniU(,u of between $5u0u
and f'OOO. j
The controller of lbs currency baa j
appoint' d John II. Coles of Oukland, I
Cel.. aa receiver for the defunct Aa- i
torid National bonk lo eucceed W. C.
Crawley, resigned.
O.llcer of the Uuiutllla County Plo- :
nui-r association have agreed upon Frl- .
lay and Saturday, May 31 and Juno ;
1, aa the dates for the 37th annual re
union of thut bocy.
The Swopo-Hica Construction com
pany of Portland were the aureessful
bidders for construction the new union ;
hith aihuol at Clovtrdule. The con-
truct price wai I3S.S00. ;
The Arlington city council will iu I
the near future let a contract for the 1
oro. tlon of a grandstand at the bnll
park to replace the one washed away (
ilurliig a recent cloudburst
Only the Infantry, field artillery an
engineer and brigade troopa will train :
In Clatsop county thla year, aa the '
coast artillery will go to Puget Sound !
fur the annual training period. j
P. -ports from Kden in Wallowa coun i
(y ntuto that bald eagle on the brake '
of the Grande Konde river are iwoop-
lug down on young Iamb and carry-
Ing them off In great number.
The 1929 n-sslon law have be.n
printed and are ready (or distribution. 1
; according to announcement made by j
the aocretnry of atate. The book cou-
; tulna pagta, aa against s2u lu I'j.'T.
More than :!i0 ton of Wasco coun
ty cherry production have been con- i
j trailed for by local marketing
! agencl'S. at prices r-xarded unusually I
I favorable, it was announced at The
, Dalles.
i With the addition or an cxtru Uu ,
j men to tuke care of ft night shift '
- which started few days ago, the
payroll of the Owen-Oregon company j
at Mcdford now bear Hi a name ot I
! CvO meu. !
Although hit automobile waa wreck- j
co, J. I). Manning ot Klamath Falls t
esciiped Injury when hla car crashed j
into a Irage blacktail deer on the j
Green Springs highway near Iluydcn
: mountain. :
l-ighth grade pupil from all ovei j
Jackson county will gather In Ashland .
May 29 to hold their commencement I
at the armory. It I expected that at j U'i'0 persona will attend from !
out of town, !
A urvey of rs-siitkr.a in the j
P.cgue river valley Indicate that while
thu pear crop will exceed that of last ,
year, apple, peach, apricot and cheriy ,
orchid will yield yeaa than half u
normal crop.
Actual construction ot the addition
lo the Siili-m poatoffice will be under
, way within the next two wecl.u, ac
! cording to announcement made ro
i ji-tiy by (!. L. Ilannunian. ri present-
itig Hie rcntructor.
Cr'ritrc.c.lon of an Cplropal c.mrc'.,
i.; Ten'.. rs..Ia' ins tits parish liouw
u oil by the couRregallon for a numln-t
ot yeurs, was started recently. It la
to be ready for occupancy by Scptttu
, ber 10 of thl yenr.
' A new edition of tho Chamber oi
Commerce booklet. "Portland and llu
Wonderful State of Oregon," has
been published by the advertising and
promotion department of the chum
ber. It la eight page larger than Its
prednccasora und contain alx full pup.c
color plutea. aa well a numerous
photograph of scenic, Industrial iitnl
recreational attraction of tho city and
O. I. Mowery, manager ot the Pro
pie' West Coast Hydro-Klectrlc cor
poratlon at Rtevcnuon, Wash., ha nil
nounced that the company will extend
ft line from Cascade Lock to Mull
noruuh Full to aupply current to pa
tron there.
J. F. Harris ha trapped lS.SiW
molui and gopher within the past lour
yeara, according to record of the
county clerk. Ho has operated In
Marlon county exclusively. Mure Hum
700 gopher were U uppod ou at mi
aero ot land.
Actual construction of the flmt unit
,.r ll... t'lnn Aria hlllllllnr nt thn t'tll- !
vumlty of Oregon will be under way
eurly In June, according to Mra. Irene
Gerlinger, regent and vice president ol
the alumni holding committee.
The Wallowa County Marketing as
sociation, formed by farmer last full.
has shipped one car of livestock each
week for several months. Thla ven
ture hue proved highly aatiHfuctory lo
the creator part of those who huve
taken part, It la said.
A the basl of future land aettle
ment, horticultural development and
increased rural population, The Dullea
Waaco County chamber of commerce
will devote ft large part ot It spring
program toward tbe development of
underground water resource.
Tbe town of Vale, the Malheur coun
ty aeat city, haa started work on ber
Uth annual Fourth ot July celebra
tion, that has grown from a picnic at
tended by a few hundred people to ft
great three-day celebration, enjoyed
last year by some 20,000 persona.
Gertrude. Hynes, 2, daughter of Mr.
and Mra, Edward Hynes of Hazel
Green, near Salem, waa trampled to
death, by a horse when the strayed in
the barnyard of the Hynes borne. The
child disappeared while the mother
was working In a near-by garden.
Traffic on Roosevelt highway be
tween Astoria and Seaside Is being
routed through Warrenton while tem
porary bridge Is being constructed
across Sklpanoo river to huntlle tr..i
fic during replacement of Hi, o.ti
bridge with new concrete struclu...
A there ia little snow In the Sand
creek sictlon ot Crater national lor
eat, east of the Crater national park
boundary, forest pine beetle pest con
trol work got under way recently when
a crew of 30 workers left Medford for
the scene, where they will work for
30 days.
P. O., vice-president and
geueral mant- r of the California-Oregon
Power ci..ipany, announced that
another reduction in electric rate In
aouthern Oregou was effective a ol
May IS. It Is estimated that cus
tomers will save under the new rates
about (12,200 a year.
Keported raids on nests of duck
and geese In Klamath by decoy hunt
ers have been reported to District
Warden P-arues. "So-called sports
men," liarnes said, "capture fledgel
ing and raise them for decoy next
full. Thl I against the law and
arrests will be made."
Resident ot the Beaver Home and ;
Shiloh basin communities, adjacent to
Goble, incorporated a company recent
iy for 14000 for the purpose of con
ducting cheese factory, to be located
midway between the two communities.
The enterprise will be known a the
i.uaver Homes Cheese Factory, Inc.
Bears and chipmunks are coming
out of hibernation in Crater Luke
park, according to Alfrexl Stone, cure-
iI-k..r f tArf... 8nw I. nine feet
deep at the rim, and at Government
Camp, ft mile below, ll Is five feet
Half mile from the Klamath and east
entrance the highway I open to
More than (25,000 ha been sub
scribed by Eugene people for the pio
neer pageant lo be held here July 25,
2i and 27, il was announced by Hugh
Unison, director of the pageant. This
Hgure Is 15000 more than the goal set
by the committee. The pageant will
net forth the history and development
ot that part of Oregon.
Priaon doora ot McNeil tederal
iienitenllary clanged shut behind
...nery Olmitead and J. . Wheeler,
, n inlnent Portland buainea men, who
recently itarted (erring tenteucei ot
ttve and thre year, respectively, a
a result of their conviction for "kit
ing" checks In connection with huge
timber operations in Portland.
Hid will be opened June 4 on the
Harper and Little Valley lateral sys
tems, consisting ot about 45 miles of
cinial which will carry water to Hit
4U00 acres ot land scheduled to have
water for 1930 crops. A settlement
campaign ba begun already and 1000
ncies have been told. Hid will be
i.pjned the lume date for the Chicken
cr. ek syphon, lome 400 feet long.
tJarulval companle no longer will
include The Dalle on their annual
itineraries, a a result of an ordinance
lufssed recently at special meeting
of the city council banning all future
jier.orniance or mat nature, aiso in-
eluded In the ban are dog and pony
xhows, tent shows and other outdoor
entertainment devices, with the excep
tion of circuses, which were declared
hy councllmen to be of un educational
When commencement time comes
during the third week of June at the
Southern Oregon Normal school at
AhIiIiiihI over 140 students will be
gnftlunted, thu largest class since thu
school was csiablUihcd three years
The depoail liabilities ot tho Hosier
Valley bunk wore tikcn over recctttly
by tho First National bank ot Hood
Itlvcr, according to A. A. Schramm,
title superlnlendont of banks, who
supoi-vl.-cd the deal resulting in the
. .-.,t . . .
,,)t V f
. v ... . , m
C-vid A. Crawford, w.-i elected
pret dent of the Pullman company to
ucceed the late Edward F, Cirry. Mr.
Crawford wa previoualy the executive
vice-president of the company.
Toulon, France.--The dirigible Grat
Zjppelin, aaved from grave peril by
the magnificent maneuvering of ber
commander, waa brought afely to the
ground with the aid of French troupa
at tho Cuer air field near here and
taken into the hangar.
The great Zeppelin, her engine dis
abled, had drifted helplessly over
eoutheastern France, driven by ft
storm. After two unsuccessful ftt
tempts to land. Dr. Hugo Eckener al
lowed the dirigible to drift toward
, Toulon and maneuvered her over tbe
I field.
A large ground force was waiting
' and seized tbe trailing ropes. The
i Zeppelin had cleared the storm ftre
when she arrived here and there wa
I no wind to endanger her. Otherwse,
the ship might have been blown into
the Mediterranean.
The IS passengers. Including Mrs.
i Mary Pierce of New York, and U
Zeppelin' crew of 41. were safe after
nearly 24 hour ot dramatic battling
: with the element that b. a when
' the Zeppelin' engine tar.d to fail
a ahe neared Gibraltar on '. :r aecend
I trans-Atlantic voyage.
Washington Highway Prcgram Upset
j by Court Ruling.
Olympia, Wash. Washington's
' highway program, control of which
! was taken over by Governor Hartley
i April 1, Is again in Jeopardy as the re-
' of doclaion by the supreme
court recently. Ruling five to three,
the court held that the Hartley high
way reorganization bill, passed by tbe
1929 legislature after a dramatic fight
In the senate, was subject to referen
dum, notwithstanding the fact that the
measure carried an emergency clause.
Consequently there I considers':..)
contusion In Olympia, Involvl; g ti. i
validity ot contracts mad In tbe last
two month, the validity ot pending
call for bid and the possibility of
suspension of road program until
June 13.
Kwangsl Troop Posses Canton.
London. According to an uncon
firmed dispatch to the London Times,
it 1 reported that Kwangsl troopa
have succeeded in entering Canton,
forming provisional government in
that city.
King's Nurss Gets Medal from Georg
London. King George ha confer
red the royal red crosa first class med
al on Nettle May Purdie, acknowledg
ing her "devoted nursing throughout
the king' illness."
Wheat Rig Rend bluestem, hard,
white, 1.33'4; soft white, western
white, I107H; hard winter, northern
spring and western red, 11.06.
Hay Alfalfa. SI! ton; valley time
, othjr ,22; .nil,era Oref,oa tmothr,
134-525; clover, 25; oats, 123; Ofttg
j tai vtll(.ni 123.
' itnttprfnt 4i??t le
Kggs Ranch, 25ff29c
Cuttle Steers, good, 112013.25.
Hogs Good and choice, 110 1L
Lambs Good to choice, 11415,
Whent Soft white, western white,
31.08; hard winter, western red, north-'
em aprlng 11.07; bluestem, 31.33; buJlgi
it . 1 it .
illOIUUIIB, i-iu, 4, fl.VU.
liny-Alfalfa. 2nd, $32; timothy, 3J
Eggs-Runch 19ft 28c.
Hutterfat 45c.
Cattle Prime steers, I13JJ13-50.
Ilogs-Prlme light, J12.1O012 2S,
Lambs-Choice, S13.a-?1S.50.
Cattle Steer, good, S1213.
Hogs Good and choice, I11.8&,
Lambs Choice, IHfl lS.