The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, May 24, 1929, Image 1

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IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, May 14, 1929
Whn the lone High Schoo
Uiseball team defeated the Hepp
ner team, 7 to three on the Lex
Ington rield, Thursday of last
weeek. they tied with Arlington
for the championship of the Up
pir Columbia Athletic Leavue.
l ine an I Arlington crossed bats
on the Heppner field lam Satur
day to decide the championihip.
The honor went to lone.
School Notes
Eskimo Musicians Not
Enthusiastic About Jazz
I'll H.klmo must t (lit grout
ItlUHlc-loVtM-. II III lllU Of llllU lllllt lll
Wlll nit on lili niiilvt lee for bnurn
listening to Hit grupliopbone. Ill"
own iiiuhIc lie niukee on an Instru
ini'Mt which consists of a (kill tlglill)
mi'i-tchi il over IIih frume of hoop
half druiii and hiilf tiiiiihourltie. Eight
plnjers of eight of tin1 Instruments
moke 11 n Kuklinn orchestra. With each
limn striking the one nota of lil In
alriimvlit Willi rod. Ilia fight notes
of Ilia octavo lira produced. Alio, Ilia
muslclun ilnga aa lie plnya. Needless
lo siiy, Ilia people nourished on this
music arc u inn led by Ilia mora civ
lilted mimic, and II la mild of them
Unit the greatly appreciate, gruplio
pbone records of singers, Strangely
enough, too, the prefer motl oilier
music to Jiiu,
i'ontlnumi on fy. 4.
Elwln Dick has been neither sey PUrL- Str T TP
absent nor tardy for four years
and Walter Hrmtuw has been per ; Carpenter Work, Painting. Pa-
feet In for three y rat s . pcr Ianging and Cerjeral Re
pair Work .
For extras to fit Holt and liar
ris harvesters, see V. G. Ualaiger,
lone, Oregon.
Once Gone
They Can Never Return
(NCE CONE, your youngsters' childhood
days ond waya can never return. Then
you will have lot; your precious opportunity
for taking the IC oc'ak snapshots that parents
value so much in later years.
Don't put off taking pictures of your chil
dren a day longer. Don't risk years of regret.
Keep a Kodak handy and get every picture
when the chance comes.
We have Kodaks as low
as tS; Drownles, 11 up.
Bnllard's Pharmacy
Local Happenings
Bert Mason has Installed a
General Electric Icing Unit w hich
is 'arg j enough to hold his supply
of fresh fruit and vegetables.
Mrs. Grimes has also placed a
Central Electrc refrigerator in
her home.
The New Model Remington
Portable Typewriter is here. On
display at Dullard's Pharmacy.
On M01 dy of laet week, .lack
Grimes made a trip to Portland,
(ieliveiing to Fairbanks, Morse
& Co., the 25 h. p. Diesel Engine
which has deen used in the Farm
ers' Elevator of lone. The Farm
ers are now installing all electric
machinery and and have no fur
ther use for the engine. When
M-i. Grimes returded he brought
a load of Dwiitht Misener's fur
Clark Brothers are building a
house so replace the one destroy
ed by fire last February. Clark
Linn are doing tha work.
Chocolates. Highest C'aJe,
now 50 cents a pound while the
present stock lasts.
Bullard's Pharmacy.
For Sale
Day old chicks;
Barred Rock St If. I. Red
$12 pel 100
White Leghorns $10 per 100
$1.00 more if shipped.
Hatches May 23, June 6-14-26.
Willow Creek Poultry Farm
Morgan Ore
IciFolTHAND c -
The lone City Dray now has ice
on hand and the price will be the
sime as last year, ljct for small
orders and ljct for over 75 lbs.
No order will be filled for less than
50 cts. except to daily customers
T. C. Troge
Mn to examine those fine suit
samples at Briatow & Johnson's.
The Time
To Have Your Meas-
ure Taken for That
fliir fl-b fj 5
( I
j out your tracrtortQ If
Come in and examine our samples.
lone, Oregon.
; or automobile byt M
; MONA CLEAN- J O will uke all! pi
Uhe diitont of the
Objected to Shaving
by Monkey Apprentice
Sir Hurry Lnudor la food of telling
the following atory:
The aiillur aon of an Arbronth bar
(M-r hud brought home with lilm a'
1 11 rue, hairy, ami pitrtk-ulurly Ugly
iiiniikcy, IiIHi lie preiwuted to hl
fiillirr. The bin her t rallied the mon
key lo naaUt him In the lutherlng of
hla ruatoiiicra' chins, mucb to their
One Ony B itrnnger dropped Into the
ahop, and had a good look at the mon
key alt ting In a fur corner aturlng In
telligently at a comic puper. By and
liy the burber wna culled to the door
to anawer aome query or other, and
In hla abaence the meiikty aelxed the
lutherlng brush and proceeded to
work diligently on the custonicr'a fuve.
Aftcrwarda he grabbed a rnxor and
atnrted lo alrop It With equal diligence,
but In a gronly enrvlea niunner.
Then he cluuihervd up on the arm of
the ihulr and mmle aa It to begin
ahuvlng the alnrmed customer.
"No, na, ma wee niuimlel" auld the
lutter. Jumping lo hla feet and push
ing the monkey aalde. "I've no objec
tions to ye aonpln' me, an' yer atrop
pin' muybe a' rlcht, but yer futber'll
hue to do the ihavluT
The See-Saw of S
Success x
I Br Leete stone I
I (Cpirrlhl.l
jJLADTS VAlf, capable eommer-
J elnl atenographer, laid her pencil
'iwa oeatly by her notebook and
inked up In the tnlddi cf a trial dic
tation from lloyle Jones, attorney.
' "What's the matterr lie rapped out
Smartly. "Are you like the rest Tve
kadtoo alow for ordinary dicta
tion?" ' "1 am If that's ordinary dictation,"
Ilia (ioka quietly thuuiih her heart
thumped, adding: "Have yon ever
and n aeeretury who u reully tatla
fiittoryr i "1 did have Just onel A manl I
promoted hint. I'm capable of that!"
; "Well, then," Gladys met Hoyle
lonee' frown with a frank simile, "If
you won't go alowly for a day or two
while I pick up these new terms,
tlirre'e no use my going on with tbla
, "I pay expert wnget; I demand ex
bert service, " be shot bark, arranging;
I h tetters on bla desk with crisp precision.
Uladya rose, patted ber hat and
ticket, neat but worn, snd walked to
he door, aaylng over ber shoulder:
"I'll leave my Dams snd address In
Jour applicants file. Just on the
liiunce yon don't fliid anyone to fill
four nmu'a place."
Curt and cold aa the Interview had
Bi-en, stilt Gladys smiled aa she ahot
down to the street In the elevator.
She liked the lawyer. Her Intuition
pem-trated bia hard ahell and contem
plated what she waa aure lay under
neath, responsiveness that no Woru
nn had ever touched.
Dwindling dollars and s very empty
stomach drove Gladys to a fifteen-cent
turn h. What oextl Ever) thing waa
due, due.
Kitting on ber high stool before
marble counter, she drew a letter from
her shabby handling aa aome would
have drawn a Jewel. Ita cresses were
irorn, fuiiy and and thin from many
::8 opening and folding. Nothlug to
brag atHmt?- ooty - -. - .
"fcnrloaing check for tea dollars.
Yoar letters are full of color and hu
ll is a stuff about New Tork. I edit
them a little and use them for a week
ly column which always goes over big
Tills from a friend In newspaier
work In the West The little note
gave Gladys a real mental boost when
ever she fingered It
Aa ahe slid from her stool, floyle
Jones' answer to ber question knocked
sharply at ber consciousness:
"A man I promoted him. I'm ca
pable or that 1"
That was It I Promotion! A wnve
of realization rolled over her mind.
8 he must seek work where lay the
possibility of protnnt!n. Then tlx
Idea leaped Into focus. If she con I J
write acceptable materiul for an out-of-town
newspaper, why uot try for a
Job on a New York paper?
Ilulf an hour later Uladya stood be
side the city editor of the I'reas, look
ing at hla bead bent over copy on bla
"I want a Job writing stories for
yoa. I've had experience,"
Queer coincidence, this, thought the
editor, looking up and studying
niadys' pretty face and frank confi
dence. That morning his feature writ
er, a womun, had left suddenly, and
all day be had been telephoning obout
for some one who was willing to take
her place.
"I'll give you an assignment and sea
what you can do," he spoke quickly.
"Do me a fonture story on the down
town night court ntid have It here
first thing In tha morning." He bent
over his copy iikmIii.
That ns Glndvs' beginning. Two
years - i trail of snlury and
If . - the lr ' "t
ot .VL4 i,i her YUi i.
Blic tan advice column
under ber own lume that waa pub
lished In papers the country over.
Hut aha yearned fur some one to
share success with, mid the Image of
lloyle Jones, whote brusque words
bad pointed out the Idea to her, waa
always with her.
80 It win with a keen thrill that
ahe rt-nd tha algnuture ot ber first fun
letter one mornln,g:
"Dear Miss Vail: I have no prob
lems except the welcome ones of
work; but I read your corner every
day. It la human and You
nfti'n apenk of real coiiiii'iiIiiihIiI;i in
the Ideal of marriage. 1 iu afraid I've
missed a lot by devoting my life en
tirely to my profession. Anjrwny,
thank you for your cheerful writing,
and l( you care to drop me a Una or
two for my csUcctlon of autographs
a hobby, you know I'd appreciate It
very much."
"Sincerely, '
' That afternoon Gladys preaented to
tha lawyer, at hla office, the apnll-
Conttnmd onPg. 6,
Morgan News
Mas. J. F. IUkoestt
Martin Baurtnfeind was re
piirinir Mr. Hardecty's engine
list Monday.
Gtorite Mahoney's brother,
Frank, came from Gervaiae last
Tuesday to visit with George and
Continued on Pg. 4
The Twenty-first Annual Com
mencement of lone High School
was held in the auditorium, Fib
day evening, May 17. The stage
waa beautifully decorated with
flowers and green, with the class
colors, Coral and gray, predomi
Conllnuep on pagt 4
t- f
JU style
is the first
indication of its
big car quaMties
One look at the New Pontiac Big Six
and you know that here is something
different in low-priced motor cars. It
has the proportions, the rakish lines
and the style of a fine big automobile.
And this is only the first indication of
its many splendid big car qualities
with which it is endowed.
Mew r W tm, f. m. . Fantiae. MirMo. phu bWy Horn
ar. mod ltmn hrk aonrtora tfwW eauia.
aal al U(kl artra M. Mown Tiaw irnt raw
availabia at minimum rata.
Consider the delivered price as well as the list price when
comparing automobile values . . . Oakland-Puntiae
dilllseri aaiaaa . innluJe lf r nssnnbls tihajgns
aWiirwy ami Cnaaciisg.
I. R. Robison, Garage
t raoniTToF ITh TT Ol i
' I have received a large stock of gen
uine HOLT repairs and can supply
most any wearing parts. Get your or
ders in early and rvoid belay when the
fvvVTfHvHfTVftmiter 1