VOLUME XVII NUMBER 49 IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, May 10, 1929 BANQUET TO Ml. S. SENIOR CLASS Th annual banquet for the I. II. S. Senior Class was given by tli' Junior Class, Friday evening at 0:30 o'clock, In the Cole Smith home. The banquet room wai decorat ed with the Senior Ciena colon, coral and grey, and w h tulips, bleed in if heart! and lilac. A three couree dinner w erv 'ed. Between theaecond and third couraee, toasts were given. Mil dred Smith acted aa toast mia tress. Her subject waa "Being Somebody." E.iith Ely. Senior Clasa president responded. Supt. Brown gave a humorous toast. The honor ku-hIi were Fern Engelman, Edit E'jr, Leona Rit chie, Ihelma Morgan, Itova Fletcher, Garland Swanaon, Ken nelh Akers, Robert McCabe, Gem I'ontlnurd on l"g. 4. lone, Oregon. ' School Notes Tiie Baccalaureate sermon for the clasa of '29, I. H. S., will be given next Sunday morning at eleven o'clock at the Christian Ceun h. The service will be con ducted by Rev. W. W. W. Head, pastor of the Congregational Church. The graduation exercises will be held in the acholl auditorium on May 17 at 8 P. M. Graduates of this class ar: Leona Ritchie, Fern Engelman. Rosa Fletcher, Edith Ely. Harry Peterson. Garland Swanson and Robert McCabe. J& Clark & Linn j& Carpenter Work, Painting. Pa per Hanging and General Re pair Work Local Happenings Boys like pictures -So do girls; an you, yourself, will enjoy the pictures th y make, almost r.s much as they do. Jusr give us the chance and it won't le hard to con vince you that f 5 for a Kodak or f 1 for a Brownie is a pretty gwxl investment in happiness for you and yours. Koliik Film Fine Finishing Bnllard's Pharmacy 10SE, OREGON. Mrs. W. E Cochran has accept ed a position ai teacher in the third and fourth grades in Arling ton. Mrs. Lana Padberg returned la-it week to her home in Port land. She has been spending aev ersl weeks with her daughter. Mrs. Guy Cason. Mis. Bert Manon returned the middle of the week from a visit wiih relatives and friends in St. John and Spokane. Thirteen Odd Fellow brethren journeyed .Saturday night to Hardman, where they put on the aecond and third degrees for the Hardman lodge. Peterson Brothers had a car load of cattle, a carload of horses and a truck load of hogs on the Portland market, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Balsiger were week end visitors in White Salmon. Mrs. Ed Jackson and little aon returned home, last week from the Heppner hospital. C. R. Gunreli of F'eewater, was a Monday night guest at the P. C. Peterson ranch. Joi Calkins and family have moved into the Davidson house on Second Street. The missionary meeting held laat Thursday in the C'ongrega tional church parlor was well at 1 'nded. The nsxt Missionary meet hit will be held June 6. At this time the topic will be Mission in China. Mrs. Ralph Harris returned from Portland, Monday morning. Mr. Harris ie still in the hospital but ia gaining rapidly. Ten Masonic bretertn, of lone Mrs. E. G. Franks has received a mesage from Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sargent, in Eugene, announcing the birth of a baby boy recently. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Howell were Mrs. ILiwell's bro'.htr and aister-in law, Mr. Mrs. Ora Barlow and two chil- Tldren, of Hermiston, another T iTiiilitr, Carl barlow, wife and ittle son Jackie, from tbe Harry French ranch neat Hardman, and her brother in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Olden of I Rhea Creek and their little grand son, Harold Snider. ! Mrs Ernest Shipley is at home iagain after teaching at Lena dur ling the illness of the teacher in that place. Morgan News Mm. J. F. IIahouty Miss Gladys Medlock and Har vey railed nn Mra. fien. Mavherrr Thursday morning. Mrs. R. E. Harbison returned fleeted president, Student Body Monday afternoon, May 6, the annual electioa of student body orficers of the lone High School was held. It proved to be quite exciting. Kenneth Smouse was Earl McCabe. from Portland cn Wednesday s stage. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Messenger and daughter EoSse of Boxrd man were caling on Mrs. Hard esty, Wednesday evening. Hal Ely and wife and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Eckleberry attended the ball game ir. lone, Friday. Clarence Pratt of Heppner, was a business visitor in Morgan Thursday night. Charley Christopderson visited with Stanley Seely and fainilj last Sunday. The people of Morgan vicinity re well pleased with the nice tain received Monday. All are hoping for more. Coming to The Dalles and Peneleton Dr. Mellenthin vice president, Mildred Smith, seoretary treasurer, Ellen Ritchie veil leader, Norman Swanson, transportation managerand John Continued on pg. 4 I ' i! it it ii M '.i FARM BUREAU MEET AT PINE CITY The Farm Bureau meeting at Pine City last wte'wss very well attended. It ia estimated that up ward of three hundred were prea eiit to hear a masterly discussion of the local transportation prob lem and a comparison of rail and water born freights to tide water. Continued 00 Pjf t. True Specialist In Interiml Medicine for the putt IS ymri DOES NOT OPERATE ' ! It Dalles 1 Will be In The on Von. and Tue., May. 2) & 21. t The Dalles Hotel and in Pendle Ion, Wed., May. 22, attheDorion Hotel. Oftice Hours, 10.00 A., lo 4:00 P. M. . ONE DAY IN PENDLETON AND TWO DAYS ONLY IN TIIE DALLES. it t style that reflects the mode., yet dares to be different In its distinctive appearance . . in it attractive simplicity ... in its wide range of smart, new colors the New Oakland All-American offers true style style that reflects the mode yet dares to be different . . . We are now making a special demonstration to prove the extraordinary value pro vided by the New Oakland All-American Six. We want you to enjoy this demonstration if only to learn what Oakland offers for its.' moderate price. rric-.IUl-iri..a.fc.r.rUr. HUklfhrtf mmumt mnd t j, Hamuli Shmrk V m i t t lui frvs). I$mmp0ff4ti rmmr mntiW No Charge for Consultation uttt&wumtfiUixtiUfntViiamaumwmumtnmutto NOW IS The Time To Have Your Meas ure Taken for That NEW SPRING SUIT Come in and examine our samples. BRISTOW & JOHNSON lone, Oregon. Dr. Mcllethlii la a regular icrntlu it rein medicine nixl eunrery and la J Icrnaed by tbe etate of Oregon. He J itttm not operate for chronic npiten- dlrttla. gall etonea. ulcera of atom hi Ii, tot.olla or adenoid. II.- Iihh to bla credit wonderful re anil In dlacattea of the atoiiiiu'h. live bowel, blood, akin, nerve, heart eMiter. bladder, lied wetting, out arrb, wenk lunga, rheuiiiathiin, eclat tea, leg ulcera and rectal allmente Ui'incinlN-r be above date and, t ha coimiiltlon will be free and bat bU treatment la different. Married women rutiat be aceompan led br their buxlianila. Addrem: 2:'4 Urndbury Itldg., Loa Angelea.rnltforulH. Conaldrr thcdrlivrml prirr aa well aa the lial prlr wbtfl cumparlng aulumuhilr alur. . . . Oaklaod-PontUa delivered price include only reasonable cbargea lav delivery aud fiuancinf . I. R. Robison, Garage I0NE - OREGON I OhtTfew OAKLAND ALL-AMERICAN SIX PRODCCT OF GENERAL MOTORS WANTED Men to examine those fine suit samples at Briatow & Johnson's. Auction Sale at the Sam Harnett ranch, 16 miles south enst of Arlington, in the tight Mile country. Come to sale of machinery, horses, harness, a good cow. household foods and other articles too numerous to mention, Tuesday, May 14 at the honr of 10:30, a. m. Terms will be given. Free lunch at. noon. S M. Burnett, owner. Martin N. Thrall, auctioneer M-. and Mrs. Brenner Reese of Yakima arrived in lone Sun day morn ng to abend a few das visiting Mra. Reese's parents, i Mr. and Mrs. John Cochran. They were accompanied by Mrs. ReesV young nepl ew, Bobby Cochran. Mrs. Dell Ward ia in the hos- mmimmmmmm INSURE By Feeding Pan a-cea Sure Grow, Baby Chick Scratch .Cracked Corn THOSE pital at Heppner recovering from 1 a tonsil operation. Her condition J 11-,. t-Um .a.f-La He Hncc I R. ROBISON DONT WEAR U out your tracrtor or automobile by maKingueai am. INSTALL A PO.; MONA CLEAN-10 ER. It wiUukealltm the dirtontofthel air. 0 MACHINE SHOP ' it Louse Killer CgL Disinfect the brooder & BABY CHICKS at first caused some uneasiness, but she is now reported lo be getting along nicely. 1 P. G Balriiger. dealer in Har vester Supply Co. extras to fit Holt and Harris harvesters. j The ladies of the Christian t - ...!iL T l-l TV Church will hold a food and fan-i TOUblb Willi Ul I IC33 LSIfe cy work sale on May 11, at bwan son's store. The ladiea will meet! next Wednesday at the home of' Mra. Charlea Ba Hereby. Johnson's Chocolates Station ery and Cards for Mo'hei's Day. Wrapped for nu;.ing. Bullard's Pharmacy Blood Trantfutioa Tbe fi: trnnafuslon of bliwd Is tup (toned to have been nmde on Novem ber 23, 1007, at a meeting of the Iloyat society lit txtndon. Kor purposes of experiment, tbe college hired s mnn for twenty billings. A silver tube was used to connect tbe csrotld artery of a sheep with a vein In the man's arm and twelve ounces were let la. BERT MASON 10NE, OREGON