THE IONE INDEPElffiEffH i Published Every Friday by W. W. Head, Editor-Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION One Year 11.60 Six Monihi 0.75 Three Months O.M) Entered as second Class mutter at the pottcf fire at lone, Oregon, under act of March 3. 1S79. Friday, April 26, 1929. lone Hi Bests Heppner t the reason. Heppner tallied first ? in the. fourth inning when n;j error, a hit batter, alonir with a J fieider'r-choice, put over a lone, however came buck for re- j J venue in their half, and t.y mean? ' J of a couble of errors, a hit batter ; J MORROW COUNTY CREAMERY CO. Pays Top Market Price for Your CREAM. Leave cream at any store in town I and we pick up Mondays and Fridays. Check for each can. Ritncr Will Speak Odd Fellows Meet to he Boeomitlisht'ri by river trftn iportation for freight. .Freight lnn "chrol yymnaHium, Friday 1 rat' vviM c" tah ly be afleited evening, April ID. by 'good t oilet to the Colon hia Tula meeting was preceded by river and liarge transportation th regular meeting of the Odd for flight. Fellows lodge it, their hall, at I At the hmt meeting of the which time Fred J. Meirtdl, F irm Korean there were ahm! Grand .Master of the Grand Lodge t'vo hundai'd present to heur of Oregon, paid his official visit Cmnty Agent, Chas. Smith, to the lodge, (i, V. Haw, High pe iK on this and othur tmort l itest or theUrand linciminnent T . II, J a a was also p'tbent, The program at the gvmnari um constHted of readings, musical numbers, a abort talk by W. W. Head and an add ret. a by (lad Master Mendl. Hto. Ilu ho made a few remarks. A ioli'ik nipper wan S'rved in Hie ihmit ic Hcieticu rot m About l!Jll ine'r. hers and visiiora weie pit kt tit. matters and it is the aim to u U.. . U....J... 4444444444444444444444"4444444444444t444444444444 ii t i iii re iiuiiui vu m exni iu nrar T x inivmre X Hon. Roy Ritner, l'reaident of t i k .. , . ., ti'i . r t 'i, unnicin VSC H Ileal LriHUC, 4 speak on th same siibji-ct. i 4444444444444444444444444 Agent (or A' Lix al Scpsniton. W. C. Cox. Mgr. and a base hit, put over two runs, lone acored again in the 5tn in ning on a three oase hit by John. son followed by a sacrifice fly hy G. Swanson. Heppner scoring in the 9th when passed ball and another hit put i over their second run. Most of f the time the sides were retired in one, two, tt.ree oTJe; soin - times by the sn iktout ruL'e .r.o 4 4 finni.-hed n a bit, a 4 4 Mr. EDISON AND Yen. WOULD yoa move lo a town where you c. udn't have ATTORNEY AT 4 ? elcc'.ri: service, if you cou'J lulp it? sometimes bv good fielding. The t batteries for the game were: Heppner, Rolieitson and Evar s; Jone, G. Swanso and Akers. C!i o for the fit st time Drake was umpire. Loage Directory Yet its only within the past five years that 4.0o0 towns J anJ v.llagcs of the United" stales were ruj-pIieJ will, clcclldly X 4 X t In these days, when even the most modest cottage is j wired for electricity, it is difficult to realize th;t within U e short span ol seven years S), 000,000 homes - the hearthstones 40,000,000 people -have been added to those already served. ft f r ! I! ...I .11 1 -'O.l ...u I.- - l , A IONE LODGE'i . V & M 4 -"ulon was nuteuieu in irvz win n nc mi iiuuui Merts erprr flint and third to prove that artificial liul.t could re furnished over wires f T T from a central station Todoy- lese than CO years late PROFESSIONAL CARDS JACK FERRIS : Dcrmatidan : It pays fo look well. "Specialist in Hobs" C. L SVEEK Before contracting or selling your wheat it Will pay you to sec L Balsiger representing B. G. and Co. lone, Oregon LAW. First Nation;;! Bank lildfl Ilcppncr, Oregon lity When Yuu Visit Heppner I ' Eat At The X Rcal Lsta.e "i:ikhcrn Restaurant" j Cood Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter IONE CASH MARKET lite place to get GihhI Sen' ice your meat RejjonjMe Prurs We want your fat cattle and liogj Insurance I'GTl-RSON BROS. ft t b.iy oteach month . VL, rlirUa McCurdr Skt, V. E. Eullinj "tHA.D.McMURDO.M.D.? Lr.II .T I? II Arift'CMlTU ciirn,tj Lucust Thapter No. 119 Urata tbeaontl and tourtb TiifN 7 dn; of each month : T. M.,U.7E.H.rKfto. J 000,000 have artificial light at the push of a button. I PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT CO. 1 1 lkm"' ' 0rcs"n J S7, lutk Huoa IONE LOlMiE No. 111. I. ). ). K Mwt every Friday evening. N. G, H. G. Rukk Stcy, Ut HcU BL'NCU GUASS ItElJKKAII No. . 1 t l l hysician And burgeon i -1 U'c are prepared to take care of your Oftice In Masonic Building n shafting requirements by the Installation of an nr eiecinc Key way macnine ana a siock 01 siiamng X ; i in a wide range of sizes. We also have a list of X ! , second hand combines for sale. Agency for tl t Harris Manufacturing Companies new comHncs. I ifi IO'Meara. Proprietor j& Tburiday of mk-U mouth. N. Look Britto Scy, Vefdj Kibbi I. U. U. F. Meet time ami llur.i I I0NF tOST No. 91, Aawrku Lcgioa, bmii Ant rntai mi fourth TTedneidayi of mcIi ncath. Ommtndtt, E. G. Sfnrj Awritu Uioa Auiillury No. ntu o 2nd Todoidtf A uck month it 8 0o P. M. tnj oo 4th lauitj u 2:W P. M. P:i., Mrjrt BliLt Stcjn Otirt Drikt Fiiuact Off cr, Joho Firm SWIFT & COMPANY HAVL OPENED A Produce Duying Station In IONE See us for Prices On POULTRY CD. CREAM Peterson Brothers 4 4 4 4 X 4 t A.H. JOHNSTON Physician & Surgeon I'lmlie Office IteKlili'tire Heppner - lune, Ttir.i.jin uml 1'ritlnx' From UCOtn 10.00 A. M. Miiln rl.; Main -! Oregon 5 1 F. H. ROBINSON Hotel I one 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 T 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 x 4 4 Church Directoiy FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday Sv' ool at 10:( 0 A. M. Prayer Mofti'. Thur.. 7 M : V4-; K vH.4 4 : : : 4 44444 v 44444444444444v , 44444444444444v444444444vv44444444444444444444441 : : Dont forget we're in the market thisj ! season. ' 4 4: 444- 4444444444444444444 4444 4 44444444444 4 4 4 t If it'll I nl Wil fr Amn if t. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. W. HEAD. PHstor Services 11:00 A. M.:C. E. at 6:45, P. M. Prayer Meetinjr, Wed.. ':30 It will pay you to drop in at the Farmers' Elevator and see Cole Smith as he is buying fori Attorney & Counselor At Law W ill I'riK tlre In All I he f..,iri IONE ORLCON Morrow Ceneral HOSPITAL MIhh Zeii;i WfMtfjill, UriMlimle Nurw, NujitTlLteulM-ut A. II. Johnston M. D. I'li.Vdklan In t Iihuji'. ItATKM IllCASONAIII.r, Dr.J.A. McCrady Dentist X-Uay D1AGSOSIS Otfice;OJd Fellows lild'g. i Heppner Oregon 4 It 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 44 t hi T At t ' 1 Hi 8 n u t t 8 t J. C. Sanford & Son S FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH , Sanday School 10 00 A. M. ' Prayer M?etinf Thurs. Evenma Services C. E.:6:30; Preaching Service, at 7:30 P. M. CATHOLIC CHURCH lone, Orfgon ! Official Announcement Mass every second Sunday in lone during Nov., Dec,, Feb., Mar. April and May ct 10:30 A. M. in the home of Mr. J, P. O'Mcara. 1 Rtv.tThos, J. Brady, Pastor. 4 4 44444444444444444444 4444444444444444 4444444444444-4 4 J.O.PETERSON EXPERT WATCHMAKER AND JEWELRY REPAIRER Heppner, Oregon. STRAUSS & CO. Grain Dealers, of Portland, Oregon Will Be Represented this Smson by W. M. Eubanks It will pay you to see him before you t jsell your wheat. 444444444444444444 ) I 4 X I Dr. J. Arthur Craig i DENTIST 1 Phone M 1012 CiiMApl.IiMK. t Heppner, Ore. Evcningii HtiJ Sunavhy npixmif merit, lone Independent JOB PRINT See Balsiger For Insurance t t 444444444444444444444444 e cater to the patronage ol those who wish first class accommodations. George Ritchie, Prop. 44444444444444444444444 44444444444444444444 44444 tttt'ttinrttiU'tt-U'tt'tt BUY YOUR WOOD AND COAL FROM COLE I 'I 8 tt tt 8 8 8 8 '1 tt ', tt ti : YOU ALWAYS FIND THE 1 . VERY BEST AT THE FARMERS ELEVATOR 4'44444444444444444444 4444444444 44444444444444444444 Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR WIND MILLS. WINONA WAGONS. PAUL G. BALSIGER 4 ! lone, Oregon V44444444444444444444444444444444444