1 VOLUME XVII IONG, OREGON, FRIDAY, April 5, 1929 NUMBER 44 City Hill Note Tuesday e venin of this week Uih Council f l met in reu tar a'BBion with Uie Mayor, He corder, Marshal and Councilmen Linn, Uryson, Hulit-r, Lundell and Davidson present and Coun cilmun MeCahe absent. Bill wera presents I, audited id allowed at follows: Swanson, Office Knit, $15 CO TumA Lum, Sund, Gravel 1.60 Neptune Meter Co., Fittings 3 M V. 11. Kobinaun. Recorder's Bond 5.00 Irwin Hudson Co.' StopSigr.s 20 00 Indepeneent Garage, Gasoline G 12 Bert Manon, freight Adv on Signs 'i CO lone City Dray, Drat age 8 73 Ihe Cjumitti e on Street re ported atop signs and alow aliens placed on certain streets and 4 unused sins on hand. The finance Commiiteu report ed ti e collection of back taxes I'jntini'J on Pg. 4. Weather Report For March Total Fnow fall 0.00 Total precipitation 0 42 " ' "since Sept. 1 5 24 " " for the corres ponding period laMt year.... 8 03 No of clear days U. No. of cloudy days. 11 J No. partly cloudy .11. Prevailing wind W. It. K. lliiriiiMon Coiiperutire Ohterrer I'. S. V II. Morgan, Oregon, Apil . 1. VJ29. Dr. Clarke of the Clarke Opti cal Co,. 202 and 203. Merchants TruHt lildg. 6th and Washington Sts.,lortland, Ore.. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS, will be in lone all day and evening, Sat., Apr 13th at the lone Hotel. SEE HIM ABOUT YOUK EYES. George N. Ely, Manager of the Joroan Elevator Company has purchasec a New Kemington I'ort able from liullard's 1'harmacy. X t 4 X X X mr MM Kodak at Home Kodak pictures taken at home have a charm that grows greater v, 1th every passing year. Think of the pleasure you'll get from nn album full of family picture. And, li.lay - - with the high grade lens equip ment Mi) pi ed on low-priced Kodaks picture-making ii easier than e ver before. We'll fi.Wy show you the iw Kifilak models. St;tp in any time. Bnllard's Pharmacy lOS'E, oregox. . Local Happenings The turkey meeting held on March27, at the Frd Mc Mur. rav runch, was well attended. Mr, McKinley Huntington, who was the principal speaker, has been a success! ul turkey grower for many years. While Mn. Ida Cochran, of Portland, was in lone last week she sold to the Pentecstal peo ple, the building on Main Street which is now being used by them as a mission house. Miss Hildega' de Williams spei.t the week-end with friend in Prosser. Mrs. Helen Farrens, who has been here for a short viait. re turned, the last of the week to Portland. While hers the pur chased from George Ritchie, the house on Second Street now be ing occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Black well. Mrs. Fan en will not come to rrmke her home here until the close of school. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ahalt were calling on relatives and friend in lone, last Friday, They wire on their way to Toppenish. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Balsiuer drove to Vancouver, Washington, returning Sunday. They were uc companied by their son, Alfird, who was returning to his school work at the University of Wash ington, and by Mr. S. E. Moure, who stopped over in Portland. Mr. and Mr. Wa'ier Corltj made a business trip to Bultei ! Creek Wednesday, of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lindekin oenl (the last of the week with tela lives in woodburn. Mr. a.id Louis Baiaiger juuu- eyed to Ne berg to spend East 'eriunday. When they returned they were accompanied by Mis. Baisiger'a mother, Mrs. McNey. ' MiBS Anna Mcuevitt. who has been teaching in the KheaCuek 'school, has resinned her position 'in order that she may attend the State Normal school at Mnomouth during the Bpriog term. Mrs. F. A. Brown has been engaKed a !Uaeher for the remainder of it e term. Continue I on Vj NOTICE Morgan News Mn. J. P. IIaidf.sty Declamatory Contests ' birthday party Mr'. Bob Miller and daughter, Hazel, were calling on Mrs. Eu doraSeely, Wednesday evening. Mrs. Fred Pettyjohn and Mr. Copp were u.itng at the Willow Creek Poultry Farm. Weduerday Curdy. Your Fif, Bd My Fla(f Thfc Local Declamatory Contest was held Thursday evening, March 28, in the High School gymnasium. The judges from Lexington and Heppner selected the following winners. Non Humorour: Maxine Mc t afternoon. Carrie Bresheara and h r two daughters left on the stage for Gonnett, Washington. Saturday. ' Pat Medlock was calling on Hal F.lv Inrt Tr.nro div morninf Mrs. Fred Pettjohn and Mrs if Olena Copp, of Rhea Siding were j J calling on Mr, and Mrs. N. E.tJ Pettyjohn, Wednesday. I Mrs.Madge Medlock of Windy- jj nook was calling on Mrs, Hard- it esty, Thursday Morning. J W. F. Matlock, of Lexington,!? the Rawliegh agedt, was in Mor gan last Friday. ? ,Er. and Mrs. It. E. Harbison ? called on the Hardest! a last Fri (There was no school in Morgan i last Friday as the teacher, Mrs j J Kennels was in Boardmsn attend ing the institute. J Paul and Lee Pettyjohn werei calling on J. F. Hardetty. Friday.! Mias Peck and Mrs. R. Ship-' ley of lone came by Morgan and ' X picked up Mrs. Rennets and alii ther went to Boardman to thej institute at Boardmar, Friday, t -. Mrs. Jsy Grif fen and friend Were businesh visitors here rnoay. Francis Bali cslled on James;; Hardesty. last Friday. jl Mrs. Seely and daughter t Mrs. Hardwtv were calling ou,t Mrs. John Nash last wetk. j X H. O. Ely and wile , it io X Heppner on buriness last Friday. X Frank Haiferty spent Fncay J n.ght with Mr. and Mrs. Hal Ely i Frank was on his way from Freei wter to Seapoose. It Martin Baurenteind accoirpa- f nied by Hal and George Ely It ft for the valley, Sunday to atutd the funeral of tbeir uncle and cousin, John Ely at Estaca a. Mrs. Gladys Ely came up wi h her husband on a visit with rela tiveo over the weeK-i nd. Fsai k tin took her to Arlington on Sun- Humorous: Helen Lundell; Sister in the Medicine Closet Continued on page 4 A surprise birthday party was given Mri. Dell Ward at h. r ranoh home, Tuesday afternoon of last last week. The gufits were entertained by bridge: the high prize going to Mrs. Fortner and low to Mrs. Beckner. Thofft present were: Mesdsmes Ward, McNamer, McAtee, Lucas, Fort ner, Lieuallen, Beckner, Lundell, continued on Pg. 4 Forwar J - Looking People 7 Will Inratifau TU Cae If 01 1 1 I Brakes - another All -American feature that arouses owners' enthusiasm The brakes of the New Oakland All American are internal-expanding . . . fully protected . . , unaffected by mud or rain or ice. They are always positive and, smooth in action . . . always exception . ally quiet. Yes . . . Oakland's brakes are far from ordinary. But the same is true , of everything else in the New All-Anar'-canSix. Comera...andwewillahow a how much more it offers for its price. ' frU UliS tm lirl,. . h. f.R !, MirMf-n. ptut Mwr rharfM. .Win. rmri mn4 Ltrlar .lit SWt 4.r.r. lmiU l U rmrm Contidrr lh drlivcml prU ma wrll a lial priea bca comparing autamoliile value). OaH4-rUaa dallnmd pr!-a Inrla4a l, i far Mlwf mm4 lia.aaiag I.R. ROBISON, Garage, lone, Oregon. Ilit Hjntord nr lfiince MJmpany, "i i jgy. mere 81)8 DOarueu a iiauifA OhtTfew OAKLAND ALL-AMERICAN SIX raootCT or cemibal motobs Hariftii4Cnrtiul,kri-Jr give naiicr thai . . u orlgn(j whre fche U tetch ill warrliiMue palk ic aumbtrrJ 4 H, Si nai No. 2191 ktrttofow furaUM ill C A. . jl4.,o.,,ng,o.. o..goa. a.,, become (. 1 Several of the young people ol ilui, it will ao b EabU for iou uo.lcr uj cf lone were at the Ntali l'dtyjolin jiri4MiciMhuMtBr)rliMd bf nu- p'jCe last Sunday. jlteM P-o. .....iag W U Ihi., BuUer an(J ffcmlly 0 yepp ! JOYUCTENSTEIM ,e mV""f 10 lha Fld' ! Monaaer Pacific Department pn.ee oeiow v,ecu NOW IS Htriford Fin luaf.iu Comdanv Sua Franiiico, California Tne Sunday school nave a pio-; gram in the morning of Easier Dan of first Publcotion, Apr. 5, '29. - Sunday . After the program, ah Number of Timet. Three. ; adjourned 10 the 1. O. O. V. Lai. where all partook ot a bountiful TWO HIGH GRADE PIANOS Hi,in(,raervM hv lh, l.di;s. After mi I in St0raac ncaf Ionc-VUllfa"'lcc dinner Uev. Head, of lone, tula I rr I 1tiO forquick8aleat $l25. $ 7'a preaching service at the sch.ol 1 11C 1 llllWl tenn.lo rait. Vour rhonosraph, or organ taken on down payment, (drr, Delia Cornon of lone vU- at. Jrn TT T Af i i o nave i our lUKcta- ure Taken for That ANO THER Carload of FEED NEW SPRING SUIT .. .. , . i ..H.. uuiu ui u.va ..a.. j e(J frieR(Jll in Morgan ai d at ! antccdandthe piano at .t4nded lhe services at the school ' and looks like new. losee, w"'e hjuge Tallman I'ianoStore, Sakm. Ore. j Mf; 8mJ MfJ HtMton t00: Jab ' i a iiv u iui aa u i i v iw liv t 1 1 , V L i it i .v... : ion aim iieppner, n bi oum.iy, after chuich. Mrs. CorBon wis cropped at loi e and Mr. Head Come in and examine our samples. BRISTOW & JOHNSON ; ... lone, Oregon. I R. ROBISON I ODNT WEAR t U ont your traci tor j nr aiitnmnhilp hv a i"' . w? making it eat dirt. INSTALL A PO. t MONA CLEAN- ER.It will take all I the diit ont of the X air. MACHINE SHOP 0 m at Lexington. Huston Bfycn ,7! week with Li I'adberg. Clark & Linn v'm'eJ ItiBt 1... Luna Rolled Barley Mill Run Shorts Bran ChicK Scratch, Growing' Mash Cracked Corn, Whole Corn Oystershell Surelay, Calf Meal A full line of Dr. Hess Remedies Carpenter Work, Painting, Pa per Hanging and General Re pair Wotk lone, Oregon. BERT MASON 10NE, OREGON i WwWWHWWWti