The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, March 29, 1929, Image 1

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    Mnnt Mmhtpt nhtnt
IOND, OREGON,' FRIDAY, March 29, 1929
Mr. and Mm. K. K. Harbison
arrived at home, Saturday even
from thtflr two weeks voctit n
In Call forriia. Their main riesti
nation was Vacaville, about twen
ty milea aouthwest of Sacramen
to, a town where Mr. Ihrbhon
lived with liia oldest brother in
the years 1 Wand 1884. and where
the family of thin biothtr, now
deceased, are still living. On the
way down lha sUe.inir wheel
was turre I owtr (0 Itobert Jr.
at Eugene. They left tUt place
early in the morninit and arrived
at Vacaville the evening of ti e
name day, making a run of 51 9
milea Tnolr trp was extended
to OaKlanc, San Francisco, and
San Leandio and short calls wire
made on re'ativea in tlx ae placet.
They could not ("pare the time to
go on to the City of the Anne a.
Sheep, catile, hojjs, dairying
and jrrBin Kerned In bi lh bial
oiinla in the furnimr line. Thf
fruit jrrowers were uiven to coin
plainx about overproduction and
unprofitable returns. 1 hey came drove over from I'bhco, Friday,
back to Morrow County quite con returning Monday, While here
Local Happenings
Mra. Edna Jewell and two chil
dren, and Mra. Lovely Fick,
fnled with conditions here and
have nodeaire to change to the
Sunnhine Slate.
A few incidents enlivened their
Hp as they aped along Many
hoboes and job seekers werefour d
tramping the highways and of
those overtaken about (J0 per cent
walked ahead on the right hand
a di. Some would turn their
heads at the sound of the horn
and others would Rive noniRii of
attention. Aa they drew close to
one of the latter who must have
beendiaf or asleep, heatattid
suddenly a era a tho pavement,
h frent of the car. A quick blant
caught his ear and he jumiel
back, the car missing him by
inches. Mr. Harbison rejei'a
this far what It may be worth to
other motorists who may be mak
( Ciintliiui'd on I'k
- "V I
1 n iaX 1 aU7
Kodak at Home
Kodak pictures taken at home have a charm that
grows greater v. ith every passing year. Think of the
pleasure ) ou'l! get from an album full of family
And, today -with the high grade lens equip
ment supplied on low-priced Kodaks picture-making
is easier than ever before.
We'll C'.Jtlly sliow you
the nc.v Kodjk models.
Stop in any time.
Dnllard's Pharmacy
they were the guests of Mrr,
Jewel's mother, Mrs. Alice Mc
Mis, J. T. Kirk and son Johnie
ol Heppner, vi-itcd Sunday, with
Mrs. Kirk'a daughter, Mrs. Fred
Ed Lindekin has sold his Bent
"20" tractor to Carl W. Troed-
Llnet Troedson of C. S. C.
spent the Easter vacation with
the home folks.
Peterson Brothers had a car
load of hoga on the Portland
market, Sunday. Ture Peterson
went with the stock.
Mr. and Mra. Rupert Farrens
and danghter Bernice. of Menu
ment, arrived Saturday, called by
the serloua illness of M". Farrens
mother, Mra. Willard Farrens.
Mrs. Hannah Ahull has return
ed after spending the winter in
foppenish with her daughter,
Mrs. U. A. Montague.
Mrs. Zelma Kennedy (pent the
week-end in Portlanb. She made
the trip with Wendell and E va
Dwight Misener has arrived
1 and has begun work on his nely
I 'acquired farm. His tractor, a
X jBrfst "IiO", was delivered Frit! ay.
X ' It was brought up from Portland
t j by truck. Mrs. Misener will re
main in Portland till June.
Mr. Wendell Balslger, of U
Grande, stopped here, FriJay
night on bis way to Portland He
continued his journey, Saturday,
accompanied by his aister, 1 1 va,
who ia returning to her work at
he U. ofO.
Mrs. Walter Cochran ml Mrs.
j Werner Ui 'tmann were Pen I'e
ton visitors on Tuesday of last
j week.
j Mr. and Mrs. Dale Kay d ove
' to Lexington, Sunday to visit Mr.
Kay's sister, Mrs. Dingy, and
.her daughter, Mrs. Jones, who
j ire guests in the home of Ha rv
, D ngy. iUs. Dingy and herdau. h
Iterate from Portland. Mr. Kay
took them for a long drive tluu'
the farming country both north
and south of Willow Creek. Mr ,
Dingy was delighted with her
Morgan News
Mk$. J. F. Hakdkbty
Otto Lindstrom ia ha'iling
wheat to Morgan.
Herschel Townsen was up
from The Dalles and atopptd in
Morgan, Tuesduy.
Mr, Palmateer is reseeding
some of his wheat.
Glenn Ball was in Heppner on
business Thursday lant.
Morgan has had quite change
able weather the last few days:
a har.1 wind Thursday, fuhowid
by snow and aleet and on Salur-'
day by a fine tain. (
Mrs. Opal Chrhstopherson ar.d!
son, Mrs Harry beeiy or Arlwg-i
ton. Mrs. E. II. Seely of Wood j
burn were all visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. Sun ey Seely. The two
Mrs. Seelys, grandmother and
great grandmother of Ernestine
Seely stayed with Ernestine Fri
day night and departed on Satur
day morning'stage for Arlington. 1
Mra. Zoe Baurenfeind tswiih
her mother in lone. i
Mr. Ture Peterson was in Mui
gan on busines laBt Friday. 1
t Clarence Pratt, of Heppntr,
as a busines visitor in Morgar,i
last Saturday.
Harold Peterson,-the two Gid-
son boys, Milcrea Morgan era
Mr. and Mra Harbison were call
ers at the II. G. Ely home, Sun
day vening. j
R. E. Harhi.-on anl wi'e re
turned from an auto trip toCali
tornia. They report having a very
nice ttip with w eat he. good in
both states and a good visit with
friend" an rrlativeB in both Ore
gon and California. ;
Franklin Ely was called to Port
land. Sunday, by. the illness of
his wife.
Hal Ely and lamily spent Sun
day with Mrs. Echo Palmatetr
and family and enjoyed Mr. W. I
F. Palmateer'adinnner with I. in..
M. Swartz of Heppner was call '
ing on James Hardesty. Sunday.'
Mif s Gladys Mcdlock called on
Mia. Sefly last week. Gisdys
savs her baby aister i just line. 1
Mr. and Mrs. N. Pettyjohn and
children visited with his brother
Fred and family, at Rhta, last
week-end. j
Harvey Medlock was calling on 1
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mahoney;
and Leonard Mahoney spent Sun
day afternoon in Heppner.
Barnice FarrertR, Mra. Bauren
feind's neice was helping in the
Baurenfeind store at Morgan,
this week.
Mrs. "Red" Shipley, of lone,
visited witl Mrs. Stanley Seely
on Monday.
Mr. and Mra. Miller, visited
Mr. and Mrs. Hardesty Sunday,
last. 1
Am if rnMin'ftiraj
of base ball clubs in this section
of the state was held in Arlir.g
tan for the. purpose of organizing
a league and arranging act cd
ule of games, last Sunday. The
organization was effected to in
clude Heppner' lone, Arlington"
continued on pg. 4
iVs a sign of
progress to own this
groat now ear
The New Pontiac Big Six offers the perform
ance, Ktjle and comfort of a truly big car. It
quality is hig car quality, yet its prices range
as low as $743. That's vhy it is enabling
progressive Americans to tep up in motor
car ownership without leaving the low
priced field.
P.i t'Jt .an. , ... .....
j "umr tmprnml ml U(kl aitra rmu Ckh OmUm
. f" " " IIU-IH.M MlUUll HM.,M,
MMrt Tum rViMil timn wl.M u mUmimum raM.
I.R. RO3IS0N, Giragc.
lone, Oregon.
. 1
trip, it being her first oportunity :tJeo Mahoney last Sunday,
to view our wonderful wheat' Mr. and Mrs. Vanduser. of
fields, Oakland, Cal., came in on Mon-
Mr. J. W. Crites from the of.''9 .train 10 8ee tMt Mother,1
ficeof the state superintendent
- t
x I
The Time!
To Have Your Meas
ure Taken for That
Come in and examine our samples, m
of schools, Mrs. Lucy Kodgers,
county school superintendent,
and County Agent Smith, visited
the lone school, Wednesday of
I ist week.
t'i iidn mil in I it 4
lone, Oregon.
Mrs. Farrens. who is quite il!,
and Martin Baurenfeind took,
them to lone. Mrs. Bauren'eind
has been in lone about a week
eating for her mctht r. f
Mr. Troge, of lone was in Mur
gan, last Saturday, collecting ;
hoga for the lone Maiktt.
Mr. and Mrs. II. 0. Ely and
TWO HIGH CRADE PIANOS daughter Margaret went to the
in storace near lone. Will sacrifice School entertainment at lone,
for quick sale at $125 and $195-j'st Friday. TheirdaughterEdhh:
termsto suit. Your phonograph I accompanied them home to spend
or ortfan taken on down navment tne week-end.
Both of thes pianos are fully guar
anteed and the piano at $195 is
and looks like new. To see, write
Tallman Piano Store, Saltm, Ure.
; ; ODNT WEAR ;;
y ;;ont your tracrtorj q
. ' or automobile by ' ' w
IJmona clean.: :0
q ; ; ER. It will take all ; ; p
ythe dirt ont of the!!
:: air. ;:
J. E. Swanson
insurance i
At Bert Mason'sStore,
Saturday, April 6.
Auspices of Locust Ciptcr
No. 119, 0.E.S.
J& Clark & Linn J&
Carpenter Work, Painting. Pa
per Hanging and General Re
pair Work
lone, Oregon.
Carload of
Rolled Barley
Nill Run
ChicK Scratch, Growing Mash
Cracked Corn, Whole Corn
Surelay, Calf Meal
A full line of Dr. Hess Remedies
mm a mmmmm