The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, March 15, 1929, Image 3

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    What Will
When yow
Children Cry
for It
There U hurdly a household thai
hiiwi't lieu r J of Cualorlnl At least flv,
ml 1 1 Inn Inline nro mvur wlttiout It. II
tliera arn children In your . fiimlly
there's Almost dully need of It nun
fort. And any night mny And you ver
tliiititi ful thore'e a botllti In tli house
Just a fi'W drops, mid Hint colic 01
riniNtlialliiii la relieved; nr dliirrlies I
chocked. A vi'k'etiiblo innliirt a lml)
remedy meant for young folke. Custnrla
la aliout tlio only thing you lmv erei
hourd doctors advise giving to Infants
Rlronger medicines am dangerous to a
tiny bndy, however harmless they mny
lie to grown lips. Good old f'nalnrla
llciiiciiihor tlio tmnift, and remembet
to Imy It It luny apart you a sleep
I mil, anxious night It la nlwnya ready,
always wife to e; In emergoncli-a, 01
for everyday ailments. Any hour of Hit
dny or ii I KM Unit Uiiliy beooiiioa fret-
fill, or restlesa. Cnatorla waa nevei
more populnr with nmllirra than It It
today. Kvcry druggist Ima IL
No Chang Tb.r.
Oil, yes. Ilia world tin iiinda a lot
of profc-rwRji but they atlll lck some
tiresome, long winded But to Intro
duce tlio aiH-Hkrr of the evening.
Kiiiima (lly Slur.
A Sour
In tli enme tlma It tuke a dose of
mIu io tiring a Utile temporary relief
of gas and aour atomach, Phillips
Milk of Magnesia Ima aridity complcte
ly checked, and the digestive organs
all triinqulllxed. Once you hnra tried
this form of Miff yoa will eense to
worry about your diet and experience
new freedom In rating.
Thla pleasant preparation la Just
pond for children, too. Ve It when
ever routed tongue or fi'tld brcnth
elgmil need of a eweotener. Physic-Inn
will It'll you Hint every Kon
ful of Phllllpa Milk of Magnesia neu
tralise ninny time Ita volume In arid,
diet the genuine, the nnine I'hllllpa If
Important Iniitntlona do not art tin
an me I
Milk .
of Magnesia
Wkal Wa'ra Walling For
Eventually anya Hie lliimtlion Spec-
tutor, 'j'iH'llnt will he of eurh sire
they will he currying nceiin liners. a I
IHehonls llosfnn Trnnarrlpl
Doing Their Act
fCeerrleM. W H 0 ) . 111
w: 7
Freddy Would Start a Feud
CKiMO S68 MS- y VJ BAUM W0 TQ OAV" ph7,tU'
rZZri, iril WHAT HAV MOO tfOT llWXH- k
i 1 "ST00 ' ( M2.BA0WS Vs
MU& ' WAT I HAD ) H! J
9 iriio Qnt'V
Mother and Daughter Praiio
Vegetable Compound
Johnnon Clly, N. T. "My daughter
waa only ZU yonra old, but for two
vmra ana worxea
In niliery. Bhe ai
all run-down, ncrr-
sua. had achoa and
nalna and no anno-
tlte. I waa taking
UdlaBJ. IMnkham'i
Vaaetahle corn-
nound with good
ronulla ao aba At
cldod to try It De
fore aba had taken
two bettlea her ap
nntlta waa bettor.
abe waa mora cheerful and waa able to
work. I cannot pralne your medicine
tnn hlrhlv. ft la wondrflll for mother
and for daughter!. It'a aarely '
friend In need'." Maa. L. K. Hau,
, 221 floral Avaaua, Johntoa Cltgr, N. x.
1 nm expecting no pnoknijee due
todny," mild Hie book alore mnnaKer.
"I'lils la our number" anld the ex-
nrcdsniiin. miking on tlie box. "xour
nninr'a Jolmaonl"
Then It'a for too."
'It must be a rase of mistaken
"I'm not concerned with what la in
It, .but It'a youra."
SuccMiful Party
Nesro Yard Man Yaa'rn, we had a
grun' time at de polity. Dey wai
ao mull? folka dat we couldn't hardly
more around. And noiaei roia
couldn't bordly bear themaelvei
think "
Miatresa Sounda rather tumultu
Mnn Oh. nn. ma'am not too
'multuous, jet 'mnltiioua enough."
Snoop Had Hair Lip in Mind
1 Tn, (
4 him T WkJMV? J "S. rS.SO00PiSiT) l-fcfwHV (Li
Hi! liTK 7- f : wi Vbayiubneo ut .
- . QLTEtlllllllilillMIl'
irit ttx
Neal's Mother
Has Right Idea
Within t fen
montlia there will lie
no more feverish, bll
loua, headachy, con
atlpnted, pA'e and
puny children. Thnt
Ji v ipropnecy wouio rare
""Iv 'y coine tru " ver7
tWSi XI mother could aea for
heraelf how quickly, ennlly, and hnrm
leaiily the bowela of bable and chil
dren are cleansed, regulntcd, given
tone and atrength by a product which
ha a proved lta merit and reliability
to do what la claimed for It to mil
lion of mother in over fifty year
of ateadlly Increasing nw.
Aa mothers find out from using It
how children respond to the gentle
Influence of California Fig Ryrap by
growing stronger, sturdier and more
active dully they simply have to tell
other mothers about It That's one of
the reasons for Its overwhelming
sales of over four million bottles
A Western mother, lira. Nenl M.
Todd, 1701 West 27th 8t Oklahoma
City, Okla., snys: "When my son.
Nenl, waa three years old he began
having constipation. I decided to
give blm California Fig Pyrup and In
a few days he waa all right and
looked fine again. This pleased ma
so much that I have used Fig Syrup
ever since for all hla colds or little
upset spells. It always atop Ml
trouble quick, strengthens blm, makes
blm eat"
Always ask for California Fig
Syrup by the fall name and see that
the carton bears the word "Cali
fornia." Then youll get the genuine.
At rt tin of seold.Uk I
Ut that bonmi hlr cUa
joor intMtinaa. It lath on
quick war to art ra and
mart mr haalth. Mil.
aaf. poralr vasatabla. 'TO-MORROW
laaaaot-&c V AISIUHI
For CaU at All Dragfiats
"llury'i swlully munnlti."
"Yea, and manlesa In consequence.'
Matamorphotis .
Marrlasa ofl brlnaa about
A Chans Immmia;
A llttl dear turns out
A big aspens.
It's All Wrong
Asylum doctor about to make his
morning round looks at tower clock
and discovers he is late; meeting an
attendant, he asks: "George, la that
clock right r
George No; If It was It wouldn't
be here.
Worse Taan Triplets
"Hello. Jack, 1 hear you have an
addition to your family."
"Yes ; two." t,
"On, twins. ehT
So, a baby boy and my wife's
mot her."
Became Undesirable Risk
"Hear about JuiksonT
"No. whul about hfinT"
"He waa married last week, and the
life Insurance agent attended the wed
ding, and when he lamped the hrltle.
canceled the $20,000 policy Javkson
had on his life."
To Put On
needed flesh to enrich
the blood take Dr.,
Pierce's Golden Mcdi-
leal Discovery, lly
restoring the normal ac
tion of the stomach and
other deranged organs
and functions, it builds
the flesh op to a safe
and healthy standard
prompt ly, pleasantly and
naturally. The weak,
emaciated, thin, pale and
puny, are nude strong.
plump, round, rosy and robust, also
pimples and blotches are driven away.
All druggists, liquid and unlets.
Rr4 this coaimfot: "I havt never taaea any
BmliciM Uil have proven eo food aa Or.
Pirnx . I look tlx 'Golden Medical Dferowrr
lo annch the blood, at a aprine tonic, and fee
etnroach trouble and It wia excellent ard the
'tironu Frencrioooo when I hid brrcen
weak, nereoei ud rendoem." Mra. Minam
CuUkkjon, Ittt E. Rlttrmrl Aec, Spoiane.
Send 10c lor trai Pkg. to Dr.
Pierce's Invalids Hotel Buffalo. N. Y.
Seen te Be Misaam)
Why la a man railed noble 1 Hla
nntural Inclination la to break the
luwa ot nature and nation, aays tint
trhlsoo Globe.
Slllllons now tje Ituss Ball Bine.
Makes clothes snowy white. Get the.
genuine. Adv.
Both Star ,
"My uncle was a gridiron star."
"Thnt sol Mine wus a well-known
cook, too."
Ilnshrtil Youth It yon were In m
place wluil mould you dot
Modern Msilil Hire nn up-to-date
cluip with paid arms to cull on the
girls for me.
Two lo One
fV had a An canary;
W slso own a cut;
We have no mint cannry,
Dul puaa Is now quite fat
Think of the Finiah
Professor I do" I think my lecture
IhhI iiIl-IiI whs much of a success.
- - "
Wife Hut think of the splendid
i . .
audience you liegnn with.
mm. t
Troubletom Wads
Junior I'urtner It'a no use talking I
to t lie atenogruphvr she slicks to her
Senior Partner Her sticking to her
gum doesn't bother so much; It's the
things she sticks her gum to.
Nobody Horn Ever
'Did I understand you to say thnt
AulihU'lgli was iiliselit minded?"
"Yes, hut tint In the way Hint It nt
feets some very learned professors.
In Puhhlclislfs ense h Is continuous."
-Smith's Weekly. . ,
5 a Hard Life
'How's everything with yno those
days?" asked the old friend.
"I'm having as hard a time aa a
rhnrneter In a eomlr atrip, with no
artist In sight to eventually alrnlght
en things nut for me," sighed the
other one.
No More Than a Sisterly Act
"When you told Jnck you'd be a sis
Iter to him, wluil did he suy?"
"II hnd the nerve to ask to borrow
Imy enr ao that he could lake auotb
I ar girl fot a ride." ,
Vhen Dr. Caldwell started to practice
medicine, back in 1871, tba needs for a
laxstir were nut aa great as today.
Peon' lived normal lives, ate plain,
tthvleaom food, and got plenty of fresh
air.' Hut even that early there were
drastie physic ard purgee for th relief
of eonetipation which Dr. Caldwell did
not believe were good for human brings.
The prescription for constipation that
h used early in Lis practice, and wbia
he put in drug store in 1HU2 under th
name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin,
is a liquid vegetable remedy, intended
lor women, children and elderly people,
and they need just such a mild, sale
bowel stimulant.
This prescription baa proven Its worth
and la now tin largest aelling liquid
laxative. It has won the eonH lrnc ol
people who needed it to get relief from
headaches, biliousness, flatulence, Indi
gestion, lot of appetite and sleep, bad
breath, dyspepsia, colds, fevera. At your
druggist, or writ "Syrup Pepsin,"
let. MB, Monticello. Illinois, -fur frs
trial bottle.