The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, March 08, 1929, Image 4

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l"ublislird Every Friday by
W. V. Hkao, E.litor Publisher.
One Year $U0 0.75
Three Months 0.W
Entered as second Class mailer at
the post : ffne at lone, Oregon, under j
not of March .1, ls;).
rtiday, March 8,1929.
Local Happenings
J nt mi d nun I.
paid his mothher, Mr. lal Ks.y,
hurried visit Sa'.u day evei
intf. On Snrtday he went on ti
Hfiniislon to visit friends. Il
was accompanied by his s:ster,
Gladys, and his brother, Claude.
Air. and Mrs. Lee Btckne
were Sunday visitors in Pemtli
ton, During their absenc thei
niece, Miss Minnie Normojlf.
tayed in lone at the home ul
Mrs. Walter Cochran.
M-s. Kuty Roberts and Mr. am
Mrs. Vic Peterson drove to Hepp
tier to witness the cloMntf gama
of the DistriU Jasket Bu I Tot.
Th first ft the week, Mrs.
Paul Balsiner, reciived word o I
the death of her filter in law.
Mrs. L E. Mane, of Groen ilie."
Frtd Buchanan has rented a
fection of Ian . which joins the
Dean Ranch, and which is owned
by Bert Maion. Camp has tin i
established tn the .'.sv. L...
Ahalt will do the p'owinu.
Mr. and Mr;. Ralph Hank, at c
I. R. Robison, are busine.'s
visiters in Poitlanl this week.
E, A. Feller shipped 26 horset.
to Hubbard Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ahalt
spent Sunday with Mr. Ahult't
sister, Mrs. Herman Havercosi
of ReaSidinp;.
Mr. and Mrs Geo. Snider drovi
to Harry French's lovter ranch
last Sunday, taking with them.
Jackie Barlow, the small child
wlon Mrs. Lee Howell has been
caring for, fcr tevetbl weikt
This was as far as the road a
open for auto travel. At this
place the little fellow was met
by his parents, Mr. and Mry.
Carl Barlow, who had to maU
their part of the jourrey hj
sleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Barlow
are employed on. the mour.tain
ranch owned by Mr. Frtnch.
Men to examine those fine suit
camples at Bristow & JohruonV
Mrs. Bert Mason and son Jun
ior, jour neyid to Spokane Fnih
uUht to spend the week ei d
with Mrs. Mason's floVr ton,
Doir, who is astudent in Got za.'h
Univrsi'y. Mrs. Mason will alio
visit her sister, Mrs. Da'zell.
From Mrs. T. L Gra'jii. w
learn that her dautthttr, Mis.
Earl Wright, of Baker, who re
cently underwent an opeoation
for appendicitis, is miking a sat
is factory recovery.
The Dorcas Foeiety will Rtrve
a hot tama!e I Men Thurs ! afi
ernoon, March 1 1, lit the (' nun
(rational chuic'.i arlois. S-rvice
will beiiin at 5 o'clock p rn
'If :tjr
- 'i
Frederick S:eiwer
Junior Senator frcm Oregon
City Hall Notes
Tuesday evening of this week
the lone City Council met in ret!
ular session at the city hall with
allmembers and officers present,
except Councilman Davidson.
The claim of the Turn A Lum
Lumber Company for fuel ileliv
at the municipal power house was
ordered paid in the sum of $8 95
j The Mayor reported that the
street signs oroered at a previous
session of the Council had been
requsioned but not yet received
owing to some transportation
i error on the part of the railroad
j company. The matter of the prop
ler location of the signs was refer
led to the street con mittee.
The Mayor remitted by council
man Linn the sum of $47 .00, the
license fee of the lone City Dray,
for the year I he Mayor alro
jsubmited the aal pu lion of Mrs
M. Jordan ayirjj for tlie ubaie
ot halt vt liti WuU. rent for
the month ul Kbruaiy on the
ground tnat i:v: frt of ...Ur
pipts had dcpr.ved hei of service
After discussion the mattei was
refer. ed to the ma. J'.J for adjust
i ment.
ine recorder submitted
written petition of 22 citizens t (
the town praying fcr some police
protection di ring the honrs fr in
10 p. m. to 5 a m Mr John Farr s
one of thee petitioners addressed
the council saying that it was the
thought of the petitioners that the
coucil nvght so designate the
Ucurs of service of the marshal as
to relieve him of day duty. The
petition was referred to ths com
mittee on police,
I 1 he matter of a balance due
Mcrrow county for crushed rock
furnished for lone streets was in
troducd by Councilman Linn, who
stated that the amount due was
covered by a city warrant and
that there was due the city from
the county for taxes collected bin
not remitted a sum sufficient to
enable the treasurer to call the
warrant. Referred to committee
on finance.
The mayor designated Sa ur
day, March 16, as Clean Up Day.
Mr. Louis Baisigtr addressed
the Council in regard unsani ary
condi bns on certain premises on
Second street and asked for in-
ive igation. Kef-nd io ihe com
mitieeonsani a ion. Council irVn
Notice h hereby given that b
virtu of the lausof the Slatj ol
Ureeo.i, the undersigned has t-k-?n
up the hereinafter t'escririe.:
anima's found running at large
no hm premises in Morrow co-n-tv.
State ol Oreto", and that he
ill on Saturday. March y. 12'J,
at tha hour of 2 o'clock in the
afternoon of taid dnj , at his place
eikit.t nv!. s ro-b-imt of lo ,
Or.'j i. offer fo sale and Bell to
ihe highest bidder for cash in
hand, the Raid animals, unless
the same shall have been re.Jeem
e 1 by the omr orowners there
if. Safd anim ils are described as
't.l i v t : l ri geldirg about
Xvrnraoid and wt-ihir.g ul.uut
1200 p unds, bi-amied on the left
hip with a capita' J inside a cap
ital U. 1 brown mare aSout ten
years old, weighing abort ll.'O
lourid, with huh face and three
h:te feet and brand d on .-fi
hip ith ( apiial J inside capital
LtrAiiiK'on, Oregon.
For Sale
House and lot on the corr er
across the street from the school
house in lone. Cheap for quick
sale. S"e Mrs. Walter Corley,
lone, Oregon.
J. E. Swanson
, Paul G. Balslger, Agent,
j At Paul G. Balsigcr's!
WHEN a merchant is called upon to supply some commodity
which he does not happen to have
his customer by telling him that
or in a few days at most.
The light and power company cannot do this.
It must always have a large reserve of kilowals for in'nudlati
delivery to the new customer or to fill the increased order of the
old customer. It cannot say: 'We arc just ot t of kilowatts, but
wc will l)uv a iu.v supply tomorrow, or next week, or next month."
It makes no eliference whether the customer be a ne w manufaclur
ng establishment, ordering kilowats in quantity, or a house holder.
installing additional lights the
This menns ;i l irg . ca. investment in reserve cquipn ent.
t : : 4
mom it ur
x miSas
t say
proves that it lias
no equal at its price
More fr jotir money. More Ix'iitity,
luxury anl t!'. .More Iialanrri! power,
ppreri and aeeelerl!(n. Tliul'n uliat you
pet in tin- New All- V.m-riean Sit . . . This
frreatext f i !l (hiKLunls in enj.Vui eer-iuereu.-J::.'
po;ularit) . Simply beeaiiM in-e-tiatin
prove tlut it ha iu equal in
ull that it !Tsts at U pri e.
trm II I ti In II tri. .!.. r.,,l. . Ui, I,., p' .,lrlirr luir sr: Sfi
Mm, mnd f..,r.'V HtlTini- St. - 'l .".rl IihImJ..! I I Iff ftr..r,.
ftumprt mn4 r,r frntlrr firm. i If k i'.iKlai'l tlrlinfA
prteM li7 l. !...( I... i I trf. I.m"l .Wulart lint
famcnl I'Uh tMi.,.,:.l ml mmi.num ryl.
I. R. ROBISON. Garage
lone - Oregon
; 4444444444 : 444 4v, ,
at. , , . A -,i.
;fc A',?
Herbert Hoover and Charles Curtis, in
augurated, March 4, President and Vice
president of the United States; one called
from the cottage and one the teepee:
BOTH to the seats of the MIGHTY.
in stock he can usually satisfy
net will have it in just a few hour
company murt make IMMEl IATE
h l motdik
1.1 '
SH. a. .At
Cankers Association President Civc:a l!.o Five Essentials of
Sound Thinking in Duniness Greater Opportunity
Than Ever Before for Young People With
Educational Training and Power
to Analyze Problems.
Prtildant Amarlcan Bankr Aaioclatlon
ONLY half a century ao Michael Pupln, a shepherd boy,
guarded hi llm-ks hy nljrht among the fleh's of Serlla.
Thieves often lurked in the border!: cor iftel ls awuitinvr nn op.
portunity to tn ,ke oif with a part of the
mm.., herd. Serbian Hys were tnuirht a method
" of sijrnnlling
t x l ',a,,",, The sound would ho transmitted
liW. :',' :t tl'rough the ground to other boys some din-
V-H' f' tnnce away who could hear and interpret
vf'-.n 1 tnc ntpssago.
VmW-iXZZ'h. i
-Ra:g e KAi'LUoi.
ever, having nn eager mind and great de
termination, the hoy decided to r to America, where he might
win an education and find out the answers to these and other
perplexing question. Hundreds of other boys under the same
t'liTiiinaiiiiii'ca uml Willi the aiumi .'!
of oinilltlniu iii'Toly arrnili'il llxvia
f til Klllinul citu' iiirxi Inning Ihi'in
nl Iht,iii" IIipjt hail nlw:iyii dnim
tlii'in thai i .ijr.
The Land of Education and Succtia
So a i"tii , iMituH niiil buy from
Si'thlii at the .i nf HflT-n liinilwl In
New York In I 71 ami. yiaia Ir.ti-r,
havln orlod iila way thruiiKh ('
iiimhla I'lilvorilly, (onrtMiiratml ths
wumliT and ulnipilclly nt hla mlml
nji n tin' imihUiii i( ainini, wliMi
tin) puziM hi in aa a !ii'ihi'nl boy.
rim rrnulla of lil tliltiUliiK whal lia
has nrrmnpll lii'il fur th loitR din
tunc tnlrpliiin a fur fwllu nimmii
Dlrullnn by hi liivnillnna are known
Ihe world out, "If during tho pant
twenty-two yvara thla ruinpany hud
t'en compi llril to do willioiit onn hi'
trillion nf Mlrhji l I'upln." an nfllrlul
of tils Ami-rlcan TiIi'IiIioiik and Tclo
r:iph Company once anld, "and yt
Klva the aaino ai'rvl It U rlvlun to
day It would havn had to rpninl at
leant IIOo.OOO.OUO m irn than It h'll ft
Tlirao Invi-ntlon. In whl h mllllona
of dollar of capital havn bi-cn lnol
d. wnrc Ilia rcmilt of the Itiliiklnx ol
a m-re country lad who had Ihn lm y tn woiiiI.t. the detxrinlnallon
to know and III" piwrr to apply wliat
he h iinii'd.
Silniulailiiit tho In'nPlnnilon ami
Ihinklntt la the ureateat purn of ei
Ui-ntlon. What Ami-rlran l.inlinee
n In more than anything elm In
yoiiiig men and wom n to think hull
rlduala who are not mentally anrtiori'd
n tradition, who do not miTi-ly appro
prl.ito other propli'a Una, lint who
ar hard, purpom fill tlilnkrra, liiih1
pi'iidcnt and unprejudiced, with On
a'ullly to ciini i nlraia and atrlki
tralnht for the hearl of a problem.
Puilnen Necdi Folk Who Think
America haa antounded the world by
Hi reaillni'jn In c.iiiIiik ohIiIo t rail I
tloiial vlrwp.'ilnta, (llarckardliiK tradi
tional dlfllrultlci and ploneerin new
ahortcut formulai In the realm of
bm-lnena. Ilualneat la undergolni
np'iclial chanica.
I'.ualneai prolilema are crowding In
utKin ni to rapidly that the executive
kuowi not where to look for adequate
help or relief. Willi the enormnua In
crease In line and Intricacy nf bual
ni'M affulra the problem! hart become
n eompllcated and the maaa of hifur
mat Ion neeeaaary to their lolutlon to
(treat that (lie "ilnya aro not limp.
I enough." The demand for managerial
ml eieruilve ability la ruahlnK ahead
T the opportunity for young men and
wom-n wlio hnve the profeaslonal
training and wlm dnvolop gnnulne
thhiklng power la greater than evor.
All lniHineaa feela the aame crying
nei d for tho men who aee clearly and
thl ik conelimlYcly. Wheroror we look
--Manufacturing, wholr-aullng, retail-
j lnr banking, financing new force!
, er at work. Vaat movements are un
der way and executive! are aeeklng
lh-ht upon perplexing prohlema dally.
Irf-t ua conalrler briefly tho live ea-
j lentlnla of a aounrl thinker. If I were
loo!;ing for a young mnn of exception
al promise I ahould hopa, Aral, to llnd
In him the almpllclly to wonder. Kv
nry groat advancement In liiinliinsa
hna been mndo hy men who dared to
wonder, who had the courage to In
lulro Into prencni proceduro and who
had the audacity to ask whether aomn
thing that had been done a certain
way for a long time might not bo
wrung. Although tho hlHlory of Amer
ica's progress from lis very dlHcovery
to Ihe present time has shown the
value of an Inquiring mind, thorn Is
till an Inevitable- tendency In moat
men to accept In a docile manner the
opinions, methods, supposed facts,
procedures and processes of the pant.
With due reverence to the effort, Ihe
spirit, the accomplishments of the
rt, bit us make It our rule that ov
lilng be looked at with ttia clear
lonlnf mind ot the iclontlut.
i;i another for warning nnfl
wooden hmulle which he would thriiNt (hep
into the ground and in case cuttle thieves
approached he would Htriko the wooden
ny w a, rupin asKeu n is momer,
"that wc can signal thi way? Why is it th
sound can be heard through the ground,
but not through the air? Why is it the sig
nals I'i.ii ho heard in the pasture land so
much I; :. r than in the plowed fields?"
The tin; ' i-iothcr could not answer his ques
tions, nor iiiuld the village teacher. How
Bualnets Requlrat an Opan Mind
Kei-oiid, among Ihe tm-iillula lor
Bound thinking I would write down an
open mind. We have mentioned free
lug our mlnda from the lutlui-nre of
tradition. I. t ua think alixi without
.reju'lli-i of personal feelings, de-In-a
or consequence. I-et us seek
ntily tlie truth Mere aurfare reason
lug inn -t bo discounted. Old "i-an'li"
and "d-in'ta" must be thrown Into the
dlmatd. A man who haa an open
mind will do a tnU tnany things be
rauae he doeant know thty can't be
The third maentlal to sound think
ing la knowledge a thorough, cum
prehennlva understanding of all the
factors Invotvcl In a problem It has
been said that burnt problcn answer
thcmselvee when the fact ; .ve been
gathered A well known a -nlent and
ti-ailier of Illiniums den- Ilea the
method of attacking a problem aa tear
lug It down, reansembllng the prob
lem and drawing the rom-lunloo.
There run be nothing but guess work
or Intuition uulens Die unknown quan
tities nre discovered.
As a fourth esiiciitlul sound think
ing reiiulrea the raparlly to general
he. How often wo have seen men
wllng and ronfied before a maa
of details whli h tin y were utterly un
nb! to i-.i-iirr and crystallite. We
have the pr ibli-m of aortitis out the
relevant, attaining a pemperllve and
reaching a rnneluslon that ran be de
fended against any attack. To cer
tain nil lulu this procedure conn natil
rally; to o'liers training In the aolu
llun of complicated problems points
tho way nut.
The Time for Action
Klttli a lining the esi-ntlals of s:---l
thinking Is the power to apply. A t -v
ludlvidunla have minds that travel at
nullum or In circles. Home have
minds that even refuse to budge Hut
there are still others who naturally or
through training have minds that ran
be directed atralght through to the
practical application ot their thoughts.
They re fuse to compromise or to be
thwarted lo purpose before definite
application of tholr Ideas has been
It la possible, I believe, for young
people to train themselves to an In
quisitive attitude, an opvn mind and
the ability to classify and Interpret
material step by step from the begin
ning of a problem to Ita final lolutlon
and application. Hero, then, la the
thought I would leave the paramount
need of business la sound thinking,
Koine may think I have overstated the
nini, hnve set too high a standard.
They may fuel that they are merely
cogs In a machine. That, too, Is a
part of the problem. The only way to
solvo that Is in And time and place In
the day's work for thinking.
Almost 14,0(10 of America's schools
now hitve school savings banking
plans In operation, and about four
million pupils nro learning systemutia
savings through this type nf thrift,
with deposits In excess ot I2H.00O.000.
recent reports of the American flank
ers AHsoclntlon's Havings Hank Dlvl
slim kIhiw. The- schools Included In
tha reports nro attended hy 4,01)9. X2!i
poplin, of whom 8.00,27 are partici
pants In the school savings bunking
plans as depositors. During the y-nr
these pupils received Interest In the
amount ot $3 17.C10 on tliolr deposits.
The reports gnlhorod by the annuel
atlon also show Hint there aro II cit
ies In the United Plates In which
full 100 per cent of the grammar
school enrollment la participating In
school savings blinking. The llguran
covering high schools show that In 47j
cities 100 por cent of the attundanof'
In this class are school savers. ft!