The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, March 08, 1929, Image 1

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    Irate 3t&mfow&
IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, March 8, 1929
Honor Roll List in Grades
The room try oula fur the do
cUmulory content were held thin
week, with the following results:
In the firrt and second grades,
Jon Sipin, Howard Buchanan,
Helen Lunrtell and Delbert Coch
ran; third and fourth, humorous,
Junior Mason first and Margar
et Lindekin second; non-humor-ons,
Muxln McCurdy, Cool and
Stuart Rankin tied (or this place
and mill have another try out.
In the fifth and aixih grade
room the winner in the non-hu
moniu ilivinon were Eugene
Norinoyle ami Carl Lindekin. In
the humoroi a there was a lie
ail another try-out will he nec
eaxary to decide between Fraud
Bryson, Mildred Lundelland ilar
Ian McCurdy. The winneia in the
seventh ho eighth grade rrcm
were, non humorous, Donald Hel
iker and Manjuie Greenwalt; hu
morourt, Claude Ilre-hearc and
Walter BriHtow, In this room the
judge announced that there were
no firsts and seconds, bb the con
testants were too nearly tqual.
Local Happenings '
Little Josephine Case went to
Heppner on Friday of last week
to visit tor a few days with her
Grandmothtr Case. The little
lady has b en spending some
time wit relatives in Morrow Cu.
The winners in the high schnol whil her mother, who is Mrs.
contests were as follows: Orator
cal, Paul Smousc. Deled Srnouse,
Kenneth Srnouse, Rosa Fletcher;
Humorous; Glenn Robison, Ellen
Ritchie, Geneva Pettyjohn, Mil
dred Smith, Thelma Morgan:
Minnie Normoyle, Francis Ely,
Edith Ely.
The school try outs will held In
the gym the last of March.
Honor Roll
Friday marked the close of an
other six weeks period in the
school. The honor roll for Mia
Williams' room follows: Forth
grade, Junior Maon and Marge
ret Linti kin; Third grade, Ruth
Allen Caie, of Portland Is regain
Ing her strength follewing a ma
jor operai ion.
Easter Eirg Dyes. Cir Egg
Chickens, Rabbits hnd Novelties.
-Bulta'd'i Pharmacy.
Two new tractors were deiiv
ered this week, a Bst "20" to
Ed Lindekin and a John Deere t
Swanson & Dick.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cochran
have returned home after having
spent the winter with thdir two
daughters In Yakima.
Paul Lovel and son Howard
spent last week end with frit ndw
in lone. They came by truck and
Morgan News
Mm. J, F. Hasiihtv
Manhattan Marionettes
Fred Petty joen of Rhea was a!
busirm visitor in Heppner lastj An unioUe program of very high
Monday. On his way home heiKra(je wiil be K'ven fn the 8chocl
stopped in Morgan and says thatjaudltorium on March 15 at 3 P
he met his brother. Fsye Pettv m- '"turin the Manhattan
john wholives on the Webb ranch1 Marionettes. This is the second
Fay told him that there was still! numbr of tne Lce"m Cour9fe
lSlnrhpaof nnw there wiLh 2 that id bein8 sponsored by local
Crawford, Bertha Akers Max ne nn Inflb wilh lpm
McCurdy and Eleanor Bollard. ap.owlhatMr Uvell rece, tly
sire You Proud of
Your Children?
If you are, yon know how inadequate words are
in describing them to others. And when some
other father enthusiastically shows you snapshots
of his childK 'i, you'll feel ashamed and handi
capped in not having some of yours.
Don't through mere thoughtlessness fail to
get these precious pictures now, before your
youngsters grow up and it's too late. We have a
genuine Eastman camera, the Brownie, as low as
fl, and Kodaks from f$ up.
Modern Kodaks
or all-weather pklurt-making
"The Kxlak Store"
purchased from Bert Masi.n
J Mrs. Delia Mobley, who has
f bfen a patient in a Heppner hoe
? pital for several months is tow
I convalescing at the Brycon home.
j C. E. Carter of the State Iiitih
! way Commission passed through
t lone lanl week on his way fiorr,
Pendleton. Mr, Cartel recrttly
returned from a visit to his 1 Id
home in South Carolina. While
in the south he made a trip to
Mr. aid Mrs. Austin, ol tne
Highway Department, now lave
rooms in the Harris Apart nunls.
Mrs. Blaine BI ckwell last
week purchased a while EUctric
sewing machine. Ma. Black wely
is under contract with the ai-etit
R. R. Burtis, to cut and make a
specified number ol house dress
e each month, the commisMon
she receives lor the sewing to
apply on the purchase price of
the machine.
Mrs. Nicolai Thompsen, who
has been staying in town during
the severe weather, retu ned to
the ranch last Friday. During
the remainder of the school year
her sons will drive in to Bchooi
from the ranch.
Mrs. Edgar, Ball, who repre
Bents the Health -O-Producls
Inches of new snowfg'l on Sun
day. To get out they had to pull
hia car about (even miles iih
Mrs. Elsie Shipley was calling
Morgan last Monday.
Bert Palfn-iteer took his wagon
and went to lone after a load of
gas last Monday. i
Mies Margaret Ely is staging
men and women who are instru
mental in bringing to our com
munity this high dabs entertain
ment. r-
This coming attraction brings
for our enjoj ment thirty beauti
fully costumed marionettes;
"dolls that really live". They
feature short sketches from Ana
tole Frrnce, Charles Dickens and
with her cousins Zoe and Martin ;Sl"The presentation of Cr
Baurenfeind, while her parents cus Days with clowns, acrobats
are at Heppner. who swing ov?r bars, jugglers
Mrs. Alfred Medlock and two pcrlorming almost unbelievable
sons of near Heppner, spent Sat trikgi Bincerg( dancf and min
urday night and Sunday v. ith Pat1 A
911CID win turn 111 uiu an" jvuiik
alike. "Wizarco", the man who
Franklin and Alvin Rlv wet.t
to llepsner last Tuesday afler! mvstifys will keep yon gobssing.
their mother us their father was Madame Hicoffski, soprano, and
getting along o nicely that M rs. ! Signor Ivorino. pianist, will ren-
by could come home. , (jer some 80 endid numbers. You !
H. G. Hardesty finished work.,., .,,QrA mi,9 thi9 .,..
ing for Mr, Cochran at Cecil last
Alfred Troedson and C. C.I
HulchcroU went to see Mr. II.
Ely at Heppner last Monday.
Mrs. Krebs, of C.cil, stopped
in Morgan, Tuesday right and
took Mrs. Harbuon to lore to
at tend the Eastern Slar. ,
Howard Hardesty began woik
for Omar Rietmann, IsstTl urs
Harves Medlock was calling on
George Mahoney last Tf urfdey. I
S. D. Seely plowed up a girl
den spot, Thursday and inthnrfg
to plant potatoes.
John Nash was he'ping Mar
tin Baurenfeind with some car?
penter work last week.
Mrs. Ball, of near lone, v. a'
taking orders fur the Ileal h O
Products in Morgan, lai-t Wednts j
day. I
Mary Ellen and Vernon Hall'
got a ride home from school lust
Wednesday with their aunt, Mrs.
Ball, of lone. j
did program of fun and fascination.
' "aw M
f tt;7
1 4 t-
A meeting, of those interested
in base ball was held in the town
hall last Tuesday evening imme
diately after the adjournment of
the city council. The meeting
was ca!le 1 to order by Bert Ma
sor.. Mr. John Ferris stated the
pu ;'! e rf the meeting to be to
ory-i'z t Lase ball club and to
take fteps to join the League.
Be I J. '. n-ton was elected coach
and niai.ager over his strenuous
protes and L. E. Dick was unan
imously chosen for Secretary
Tt'.ks were made on the sub
jects of seeing bow much Btll
Ford wanted for pitching and as
to whether the club should join
a league or play bush ball. Bush
ball, it was decided could not be
considered. On motion duly made
seconded and carried it was vot
ed to join the Morrow-Gilliam
county league. Frank Lundell was
appointed to find the suits for
the club and George Ritchie to
see about grading the grounds.
L. E. Dick was directed to con
fer with Heppner, Condon, and
Arlington in regard to tbe league
Cleo Drake was chosen as the
chairman of tbe dance committee
I was sugg sted that the Grange
be inveted to come to lone for
their Sunday picnics and hold
their ball games in the morning
when the club plays here.
'.. .-I
1,11 H I I T"' ,1
I. L Patterson
The Cood Governor of a
Great State.
i 1 11W X 11UV.
To Have Your Meas
ure Taken for That
Mr. and Mrs. R. Harbison
Company, has been taking orders ; ' Heppner visitors last Tl.ur i
1 line mere nicy taiicu uu uu
j Fay Pettyjohn of near Hepp
1 ntr brought down several head
of horses for his brother Noah,
in lone. ,
Mr. Hal Ely, of Morgan, pass
ed through lone, last Friday, on
bis way aome from
tinaniial ii'hero nn baa bee a
patient for a week, suffering i'aSrday: ,,,,,,
f iom a severe attack of quinsy. . Mr. Nash helped F, Ely haul
The Dorcas Sec.ety will serve! ' '"f'uroV-
a hot tamale luncheon on Thurs
day afternoon, March 14, at the
"Car Of Feed Just ln"
R. E. Harbison's car is being
Bl. 1110 nuuinuu yaie 111 iuiic.
church parlors. They will begin
serving at 5 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Balsiger
transacted business in Pendleton
one day last week.
this week.
S. D. Seely worked far R E.
Harbison, last week.
To Whom It May Concern: t
Sr 1 ln conformity with istablBee cua
Give More Milesi
""I Per Dollar In
f Actual Wear Than.
Any Other
Fjtom and the expressed will of
Jthe Council of the city of lone,
5lSaturdav, March 16, is hereby
designated and set apart as
Clean-Up Day. All citizens are
& 1 horehv nrirred to co ODerate with
j the city government In making
Come in and examine our samples.
, lone, Oregon.
' Head of Ocloput
The Smllhionliin Inalllullim inyt
lint the octopus Iwii a lienil. It head
ticks out si It In a cylinder and the
arms mnks s sort of atiirulm pod rini!
nround tht hend.
expense of the city tteas
Bert Mason,
j& Clark & Linn J&
Carpenter Work, Painting. Pa- i
per Hanging and General lit
pair Work
Bady chick scratch
Rolled barley
Calf meal
Mill Run
this a day worthy of the name.
On this day rubbish assembled
cest-ible points will be removed at iRppH thnP latttrK Calf Fnnd!
I Sk v m W V IMIlllVV mm. s w v-r w
lone, Oregon.
and use less milk.