"""" -" i : THE IONE INDEPENDENT Published Evrry J-'ridiiy by W. W. Hrab. Editor Publisher. SUMCKrPTION One Year $1.50 Six Months 0.75 Three Months 0..'0 Entered as second C lass matter at the postcffioe at lone, Oregon, under act of March il, 1ST9. f riday, Feb. 22. MUCH WORK BEFORE OBEpONJEGiSLATIlE Work Far Behind Schedule, Hectic Week in Sight; May Work Nights. Will Run Week Longer Tax Bill, First Important Measure, Passed Auto License Measure Hat Popular Approval County Auto Money for Road Purpotet Only Oregon Min eral Wealth Needs Development. Salem, Ore. There la much work yet to be done In the house. Speaker Hamilton laid Saturday that he would hurry up the business as much at possible and pr"hably would !-old t'.;ht sessions henc:ro.t'i If It Ic uer-.-ssjry to clear up th? di jl; e.-.ch day. He t.ld that the session probably would be held over a full extra week before all tie work now t fore the house and t come can be disposed of. Wheu the bouse adjourned Saturday until Monday morulng a total of 52:! bills had been Introduced during the five weekt of the session. Of tola number only 200 had been passed, 58 Indefinitely postponed. 23 withdrawn and 20 resolutions and memorials tad been adopted. So far 28 senato bills have beeu patted by the house. Thirteen vetoed house billt and three tenate bills of the 1927 session have been passed There are at present 147 bills in com mlttee and more tuan 100 house bills and ISO tenate billt on which final action remains to be taken. Instead of completing itt labors In 40 dart, the present legislative session will be lucky if it doet not run more than an extra week. The 40th day tt next Friday, February 22, Washing ton'a birthday, but a week beyond that will tee the mills grinding unless. In desperation, billt are thrown out the window and the tolont consider it time to go home. First Billt of Importance. , After five weekt not one piece of legislation of major Importance wat enacted until Saturday, when. Just be fore adjourning to gird its loins for the sixth day and what might have been the last week the senate passed the property tax relief measure for centralised control of assessment!. Thit is, really, one of the big piecs of legislation that hat been before the legislature and, strangely enough, It lid through without furor. Adopting of two memorials to con grets for an Investigation of the tele phone altuation cannot be regarded ar of overwhelming Importance to tin people of the state, for if congres: ever gets around to making such an Inquiry, It will be years before then it a prospect of teeing ratet reduced And tnese memorials also tl!d through at the tall end of the fifth week, with out special comment, for they have been argued in open bearings on div ert occasions. The deficit problem can be solved by the enactment of the excite tax en bankt and financial corporations, Dr. Clarke, Eye Sight Svch' Ut, in lone Sat , Feb, 23rd at th Jon Hotel. Church Directory FIRST EATriST CHURCH Sunday Sc' onl at 10: 0 A. M. Prayer Mecti .e. Thur.. T MW M CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W, W. HEAD, Pastor Services 11:00 A. M.:C. E. at 6:45, P. M Prayer Meeting, Wed., ?;30 FIRST CHUSTIAN CHURCH Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Prayer Meeting Thura. Evening Services C. E.:6;30; Preaching Service, at 7:30 P. M. CATHOLIC CHURCH lone, Oregon Official A nnouncemtnl Mass every second Sunday in lone I during Nov., Dec , Jan., Feb., Mar. April and May at 10:30 A. M. in the home of Mr. J. P. O'Meara. Rev.Tho. J. Brady, Pastor. ; ;'; life y vCNt-H t i$i AY 11 w if m 7 i i tt "i tV" km m - - v .. l- l k .... i - n. t at -i-i'-e. - .... J plRCt'S CLOWNS, acrobats rhj twins ovur b..r:, J.:n :!"ra vtj c;. 2 I f-rm almost rnbr!ev.-V? t-'.-'i: darters!. sla r.-. old-TV?? ! T n! :f.:r't -It tl:r 3 r-d r r.n;- o.hr.t .il! t-ct 1 :ra : i t I ."".-nk.-.t.-.n :.ricn?t rj visit t.T c'ty roc '. r .) I i: o t! .--i J tality !;'.:.-, o;o.-.ed by elt hundred s.rinj. 'Vo.e r.:e s fee ertlstle tcce?j, incidental mi; :? r.n The Manhr.ttrn Mr.ricr.c:;e.i nr? 4 .'.na tne i ro,;r;:m 13 oaa 01 L;l..-.t rourT rr.J r!d. ' t . 4. :: 44444-4"f 44"t.-r4t4-f 4-4 1 At lone High School March 15, at 8 p. m. and oy tne enactment 01 a ia uu in tangibles. The former will raise J 750. 000 a year and the latter 1500,000, at cording to estimates. With these two measures the deficit can be wiped out In two years, which It considered soon enouKb. The measure, would sl.o make unnecessary an Income tax. Auto License Bill Passed by House. With the house passing the revised autan-.otlle license fee scheduled Sat urday, whkh also calls for 1 cent aildl tlonal on gasoline, another big piece of lesisiation has gone through the rouse and will be in the senate In a rouple of days. This particular in -as-nre carries more popular Interest than any ot!i r btfore the session. In the hou.se is a general sales tai bill and a bill for a ta on intangibles and two Incor.ie tax Treasures. Til" re also is a m.asure in the hmr e calling for tlie iuIsLjIm lo the peo ple or a plan to levy i cent a gallon for five years, the sum so raised to b expended exclusively foMhe conctruc- " H adop'ted'thl. will give a 5-cent tax . 1 gasullne, providing the auto revl !on fee bill, with Its 1 cent. Is en acted. The reference to the people la. at best, a sort of gesture on the part , i . . . . , of a number of sinators who wanted bonds Issued for roads and discovered thrre we too much opposition to get h i-h that plan. -This bill will noi ih-.lp tha siiua- tit.V sa.d Ipton, "but will mai.a It ..rat." Persons who give . worth- leas check In payment for automobile. llcensea would ba compelled to pay 11 penalty, $3 protest feei and othar costa lneurrad 1b maklsg th colUo- .TTttTTrtTTV,.rrr. ,', Dont forget we're in the market this season. I :: I It will pay you to X Farmers' i " i n inu ijte oie mmi J. C. Sanford & Son i STRAUSS Grain Dealers, of Will Be Represented this S.uson by W. M. Eubanks It will pay you to sell your wheat. j t .-... 1 naiiy other d.llrtli.ful f :.::r.s last ord In nio'cri pini c '.-ei v. u..istry and cx jiij ij c.i;.rn l r I Wi'.d Flower Varittitt S; 1 . It n flntti-i inu plunts growli ii .1.1 in tin- l iiinil stuii'S imc) Cunnila slll'K.liil ill nliiilll t I.IK Ml. MOTirn CAtc rc akmu'a c N0TICE SALE OF ANIMALS Notici' i hprt'h ttivpn Iha by "irtu of tH" lnw of Ihf P'ste of Or Kon, the unrlerfined hastnk en up the hereinafter described anima's found running at larve on his premises in Morrow con tv. State of Orison, and that he will on Saturday. March 9, 1929, at thd hour of 2 o'clock in the afterioon of said tiny, at hid p'rce ;iiht milns northeast of hnr, OrKon, offer lor sale andsWI to the hik'heFt bidder for cash in hand, the said animal.", unless the same shall have bfen redecm- e,j by tne ovvnr orowner3 (ht,re. of" S3,li i"1" are ""Crihe.J as follows: 1 biy (felding ahiut 8 vnarsl old, and weighing atiotlt 1Q0 pounds, tiranrlt d on the left ;,i . , : i h p with a capital J ns de a cap ..... - .-v ual U. 1 bron mare about ten years old, weighing ahont ll'.O hounds, with bain face and three white fea and branded on left . . ... .. , , , . . . ith capital J inside capital U. p. J DOIIERTY . ' . , L"A -uj-0't. trjio.i. X X drop in at the Elevator t- i t db lie ii uuymy iuii , & CO. 1 Portland, Oregon see him before you tt See Balsiger For Insurance PROFESSIONAL CARDS C. J. WALIER" Lawyer (Q. Notary Public. (.( Itllons lltiil.liiiK Ucppncr, Ortjjon JACK FERRIS Dcrmatician :- It pays to look well. : "Specialist in Bobs" p : C. L S'VEEK i ATTORNEY AT !: LAW. Heppner, Oregon t When Y 011 Visit Jl leppner v J Lat At The J X "Elkhcrn Restaurant" i I CoodMealsBestof Service Lunch Counter A.D. McMURDO, M.D. 1 Physician And Surgeon Oflice In Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Heppnir, Oregon 1 11 mmrPTMf t I'hysician & Surgeon j riinlie tllflce Miilti !Hl.l Ki'Mlilcliri Mnlii 4!!.' It Heppner Oregon imc. Tiietiluyt mill i.irt r..i U Win lo.iHi , M F. H- ROBINSON Attorney &. Counselor At Uw Will I'rurllt-r In AMI In- ( i,iiri IONE ORKGON Morrow General HOSI'ITAL MIkh ,1'liu Wi'Htfiill, lirmliliitn Ntirw, Stiii'rli.tciilii-iit A. H. Johnston M. D. rii.VHli'lmi In I liurm- ka ri:s i(i:.soNAi'.i.r, Dr. F. i-arrier Dentist Office; Odd Fellows Bid'?. Heppner Oregon ? J. 0. PETERSON JEXPERT WATCHMAJCir; AND JEWELRY REPAIRER Htppner, Oregon. 11 lone Independent JOB PRINT t X X Dr. J. Arthur Craig DENTIST Phone M 1012 Case Aporlmcnl HUm KvtninK ond Sunuva Ilripner, (Uc. by apiiointment Workt Both Way 1,1 ft Inm i why nf rvciilnu llilnn ('or ovcrv wimiiiii whn mnlii 11 fi'nl ..it, nt uinm liiun llmr.i's iiliitlliiir U'lm innkcs a nmn otil of hhiii foul. Scuttle TIlllON. ttmmmm I IONE INDEPENDENT I Job Print LETTER HEADS, ENVEIOPES. CARDS, SOCIAL AND BUSINESS STATION ERY OF ALL KINDS 4 Before conlracting or selling your v heat if ViCl pay you to sec L L3c! jirer representing . (i. ai:;I Co. 1 t t I J lone, 14- : h '. I The I0NE MARKET 0 I VC'lirnyoufliii.lv ;f Meat think, first of US. t t Wc carry as cumplctc an assorlmt'i.t of Meat as any yarkvt X In a town of this size and at prices you can afford to pay. uii rcnuniher that we are in tiic Market lor your tattle anJ 1 ojs or anything in our line you have to u II We also buy hides and pelts. Hest M.tiket 'X Prices paid at all limes. Give us a chance to serve you. :j l ' '. fti . .. "ILNH HLACKSMITII SIIOI Tt We arc prepared ti take care of your shafting requirements by the installation of an electric key way machine and a stock of shafting In a wide ranc of sizes. We also have a Ikst of second hand combines for sale. Agency for the Harris Manufacturing Companies new cor. ..jus. jZ7 V P. O'MtTirn PrnnriHnr 7 U W 1i - w. - i - c.iu.,j. tt X Hotel f I B li'.5 it X cater to the u ii i- wish first class accommodations. George Ritchie, Prop. V t: t: t: i i!ratA BUY YOUR COAL FROM COLE YOU ALWAYS FIND THE t VERY BEST AT THE FARMERS ELEVATOR Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR ' DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR ' WIND MILLS!. WINONA WAGONS. PAUL G. BALSIGER lone, Oregon 7, X t t Oregon ; - i.ii i. t V l 4 A one patronage of those who i tt'tt.'U'..'nitt?ttit..ttiir; WOOD AND I 4t4 X xt 2