The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, February 22, 1929, Image 1

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IONEi, OREGON, FRIDAY, Feb. 22, 1929
Pirtli-.'-y the Father of I lis Giunuy Glebsatcd
fv';'v1 Bin
1 he 127th anniversary of the birth of George WaHbintrton wan
fittingly observed in the radi' and hin h-choola of lone on rri.
Hhy morning. The piwam rt noVreil by the hi(h school was an
Star Spsngled Hannnr .. ... ... School
Abbess,. Pastor Congregational Church
Duet, . .Mildred Smith and Fern Kna-elrnan
Story 'Ihelmn Morgan
, Hiography of Washington Harold Kinrarie
r Sung: My Country 'lis of 'lVe School
77 Hi!
How lon since you looked
at all your snapshots?
An evening arrives with nothing special to
do. That's the time to get out all your snap
hhots the farther I ack they go the more fun
they'll he. When yu !ce a well-loved face or
scene, yon think of all that has happened sinc e
the snapshot was made, and the evening be
comes one ot delightful reminiscence.
I'rerurc nw fur such evenings in the future. Get
your Kodak out and ir:c it. If you haven't one, come
in and sec our complete line. Fast man-made Brownies
as low as fl, an.l Kod.iks from f 5 up.
For rrully ti.rrvful iYiire-HiAi,
IimuI ulth )iIoiv-Imx Kodak Mm.
"77i Kodak $lort"
Local Happenings
The ranch house Mr. F. E tSv
eison was totally destroyed by
firo last Sunday morn inn. The
f i re was discovered about 8:00.
Apparently the originated lr6m
defective flue. Tho progress of
f 1 iimes was ho rapid that very
lilt'e was saved, No one was in
jured and the family are now
comfortably domiciled in apart
men tain the home of Mrs. Jor
dan in lone while arrangement
are being made to move to the
farm bouse on the Nolan estate.
The Ladies, Aid of the Chris
tian church will have a food sa!e
at Swanson.s store, on Saturday,
March 2nd,
Uoadmaster "Ued" Shipley
made his friends Bit up and lain
notice this week by bringing
ho ne a young and comely biir'e.
The young couple have taken up
their residence in the l.ouy (tit
tag on Main street next dorr to
tie Congregational church Mm.
Shipley was Miss Allen of I nst
inc. and taught the Kali term ol
school at Morgan.
Dr. Clarke of the Clarke Opti
cal Co.. 202 and 203. M-rch Ms
trust Bldg. Cth and Washing !oi
St., Portland. Ore.. EYE SICHl
Sl'LCiALISlS. will tie in I nt
a I day and evening. Sat., Feb,
j: d at 'he lone Hotel. cKEIHV
The local Oddfellows came tr
gether Sa'urilaj night and ciivt
the t hi d degree to a member if
Morgan Lodge.
We ar sorry to barn of the
terioiM illness of Mrs. Perry i!.u
tif may of Deschutes. She is in t
h -spital at The D;.l!e. m fe ir g
ith mastoid double but it is
hoped tiiat an epertion ma te
Mr. S E Moore informs i s
hat his daughter, Mrs. Hie) o ,
of Portland is luf for a visit
with her mo h r who I I een
quite i'l Bince the holidays. Mrs.
loiire is now somewhat improv
it in hea th and is able to sit up
dart of the day.
A party of Masons gathered
at the Masonic hall, thursday aft
ernoon and evening ard spent a
fe hours woi king on th- kitchen
For Sale
House and lot on the corner
across the street from the school
Morgan News
Mm. J. F. Hakdesty
Glenn Ball aid Fred Griffen
took dinner with S. D. Seely on
Moncay last.
N. E. Pettyjohn was hanling
straw on Tuesday.
Mrs. Red Shipley was calling
on Mrs. John Nash and other
friends in Morgan on Monday
Earl Harvey who has been
working for Gus Lieble, was the
dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. S.
D. Seely on Monday.
Martin Baurenfeind has re
ceived a carload of wood at hi
wood yard in Morgan. John Nash
George Mahoney and Franklin
Ely helped unload it.
Mr. Earl Harvey spent Monday
night with Mr. Glenn ball.
Bill Thomas and Glenn Ball
were hauling straw lastSaturday,
Glen Ball called on James liar
desty last Tuesday.
Mr. Thomas called on James
F. Hardest on Monday last
j- ACT J
Thm UndmuUt Win. $im . Body my rUhmr
Bumpar mnd Win Wht Mqulfmmtt Ltum
raomirr or
Glenn Hall and Wm. Thomas
are hauling straw from Mrs.
Milter's place, this week.
James Hardesty was calling on
II. E. Harbison, Thursday morn
ing. T. C. Troge brought down a
load of wood and coal for S. D.
Seely last Tuesday.
1 Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Ely arej
slowly recovering from a severe 1
attack of colds. . j
Dr. Clarke, in lone, Sat., Feb.!
23rd, at lone Hotel. j
C. C. Hutchcroft and family j
were bueintss visitors in Ilepp
ner on Frioay.
Bert Palmateer and Mr. Eckle
berry wento Jone lact Thi rsdsy'
night to attend the meeting tl
the I. O. O. F. ther
Mrs. Echo Palmateer viefted (
Mrs. Baurenfeind's room at the!
Morgan school.
Motgan people are all rejoicing j
over the warmer weather and;
chinook that started last Friday.
Stanley Seely, Glenn Ball and
Fred Griffin are warking in the!
warehouse for tl. E. Unit icon.
Mr. and Mrs. John Nash vifit
td with their daughter at lhea
1i1.i1 g last Friday. On their wav j
home they called at Ctcil and at
(Jletin Ball's place where the)'
got a puppy dog. !
Mr. and Mis. Hardest)' aid
Mrs Eudoia Seely and baby weie
eallirg on Mrs. Getrg Mahoney1
in Saturday. !
An album will keep jour Ko
ink pict ures cl an and t-afe lor;
the future. Hu arj's I'haimt(yj
Mr. and Mrs. BaurenMr.d
were business visitors in H ip
ner, Saturday laat. J
Miss Beuluh Pettjjohn wa'
c'eikinu Martin BatutnftinC 01
Mis. Biil Clayton and two hil
dren eame in on the Satu daj
stage from Rhea Siding to v s t
her parents at Morgan. I
MissGladjs MtdlH'k was c.11
ing in Morgan on Saturcay.
Rood Eekleberry is visitit g in .
Portland now. j
K. Eekleberry and son are re
. . . , . . .
pairing meir wagon uruige, :ri
l ..... '
Pulse-Stitriti? Performance
Its New and Original Style
Tliere'a no arpumcnt anywhere. Everybody
'a?ree. AH unite In training the appearance of
the Now All-Amrric-un ... Its colors and con
tours and dihtinpuUhrd t)Ie . . . And there
are many who go even further. The rnany who
have driven this great new car. They enthuae
over its pulr--ittirring performance. Over its
glorious Miwer, acce leration and upeed . . . un
matched in any other car offered at such. . ,
moderate pricI -. -
frbv. tlliS 1. $ls:S. f. m. fc. Korv, pUu iMmmry cWh. Umfrf
Hvdraulir Shark thtnrhrrt mnd prifif tmM t ' "ill i In list mrU,
Bumpcrt mnd w f,ndrr (uafrfi ,atr. Chth Oakland dtUmrmd
pritn-thrr Inrhult lomvl kWUi tkmrgm. CaiMral Mmtmrm
Ttm raymntt ttmn mriUkU ml minSnvm rate.
R. RBISOX, Carage.
lone, Oregon
L.-v lone, Oregon S
k-' - - . "i , iw ' in -
ting ready for high water
Mr. and Mrs. Red Shipley
house in lone. Cheap for, quick lone, visited Er. and Mrs. Seely
sale. See Mrs. Walter Corley. rt Morgan va Sunday.
The Time
To Have Your Meas
ure Taken for That
Come in and examine onr samples.
lone, Oregon.
MiS Rennels of Portland came
in on the Sunday stage to lake
' Miss Miller's uhice in the Horgari
' ..1. ...i. Kl.ud tillbr liiivinu rmun
Men to examine those fine suit ., K
Mr. and Mrs. Baurenfeind and
laken to her boarding pluce at
Mrs. Seelv's.
i Dr. Hess'
lone, Oregon.
sumples at Bristow & Johnson's
Foit Sale
Roll Top Desk. Good condition
inc low price. May be seen at the
lone Market. If yon have any use ... t tv it vtvioIJoc ira frr L-nnum
....j Al l. Don Taxes must be Paid DC- Ul iiiiivuiwuic iuw m,iummi
Now is the time to look after the health!
of your Animals and Poultry.
for a desk you can't aflord to ALU uog iax muai - j - - j
mis this. -Peterson Bres. , fore the first of March, ll ine own- uQ neej mtrOUUCtlOIl. t
prt wi&h in escane double tax. ? T
ers wish to escape double tax.
See section KOT. General Laws of I j. Qr QXHl POWder I
V - i. -. m. -r-. T
i uuiu v i. Clll-U V-y, UUUOU i
K?r. Roun Tablets. Diarrhea
-i 1 o. I : sr I 7 1 ' 1
rcvrirrablets, Healing Powders, Dis-
per Hanging and General lie- temper Remedy", ColiC Remedy,
T Give More Miles t"
1 Per Dollar In A
Actual WcarThanlpi
Any Other
C. J. v. uauman
-iSheriff of Motrow Co., Ore.
pair Work
f. lone, Oregon.
Cotmopolitan Journals
At t'ulro, Ewpt, ncwpmicri are
pulillxlied In niiuiy lanRuiiRes, Includ
Ins Aruiile, French, Knijllsh, Itnllon.
(Ireek, nnil Arnieiiliin.
Among Grindstont Utet
Mnny a elmp lin kcrp hla mum
10 the grlmlsliine wmilil lie lieiler nil
If lie lined II In nlmi pi'ii hi win -rmin
ninl Klrclile
I What'M A Kitchen VtentdT
Do you remember wny bnck wren
peddlers enmt mound with wuiioiis In
which ttiey rnrrliiJ kltclien utensils to
be exclmiiBPd for rngst-Clilfngo Trlb
Dip & Disinfectant,
Balsam of Myrrh.