The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, February 15, 1929, Image 1

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    3nnt 3nhBmnhtn
IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Feb. i5( 1929
County School Supt.
Makcc Health
Lucy K. Rodders, county school
auperlnterident, has jtiHt 1 initfh
ed the compilation of the hea'th
impaction report of Morrow conn
ty achool for 15)28. The follow
ng findinua were obtained:
Number of cho;la in the roun
ty, 40; number of aclioola where
pupils were itiKprcU-il by the
teacher. 35; number of pupil! en
rolled, 1.840; number of pupili
Inapertefl, 8'Jl; nu.nber excised
from inHpcction, 6; number with
outrlefcrta, 312; number wilhde
feet, 'ID'.I; number 10 per cent or
more under weight, 121); number
with defective eyesight, 84; num
ber with detective hefctit'K, 4G;
number that are mouth breath
era, C3; number with defective
teeth, number of ihildrenun
vaccinated, 474; number of de
J. T -v. j -m Tr
yiat kind doyou write?
LF the profs find it
ha d to read your hiero
glyphics, they really can't
be blamed if they give you
lower marks thun you may
think you deserve.
Take no chances. Get a
Remington Portable and
let it do your v riting for
you. It will speed up your
writing and the full legi
bility and neatness of type
Lrt ui exf'lain to you
!To Have Your Meas-
jure Taken for That
Come in and examine onr samples.
J lone, Oregon.
fect h be corr. cted, 84;
number of tch ol owninir a hhi
of nettled for weiifhiriK. 2; num
ber of athoola aervinu hot lunch
to the children, 15.
I)r. Fred 12. Farrior, dentiat,
with office! in the I. 0. 0. F.lcy finiferaof winter have beitun
building thia week diapoaed 0f
hid buaineaa and office equip
merit to Dr. J. II. McCrudy of
Seattle, who will take charge of
the aame on the 15th of tins'
month. Dr. McCrady ia a gradu
ate of North Pacific Dental Col
true at Portland and cornea to
Ileppner, highly rtcommended.
Ileiaa nephew of J. I. Hanna,
Hinton creek atockman, and is
unmarried. Dr. Karrior expect!
to depart with his family frcm
(IrUUI CI. I'Ufc nam iivi Jfc i
II ...... !... I.. nn lot an
nounced what hia plans for lhi
future are,
duvlln Tlmtt
written work cannot fau
to help your grades.
Remington Portable the
rprncnized leader in sales
and popularity is the X
. . t . - T
smallest, ngniesi, must
compact and most de
pendable portable with
standard keyboard. Car
rying case only 4 inches
high. Weighs 84 pounds,
our easy umrnt Irrmi.
"Thr K(hU Store"
The Time!
Local Happenings
Mr. J. It. Freeman. U. S. Post
al inapector, J. II. Freeman, was
lone, Thursday, making the ua
ual routine check on post offices
at Morgan, Lexington and Ion.
Good Old Chinook arrived thia
Friday morninn Feb. 15 and the
'to relax their Kranp.
Note the change in the ad of
thr lone Market this weeek. Vic
Petereon ia prepared to wifte in
aurance and if you have real ea
tale that you would like to Bell it
will pay you to tee him.
Joe ilowk hud the mnforHne
last Friday morning to have the
water back in hia kitchen range
blow up in consequence, of an ice
plug somew here in the circula
tory system. The range Mid an
oilstnve in the room were put out
i ,
. ' . ...
n no uviiv iiiw niiviivn m
and ceiling but no one was hurt.
Mr. Ilowk bail just gone to the
cellar fcnd M'S. Ilowk and the
buby weae in another pari of the
Mr. Harbison is authority for
the atatment that since the n id
die nf Jui u try we hove hat a
total snow fall ul HI inches wh en
is equivalent to one and tl ree
quartern inches of rainfall.
The hit and run driver ho
struck the Khei C'fek scrool
bus, smr."iied a frorit whel erm
and crowded it ff the highway
some three months ago has been
located by means of corresp md
ence carried on through the of
fice of Julge R ibitisnn and has
S'ttled with Mr. Hale for the
dtmatte done to the bus. The riv
ip ia a tu1un.ur. U'ftrLino mil tit
Walla Walla for a ten and cofieePer Hanging and General Ke
House. 'pair Work
Un inursiay evening tne local
lodge of O'ldfc-llow gave the
third ncgre to a clag of live.
A numb of brethren were in at
tendance Irotn the lodgta at Mor
KoH Sale
Home and lot on the corner
acroxs the street from the school
house in lone. Cheap for quick
sale. S-e M-. Waiter Corley.
lone, Oregon.
Men to exaniine those fine suit
sample at Biistow & Johnson's
For Sale
Roll Top l)ek. Good condition
anc low price. May be seen at the
lone Market. If you have any use
for a desk you can't aftord to
rniaj this, -tete.aon Bros.
Give More Miles '
Per Dolbr In
Actual WearThanlrtl
Any Other
Thu Life the Teit
The miiii who In Kill world can keep
i lie wlillcneaa nf hia anul la not likely
in luxe It In any ulher. Alcjnnder
Matter of Climate
Tho beat hoeimikcrs' brlatlei ar
produced by plga thut Inhublt cold
eoiinfrle. formerly moat of them
entne from Ititnaln. but now Chlnn and
the t'nlled Sliilea are supplying a
large purl of the niurkct. '
gan and iieppn.r . Basketball Game
At the close 0: the degree aeasion
the Hebekaha were admitted and j Heppnei" VS lone.
alien joy eJ a social hour and at the ; -
close refreshmenti. were served, j The basket ball game between
Th-brethren announced a get, the tow) of
together meeting st Heppner for1 , , ,.
c.ij . j j ..... .1 lone resulted in a score of 22 to
Friday evening and urged attecd
Backward Country
Afk'liiiiiUlon la 1 cuiitnry of wild
hliihliinderi, without one foot of rail-
I road, one mii'iie or temple or pnliic
of 0 ri.lil trrtu nil renown one handi
craft of noble culture nr one volume of wlmlonu
Mittouri't Nickname
Mlawui'l In auinetlmea en 1 11 (lie
Bullion atute, tlie ullutloo being to
Col. Thmnaa li. Kenton, who, being an
nlvocote f sold and allver currencj
In conifreao, wu nil led old Bullion '
The Good Old Day$
"They who talk of gi.ixl nld dnyl."
old III Ho. the aiiye of ('hliintowB
think. na rule, only nf confident
a'lr:illon which were nol renlltcii.'
Wimhlncinu Slur.
Variation in
In the Culled Stutea a hundred
weight It 100 poum'a. In Enfchuid
however, a hunclredweliiht la "112
pound. The metric hundredweight l
1 10.23 pounds.
Bird Migrationt
Plrde lrurl MMire gwllilv during
the a(irln. nilKinlioii, n ihev u,i
hud a riirefrce Inter, while in t'-
fall they nrt tired lifter nil thr f in
lly curea of the aumtoi-r
Remove Rut Staint
To remove rust aiiiln from allk
cotton or linen miiterliil. ruli freshly
boiled rice no atulna. then'oiik Hie
atalned mnterlnl In the nicr In which
the rice tun been hulled.
J& Clark & Linn J&
Carpenter Work, Painting. Pa
lone, Orejlon.
Coming to
The Dallei and Peneleton
Dr. Mellenthin
In Interiuil Mwlli tne tor tlie
punt twelve year
on Tue. and Wed., freb. 12 & 13,
at -r,e Oallcs Hotel and in Peni le
ton,Thur$.,Feb. 14,attheDorion
Oflice Hours, 10.00 A.M.
. p .
' ' '
f No Charge for Consultation
lr. Mi'llclliln le h n-Biiliir uihiIh.
ij. ate In iixtlli'lite mill xurncry ti ml I"
llcciiKcd liy tlie atiite il tln-KOti. He
?' doe not operate for elironle iiicii.
f il la-It In. cull Ktolien. tllcerx otetoni
3 , iu li, toiiHlU or ailcnulilH.
ijr; Hi' Iimh to liU credit woiiilerfill re
iJ. miltM In iIImciihci. of tin MtoiuiiL'li. live
I'owi'lx, IiIooiI, nklii, ncrvcH, licnrt
'Kidney, bladder, bed wetting, cut
y nrrh, wenk Iiiiik". rheiiiniitlHiii, nrlnt
ji 1 Icn, leu nicer and n-ctnl nlliin'iitH.
Jr: Itelow are the mtiiiea of a few i.f
Jj. liln iimiiy HiitlHlled patlenta In Ow.
icon, wno nave neen in-aien tor one
of the a hove iiniiicd cmiikcm:
II. II. Iilnke, Mnrhricld
Kliner Hooker, Coii'1'ii.
ItcHMle Eck'cK. rMiplie,
i. (I. Horn, Im.iiui.i.i,
Thoa Burke, U'llL miru.
Mi MR I'ooptr, rtgon City
E M. Hurt, Aihngton.
Mm. (Scoig W. Mithct, AshUnil.
Keincliilier lie iiliovediiteiind.tlili i
coimtiliton Will be free and hat hln
treatment la different. .1 1
Married women nniM le m-conipiiiij
led by their huxtuinda. .
Addreaa: 2'.'4 Itrndlitiry llldif. I.iw
a r.. lit ....... I..
A II H" IW M I H t I II Ml .
i 10 in favor of Ileppner. The line
Jlleppner: forwards, Thorne and
rReaves; center, Btighle; guards
Hucknam. Doherty. lone; for
wards. Richard Lunde!!, Frank
way oxcepl in prUm
Thm I-Omc Sedan,
Vvwa .1 prejit furtkPi.
automotive world tlntte duya. People
are all ang aluut a new low-priced
nil that iilTrin rvcry desirable big car
quality. It Ik the Noh Fontiar. Itig Six . . '. Since
the Pontiuc Big Six went on display, men and
women of every type have licrn coming to ace
and drive it. Rut must of the buyers belong to
one particular group. They have taste. They
love fine tiling. They want to ifep up the
quality of their automobile and the New
Pontiuc apM-aU to them for h's big in every
ay curept in prif!
t '
Prim $?4 mnd up. f. o. h. farhvr. pint rtmrtmm. Imupwi
m4 rmr fmntUr ttimrtlm mnbur eq..mft( ml mttght frw
I Wfc OmklmnH-fomtimr ilrhrrrrd prit-w I hry inrtudm ImmI
mmmmUm$ fhmrgv. CMra( Mutnrm Tim. r.,mnl tlmnmtmtlmmmr
ml mununum rmim.
i" I R. RDB:SON, Carage
I lone, Oregon. "
raotiic-T or gilmrl motors
Dr. Hess'
Now is the time to
of your Animals and Poultry.
Dr. Hcs:' remedies
to need introduction.
. Stock Tonic, W orm Powder
Poultry Pan-a cca, Louse
Killer, Roup Tablets, Diarrhea;
Tablets, Healing Powders, Dis-
ftemper Remedy, Colic Remedy,
Dip & Disinfectant,
Balsam of Myrrh.
Lundell;ceter,Halvorsen, guards,
ClarK, Uiichie Engelman; Ref
eree, Garland Swanson.
The attendance was good.
Next week there will be a double
header, lone vs Lexington, at
Built to Endure
Se-enty-aU brlden itlll In oe In
England wera built before the yeur
UIS , Body by FUhtr
I luino pmbIm) In tUm
a v-
look after the healths
are too well knownj