The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, February 08, 1929, Image 5

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Dorothy a Mother
Proves Claim
Children don't onll
nurlly take to modi
clues lmt hxre'i out
tlmt till of them love
1'nrhiip It shouldn't
he cnllml a iiiftillcliii
at ill. It's more Ilka
In rich, concenlrntod
Jfoed, It'i pure,
wholesome, sweet to tlin tuate Bud
aweet In your child' lU.lln stomnch.
It IiiiIIiU up mid strengthen weak,
puny, underweight children, miikss
them ent heartily, bring the roses
tmck to tln'lr checks, make them
playful, energetic, full of life. And
no bilious, headachy, constipated,
feverish, frotf ut baby or child ever
fulled to rcHUi(l to th gtMitlo Infill
ence of California Klg Hyrup on their
little bowel. It alitrta lnr.y bowel
quick, clean Idem out thoroughly,
tone mid trengtlicn them o they
com Iniio to net normally, of their ewn
Minium of mother! know ntxitit
California rig Byrup from eierlenco,
A Western mother, Mm. J, (I, Moore,
J1U Cliff Ave., Him Anlohlo, Texas,
any: "California Flu Hrtin l eer
(nlnly nil tlmt'n claimed for It I
have proved Hint with my IIHIo Dor
thy. Hh wn bottle bnhy and very
delicate. Her bowel were wenk. I
Htnrtod lier on Klg Kyrup when he
wnt a few month old and It regu-
Inted her, quirk. I have usi-d It with
her ever since for cold mid every Ut
tie s4 buck and hr wonderful con-
' ill! Ion tvlla better thnn word hw It
iHm't In Imposed on. lice Hint the
Flu Syrup yoo buy lieara the name,
"California" eo you'll net Hit lva
lue, fatnou for fiO year.
Muiit for Danl PupiU
llviigul lint Jut cii'ileil that niuide
t nnrt of educatloa and culture, and
the Ilengal govermnent la preparing
comprehend ve plan for Introducing In
dian muilc In the echool. At a con
ference of minimi riper! recently
tirld at Calcutta, a program wn pre
pared for iiibmlialoii to the govern
Atttni th Party
InSpif of Cold t
THint deipalr aome dny your clal
calendar I full, and you awake with
mlm-ratile cold. He rid of It by noon I
You can. If you know the arcTet:
rape' Cold Compound anon ettle any
cold, yea, even one that ha reached
deep In the throat or lung. Adr.
The Freshman Why doe Frog-
more alway put the letter "Jr." after
lilt name!
The Senior That' an abbreviation
of "Junior."
The Freshman But he' no Junior.
He' only a aoph. IX'trolt Newa.
Makes Life
tint time a coated tongue, fetid
breath, or acrid kln give evidence
of sour atomnch-try l'lilUlp Milk ol
Magnesia I
(Jet acquainted with this perfect an-
tl acid Hint help the ayalem keep
sound nnd awent, That every stomncb
needs at time. Take It whenever
hearty meiil bring any discomfort.
l'hllllp Milk of Mugnealn tin won
medlcul endorsement. And convinced
million of men nnd women they didn't
have "Indlgeallnii." Pon't diet, nnd
don't suffer J Juat remember l'hllllp.
l'li-nsiint to tnke, and alwny elTectlve.
The mime l'hllllp la Important; It
Ideiilllle the genuine product "Milk
of Magnesia" lias been tho V. H. regis
tered trade mnrk of tho Clinrlea II.
l'hlllln Chmulcitl Co. nnd It pre
decessnr t'liurle n. l'hllllp glnco 1875
Milk .
of Magnesia
How to Avoid
bTaI it Nnthlnff roJ n da wilt m utTm!
VUIU9 .ii, Prou yiiu wilrl CuMi, In
ftuMM m UriiM m kMi.rm tour orgmn f
JlMil(n n Uminatton avtiv ntt tmt
yiUfii Ir from rHfimj MfumulitioM,
Nitwra'i KamrMy I Ml Tltlu dom mort thu
mratr Cftuw i-fw ami
It tan init trnnlhm lK Mltfn, lnrrv
If rtMiiUUlM HMl diaMM uhI tnftctloiw.
Qi Iff) Sl M rwt DniuUn
t Qwiek T-k IWt-nllW It
( ZSia5 I VlVL A JOKE rJOTlC VbyCf) ; 1 A rCMoQ AW
in the Lives of Little
FORCE Lucky Finney
Funny Business
Is Talking to Himself
It May Be
n LgJe XL
"What I wrong with this plctarer
wii the title of iketch showing
mnn mid woman walking down the
atreet. Junior hnd read the funny
section and the title of this picture
Intrigued him. He tried to future It
out, and bent hi hcml puzzling over
It for Rome time. At laat he looked up.
"inil, I bet I know what wrong
with (til picture."
"I bet It ain't hi wife."
A Sriou Dltability.
The Hurgeon Thut wu quite a
had arrldetit. Vou have a apralned
ankle and a dlHlornted alioulder. But
we'll noon fix jou up all rltfht
Mllle. (.'Iiliiiny of the "r'oollnhne"
Company I don't care about the
ankle If It doeim't look bad. Hut I
cun't dance with a lame ahoulder.
I jour hiiKband a buyer for a Jew
elry concern V fe.
try concern!
o. he lunt; wny ao you ir
I jiisi s.i w mm wnn an cukuko
menl ring and a wedding ring In bis
Sour Crapes
We cannot china our nature.
It la quit beyond our reach
If a ilrl Is born a lemon
8h cannot be a peach.
Heard at the Book Emporium.
Woman Customer Have you the
hook, "The Art of lielng Uappy
Though Married"?
Clerk No, madum; we don't carry
that any more, but perhaps I might
Siisccst this little treatise on "The
Art of Jlu Jltsu"; It might be of
value to you.
And That's Won
Her You deceived me when I mar
ried you.
I If ti) I did more than that I de
ceived my'lf.
He (wiiriiii)) C.oali, girlie, but
you're just ripping!
She Yea don't squeeze to hard.
la the Drowsy Court
Whv tld Ihe lawyer soma so loud.
Hi araumenl to maker
r-1 1 II viii his mlKBtnn proud
To keep ihe court awake.
Butinees Firtt
ItiiKlneiis Mnn (teletihotilnc) llel
i ! HiU ivilllniira K-holesiile house?
I have one of your salesmen here and
he hn Juki Insulted me. What (hall
I riol
Voli e on Other Knd First give him
a big order nnd then throw him out I
Mc Judge
Clerk-lo toil sweiir Hint you will
leli Hie truth, the whole truth and
MI- I'luilterlNK (Mi. how lovely I
.Inline, ahull I he allowed to tulle all
the uflernooti If I wiinl lol
Old News
li e frliiiil ot a distinguished must
.Inn wiliI to the latter' live-year-old
linmhier: "Tell your iliuhly he I one
if the ini-iilcst nliivers living."
The II alrl mi 1.1. serenely! "1
m-cil not ti ll Irm that He know It'
StniV hlnn-s
fhe Last Word
Mi, , u i mill the lust word In an
n l-iiii"'ii v i'li in 'I her. a usual, Inat
l i.i'i l i i- mi word, as usual?
in:i ne iiHiii:lr.ed again.
w j
( w 11"
i r , tt ...
tin . .
wnen your
Children Cry
for It
Caatorla 1 a comfort when Baby 1
fretful. No looner taken than the little
one 1 at ease. If restless, a few drop
soon bring contentment No barm done,
for Caatorla Is a baby remedy, meant
for babies. Perfectly safe to give the
youngest Infunt ; you have the doctors'
word for that I It Is ft negetable pro
duct and yon could use It every day.
But It' in an emergency that Caatorla
mean most. Some night when consti
pation most be relieved or colic pain
or other suffering. Never be without
It ; some mothers keep an extra bottle,
nnopened, to make sure there will al
ways be Caatorla In the house. It I
effective for older children, too; read
the book that come with It
Garfield Tea
Wat Your
Grandmother's Remedy
For every stomach
and Intestinal UL
This good old-fashioned
herb bom
remedy for consti
pation, stomach Ml
and other derange
menta of the sys
tem ae prevalent these day 1 In even
greater favor as family medldnt
than In your grandmother's day.
For Caket Udder ui Sere Teals ia Cowl
ry Kanford's Balsam of Myrrh
ktaoar beck tent beak If atMHes. AB Wn
A Ribbon sad a Smile
Husband .That' a pretty saab for
your new dress.
Wife Stupid I That' the dress.
you stand on with a
colli, a cold or
grippe, and your blood
Impoverished. Ton
must do something!
Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery
enriches the blood
build health and
sireonn. a.
E. 3rd Aw, Sp-t AM, I
WA iinrked: "1 am . .
nrw mdMut battle at 7
I)r. TlCTte i Coidra Mrl.
ul Llacno In Cm baue. 4 l
I don't tbliak Own to uar V Nty
medicine m pood for tav . )
thr ear. I be practicallr , ' 0
rami mr UmihF as Uua
vdictae-otn pns tbilar chlldmi for
rousb. cokie ted brondiul wemfcrnae and
liww Arre caa bt boDobs bettir. la adU
lien la Uaie, a la a eploidid blood enrkhcr
and aiviat toaic 1 caaaut praiaa tbia ncdi
uoa loo bighty.'
AU druxglst. Tablets or fluid.
Bend Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.. 100
If you desire a trial pk& of tablet.
Leag Chicago Street
Woaiorn avenue, with lenu'th ot
mile. Is considered Chicago'
longest street.
Influenza Threatens
ChiMrrn'a eouiha and eolda are eerinua. Yoa
ean'l lll by the Mali ol a cold ho eeruma it la
going to ba. Even doctor and trained nnreee
cannot dutinguab lb aeilr augaa oi lie tram a
lion 'i take cSnncea. Attbefiratalgnofaeouglt
or cold Hart with Oleaaco. Don't wait an howl
1 hree e iteration ol molhera hava put their at
In (ileiaro. It relieirea the couah and hraaki a
cotd risht up. It put a U:k, crouer rhtid nnck oa
lie feet belote mote eerioue trouble baa a chance
''leA'"! MO brk a erjrl wllh Cleaaco mi
know that' one cold that won't deelop Into flul
All drugglata and noel general atoret bat
Ceugti aad Croea Raowdy
LI '