i VOLUME XVII IONn, OREGCN, FRIDAY, Feb. 8, ujtg NUMBER 36 . Mrs. Alice Keller PeSs On ' For Thirty -three Years a Nisiilent Of lone. Mrs. AUom Keller whine dcii'h occurred at her Inline in Inr.o, lie niehtof WciIip h 'ay, J it it. HO. wns I) nil In St (iull, Swiizcilund, A ui. (i'li.lSli Shi was the daughter of Arnold ll.ci niiinii, whoiini grnlid lo llin Unittd State;., w hile Alice WHR mi in'ai.t, H 1 1 1 1 11 u in Illinois near, I lie town (if Highland which in thirty milts fllHt of St I, mi in. Morgan News Mk. J. V, I (ahiii-si y 0 ily survives; Alice, the eldest,! dying in lS7:iii.(J lv.wuid Kmaiiv ii e I in 1871. ! t-.. .. .1 . . t ,. ' III n milliner O. JCIIIS .T. Mr ,, M.H J,,,,,,, '!,,.,.,, tin death ,f I,h hio-b r.d, Mrn. atlll dnhhT. Mrs. S.-l. and Keller u:. .1 s.amstrtss m,iJ ,,lhy u,.,,,..,,,,,. were CBinKf)n i mm1" H'-wn-K (o a x.rm Mr. . Mm. Corg3 Mahuney, l-.ninaiM: ai in'uin u one, now Saluruav bfUTUXW, " KU,"-rl' ,lf Sl' l'ml- I Mr i". MilrCK and family, visi Follow iK IhiH-he lived for a t,., wilh Mr aMlJ MrB Ma liin in II il.' IiIiiihI, when she con- (,it.Vl Saturday iiiiu.-ii in wont a a heanisinss' vr ,.! ,.f Mr. Ali... iii-. . t 1 . . . t mi.i ..M-oinhKir. l .i-e all sorry (0 Subsequent t... ii.. time P-t.t ;asainu HB. wei. in Highland Kht! wan learn of her for thiet yeui'p, in it 1 mi or l tic lilind on Is Inline in St. I ouis. Terminating tu r cciti nicl U111 with the lloni", Si. W III fi Hlit' UHilin iiiijVi u lu Highland, ttl.ne I she kept I.oiimi lor her roll Ivl- 1 war I w hi! Oiitthe .1(1; h diiv of M.iv. ,.,J 1 ... 1. 1 .... 1 1 1 she kept a rnoininu house in Itlin III II I l'-' I 111 IV I HI 'I l C I" r .. ..,.hvr..r ...... ... w, I 1.0UI1. lor live Jca.S. I.'MIH, AI I, MllI'dpi'M ID tlieir marriage) fiey removed to Mm', ilie. Ills. W h re I111V made their home U.,l,lil,e.!eHlloftlel.uv.!l,la,'U",i!,t tl"'1"' In I) ccuiher, l'Jo, iMih. Ki-I,. i ban I, Aommi G'h, 1872. To tii Union were binn li.r.e c'liidnn, Aiiie, Kiw.rd Kuiai.iiel mi l K.I ward. Of tlit-S", the U.t 11111 il Mr. nnJ Mrs Haurenfeind and Mr. and Mrs llarbi on a.ttnded the funeral of Mis. Keller in lone, lust Saturday. II. Cochran of Cecil hiiH j ur ehused a fine po'iue doif. Harvey, Ke vine an I C!ahn he wui) learnir.vc ttie Miilock went to lone lai-t Saiur day. Mr. and Mrn. A 'kins spent the land h.rton iirnved in L.ne an.' ! t',,(l 1'ortiHiid, returi itj.- It. r loiiuVMK t-p ii K t-'if C'l'l.tllMf" (' I'V hui.ta "iu'1'iay..Airs. HilkiiiK t-ai h h 111 the Truedson Uir.tricl, euui ui I Shovelinir hiiow stems to lv in ... 'i -.-:.:. Ktyie around ftiort-an, dm i . k Scveial huiMitiiis huve caved t t T t.-n-'t ) - - w T '' !,l'Vt',ttl I'UilditM have caved in I I L US l$ S "lftM t'uuWr the heavy ,,eureof iU l ; l?' il Mil L S wK- Mhhot,,.,'8 ... A 'iLl V-- LAV" I I t machine atn-.i and Ja.nt. Ih.'d N i'r:V A V i The Shell Oil Co.'a aaei.t a. 1 what kkid d!oyou wite If the prof3 far.d it ha d to re ml your Iiiovo tflyphica, they rcJly can't be bliimcd if t'lt-y ;ivc you lower marks t hm you n:..y think you dtutrvc. Tke no chiincvp.' Get a Remington Portujle an'J let it do your wiling iir you. It will Kpt "u op your writing wxA hv mil legi bility und nemncss of type written work cannot fail to help your grades. Ren tiny ti m Portable the recognized leader in sales and popularity is the snuilKst, lightest, most compact nnd most de pendable portable with standard keyboard. Oir ryintf rase only 4 inches hiyh. Wei;lis 8' 2 pounds, net. Let u exiaiil lo yiiii onr cosy (.dyiruat li'rms, r. ; a.- ! r 4 U 1 . 1 J aitendinif to Lusine-s !ast Mon lav. iluna-r Nash, F-tanley Seel) ::nc Franklin l.imli-tttlil Wile I 1 HI K. K. llurhijoii in liavini; ttv ir.il cam loaic.l with vlitu ;.i Iih wmi hni!!i', tips wtek. r.ir. lla'l, Mr. S.-e'j hi .1 Mr. Cii' ,'in arc he jiinu Mr Harl i-i n. lU-rt I'a'niati er ( pt i,( d tt vi ri.i f'IN.l that nui-CHI. Iv '. l'ra'ikhn li'y, who drove i p Ik.iii Portland la-.! Sumiay, i ; )i tui-re is lols ol trnow hultl.at l.e hii;!iAi.y is open. Mis U a t. liiy spent the w 1 1, end wiih hea parenlsat Moiy ,r. Mr. and Mrs. Scely and Ii lie d i U'hter hp.-i.t Saturday evi-i i ' ii!i Mr. and Mri. Nash. Mr. and Mr.. Medlock and rt.il lien, Harvey, Ki w in and Cani., .'dr. and Mrs. titorjje M.ihoi e-. and Mr and Mrs. 8. i iy ami d ui. I. t i, Ki nt-Kline, Kpent Sun.lat ilii Mr. and Mr. Ilardtxty. Harvi y ..n ; U vine Medltrk Local Happenings The Gen.. Snpt. of the local U. V. Freiuht and Dasst'jnur rervicf Little Marianne Ccrley, who joined the M(.arnhoat diviaion han hetn quite tick with the flu, ,i,-ha c , . . , is much better now. th'8 Fr"lay morn,n" but A .. ,, , ,, an exploiod ana wreck just aahe Mrs. Kuth Macon arrived home ,,,, ,. Monday mor,,in after a few days 'ddn T ""f'T? tay in Spukai-e, , to pullmg out from the dock. .... ,. if. , Nme of the paHsenifers or crew lhe thermometf r in front ol HuHare' I'ham.acy reti,tered 13 we'e ,nJ '.red t the engine room deKiet H below zi-ro, ThuiHday , a total wreck a"l the bridge niurniriK Feb. ?. ' I'astor li a I of the Conirrejra- t'onal cbuich was called to Lex int'iti for a funeral service thi-, Frioay poii'n;, Tie deceased Wat Kii.iun A. Crown, a foMinr ntihr.t of Lcximrtor, w ho( death cchiirre; in the h'a-i. V'ALKN I lMiS! lei to 25ct. Uullard'g I'hai rracy. 'Him Fiiday evenii n. rtnnm ber, the Hih School givet lhr . one act pays at the inn;..'iuu . Mi-h Helen Welln. third Kiade leach, r in lone iant eir i:,A dim ilarly m p!tc this (tr in Lex inyton, ii thinking of takua couihc in nui Hirnf at a leiu.'inir Port'ai.d ho.'pila1. Mr Ida I'.;tt'rsi n w o e relun-i lion hu extened vitii willi le a lives in Texas we 1 ailed to record latt wrt k, is '"at hoinc', t j hi r frit n: s at '.l.e armiy ledn't-i Ci i n second htreef. Mr. A-ny Sjei ry, t'.n ILyh School iin'.ii ctor in L'luliih and Hon. Ka.ru n.u ?, was takin ill l'iiur(iay. jZ7 Clark & Linn u& Cqycntcr Work, F'ainting, Pa- ;icr Ilangins and Central l.e- air Woik Laic, Oregon.' Coming to Ti e Ta Ics and Pcnr!c:on Dr. Mellenthin Specialist j in liit.Tii.il A. c ii. In.. f..r I lif iim1 tW'lve yciim ! DDKS NOT OI'FKATE Will he in The Dalles ha a h'avy list to utarboarj. City Hall Notes The regular seksion of the Com mon Council of the City of Ion was held Tuesday evening, Feb. jlh in the council chamber. The roll call indicated the presence of Mayor Maon, Recorderltobinson and Councilmen Bryson, Linn, Lundell, McCabe and Davidson; absent; Councilman Balsiger and ( 'iniiliiui'don I'k 4.) '.r :P'P-'r ." !! '"9 f'M' the mezi SURPRISING THING ABOUT IT ' IstheTrice T, !,.,n, $H IS IUh), by f UllCT All A m. ri a U In iii!! ra;!ivnte;I 1-y the New Oak land All-American, 'ty itn vivi.l new etjlc and vo-riji .h new IhuiiIv. I'y its surio Mwer, Its flushing iick-iii und hH-etl . . . What an cpior tonity for motor cur buyer ... a car of All-Anicri-c;ui iiti.ilily fi.r as lit tV as ijlll.j! Coni.i.li rina its ii;a;aiifiecnt new !ini:tK by n.ilicr . . . the moot, nirpri ..Iiia lliimr ulx;iit it is the price. r: ret tUH I., tir i, . ... I., f ,. pl. ,Uli,rry W(n Loffar li.Jr.iil.. ... -K .iltwr Ikti .-t.i ...H.-if rurrti lnru.if fl.l prb-. fc. :m;rr mn.l r. of . nUr I tnrtU extra, t hth (iaklaml drbfrtd pr.r,, ,r i i,).,,;, ;.- . rWjfl. C.w-rul .Waters TiaM rajMM..! t'mn a..:.dm mt minimum rmt. Til RODISON, Garage ION 2, 0:3 DM. PlWaeC ml Cn . al Molar. ML-ATyllMCAH SIX BY OAKLAND I5ULI.AR'3'S I I IARMACY " V'ir KoJiik Store" 4- 1N0W S r t 1 J The ITo Have Your Meas lure Taken ' for Tha NEW SPRING U1T . Come in and examine onr samples. BRISTOW & JOHNSON lone, Oregon. a id Howard lljrdety were ra 'on Tu and Wtd.. Frh 1- & 13 hit hunlinK near Cecil Itst Sia- atl he Dalles Hotel and in Pet d t ,la ton, Thurs. , Feb. 1 1, at the Dorion t For Sai.k IIo!l', j House and lot on thecormr; Office Hours 10.00 A.M across the street from the school 4 00 P M house in. lone. Cheap for uu'ck - side. S.e Mis. Walter Corley, lone, Ortgon. WANl'KI) Men to examine H ose fine suit siuniilea at Hiistow.& Johiisun's ONK DAY IN I'KNDLETON t AND TWO DAYS ONLY IN TDK . u a K' r. emedies. Now is the time to look after the health Jof your Animals and Poultry. nrv ? 1 rniei Foil Sai.k UollTop Desk. Cood condition hi c low price. May he seen tit lhe l ine Market. If you have any i.n for a di sk you enn't sflord miss tl.K -IVtetson Hrts. DALLKS. No Charge for Consultation i , .. i ii .i.i.. I.. u ., ilii. .ei,, n. iull., a,, ! ,y ,,i ii- j Dr. H;vjj remedies are too well known (UriiHi'il liy tin lnU ui iruuii, I e . . m - . I aI 1 1.. I . . .1 T . T .I.h-s ,,l o,,. r,.... (or tluo.ilc ,.,.. HQ HCCU Hill OUUCIIOII. .lli llU, (.'.ill mIiiiii'm, ill. 'i iiIkIiiiii- acli, Ioi.bIIm or iiiIciiiiI Ih. I li has In IiIh cri'dll wonderful re 1 d HIlllH III lliHi'aM.'H lit t III1 HtlllllMI'll. IIVl' J li.iwelx, III. i. id, Hk I II. lierv.'N, heart Stock Tonic, Worm Powder Poultry Pan-a-cea, Louse il i hi si Ti : hi 1 it i Kl.llie.V. Iilaihlef, lied welliliw:, nil nrrli ui-nk liineH rl'.i'iinii.lUiii m, I:.i t T 1 1 f1y 11 l TN I 1 ' m&mm ;....,.,,. ,,,, lamer, koup laoiets; uiarrnea; it. .i..... ii .. i r ' I'lHH. Ml." III. II. I lit. r. . .1 ii i.-.. ., , Ills iiiiiny H.ilUlled pnlleiiN In (lit Ifiill. W illi llllVC lieell treliteil f..r one ill Ilie nliove n.i nii'i) ciiiimch: i I R. ROOISON JFIRCSTONE TIRES Give More Miles 3V. 1 3 l 7) III LWtUII 111 j,A 0 Actual WcarTli.inpi 1 Any Other 4t t MACHINE SHOP II. II. I'.laUe, MarxMlcl.l l'.liner Hooker, ('on. lull. lleHhle I'eklrM. Kin; i.e. I. (1 lliir.i, 'i' i ai "i Tluw llurke, Wil.miiu. M M R ( V vr, . rop'n City E M. Hurt, Ailiiujtoii. Mr.. loii;c W Mjiho., AxliUtnl. Iteliieililier lie nliove dnle iind.tlin eniihiili ton will lie tree und lint Ids tyi treat merit Ih illllereiit. ij. Mnrrli il women iiiiihI lie ijeco.lii.iiii; Vv ' iv ineir niiMiinn.in. 3Vi i'. i : jTablets, Healing Powders, Dis f temper Remedy, Colic Remedy Dip & Disinfectant, Balsam of Myrrh. AiI.Iivmn: 2'J4 Itrndliiiry lll.ltf. AiiHeleK.Ciilll.iniln. t t t t t t I. os t BERT MASON IONE, OREGON