The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, February 01, 1929, Image 3

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    What Will
Our Pet Peeve
1 .
! i.
When your
Children Ciy
for It
There In hardly a houaehold that
hiKii't tu'tirj nf CuMtniiii I At leant nvt
million, homes urn never' without II. If
there : are children In your family,
there's a I iiioHt dully need if ltd com
furt And unjr night nitty dud you very
thankful thefVa botll In Urn turnup.
Juat a H'W dropa, and tint colic-or
cotmtlpntlon la relieved; or dlurrhea
checked. A vegetable priMltK't ; a bnby
remedy nii'iinl for young folka. Omturla
ia about llm only thing you have ever
heard doetora advise, 1 vlnjr tv Infanta,
htrongcr medicines n r dangerous la a
tiny baby, however Itnrtnleaa they may
lit grown-upa. Good old Caalnrla !
Jlrnif iuImt the name, and iviiirmW
to buy II. It may apara you ,a aleep
less, anloua nliflit. It la always ready,
lwn mifa tit u; In emervenclra, or
for everyday ailment . Any limir of Ilia
day or lilitlit lliat lluliy beenmea fret
ful, or rctl.w. Oualorla was never
nana popular with motheni tliaa U la
today. Kvcry drugglxt sua 1L
IV run auroras la (rating Rectal umI
tJow troubles a? the IM- C J. Una
' ' NOVMMCKAI. mrWA aa-
MX M HhtM wmiti r N .
t NIKA..; mi niKt HJMI-
r- , .A nAir.u at tw. Hr.ri'piiit.ii
Tarklih Frodigy
'A four yeur-old child who has a
full grown beard and mualuche haa
been Inker) lo t'linnlantlnnpla, and la
bring eihlhlted at performance fur
the benefit of Ilia lied Cn-eceM iu
elety. Tlia child. Iiorn al TrebUond.
hn lha voice and appenrance of an
adult. Ha la about two feet lull.
Remlnlscencee art di'llnhlful for
yourself, but Ihey can Irk other
A Sour
, In llifl minio tltim It tnkra a done of
mln to bring a lltilo tfinpornry Mlof
tif ffiia and aotir alninch, l'lillllpa
Milk of Mnncnln liaa acidity complete
ly checked, and Him dlgfHilva orgiin
all Ininiiulllr.cil. Once roil hnve tried
thl form of relief you Will cenna lo
worry ahont yonr diet and axpcrlcuco
"h tu- freedom In cut Inn.
Thin iileiinnnt prcpurullon la JiihI na
good for children, too. Uo It when
Her conled toiipjm or fetid lirenlli
' ilnnutu need of 1 aweetener. I'h.vid-
china will tell you Unit every aponn
fill of l'lillllpa Milk of MiiKiimlu lieu
IrnllrrK ninny tluieu l:n Volume In nclil
' (let III!) RI'IIUllIC, the IIIIIIIH I'llllllpl I
liiiportiint, liiiltutlnii do not act thr
nine I
Milk .
of Magnesia
i "timtaft.-t
,, i Qmlck RmlUtl A pbanafc (ffoctW S
) C ittup 3ta ftiu! Aoc iIih. And
Mm tmrnllf. m PiSO-a TbnMt m4 A
". ajK ClMhln, )U jl
The Wrong Door Out
QWuMa)iViCauC f6N0a4t UMVCf rtej) gT:
luAnwwci'8"6!3 W i wxxa kwvti. $IawWwj
y tvati j- I L I voo WtouiWure-wMVvffj
I ''; ' ' '''' :: ' ' -"
The "Catch"
ST: 7 tgooo!- at ws N. uw IM So PCoutV fZTN,
-7 KliyPMQ-PiOStJO PoTlaMSlAOtolV lEAa'W5TAD 0J I 7 uttt-
Note's HOOWJifW J "JDOWXI Wr-VtBVNlKS 1 BlWHS A V46W DOfSS, I K wttU.' i
S W W WttV ? - PAPS Q-Till M HO10 , . XVI UKIN COWN TirfSV I V J
V R00M A40 IM MAKU4S- 's
Wtiii!a ' B l
"I know that man-
that is exactly the
way he talks"
SITE wa listening to a demonstration of an Atwater Kent. Turning the
Fuix-vision Dial from one station to another, audJenly abe beard
the voice of a friend abe bad not teen for years. Sbe listened eagerly.
It wn "exactly the way he talked."
"I'll take the set," ahe said. "This radio tells the truth."
Anyone can convince himself that AtwkterKent receivers and speaker
do give faithful reproduction. Listen to an orchestra and pick out the
individual instruments. Each has its own character its own identity.
Turn to a male quartet, a piano solo, a radio drama with all the
varying voices and inflections or to the President when he speak.
Every sound ia true to the originaL That is the standard of Atwater
Kent performance.
Atwater Kent gives it to you for less money. Less money because
Atwater Kent Radio is manufactured in great quantities, making econo
mies of production possible. Vet this huge output does not affect quality
in the slightest For every set, besides being made of the finest materials,
haa to pass 222 tests or inspections in the course of manufacture.
Turn the Fux-tuiox Dial and listen to "the radio that tells the truth."
47 M UwhlckoB Atom A. Ahntlrr Kent, Pnt. Philadelphia, Pa,
Battery Sets, $53-172
Model 40 (Electric) 181 hfOi
for US-IMioK. Stat eytfcilta
line nrmL nquirw m A.C.
tub. sad ni nctilriH Ski
(lOout labn).
Radlo'a Trorat Voice" SoM .turr UmU.Tult mi
Alatttr Kt RtJi Saidinl ia aula. Ftix-Taioa DiL
Simkm: Mnlcli E. K t, Molvl M. SM; Motirl 4. ertrm-po
F.-9, mmt uuKr. difftt- arlul. S7f. Pnna io ant iadadl tubal
aat ia mm. Lack, itt. ar batuma,
Both Nakad
The arehdeucon of Nottlnghnm was
taking a fling at the younger genera
lion. "They are qnlle bejnd me.
h admitted, "nnd their hick of rcr
erenee la aipnlllng. Very soon I think
I ahull have to put a al;n on the door
of the ministry reading:
"'Men. lake your hnta off; wom
en, pin your aklna on.'" Los An
gelea Times.
Aa Objact Bafora Him
flenry You will never gi-l the dog
to mind you. my dear.
The Mm. 1 will with patience. Tou
were Just as troublesome yourself nt
Ha Kaaw
"I find the old Jokes very popular."
"Yea, they're new to some, lo oth
er they're old frlenda."
The boundary between the Cnlted
States and Canada la to be marked
on all the International bridges be
tween Ihe countries.
Garfield Tea
Was Your
Grandmother's Remedy
For every stomach
and Intestinal UL
This good old-fashioned
herb nam
remedy for consti
pation, stomach 111
and other derange
ments of th aya-
tetn so prevalent these days la In even
greater favor aa a family medlda
than In yonr grandmother's day.
It keeps tome limy people busy to
Invent exeusea.
For Colds
How many people you know end their colds with Bayer Aspirin I
And how often you've heard of i.3 prompt relief of sore throat or
tonsilitis. No wonder millions take it for colds, neuralgia,
rheumatism ; and the aches and pains that go with thern. The won
der is that anyone still worries through a winter without these
tablets I They relieve quickly, yet have no effect whatever on the
heart. Friends have told you Bayer Aspirin is marvelous ; doctors
have declared it harmless. Every druggist has it, with proven direc
tions. Why not put it to the test?
Aaslrla ta ttw Inrta aura af Barer i,f,rtara
al aloaMi-(iica:iikim at SiilcrUcaeM