Have Kidneys Examined By Your Doctor Tiki 81IU to Was. Kldniys If Back Paine You or Bladder Bothira PWQ FLASH By Ceorge MARSH : The Lead Dog : CiaM ar Th. Pmid Publishing Co. W N U. 8mvI if 3 1 m yiLL D fl Flush your kidneys by drinking it quart of water ench tiny, also take salts occasionally, anys a noted nil thorlty, who tell ua that too much rich food formi acids wliloh almost paralyze the kidneys In their elTorta to pxpol It from, the Mood. They he come sluggish, and weaken; then you may suffer with a dull misery In tin kidney region, sharp palm In the back or sick headache, dlixlnesa, your stomach sours, tongue la coated, and when the weather la had you have rheumatic twinges. The urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, the channels often get sore and Irritated obliging yon to seek relief two or three time during the night ' .i To help neutralize these Irritating acids, to help cleanse the kldneya and flush off the body's urinous waste, get four ounces ot Jufl Salts from any pharmacy here: take a tableapoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days, and your kidneys may then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Jnlce,cmnlned with llthla, and has been used: tnt years te help flush and stimulate sluggish kidneys; alao to neutralize the acids In the system so they bo lunger Irritate, thus often relieving bladder weakness. Jad Salts Is lnexienslve, cannot In jure and makes a delightful efferves cent lithla-water drink. Mar Routine "This Is a million-dollar scheme." "The office boy can finance that for you. Will Cold Worry . You This Winter? Some men throw-off a cold within a few hour of contracting It Anyone can do It with the aid of a simple com IKiund which comes In tablet form, and Is no trouble to take or to always have about you. Don't "dope" your self when yon catch cold; use Tape's Cold Compound. Men and women everywhere rely on this amazing little tablet Adv-, The most profitable teaching Is the lesson of the moment. Harold's Mother Knew Answer "Yes, sir, I am cer- Italnly proud of my little boy," says .Sirs. J ' jpeka Ave, Topeka, iivaugHS, lies live and weighs fiffy-ser- en pounds. . lle'a the .'picture of Iienlth as you can see, and I feel like iie'll al ways be that way aa long as I can get California Fig Kyrup. I liajBed It with Mm ever since he was a yenr old. I knew what to give him for Ids colds and his feverish, upset spelis I. enu Mother used California Fig Fyrtip with all of us as children. I have used It freely with my boy and lie loves It It always fixes blm up, qmVk." ; In many homes, like this, tin third and fourth generations are using pure, wholesome California Vie Syrup because It has never foiled to do what Is expected of If. Nothing so quick, ly and thoroughly purges a child's system cf the souring wuste which ken Wm cross, feverish, headnehy, MUoua, hnlf-slrk,' with ennfed tongue, bod breath and no appetite or energy as long as It Is allowed to remain In the' little stomach and bowels. Fig Fyrnp gives tone aind Strength to these organs so they continue to nef as JCn ture Intends' tlwtu to do, and helps biilld up and strengthen' wouk, pul and unoVrWHght children. Over four" million bottles u'wd a year shows Its tiopularlly. The genuine, endorsed by physicians for .'si years, always besrs the word "Ciillfornla." CHILD'S COLD MAY BE FLU Careful F!others Take . - No Chances hottrfl ( toe !ff for child to htv bugh or eoW without UlufiaTitrpn to wtop it. 1 ht vmcr rmi Mart With OUuco, lh quicker tl cold willit. Braak child'i cold with CImmo uw) you know It4t'l OA cold thai woo't devmiop into flvjl Evtfl doctor and traincti nurtci cannot ftt ttnffuish th ourt of iron bod cold, tto dot. Uk choncM. Treat avarr cold, outck. atMKriali t th ataaonaf the rw. KemmbTihaHilfMn, toktn In lima, wilt improva a cough in tittn irmuta and break a cold aitnoat ovar nicnt. And WiibtnitthavMofopiaitcal All drug atom and moft ftBaral atemhavt Claaaco DR. DRAKE'S Glessco Cms at1 Cmw Reae Little Saba, In (Prrpsr4 kr ths Nllnrl 0crilil SKIslx. Wuhimion. I. C.) SINCE the dawn ot American his tory, the Caribbean, "that sap phire and emerald sea which creams to white" nuon the sttnds of the magic Islands that Inclose It, front the eastern coast of Florida to the eastern shores of Venezuela, has been the scene of a romantic and cataclysmic life. Beneath darning tropical skies and heavy scudding clouds, earthquakes have tumbled parts of these paliu- frlnged Islands Into the hungry wa ters; volcanoes have spouted fire upon panic-stricken and powerless natives; great navigators and early geographers h raved Its hidden shouts and treacher ous reefs, and buccaneers, hiding like wolves la their lairs among the count U.a excellent harbors which the Inlands afford, once were wont to spring upon the gold-luden Spanish galleons, curry off their booty to some lonely i.-lund retreat, and there divide the loot to be spent In riot and de bauch in the cities of the Main. Across the routes where once the wealth of the Incus was borne to Spain went American men and materials for one of the most stuiondous engineer ing undertakings in the hlttory of man the l'anauia canal. Whether they were used by the old freebooters as rendezvous and base for their nefarious Works, or whether they have lain lazily beneath the tropic sun, the stug-s for only the umsi proper activities, there are few Islands la the Caribbean waters that do not have an Interest for the present-day traveler. Off the southeastern tip of the St. KIU.4 Nevis, where Alexander IlniiTnton-wns brn and where Horatio Kelson was married, and to the north west of It-lie the Imtch-owned St. Eustatius and quaint little Suha. The latter, barely Ave" miles In diameter, looks from the.iwq as If It were unin habited; but tucked away Inside the cone of Its single volcanic niountuin a seafaring peop'e bv built their toy town'wittl white-walled and red-rofed bouses, which, with a c'Wiriicterlstlc Dutch mental quirk, they have naaied Bottom. I'p and down theistdes.of the mountain to the m-a thejr-are con tent to run several thiies a' dtiy. to, engage In. fishing. Thi Virgin Island. The waters In the vicinity 'of the Virgin Islands, from the ttue of Kir Francis !rake were frequented by sea rovers of every class and description. Because of tire numerous- Isljiii'lsjn the group, Columbus, wbn he saw them, on St. Ursula's day, aamed tlieio after her 11.0110 virgin. ,v ' ' ' - Th VIrfflfis lie leas than M mllea east of I'orto Hlco.' The; three prln clwl . leliiuds, ,St, .Thomas, Ht. John, and Jit. Croix. ''aa fell iK'many of the 1H) of Piore i-sser uullsf the group, are plulnlj' slHllJe frot Uie. deck of ati approlchlng steamety . I.lfp'wfls' 'tUthWoiitBt. Thomai In . the days when EdwarrJ Teach 'drove Ills ,1'fcO .Mlthijcea, filled' Wlk 'half-, naked' cuCthrjits bluik, white, and yellow Into the pr4'T " harbor, at ,( Chirldttn Atualle, buljj tils castje, on one of "its liill, and scoured 4liet seas' for the alott-movltifc ied and gilded Spanish j-'0llema, Vhh h were' haiHlifg the wenlth-rtf th Jiiflli-s to Hph'th.' ; One of the chief point of liflerest' In , the " ti",1vtresiie" little toVrt of Cbaslotte Xmsll (flow ofllellilry St. J Thutoa!t)r which h:ia one or (he be; hurbors in Up- 6Jid In Carlliheuu. 'u-, ters, Is the ('fit-tin of this redoubtable Mug f his kind, I.B'iwd In the iitu-t, of his' Influence avIllacUbcnrd. As a matter o'fv.faet, .ils quir "castle" looks more like im exotic species of windmill with ItsTirms lopped off. '- Not all the Virgin Ishitiils are mimed after the saints.? There 'Is Torfolii, tlie Isle of the Turtle I love, and HJor da, the "Tut Virgin." and Anegadu, the Drowned Island, because It con tains a vast lugooii kniiw-n as Klatnin go pond, one of the few places where this bird of such gorgeous plumage Is to Ua louud south of the Buliaiiuis, Anegada s skirted on Its northern Mhores by BarriW ' bund of coral, known li Horseshoe reef, making the approach to the Island one of the most dangerous along the whole Atlantic. Countless pioud hulls have been crushed on Its Jagged edge. It win this Island that put an end to the pirating of I'rlnce Itutiert of the lihlne, who left Ireland In 10 18 to thi Ciribbian. fight for the Kngllsh king In the col onies, and that sheltered. Sir Kriincll Pruke In the bay named In hlif honor, when he wus on the lookout for -the galleons of Spain. Port Royal Is Submerged. On Jamaica, Port Itoynl was the favorite base of the pirates. But one will look now in vain for the bustling old port. In it&2. In the midst of an earthquake. It was, swallowed Up by the sea. When the water Is calm the ct.ral-cncrusted ruins of the old town may be set a beneath Oie water, even today, and the natives still regale the visitor with stories of phantom ships that are trjlng to make the port. One interesting relic remains, how ever, In Fort Charles, a stiff old vet oxan of sun-faded ' bricks. Some of the ott'eers' -quarters ami a paved court, so white that It dazzles, are still standing, flower gardens now encircle Its walls; Its gun embrasures are hidden by bushes; the birds haunt Its crannies, and the lizards crawl lazily over Its parallels. Horatio Net sou was stationed ut the fort In 1770, when he was twenty-one years of age, and the paved platform which was known affectionately as bis "quarter deck" may still be seen. Across the magnificent harbor from Port Itoyal lien Kingston, the capital of Jamaica and one of the most Im IKirtnnt ports In the Wet Indies. Its foundations were laid by Port Royal survivors. Havana, which rose to Importance as a convenient port of call for ships passing through the Klorldu straits bound for Mexico, was frequently at tacked and looted. Santiago's harbor, that magnificent "bottle," with i neck of less than 0 feet, sheltered pirate ships while their owners tortured the city's Inhabitants and extorted enor mous sums from them. Baracoa, Cien foegis. 'and Trinidad, the last named one of the-earlit-st fortified cities In the New World, were the scenes of desperate combats, , Just 23 years after Its discovery, plrutva began to harass Porto Rico, where Ponce de l-eon. Impressed by lis rugged seenlc beauty, bad built at Sun Juan his Can Blanca, which, to gether with the old cathedral In which bis bones are burled, may be seen to day. French priveers shortly after ward sacked the town of San German, and-theCarlb Indiana ate the governor. . One of the ninat lmortunt old ports of the Spanish Main wus Porto Bcllo on the Isthmus of Panama. Despite the fact tfint Porto Hello baa one of the best hurhors on the Caribbean west if Cartagena,. pluys an Incon spicuous role today, due In some meas ure to the furt that It, Is-exceedingly uiiliealthful. Tills eondltfon, however, though, hundreds of men auccumbed j'early, did not serve to diminish It' -Importance tu early days. " Old Panama and Morgan. 'Old Puuumu, founded In IMS, wat the metropolis of the Isthmus then ai new Panama Is today. It was prob ably the richest place In all America, sjncelt waa the market for the wholo of the westrouMt, aa well as for thi spices and silks of the Orient, and It kejit lu touch with the towns along the east coust through tlie Chugrel rlvor, . It held against numerous at tacks,, until 111 whim the notorlou? Henry Morgan 'deatroyed It. vThls, lad fif- Wules, born of good parentage, 'was khlnapiul In Bristol lind, shipped to Burbudos tp be sold as a bondsman. - When he bad served hU time he sailed for.Jumulcu, where ha joined the buccaneers, and his ability n a ieadef ws immediately recogj lilzed. ' , ' ' In 1G70, after a aerie of 'successes, ho wus able to Collect more than 2.00U fighting men and U7 vessel ut Tortuga by sliiqily letting It be known that hi Intended Invading some stronghold on the mainland. They set sail for Santa Cnlalina (old Providence), off the coast of Costa Idea, the convict sta tion for outlaws from' Panama, In order to secure sultuble guides for the Journey. Having conquered by stratagem this "Island, With Its nine fortresses, Morgan,, sent a body o) men to take the castle at Cbagrea! which would leave the way to Panama clear. . The rastle, which waa one of thi most nearly Impregnable fortresses of Its time, lay at the mouth of the Chu gres river, a few mile southwest of Colon harbor. YNOP8I9 t' th wild wstira of thi un known Tallow-Ia, on a wlnUr'i hunt. Journey brock McCain an Oatpsrd Licrols, his Krsnch-Crss eonirsds, with Flsih, Hrock'a Jupprandthilrdoatanm. Hrock'i wilier hurt wsrind him of tin danaer of his trip. Attir aavirsl battles with thi stormy wstsri thy irrlvi at a fork In thi 1st. low-Lie:. CHAPTER III The Love of a Dog for a Boy Day by day, as the Peterboro put the roast farther behind and the val ley of the south branch narrowed, the ridges grew higher and the timber of the shores heavier and more varied. The round-toed track of traveling caribou often, marked sand bar and mud flat, together wltb the foot-print of that master fisherman, the otter, and hi tmall brother, th mink. Next morning the boys learned that a mile of shallow rnplds. Impracticable for poling or tracking the heavy canoe, reached above them, forcing the swamping out with axes of a port age trail over which canoe and cargo could be parked. Until noon, Brock and Gaspard tolled up the river abort with oack loads slung on their leather tumplloes. On his last trip down stream Brock found that his tireless partner bad left only a ninety-pound bag of flour and the Peterboro Lift ing the bow of the Inverted canoe, which was built of cedar and weighed one hundred pounds, he rested It In the brunches of a neighboring spruce. Then he slung the bag to his back, lipped the line over bla forehead, and walking under the center thwart, raised the boat on his shoulders, bal anced It wltb his hands, and started up the trail. It was a clumsy load to handle the canoe and the hag, but the acv-enteen-year-old bushman was proud of bis strength. As he made his way over the curry, Ktush, who, unlike the other dogs, sddom roamed fur from his master In search of nice and anow-ahoe rabbits, ranged In the scrub Gear hi in. When Brock reached an abrupt ascent In th trail, be peered from under the canoe for a convenient apruce In which to rest the bow. He had covered half the carry wltb tils unwieldy load and his neck and shoulders ached with cramp. But he stood In a thicket of alders and willow. Beyond, at the top of the slope, the portage again entered the spruce, so be started the climb. But as he gained the level, bla sweat-blinded eyes failed to notice a projecting root He tripped and atumbled forward In a desperate endeavor to regain bla balance, when a smnshlng blow from the gunwale of the fulling boat crum pled him oo th trail. Presently, back over the portage trotted a slate-gray and whit buaky, ears pricked, eye searching for the familiar lege of the master moving up the trail under the boat But a whimper of bewilderment left the throat of the puzzled puppy as h ap proached the canoe lying on the carry. Beaching the boat In a few bounds, be saw a bare forearm thrust from under the gunwale. A sniff at the limp band aufflced for recognition, but the band lay motlonlesa under the ministrations of bis red tongue. Then Flatb began to acratcb furiously at th forest mold Interlaced wltb daw defying roofs, to reach Brock'a face. But the spruce roots blocked him. -Frantic, now, he leaped the bnqt to find apace beneath the opposes-gunwale In which to thrust his nose, lie ' pushed his bead under the gmiWille and anllCed long, with low whines-'of alarm at the gray face of the on he loved. But his leading drew no an swer. The the wolf strain In the despair Ing puppy Impelled blm to kit beald the strangely silent master, and lift ing his nose, pour out his rHef to long drawn howls. Back In the forest Yellow-Eye, Slit Ear and Kona beaid, and walled their answerl But the fret of the rapid drowned all sound to the ears of the man who was cooking by fire at the bead of the carry'. . Then, for a apace, uncertain, Flash worried back , and forth beside the boat, Mopping at Intervals to vole his fear to the Insensate forest. Flnnlly, with a farewell lick of the hand which had so often ' curessed him, the hlg puppy started' nn a ope up the troll' Guspord sat smoking,-' back against a tree, vjieq Flash appeared. ; The puppy w plainly eaclted. Run' Ding to Gaspard, he fihlited nervous ly, then bmk Into s wild yelping. "W'nt d matter wld you, pupr The dog sprung at the man. now In terexted, and rearing on his hind feet, beat, blm wlih his for paws, then leaped away and disappeared down the portage, yelping furiously as he run. Gaspard. acmtched his head. "W'at'i h got down deret He atay wld Brock most de inm. Why he lean BrorkT muttered the puzzled yotifh. . Bhortly the dog returned and again sprang nn th perplexed Gaspard, yelping excitedly In his face. Somet'lni down dnt trail. Wal, nosh, we go and m.'il tnak de tioubh..- ' "'" go, alternately, running ahead and back tracking, to learn If ha waa be ing followed, Flaah led th way. They were approaching the Invisible boat when the dog disappeared and shortly Gaspard heard chorus of yelp. Then, turning a bend, the eight of tin Peterboro lying oo the trail turned the half breed cold wltb fear. Run ning to the canoe, he lifted It from th still shape beneath, while the mys tified p'ppy nuzzled at the gray face of Brock McCain. "By gurl" gusped the frlgblened youth, kneeling beside th limp body of his friend. Brock hurt killed, and he bad promised to take care of him. What would be tell them at hornet Fearfully he placed his ear to th chest, but the beating heart asaured him. A broken bono two hundred Then the Wolf Strain In the Despair ing Puppy Impillid Him to Sit Be side the Strangely Silent Maitir miles from Hungry House! Till thought mode hi in weak wltb dread. Then turning the head of the uncon scious youth, he found a great purple bruise on the forehead. Ah hah!" breathed Gaspard, re lieved, "lilt by de boat I" ; Running to the river, be filled his felt hot with water and dashed It In Brock'a face. Slowly the boy opened bis ever. "Gee I That was a mean oner muttered the dazed" lad. . . 'You feel all right except de head. Brock r demanded the fearful half- breed, bending over the ailU dazed Brock. , Tep all right I" ' Brock " elowly moved bla arms and legal ''Hot I twisted my neck a bit," be added, wltb a grlmuee. , "You lie (till, now I" aternly ordered the other, aa Brock, attempting to alt up, winced with pain. . Gaspard's searching fingers explored Brock'a body, but found no symptoms of severe Injury. In a half hour th bruised boy felt much stronger, and was able to walk to the bead of lb carry , "Dnt ee smart pup, dfll Flash, said Gaspard that night to Itrock.ljWig Is bla bin ii oie beside the Ore, when hi friend hod ruhhod hi neck and ahoul ders with hot grease. "Wen you get hurt, he come here an' tell me t fol low Jel Ink' he 'oik. ' V "Oh, he's got brains, agreed Brock, "and he's mora affectionate than any husky I ever aw." The boy squeezed a hairy eur of th gieat puppy who lay beside hln. Thro days later the country flat tened out before the voyagers. There wa? water ahead. The rivet ' lined, and, lurnlnr; a bend, they saw, reach ing away before them to blue ridges splashed with gold, th flat surface of a large lake, -' As the young hunters, happy over lb end of Ihelr slavery on the river, left the outlet and started up the long lake, two of the dogs, watching them from the beach, plunged In and wain toward th boat, "You Flush and Konal" ahoulsd Brock, "you think old Brock would de sert his pups? Go bark there- and fol low the shore I" e Turning In, Brock drove the swim ming dogs ashort end the canoe con tinued up the first headwater lake. (TO BE CONTINUED.) Taltnt Wa$ted Dorothea McNugle wnnted to get Jn to the movies. Sh wasn't exactly stage; struck. , , . but she wanted to get Into the movlem - 4he was a pretty girl end reasonably talented, and her parents didn't have any real ly aertoua objections so Dorothea scl forth to get Into the movies. As you can Imagine, It wasn't an easy Job. There were lots and Iota of girls who wonted to gel Into the mov ies as badly as aho'dld, and soma of them were even prettier than she wa nt least, It seemed so to Dorothea. But she waited and waited, and smiled hero, and dimpled there, and blushed a little, and waited a lot mora and Anally Dorothea. did get Into the movies, . 1 .. . And then horrid old usher mad her stand up Inside the tnpet t.Jt ,1s a strange desire, to sock pow er aiid '16s liberty. Bacoa. SAME PRESCRIPTION HE WROTE IN 1892 Wlirn Br. Caldwell atartwl to tirartloa mnliclne, bark In 1M70, tin hmhIi lor Uzstivi wrn not si gr.st as today. Pisinli lived normal lives, ate plain, whoiMomi IishI, and got plenty ot frh air. Hut ivin that early then wire draatia physics and purges for tin rilief of ronatiHition which I)r. Caldwell did Bet hrllrvi were gtHsl for human bvinga. Tin nrracrlptlon for constipation that hi Used urly in hli practice, and which ba put in drug atoms in lavg under tin naiai of Dr. laid will's Syrup Pepsin, ll a liquid vegetable remedy, Inta-nded for Women, rhlldrrn and ildarlr nropli. and thry seed juat auch a mild, safe sowsi atimuluit. - Thla niwrlptlin has proven Ita worth and la now thit largest soiling liquid luativi. It hai won thi conlMrnra of mopli who nndid It U H nllrf from headaches, blllmiannw, natulrnn, Itull- flatten, lose of sppiHiU and alien, bad mth, dyspepsia, eulda. fivers. At ymir druggist, or writ "Svmii l'ln,' Drpt. till Muutiosllo. Illinois, for, free trial bottle. HANFORO'S Balsam of Myrrh Sine 1846 kai tcaled Woaads tas Sort Ma aid Bil am bank M mi m4 If It were not for the boya eighteen years of age, how would we ever get ll new men's fashions started? Don't thank men profusely. Most of them don't like It. Help is Offered and la freely given te every nrrvoot, delicate woman, by Dr. Pierre. W r i t e Dr. Pierre'a Oiniela Buffalo, N.Y (or confidmtial nvih cJ advice. No charge for this arrvlr. Ob tain Dr. Pkrci'i Pre ecription now, in liquid r tablets, from your druiaiit or send lor. to Dr. Pierre' at above address, for trial package ot tablets. On woman writes: "I ni snub rwn-Wwn la hnkk. er sns wt bMt. ar Uk IksiwmI m an I am wU im) OsaaMl km t tful ImI Hu Oouis anrtfcme-vurttd M m n4 Its) til It IIM, tiot slur Uktfis l (r b im Dt. rstit'i Stow rmrnpMM I n frSns nt, mr mrm wwt st u4 mr ornfih rM twk.'V-Mia. Mmau Cnlt, Ut Ssl Ulk SC. fkm. Oris. I lavs you evrr tried Dr. Pierre's Pellets fur tlie stomach and bowels?. How to AtoM INFLUENZA CaMi MMlstmt rm mm 4 mM m 4rWo. wwbww Msac saaj SacsitahM UMt, laW ; ItttMU m linti m tommlm tmmt artua af 4itrl m4 MtilUsj sVllr m4 ml ntajNi trm Inm (Kiiim wtoiUaa. HtfJ' lM Tbfcl Vkt fMTS IlkMI OkMrtf f pita awl BAsi aattf taM ll fan aa4 MUwmi taawai la arataaK, luffaa St riayuaan iimh aisoasn aata MMaaav tonmioul f tmtmi Oregon & California Directory Hotel Roosevelt D. ml fOH TLA N.wr H.lt All roomahivsvWAWirorWh, SS'ltuii. nairtOAf. Ml W. Vmrktn. Ooflo Shop, u raits vepualia. HOTEL WILTSHIRE, Sap Francisco IIAHHV Huri.H Mn,.r xim allk talk. C 'I J ImikK irtnt Mh bih. rill tlnfl. till lonlw wuita ax.iwi lno.r:,aiimi7iini Onll4s mntm allk kaih. uisrt e kniUfwl Ci4 U... EARN BIQ MONEY Oian NOW Muaoi"iril whk twHnrMwMklr Mrallrma Wrluiurratli MOLER Tias or colliois Pipe Valves, Fittings Pump Engines Farm Tools & Supplies ALASKA JUNK CO. first aid Taylor Sli, Pirtlind, Oros Hotel Hoyt OomforUhla an liMtnflika. tl M'auU up. PORTLAND, OREGON AWcarUvV firvtmal. Frkliin ttpai arM) fnmw Cuntcr (hb au4 Uut HU,, N.ar I'nloo Hiativu. HOTEL ROOSEVELT SAN FRANCISCO' NIW FINI HOT L virr nm wlih hath ihuw. Iz no u la to, Jons it Lddjr. Uarsiia nasi duur. Business Training Pays Last year w placed mor than 1000 in good positions. W can place yotl when competent When will you be readyT Sstul in Siuum CaUUi Behnke-Walkcr Business College Ilth and Salmon Santa Pott land, Orvgon n.mn.m.. B W. N. U, PORTLAND, NO. S1t2t. ,'' ... . i Kir .