Record Cain in 'Butter Profits Dairymen Who Ve" Dandelion Butter Color" Say, It't tht '. Beit invettment of AIL ,. Tim blggcat rrenmor Ic In thu country, who lire ffiost riirnful tocuttir to tlio whims of tlia public, are earning roe iml tirnflla liv kccnlng UiLJl'l their bnitur tlmt njiH LTj tj tlzlngJunn color every JM mill llli,.u hit cent of them urn tlolliK It with "Iwndollnit Unt tcr Color." It's the Dioit ccomiinlciil iiml sutlsfnctory but ter color made, iinif n tciiHpoontuI Colo n gallon of ereninl It doesn't colpr thu buttermilk. It'll purely vego tulilii ii ii J tasteless, Approved hy nil Hlnte mid Niitlonal Kooil Laws, Large bottles, only H.', at nil drug nod gro cery (tore or 'write Well mid l(lchiirdon Co., Inc., Ilurllngton, Vt., for n HtKH SAMI'UC HoTTMC. I i 3? Light for Elephant The municipal council of Knndy Ceylon, Inn been urged liy I tie auto tnohlla Interests to protect traveler ag'ilnst I triilm of elephants which carry merchandise along (he road hy day mid night. The dirty gray of the local elephant Ii prartlrnlly Invisible at dusk. Th council U therefor pro rinsing; that every elephant curry t Iicnd and tntl light Theater Seats ef Rubber At a recent eipisdtlnn of Hit rub IW Industry, held In lndnn, there were shown (nine tery attractive and ory r-mufnrtiihle thenter scats mnde of rubber. In response to the pre nil ernre for color, thcro were lino displayed some very' pretty designs of table tnpi, nmt mid alinllnr arte, let wllh prWty design lileiided Into the ruhher base. k Selective Drlvtnr Connw-1 Wasn't It poalhl for the motorist to iivoiii you? I'lHtntlff I ihould lay sol 15 'id the choice of me in' the missus, id' It me. Staffordshire Sentinel. ; Makes bfe Sweeter Too much to ml too rk-b diet er too much RiokttijC. l.ots of tlilnm Cuuse aoiir stomach, but one thing can Correct It quickly. I'hllllpe Milk ol fngiirala will alkallnlt the acid. InVo a MHinful of this pleasant preparation, and the system It soon sweetened. riillllpa la always ready to relic vt distress from overeating; to check all aridity; or neutralise nicotine. Ite- inemher thla for your own comfort; for the mike of those around you. Endorsed by physicians, but they at- nya any J'Mfin. Ion't buy some thing1 olso and expect the same ro gulls! PHILLIPS Milk , of Magnesia PROTECT YOUR BABIES Inf luesiza Threatens CSiM'cn'f eoiiRTd nndrMt tr Mrlmtt,.Yte n'i I J ktr (ho oiart 5 cold how rriout it U pmnn lo l. Kvrn (iteiori nd iminrd nunm f unnnl Hmtfiff utah th Mily ! o( tin (niq Imd rlI. 1 Jon 'i tnli rhanr!, Al In firtf sjirn ol tough IM-cold start with (jIvhco, bon'l wail an hour! 1 hr fctnr1tona of mot rvtra have put thvtr truat In ilaro, ll rcttavM lh emmh and hraaka t cold riahl up. It puia a ick, rtouiv fluid hark on Its ft Ufon nora mHohi tmbla luu t chuwa to liavvhtn, Hvarv nrrat you hrtah eold with CUaaco ftm know that'a one eold that won't dvlnp into flu I All druggiau and uett floraI itom lwv Claaoro. P DR. DRAKE'S Glessco Ceasli aa4 Creaai Reawdy NEARBY j j AND . I YONDER I Meyj tt""tt Central Park CKNTItAI, 1'AIIK, III the very lienrt of New Tork City, ll Miinliiittuh'i ef and niinttKpiK'loiia breiilhlnu Kpiice, and the moat taluiihlu parked iireli In the t'nlttd KtnteK. About two ii lid one half mllea limit (north hy aoii'lh) and niiproxltmitiy one Imlf mile wide, It roiiiirlHca tiliout ftlU acrct -of which one-half era wood ed, and 2H0 In.lakea and reaervoljra. It Inn nine mllei of driven, w mllea of wiiiki and iciiii for about IO.iXhi vliil I or. Tlia preaentdiiy value if the land la aluiont lurnniputiiblo. Jt lina iitiiiieroui ipilci which have al- mil ted ninny ai i!UU,nuu ihthoih on a itiiKle afteriimm. 1 There la a mull or aimclotia. ahn((td promenude, lined with atntuva, where trnvelera from nmny cllmea have hown themaelvea, but for the niiwt part It preacnla a ruKited, pnatornl and refrewhlniily natural effect aiine 4ii.(KiO aliruba, lO.miU treea and fMLmw linnller M'reniilali hnvlng bt-en recent ly added. Although the park la looked utHin from all ildea by Krent hotvli rluha, apartment building and home of the wealthy, It hai aertlona Into which one ran dlwipiiear and ImtiKlne hlniMf anildat a fur-away foreat wll demeaa. OuUlnnillnj among It many attrac tion are two reservoir, the luriceat cnverliiK 10 arrea and holding a bll lion (iillona of water, a niitnrtil enve. everal clinruiliii hikea, a nieiinerle. the Metroxilliiin Miummiiii of Art, on obelUk CleopHlrn Nntlle which win erected at llvllopolla, F.Kypt, nbout l.VKl ll. C, and which long atmid before the Temple of Hie Hun. and everul hunitred cherry trei-a. preaenl. id lo the City of New Vork by the government of Japan. Wholesale Housekeeping Awherl F'Etl'INO houim on wheel and In t a wholeiile nmniier I a peculiar bimliieu, yet one roinpiiny la A merle iiinkc a ieclnl bunlneii of It. It oupa and oM-rulea evernl thotiaiind of what mtghl be called hotel, hut are known a ilecplni enre Rnch car arcoininmhitea about thirty Hranni mnl pmv lile aiccplug iccomiiioilHtlonr hy nluhl and aiding noon by. day 'then car are attached lo llirouuh iniln on Importnnl rnllniHda In all puna ol l he country and aave the pub He million of hour of valuable lime hy eiinlillna ll to deep while II travel The eiMllcM and llreleaa autiervlalou Ud.lulHir neeemury to ur clertnll neu arniie 4.mi cleaner In none H'.' ynnl are kepi buay the Hem of limn dry alone tolul aptiroilmutety 2-'l. iiimi.immi piece atinuiilly, and conveni ence, to any nothing about the proper dlatrlbullon of Ihene rnr to meet the varying demands of the public Id all parla of the country, la tHiib a nmnu mental and a coitly JoK The linmenae qumilllle of auiplle required antouml the anacquiiliiieit Some 7.IMKMI plecea of linen Inrlud lug aheeie euougli placeil end lo jnd lo apnn the AHanllc are ordinarily carried In alork. hull on rare and ball In ilorerooioa acnllered all over the unlh-ii. In one year. X.ii,ii puel liaKa In protifi woiih-u'i hall from dual, S..Vi,iii mi(i of mnlclie f.o iiiokera. 4.nii.lllill rake and ovel KM iai gallon of Ihpild aoup and Sl.l nmt pnpet dilukliig rup wera aiiKmii Hie aiiiille piirchiiM d Thirty all mlllloa iienum have Ink en adriiiitnKe of the acrvlce provided In one yenr. during which lime encli cur opeiiiteil I raveled an avemiitul I.M.oaHi mllea. " ' Octagon Houie THAT The luxury and dlnplny ol 1 imI iK'lierMtlon Ix-come Hie Ikhiu I) and pilile ol Hie pn-Kenl" hit vnw lo pnaa III the rum- of Iti lugon Iioum In the city ot Wimhliigloii, where mii-e 'miii behl elalhirale vnterliiliiiiH-nt Hint were the talk of the town apd today, by virtue of III elmple charm mid undent origin, litis In-come one of the prlxed and iiiucIi vIhIiimI omn loo In Ihl nation. n( Hd relic wn aiiirt ed l.'Ul year ago It wa Hie II in hume ot Colonel 'I'liylo. of VIikIiiIii. a prince ot eulerliiliieri who nwi-iom-I Ureal wen I III for hlln. who rtKldol here fur liiiiuy yenr. iliirlug which Mine diplomat, men illilni;ul"heil In HlTiilr ol Klnie. war mnl pence were Wfli-OIIM wll hln III Willi! Hut Octagon had been marked hj rate to pluy manlier role Along i-iiiim-ihe IIiIiIkIi III ISN ami burned Hie While limine. Ilclagiiii . iN-came Hie ieiiiHinir White llouxe and Imiiie ol I'l-enlileiii Jnnn-1 and Mr. I hilly kind ixoii In II the celebrated Treul) ol liheiil blinllUK llligliiiid and America in iK-iiee. una Ml u I by I'renhlini MiiiIIkoii lind Mia. llndlxon prcHldcd ovtV'korgeofi1 piiitlci that act the toiiituea of the nation in waging. 8lllieillenllJ. IN-tagoll lUliclloned a n home for a glif icImhiI, houed a Kovernuii'iil riepiirtuietil and heiaui a lenemeiil boiiae Kllinlly It tuieiime 'i ml liii-ldeiitnlly Kill la I he olllclal lioiue of the American Inallliila ol Archllecll. Iteallxlng. what a Iren urt ll win. they let mil to rent ore Hie venerable place In all ll pristine oiellneH. and their love for H seems deallned In Insure Its prrservullon fo (cncrallons Ii, come. ' , l& IIII. Wntrra Nrwspapn llaloa Are 2Jou Readv 1 i-i i WW :M:() i Wheno-; Children Cry for It Fnby haa little npaet ot timet. At) our Care cannot prevent them. Hut roc son be prepared. Then you can do what iny experienced nurse, would do w hut moat physician would (ell you to do lva a few drop of plain Cast or I. No wmner done than Iluby la soothed; re lef Ii Just a matter of momenta. Yet rou have efaet your child without use of a tingle doubtful drug; Castorla la vegetable. Ho It'a aiife to use a often i an Infant hni any little pain you cannot put away. And It's altrayi rendy for the cruder pang of colic, or constipation or diarrhea ; effective, too, for obler children. 7Vrnfy-!i' million Mttei vert bought latl year. Alt Noi.y tin. Movemore UiNHlneaal Thla la the nolsleni ni'lghlHirbiMid I ever got Into. Jturt henr those children crepch, ilulil They re your own children, ma'am. I'lithllnder Maguiine. A mnn'i Intention may be good, but he grocer often full to credit thein. Can't Stand Severity of Norrland Climate Sweden' nllempt to colonize the forested region of Norrliind with dlHsnllnfled farmer from other sec tion I apparently destined to go on Hie rock. A large number of the 4M colonlNt flnnticed by the govern meiit In the hope of securing a ht mniietit iHipulatloii for some of the remotest northern districts have an nounced their Intention to move hack to central and southern Sweden. The soil Is unlit for eultlvatlon they declare, and the severe wenther en danger their llvm. They also com plain of the lark of boapltuls ind school and of misrepresentation by government ngenli. On the other bund, another scheme fur colonizing tlie district adjacent to the flulf of Itothnla and the many rlvera of the country bn proved successful. The government has loaned money to the children of farmers to eriuhle thein to purchuso their own holding fiom their iiurenta, and thus many who might have left for the cities remain to till the soil. More than 1.i"0 such lonns are made to ieople In Norr land every year, and eventually It Is hoped to build up a ftilrly large pop ulation. Norrland Is a rugged, tim bered country stretching up Into the Arctic circle snd Includes Ml per cent of the area of Sweden. Ak I Stupidest Bird. More than Iiiii.iks) little auks, bird o stupid they cannot tell the differ ence between s man standing still snd a pile of stones, were observed on llnklnyt Island In the Arctic ocean by Lr. It M. Anderson, Canadian gov ernment tooloidsi, on an expedition Into the Far North last summer. Tak ing advantage of be birds' stupidity, the native catch them by weeping them up In Hie ordinary landing net used by fishermen. The little auk Hand upright, resembling the penguin, and, like their larger relative, form In llnea of almost martial array. I'npu lur Mechanics Magazine. Not la History Willie (rending hook) Paw, can you tell me about Hunker Hill? Taw (golf fan) Nope; but I can tell you almul the bunker I ran Into this morning on the course. ,. Cham "These two girl seem to be very close friends." "Yes, there Is a com pact between them." No one likes a snnd pntxry tongue; neither does be like a velvety one. ii,.. V'. mamm OLDS i f if ILJ " ai ,S ,rf M o: To break a cold harmlessly and in a hurry try a Bayer Aspirin tablet And for headache. The action of Aspirin is very efficient, too, in cases of neuralgia, neuritis, even rheumatism and lumbago I And there's no after effect; doctors give Aspirin to children often infants. Whenever there's pain, think of Aspirin. The genuine Bayer Aspirin has Bayer on the box and on every tablet . All druggists, with proven directions. Physicians prescribe Bayer Aspirin; it does NOT affect the heart AjbMs Is the tno suit ef Brr llusrsctse ef KauaeHJcadaaater ef gellqliwH In Daily Use over all the world THOUSANDS of women hive come to regard Cuticnra u (be true natural (id to t lovely skin and attractive hands and hair. Regular daily use of Cotienra Soap, assisted by Culirora Ointment when required, purifies tad beautifies the skin, cleanses the scalp snd keep the hair live and glossy. Soap 25c Oimmcol 35c tod 50c Tilmra 25c Sample each free. Aidna ;"Oniceia," Depc B, Haklca, Mass. r Catiearm Snaring atlck SOe. The Iiepnrtment of Agriculture says thai IhiIIi sexes of the glow worm give light, and that light Is also found In the larvae of snie itm-les In the (nine degree In which a manl nl ii il I nearer to freedom from alt insshm. In the same degree, also, ll It nearer In strength. SI a reus Aurellua, una. i - eerli IAS Ceore i Cms ("Ilk rumbU Mil CUl Apart IteLaM KaaoaM SSSa Ilaala4- ac aaeaxt svwieesff iV.i.J it ? - i '"' Coupe aUSt MaJan .1l Rna.tnr SIM, Toerin TSa : , - ... lamnarrlalChaaiUSJAa, All lll,-4rrland a-icaa 'V. I.e. B. Talaila, Ohio, and aiiarlftralioae ,::: . rt -. I Ml bjc I la caaaaa 1 1 boa I eullo. m r J -"s. - . t,s-,-.-.-..,i.:--:i:-:i::ii:ii:i:!i::iNwwts, ,,,,,, ....m..iI:::;-: ' N. ... . v Gtyl& Creation YftllStCf designers IXTHODUCLXG THE ATIT THE MOST ROTABLE ADVUNCli i. WRinxc;.iece si.ce tzxe self-xihteo. Greater Ccau ly LongerWIiecl base Larger Bodies fEAUTY that eommanrla your -C admiration la eipreeartl In the 1 W new buM-rlor Wbipet'a longer Itudle, urarcful lines, higher ra dlater anil. hood, mora distinctive etdore, aweeplng one-piece full crown fenders establishing the newest St vie liolif for Fours and light Sixes. The larger Ixxllc of the new Superior Vhlppes afford mora apaclous In teriors, with extra leg room and elbow room. The scale are wider and heavily upholstered, and have forma fitting contours, Doth the front and rear iprlngs of the ' new Superior Whippet have been Considerably lengthened. The Ina ereasrd wherlbase.snubbrr and over size balloon tires further enhance tb car's superb riding qualities. Mechanically, the Dew Superior Whippet furthers long lead over competition. A Dew higher com preuion engine gives more than 20 added horsepower, "with greatly Ina creased aperd! Higher second gear apeed gives faster pick-up. And this new ear la well qnallfied to carry oil Whippet' unsurpassed repu tation for dependable performance and minimum operating cost. ORDER NOW FOR EARLY DELIVERY nit ai La v.1 1 W a. ?.., lent w 1 - a PIM A single button, conveniently located la the) center of the steering wheel, controls all funoe tioni of atarting the motor, 0tratlng tha lights and sounding the horn. This does away with all troublesome foot fumbling for tha atarting button. It also avoids changing fro a the comfortable driving position to reach light switch on the duah. With tha new "Finger-Tip Control," you can at all time keep your hands on 1'ie wheel and your i en tha road an Important aid to safety. WILLYS-OVERLAND, Inc TOLEDO, OHIO , i. ..