The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, January 25, 1929, Image 1

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IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Jan. a5, 1929
was played off In another tl ree
minutes resulting in a score of
21 24 in favor of loue.
The line up was af follow?:
Inno, forwards, Francis Ely.Nor
mmSwaneon; guards, Earl Mc
ll'abe, Kobeit McCabe; eenlir,
Ion Hiffhschool baakel ball G. Swanran: Heppner, forwards,
,tima pl.yed anappy double. I Harold Gentry, Gordon Buck nam
'header with tha Heppner Hiehl guards, Henry Hubert aoe, James
teama at the lone gym laat F l Monahan; center. H. Taompnon,
day tvanlng. The cont-ati w r ) Nirmn Swanson refereid for
faat and cloae. The lone glrlr, the xirla and Ulcharci lu idell for
Morgan News
Mm. J. F, Hardmtt
afber holding rhelf tivala 10 a
tie in tha firat three quarter!
were defeated in th laal qurter.
The final acore waa 19 to 15 in
Tha line up waa: lona, forwards
Roae Fletcher, Glad j a Breaht an ;
Gu re, Leona Hitctie; Cent f,
lVlma Morgan. Helen gmouae.
Fttpner, forwards, Jane Allsiott
Ktlhrju Hbre; Guarda. Krma
Ssiultt. LucilU Hall; center,
Harltt Eorgan, Mary Meymtr,
A therrlose of the boys' gsma
the ecore atood 22 - 22. The Me
the boya, The next game la to be
plated at Condon this Fiiday.
Small Firti Sprtad Soot
Of (lit 8,0U0.M ion of mllil imii
ter deposited tvory enr In Hil
count r In Hit form ill tool and grli
from mmikt five-tilths of II It cnuwd
by domestic fir ft.
Poor Man' Wtathtr Cla$$
'Iht pimpernel It known la Hit
Tour Mah'l Won I her (Hun." Il Imt
gulnrd (lilt mini Imk-iium II uxnt lit
pelnlt fully only when Hit tun shines.
If Iht sky lit (lurk, Hi pefuls ri'inuln
closely ihul.
At Home with the Kodak
Little home incidents that may not mean
much at the time are the little things that
count in pictures. An album full is a prized
possession in any home.
And it's all so easy with a Kodak. You can
see for yourself at our photographic counter.
Kodaks $5 up.
"At Home with the Kodak," a free booklet we
hive reidy for you, givet many pat pointcrt on
pHturt-nuking. Stop in for a copy.
Kodak Film Finijfting
"Ut Kodak Start"
Homer and Neal Naah Stanley
Seely and Howarn Hardeaty are
trylgmr to amuse Ih mselvrs at
the rabbita in the sands this
snowy weather.
Mrs. Clifford Christopheron
called on Mrs Sealy, Thursday.
R. E. IIarb;aon, with Glenn
Ball's help, was loading wheat
this week. '
A. C. Crowell ana Mre. Cool
s'opped in Morgan laat Friday.
Ihey were on their way to The
Dallea to consult Dr. Chick.
Mr. aud Mrs. 8. D. Seely and
daughter visited with James liar
desty and family last Sunday.
Mr. C. C. Hutchcroft butch red
hoRslast Mondsy; Mr. Seeiy help
ing him
Morgan and viciclty received
a nice snow Jstorm laat Monday
night an the thermometers leg
istereo rround tero for several
days this week.
Wid Palmateer spent Tverfay
night with his father and then,
Wednesday morning, took the
the stage for Arlington.
Bub Thompson passed thro gb
Morgan laat Tueaday on hie way
to Cecil with a band of his sh' ep.
Mr. and Mrs George Krebf,
of Cecil, called lor Mr. and Mra.
It. E. Harbison last Tuead and
took them with them to lone to
atten (he aeaaion of the Eastern
Misa Miller arrived in Morgan
from the Valley last Monda) in
the morning and commet ced
teaching tha Morgan ad hoot. The
school is progressing nicely. Mrs.
Baurenfeind ia aasiating Mies
Mr. Al Tooekson was a lusi
ness visitor in IJne last Tuesday.
Mr. John Nash abipped crate
of chickens to Portland by the
Monday night train.
Dean Ecklebcrry and Elvin
fly were hunting rabbita on Wil.
low creek, Wednesday last.
The suow plow waa a welcome
sight on the highway in Morgan
list Wednesday.
Miss Miller, Morgan's new
teacher, ia boarding with Mrs.
S. Leely.
Mr. and Mrs. Seely visitsd with
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Christoph
erron, Saturday noght.
Paul, Lea and Ray Pettyjohn
wena out aleigh riding this week
Mrs George Mahoney yaa been
on th aick list thia week.
Mra. Mjra Medlick called on
MraGaorge wohoney last Sunday.
Local Happenings
Louis Bergevin, who U whiter
Ing in Pendleton has recenty un
dergone a tonsil operslion. He
has been diechsrged from the
hospital but ia noi yet entirely '
recovered. j
Dr. A, H. Johnson of Heppnerj
was in lone, Monday in atten '
ante on Maishal George rrank
and his daughter, Mrs. liobait
Dont forget that Paul ('.. Hal !
sigercarrita a lull line of repair
partsOliver and Vulcan p!ow a.
M. and Mr. Blackwellof Moniij
ment are visiting with their son. j
Blaine Black well of teia city.
Kenneth Blake watin Heppner, !
Monday for conau'tation with a'
physician concerning his lit t'e (
daughter, Bdlhel, who is suffer
ing from the after effects of in 1
Wriirht'a Smoke, Sugar Cure,
at Bullard'a Pharmacy. I
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ba'l and
family of Mergan spent Sunday
in Ion as the guests or .Mn.
Bsll.s tiBter, Ms. Geo. Ritchie.
Dr. Joenstoit was called 10 lone
Sunday to see Mra. W. Sexton
who is Buffering from broken
broken ribs. Mrs. Sexton fell
bile visiting in the hme of -tier
son In frame uty. one waa rot
aware of the severity and extei t
of her injuries until after her
return to her home.
Mr. Alice McNabb is at hi me
again after nursing he r daughter
Mrs. G. C. Reade of Otter Rock,
aince about the first of Nov tim
ber. Mrs. Keade has recovtred
from all her burns but one and J
we unaerstand that in spite of!
the severity of her injuries there
will be nodisfiuring scare.
We are advised by the County!
Agent that there will be a rabbit
drive at the Kilkenny place it
Sand Hollow, January 27. Here
a chance for loniana to move
on teecomon enemy.
Set Era in Journalitm
In l&'tt, Hornet Ureeley. Frmirts V.
Story nnd U. D. Sliepard started (lit
Morning Pott In New rork elty. It
fulled In lliret week, tun It mild 10
hive been the (list Iwo-reni dully ever
Pasting Observation
As for at most of ui art concerned,
wt wouldn't give t bung for tome gift
Hie power to gle ut lo tee ourselves
ni Itheri tee ut If we could have one
Hint would ciinhle u lo rmike libers
tee nt 01 we tee ourselves. ciiidii
nnll Knqiilrer.
(Orejon Voter Rip mrtlng Service i
Salem. Jan. 24, Three East
e n Oregon institutions were for
it . ally visited by a rcmmilhe
from the l(giglilure the at t
week-end. These ir eluded the
Tuberculueis Uocpital at The
Dallep, the ItiBar.e Asylum at
(.'nir.uiii'don I'k. 4.)
Ths Cmhrlolst
Bdr Sr f uhtr
SomeVai! JOOTl
you re going to Drive this
Great New Car. . .
Wanted: Millions of Jack Kab
bit, domestic rabbit, and other
raw furs. Highest prices. Val
cauda Fur Co. , 2131 Western
Ave. Seattle. Wash-
Some day Boon you're going to drive a New
All-American. Ano! vliat a glorious expe
rience that Mill be! . . . What a revelation in
brilliant performance. In tmoothnesa ... in
Hence ... in fla.liinj chanpe of pace. In the
tafi'ty provided by its tqueaUcst internal
expanding four- heel brake. In the wer
produced by a big, hmooth, silent engine . .
with it dynamically balanced, counter
weighted erankkbaft . . . its exclusive pat
ented rublier eusbioncd mountingt . . . ita
Harmonic Balancer ... ita G-M-R cylinder
head. And whut a discovery in new and
effective beauty .... Come in and arrange to
drive this triumphant new ear.
rrtra HI "'. .!. ft"n. plus Mwt fhrfa
Lw-T Wultr Shah Abtorln nW fprn tmrmn inritidtd
in Ufl prirM. 0uinjMrl nd remr fmdrr fwrA slr. Ckmk
klmt dlitt ptui Utfr inrlmdw lo .1 kaadliaf kmr$m.
I immml Mmtm I imm rMjmnl flan mwmilmM Minimum ri.
I. R. ROBISON, Garage
J& Clark & Linn
Carpenter Work, Painting, Pa
per Hanging and General Re-
pair Work
lone, Oregon.
1 lb.22
" .47
Red & White Oleo
Serv-us Coffee, 1 lb. bags
tins " .53
Serv-us Tomato Sonp 2 for .17
White Wonder Soap 7 bars for .29 Golden Bantam Corn, 2 for .43
Clorox 2 for .35
Premium Salted Soda Crackers
2 lb. package for .38
Faucy Blue Rose Rice 31b. for .23
Bristow & Johnson
ja I
: -jj
in the hands of
ftt good mechanics t
t are necessary to X"
01 make your car run
English Court Officer
In Knuiiiuil a bnrrliler la a mem
he r of Hit Irani profettlon quallHed
to plouj at Hit Imr. It undertakes
the pulillc trlul of cautes In tha su
perior count of Hit law at dlttln
gulilied from in atlorney or solicitor.
Balm for Houwiv
Man; of tht minor trniteillet of lh
nouieirlft art Ilk a chtld'a prtnkt.
rvtlty comical, and can ba seto so
later. Amertctn IlijttlDt.
Various Alphabeti
Tht world't longetl alplmbtt. tht
minta. hat over 20.UW eimracwra,
Mtli renreMnllna not a souna out
tyllttile. Tlit Buoikrtt alphabet
40 character!, tha rertltn 45,
r'reocU 23 tnd tht Spanish 27.
Dr. Hess'
Now is the time to look after the health!
xnf vnur Animals and Poultrv. t
Jonah Still Suprom
"Ton lot to depend on dt Good
Book," said Unclt Khen, "fob til dt
hett Ideat, rishermen gnet on lei I In"
wonderful things, but ritr jln' none of
m dnf ever yet comt up lo Jonah "
Wathlnglon Slur.
Dr. Hers' remedies are too well known!
tto need introduction.
Penitentiary. Ctlllna attention to
tht fact that "for tht tlrtt time in tht
blttorr of tht penitentiary every man ,
who It phyilcally tblt it at work eery
day," Ooternor Patterton declared thlt j
fact dut to tht "excellent discipline
and morale which prevail." He recom
mended an appropriation of $35,000
for remodeling tht former training
tchool to glvt room for additional
prisoners and also funds for a "nimh
needed" garage, with quarters for
In planning revision of automobile
license feet, tht tenate special com
mittee decided to -pcc:u:nc-d tubml
slon to tht piu;ii I aa ca.-ucmonl U
the eonttltutlon which would permit
taking tht tssessed valuation of an old
auto Into consideration. Under the
present law, thlt distinction In the
tamt class of property Is lmposslbto
and the value of a car with relation to I
tht license can only bt adjusted by t
constitutional amendment.
It It tht agreement of tht commit
siun in tj iu man w it
ductlon on tht present schedule, but ; f
I...W U ran bt worked out It not i
Stock Tonic, Worm Powder
Poultry Pan-a cca, Louse
miller, Roup Tablets, Diarrhea
iTablets, Healing Powders, Dis-
itemper Remedy, Colic Remedy,
Dip & Disinfectant,
Balsam of Myrrh.