The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, December 07, 1928, Image 3

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    City Hall Briefs
On th reiiulaar masting nlithl
Tuetdav, Dec, 4, the Common
Council of the City of lone met
In regular melon end the rtll h
ln ca'lml there, ere found to tr
preeent the mayor, Bert Mason
councilman Bryron, Unn. Lundell
Kitchle, McCabe and Hrittrv
and City Recorder, F. II. Kohlr
ion. The nnnulef of tlx! prevloii
aee-lon were read and approver.
The CiiU'.cll then processing t
the comlderatlnn and dispatch o
ruuHn huslneas, allowed ond o
tiered pild, the billn of Turn t
Lum Lumber Company, $7 00; E
It. Lundoll. $3 35; lone Indepenr
fnt. $20.48; Falrhanlt M one $28
12; T. C. Troge. $19 50; Getrhv
Ititdhle, $7.50. The report of th
Budget Committee war accep'er1
and the Budget approved.
The Council then proceeded U
canvta the r. turni of the elet
tlon for city officera held Nov. G
1928 and on tne basil of the re
port of thecanvaning boare, th
miyor declareed elected thoi
ahowa to have received major!
tiei: namely, a t councllni' n,
A. McCahe, L. P. Division, and
P. G. Baliige.; aa Major, LVi.
Maion; aa marihal, E. G. Frank;
ai rerorner, W. W. Head.
On motion ouly made, seconder
and carried, it waa ordered thai
that the wreck of the old p r
home be aold.
No other btieineei coming be
fore the meeting, the council ad
Hot Unch In the Sky
Every day til noon a large, lunri
nuii; filled passenrer plan Issvss
I'urii for birrila ind a similar plan
leave Iterilu fir I'trla, covrlng the
mstsuc lo flv and one-half hour lo
ih eiprea train' scvsotsen. A full
rourM hot luncheon U servd oa board
ilie plane soon ai yon leave If you
feei Ilk eating, lit what yon aitghl
rail high living Capper's Wkly.
Church Directory
lone, Oregon
Oficis Aimwaimial
Mai every teconJay in lone dur
ing Nov, Dec., Jan., Feb., March,
April and May at 10:30 A. M. in
lite home of Mr. J. P. O'Meara.
RevThoi. J. Brady, Pastor.
Sunday School at 10:10 A. M.
Prayer Meeting, Thur.. 7:30P. M
Rev. W. W. HEAD. Pailoi
11:00 A. U.: C. E. at 6:43, P. M.
Prayer Meeting, Wed., V:3
Sunday School 10:00 A. M
Prayer Meeting Thura. Ewninit
C. E.:6;30; Preaching Service,
at 7:80 P. M.
Loage Directory
Meet every first mi J llilril We.lnes
li.ijr ol each nioiilh. W. XI. Hoy H ten
der, Hevy , Klmer (IrlNllh, Trees..
A. A. Mo Cube.
Ijcuat diopter No. 111). ). (C
Meets the second ninl fourth Tiira
day nfeneh iiionili.W. M.Mre. Miir
Ilia Ulci.Seo.r., Hutli Maaotl.
IONK l-ODOK No. m, I. O. (I. V. I
- Meet every Miltliriluy evenlliK N.
M. T. K. I'eteraoil. V. (1 , K. ('. II. I
Iker, Hpvj,, Lee. Howell, 'I'reH., If .1.
t Ut'Nlll Oil ASM ItlCltKK A II No.fl..
' I. O. ). r. Meet llrut Mild third
Tbursduy of enrh ni'vith N. ti. Mrs.
IMI Mct'unlr, V. VI. Ulti.l.v l.nnilel.
( Hwy., Verdu tit -IM", Tjchh., Ktta
amr m"!'! 1 'ewi
Racial Mark Mainly
Seen in flat Name
Wlillt moat of the glutei of the1
Mississippi valley, beside countless
Infer auu limes to an paria vi iiiu
country, beur Indlun tunnel, hut a
mall number only of Ilia lowi.g ihut
'are the work of the while rittn hsvu
adopted names borrowed from iln;
original owners of the Intnl. Not iiimi
In luti, It la claimed, of the 1.MI liiruj
ellla hua an Indian uume, If w 11
copt Chicago, and among those Hint
have It la nmiiilly en adaption from
Bom neighboring Ink or Iri'iim.
'J'he early explorer uml settler
hnra laft their ruclul murk. Up the
Hudson and Mohuwk the trull of the
Dutchman la pretty rlenr. The Crouch
Influenc In uorlhetn New York mid
Vermont and slong lliu line uf Hi.
Great Inkei la funillhir In miinj
names. MIshMlpil hua ni "sulnm
la Its list, whereas across the rive
Louisiana, by nine parishes mill mini'
towns, rivers and lukcs, pcrpetuaie
lh rellillous tenets of Its eurl t.
than. Kentucky and Tennessee el
dene the vocabulary of the hiimei
and trapiier, 51 1 1 11 n tt uml lilulm llm'
of th miner, AH Hi region nt q ilii"'
from Mexico, pnrtlciihirly aniilhe:i
Callfornln, mnltitr-f In it phui
asmes th m" iin ! r Hpmilfh i
plorcrs and v. Hera. Tl( re are n-lii
lively few I'.hIIiiii tinnii" -n the I'u
cldc const, miii lie in Nnrth nl
th Hpanlah l 'l criea ni"l Inwns f.e
quently refleti the ImvmIi of en !
tier to th nhlri n of the lulmi:
for Maniple, I'orlluuil. Ore whlrh
was named afler I'ortlund. Ilulne
Th tory Is thnl twn 'el Hers to v hum
the lMk of MiH-tlnif a nnine f'M Hie
Oregon si'tllemelit Ml weie enl" li
ers, and thul they toaat-d a coin to .1
Urmln whether the town ahould b
called Doatn or I'ortlniid.
Natur'$ Kin J nets to
PiopU of Green It'.
Among other henrltl of helug an
Irlthman ther Is to lie lined, li l
asstrted. an ahlllly lo brenk oiie' ,
bones with relullvu liiiiiinlly, us vom ,
pared with Kngilshtn. u ur po. .. 01
oll.,r races.
AI a recent rtimner's liniiet m ,
Cauiherwell, Kniilund, lr. it lniil.i J
Ijrklu, pollie luiiiiHiii futiillliir Willi ,
rrlilent cuius, limk iHuiM. I" reui
bis eeili'lii'e llnil lii'iikcli vt
th Mali li nl nun riipldl) and
rlrnntily thnn Imllnr fun lines It
thlliiis of whlrh are KnuM'h: ihu
Jutlf,lna. M'rhiiis. Hie IrUlniiiin' tru
dllloiinl prefercnee fur Hie shllluliih
plii)lhlng ridullvely liunnleM In hi
In all anliiuils the repnlr of liniken
bones la th duty of millions of Hnv
thing celli m III. It uii iiiiniliile nl lit.
pluc wher h luine Is hrokrii ami
cement the severed ends IokimIh i wllli
stiff, csrtllntellk lUnne which then
slowly linrdens lido bone by rt'iill
of compounds of lime. Itnliliiuire Hici
Sound Borti Holt
Hound waves of a frequency uf 2MI.
0X1(1 lo oKl.ono slhrutlotis a second
psswd along a (altering gliws rod
caused It Hp to bore a hnlv In
plec of wood and a pint of glHue.
r'n-nch experimenter discovered
cetilly. When th wsves were coin
niuulcaled lo a gluss llneud uluiut nut
onehundielh of an Inch thick ninl
more than yard long, th frlcHotnii
effect was so Inteuea thnl Hi flevh
could t burned, t un her tests will.
Ill "ullar souk" wsves showed Him
ihey arreleraled various reactlona ami
pnuluced cryalalllsntlon.
Need of Sunday
Th reully InlHirlmis niun cnnnoi
ffonl to work on Sundny. tly 8.1 h
linlhs gnve me my hupiileut iihiiik'HIs
uml In a grent stretch of years crowd
nl with pmfcsnlolml and public Hires,
they mad fiimlly life In any rwpon
slhl sent, fusialhlllly. Ulerur)
llilnu't. dlvln things. Hi slgnlhVuiicv
of Uf for oneself, for all ileiir lo one;
for th great moving world; going 10
church why HihI whs hut purl of th
Dalmal honing which on paid to
thin supreme need which every sensi
tive soul feels for niorul replenish
nient. Lord 8haw of Dunfertnllr..
Lawyr't Advice
II strolled Into a tluh In which he
had mannged to gain admission as a
member. II looked around to set
If lltei were anyluuly there he knew
and afler a whll he discovered a well
known hiwyer rending by a window
II wnlked acnuis in the lawyet me'
held nut his hand, palm down lit
his third finger glittered dhiiiioiiu
he had Jul bonghl. "Wliiil do you
Ihlnk of that r he deninnded.
"Seems tn he a tin stone,1' s.tld
the lawyer, "hut It I were you I'd sell
It end buy a null hrm-h."
2 Weelu to Christmai
The Ship ol Health
' ll Santa'i Flatshlp
Mitiak That Cau$m
Rift in Marital Lit
Thul Hi clinging vine type of worn
su Is more likely 1 11 h.e the love of
her hunhiiiiil or at leusl lutre I1I111 lo
dlittraclloii. Is I he answer alven h.
Anne I'yrne Mct'itll tn a wnmnn who
tins written for adtlce lo Hie Woiniin'i
Home loiiipun!on.
"It la the growing reluctuiice of a
buahunt' tn exprvsa his ffecllen In
words, caused by persistent demands
that h do so. Hint rsuses the rift,"
suys the writer, "hllence In affection
la not advocated In that statement.
Kvery woman not only wants tn he
loved, bu she wnnls to be told that
sh la loved, rtnl It Is 1 pity for
her lo fort or twin! the lue so
Ihut ll becomes not a question of how
tnun muy or ran express his affec
tion, but It becomes rather almost a
qomtioi if how he may defend him
set, or preuerv hi Independence.
"ll should not be forgotten Hint
there are many ways f expressing
hive und Ihsl one man's sllenc might
eiiirew more of his affection tlinn the
cimlniil deelnrnlhins of a dlfTerenl
"The demand by a wife for constant
mmsurunc Ihsl a huuhand love her.
when sh know perfectly well that
lie does. Is not the wsy to keep a
deep and Irrge and self forgetilt.g
Be Charming
In Ih world ther la ou duty more
liiiimrtaiit than thul of belug cbanu
Ing. Without th Jew tied presence ol
Ih humming bird, bow gloomy would
lie Hi receseea of th forest I I i
not on uf th most delightful duties
of II f 10 shed Joy around you; l
stutter happiness witb your von
word and movement; to cast a light
Into th durk corner of our life; to
he the glided cord that leads our des
liny, and to be Ih tru spirit of
beuiity and hiinnouy J Victor Hugo.
Ancient Roman Art
On of th most beautiful xsmples
of art aa practiced by th ancleni
llomaua la known as th Trajan'i col
Slluuled In It. ime. this luwsr, which
consist of tweniy-Hire tiers, soars
Into Ih air, an lniM.jlng figure, cos
red with about 23,000 gloriously
sculptured figure.
Th tower waa built to celebrate the
victories of the Emperor Trajan, whoa
rsmaln are burled Msuta tUl bill
tuoi anctnrtj
I VJ. .... I -, y.--t-tWM-M-MM
Thle 12-coL art print is a reproduction of th famous palatini to
be bung ia the Capitol st Washington. I ii puhliihed exclusively for
Lompanton (iilwcTibers. .
1. Ths
2. TWMtSt
U a4 a Ml Ji T sOuc
i 0 5i.silj3
The Party Line
"I sny to Muy Klleu when her bean
an' her fell out, 1'lteys lots blggei
Huh in Ih sea than ever was cslrhed
an' sh snllTles, 'Whst good Ihet lo
folks llvln' InlsndT
"It's fiyln' again' providence lo be
like th' Widow Jones Ih.-t throws th'
empty tomato cuds right under tiei
slcii. 'o(iiitry I'rftard Strictly r'resh
"Kate Kllery wsa tn to ast Ih' man
acer of Ih' llljou Dream theater not
to sprny thel perfume In his pise o
more, hecniis her man alius tells Iter
his cont got smellln' thet wsy from
goin' to th' pitchers, an' ah ain't so
sure." Kansas (Ity Star.
Left CerAiltiy in a Safe
Kmma Calve, prima douna of Car
me fame, tella this story agalnas
heraelf Id her memoirs, "My Life":
"I once had an Kngllsh maid fhe
was a thoroughly good girl, truthful,
bonest. obliging, but lacked tail. One
duy. when 00 long trsln Journey,
sh noticed that a ro of pearl I
usually wor were missing, ind panic
seising her, exclaimed:.
"IHi, Bisdiim, wher sr your
"AI horn la the safe, I told her,
adding thnl I never wor them when
" Uh. what a pity !' sh ssld. The)
mak you look lis a real lady.'
At Latt
Th two old maids hsd lived togeth
er la apparent hsrmony for mor than
forty ymrs, when one, hsvlng resched
her ninety-eighth birthday, died.
A relative w" undertook to break
the painful new to th surviving si
ler was afraid the shock would prove
fniut, but ll bud lo be done sooner or
However, It turned out that bet
feiirs wer groundless.
"Ah, welt." replied th sister, wbo
was only lghty-nln. brightly, "now 1
suppose I shall Ut allotted lu liar mjp
ten ninde Just a I Ilk ll.H
One Way
Mr. 0. was busy making Jslly, la
U-tweea Ih ringings of tb plion snd
th doorbell.
Wltb ber patlenc worn Just a little
thin, she opened the door te the fifth
"Are yon the lady of th aoseer
he wag asked.
"No. I Just
wrd, closing
work aer aaa aa.
Tmis'i Cswuslsa fat Itn, a4 Ifi
Ik's CMatat fa Itn, a4
M'lsNrWi.kMrUw Vf
ssSm U INS, ad
-ll . . . ... . I 7
S. CM;WVr'kllslM,IWlaMMa.
m Mdartikk wlmaM I tL PVBUSaiaS Of Ttll
r Ana, ww tws rovrai oonr smion, tmm, turn
Social ScUw Solution to Pence Problem
War Hot Only Wicked, But futile, laya Dr. Ball, President
of Univenity of Oref on, la Serief of Article -
I Thai b) Uis forth sf a rim tt ill ntu
'shs vrtMM far UiU ur f Dr. AraaM
Hiil, oiiU.ii f Ui Ultimo
mt Ontaa, i ih pniilw f latomatlol
;. Dr. Ml H mOwIIt la tkta
MS, m4 m mm f th (tan f Um
aUI BthM R4Mrth CmihII ti Ami-
Irnttoxt UsIrenHr 1 Othjos
Oss f Iks blf problsms sf social
stlsae today la to stody sarsfslly
tb rtaslloas of tit poblls t
tsraaussai sttss
tloas aad t tn
vsats sf iatsrsa
tloaal polities, ia
od tbst tosstnis
tlvs ststtsmsaship
' auy build tks fb
! fl sf iatsrastloaat
rgsalsstlos with
oa adsqsat os
sptlea sf wkst tks
psbllt rsastioa nay
bs la a givss situs.
Ilea. II s r s I y to
Dr. HaU
fasts s4 spseulats about what the
psspls will ds la a givta eass is set
a suffieisst bssis spoa . wkirh to
tbulld a progrsai of iatsraatiossl rs-
xorau Tks lasts ars, ws ars still is a
stats ( Jasgls politics. Ws saset snr
Uws too frequently from a rul of
thumh ft. iiua nn aIK K. .1. .v..
Vistaphystcsl speculation. Ro it Is
(sat ibs sr-umnts rcsrdiD In
Israattoaal Duo are too frqunt
lf th rsault of Id I apteulation,
eathtr than a product of a srlntU
I and ststlstlcsl study of th ha
bitual behavior of Individual under
th elreuoiUncs contemplate.
I Tb architect esnnot hnltd a
Treat struetor with satetr and
onMdtnc unleas th strvrhirat en
Jsrlntr has worksd out the n-!n-,elpl
of stress and strain n' th
hullding mstsrlsls. tn accardaixs
,wlih which th architect lays h i
plana. Te violate 'hs laws of struts
Sural strain Is to InVlt dlssstsr.
flo to ersat Internstloasl arra
mnts without soms scUntlfle
bwals upoa which one can predict
Ih reaction of th public to such
rranaeraent la too dangsrous to
Whst ars soms of ths problsms
which bar ths pathesy of Inter
aatlopsl progress, snd upon which
acUntlf e rMarcb mlsht threw
aom lUbtf Aa a hypohlallcal
prtnelp t. I would suaaut thst e
Itmpl -t International omnia
tloa thai Interfsres with th do
oitlo enncern of a nvsrnmenk
mor then acary la th
plnloa ef th people, to prot t
thsm from the scour of wsr. will
snst with opposition and resist
A careful, palnstakln Invcettga
tloa Into th vsrlous xpnmots
and proeaaBM by which th mod
ra atat ha olvd from prlml
tlv savtry throuth torn form
f family III, developing Into th
tribe. thac prhsp Into th tribal
astloa. tha. throuch a process of
eafisnlidatlon, Tiwotnln a -Ity '
Mat, oufht to throw a deal
a tight apea th etNmstaaeM
sndtr which ths peopl ef a small
Good Health Matter
of Correct Poeture
Not only gracefulness, but also our
health and tb prevention of excessive
fatigue, depend a great deal upon poe
ture th any w stsnd, alt and walk,
warns a health expert la lb Fsrui
Journal. That Is why It Is most Ine
portsot thst th person who has much
work to do, god yet wants to hnv
energy left to enjoy Uf and lo give
pleasure to others; should guard
agalnrt habits of Incorrect posture.
Consider first th standing position.
Th weight ahould hf, on tb balls of
th feet, th chest up, the chin slight
ly bark but la line with II. chest, lie
feet exactly parallel, th arms dropped
easily at the tides. To see that your
body Is In perfect bslauce when yon
r (landing, rls on your toes and
sJuk dowa sgsln. When you stand
with your chest drooping, yoor st.un-.
aca oul and your spina tuned, yoo
appear at a dlsadvautag; and what
la worse, this position cause your
vital organs to be displaced.
la walking, tb first thing I to start
right with tb correct stsndlng po
sition. The toe should paint straight
lo the front or b turned lo th frac
tion of an Inch. To stsnj or walk
with lb lues pointing out produce
awkwardness and often leads to fool
troubles, such as fallen arches.
Lax Ju$tice
The wiy rich transgressor nanag
to keep out of Jull led Governor Uar
tlneau of Arkansas to say In Utile
ll.Kk :
"It reminds me of a story. A man
was trauliug In New Mexico, snd lu
s little town embowered In pulm
and flower the mayor teemed lo he
quite a character. He held til I he
otflcve Judge, coroner, police captain
and so forth and whutever turned up
to be done, he was ther to do It.
"After lunch, as he and hit guest
sat smoking In the garden, h turned
lo hll clerk ind sold:
. " 'Hlgglnson, by th way, sneuk over
to Ih roulclt psrlor and tell Don
Juan 8ereda I want to try him for
Ihal murder rase.'"
Blue Baboon
A grotesque but humane method of
repulsing wild snlmsls It being prac
ticed In Kenya colony, Africa. tCle
pl.mits, hlipopotainl, bushplm ind
ImlxMins wer surprised recently when
they found among their number a
queer animal resembling a baboon, i
rwpt that It hud nil lit hair shaved off
and wor a coal of bright blue.
They wer so startled thul they no
longer return to raid Ih colonials, and
the Idea Is recommended by th effl
-UI who ruptured th baboon and re
loused ll afler transforming Hi sp
lienrnhce with a raior and paint brush.
sr community will consent to th
Imposition of limitations upon ther
sovrla rights sa a man of
oourlng pac with soourlty. Tho
studsnt of prlmltlvs sealology snd ;
of sultursl nglnrln Is isthsr'
In this svldnc which ought to ,
throw light upoa th problem.
International Conimualcsttoa
Another problem of social osl i
nsarlng olosly alllsd with sn sf ,
ftctiv program for pesc Is con
eornsd with th hsnnls In later
national sommankatlon. Mutual ,
rspct snd undrtandlng bstwssa
th nations wilt ertsts a ettualloa
whlrh greatly minimis the strain
upon any International organlsa '
tloa Intended ' te ' Insnr . ,wsr'd
pac. What sr th factor la In '
lernatlonal eonSmanloatlon that
s .use the spread ef mutual confl '
dno and undaratandlocf What, -on
the other hand are IS factor
that mak tr distrust, suspicion,
snd hatrtdf Who control th
dlaaonrlnatlon of nws rardUtg In
terndtlonsl affairs? Whose bias Is
It that colors ths nswspaper stores
dealing with International situs
t'onsT What International prsjn
die ar consciously or ncoas l
ously cresUd I history texts thst
ar used la publi school anona
ths nations of ths world? Whnt
ars the most effective form sf
propaganda capable ef btn
ployid by those wba bars special
Interests at staks la eating situs
Hons that msks for.iatsrnatloaal
Instability? ; . .
Thts ars usatlons that ar u
eaptlble t solutloa- by aocurat
methods of Invssttgatlea. aortal
selnc I perfecting a tehnku
by which th lafluoao ef thsss
vsrlous factors may bs dtrmlnd.
Th secsrtstnnirnt o' thss facts
and the formulation of these arts
dpi will crest a body ( kaoel
ds and aa understanding ef cur
tain factor la th taUraatloaat
situation which prtfeundly atfeeta
the reactloa of the people ef tb
world te say propose program toe
International adjustment. Fee
thee factors of IntsraaUeaa! oa
munlcatioa aad the Inculcating (
International prejudice la aattoaal
Utsrstur. aad th teathooks ef Ua
publla school oss break dowa a
will ta peace, or place such a hsavy
straln u poa any orgaalaatlea sm(
In to iv It ffeUee espreastoa.
thst thoufh In Its easier mh
msnt th Judgment of the world
la for peace, the lostramsaumue
ef propacanda may a ewp the
peopl of the world from their
calmer Judgmsnu te passionals
anser, that thslr fundtunsntal s
slrs may be bjoorsd la the pass
ing passion of th memeat.
New Type ef SatsnsmHsan
The development ef aa edues
Uoal technique by which psbli
school training may develop a vital
but intelligent nationalism that
will cause th eivle body Intstll
fntly aad ffctlrly to sk tb
security ef the aattoa through th
peace of th world. Instead ef Is
oulcatlnr the Maoted. short-sttht-d
typv ef aatleoallam which weald
critic the beet Interest af tne
country apoa the altar ef a false
and provincial welds. Is a tnarrtr ef
prime Importance to the caus ef
adurlac .
(Tb xt artUI will foUss teea)
1 Cathedral Made Dear
by Old Auociatimm
t After Canterbury cathedral had
been restored from the great Ire tt
1174, pious Kngllsbmea so revered
tb beaaty of thlt attvoghold of the
Church .' Kngtand- thst they casa
from far and near and even thoae aot
so religiously inclined Bad their
"Canterbury pilgrimage.'1 For StKl
'year this wss kept up and many aa
Inn apraag from existence te prosper
ity In th thadow f th rscred edi
flce. In time son of the pllgrtm
'agee became less of a rsllgUiu exer
cise thua a favorite suuuoer excur
sion and their history Is shadowed
la our -word "canter" which I lb
abort ened form of ("Csoterbury gal
lop" '
Another interesting thing d
with I hll cathedral la th dlvisloa of
th Bill Into two chapters, Stephen
iJiDgtoo, who died in 12.8, was car
'dlnal and archbishop of Canterbury
beside being ' a . ststesman of ae
; mean Thle wa the tge of th
' beginning of organised leanilug tad
; Cardinal Ungton, after distinguishing
! himself at a teacher, gave hit time a
standardised text of (ha Vulgate there
: being up antll ihr'-almost at many
, vsrsiuns aa I tier wwre Itlble. It waa
la thl wo. k ihuta h mad the ! mo
;vatlon of dividing' Ui lengthy book
: Into chapters, thus- nuking siieclfled
I passdge much easier te find. Detroit
New. r f
An tlrplaue flew over an Irish asy
lum, much to the nujirfennatlon of Hi
iiiiimle. . Next dny tyro of th latter
were discussing the ifmnge niuehln.
One said: . ;
"Ihi you know, I dreamt last night
I made on of thos 'contrivances and
flew to Atiatralla In sixty minutes."
"That's strange said the other, "for
I hud a sltullur dream, only I wsot te
Melbourne In sixty seconds."
"How did you go?"
"Itlght through Hi-earth."
"I.ook here, my' Mend.'' laid the
other, " you're not a lunatic you're
a blithering Idiot." :
The Preleetor't Precaution
The rather ebsent-mlnded professor
had called or) a friend, and on leaving
was horrific to discover thai bis car
had dlsarmeotfed,
A policeman nsfened to his tsl of
wo and made copious note In llltl
black hook.
"Old yon tak any precaution
against tb car being stolen 'i" be
asked presently.
"Well," returned the acholarly cae,
"1 padlocked th wheel."
"Ah," laid th officer, "but witch
wheel V
Light dawned on the professor.
"My tttn r be gasped. "It win th
spare wheel"
' - r