The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, December 07, 1928, Image 1

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IONG, OREGON, FRIDAY, Dc3. 7, 1928
I'lans are underway tonlve the
people of lone and surrounding
communities the ihuhI Christ,
mas enteitainment.
The children will f urninh the
entertainmiMit and are now he
intf trained for the occasion and
yon may look forward tolhetisu
I high clans program.
Gommittera have been appoint
ed to look after arrHnttetnnts and
wonderful time Is in store for
old and young.
See Louis llalsincr
Weather Report Masons Elect Officers
Tolul precipitation ... 0 B8 HALL ORDERED
" "since Sent. 1 1.73
" " for the eorres- At the regular meeting of lone
HI,lvHrf512.Af' & A. M.,
inuranuy evening, wee, . a run
pondiriK peiio
No of clear days 7.
No. of cloudy days... - 17.
No, partly cloudy 6.
1'revailinir wind N. E.
It. i;. IhiflilMiili
C'iif(l(t Olmervrr I'. S. It' II
Mot'van, Oregon, Dec. 1, ID2H
See I)r, Clarke, the EyeBiithl
Specialise about jour eyn. He
will be it the lone Hotel all day
and evening, Saturday, I) c 8.
j3 BUKiJmMM 'I" Tit
KNOW VIIUH llllir.Hr S K TTK H. - llrf Y'ur itmlmt iitito a4 mnm
pi kmiimmMm
Shop at "four Druggist's!
Tliis Holiday Season
THERE'S a drug-store not from yout home. f
You protably know the druggist fairly well and t
respect him. You drop in once in a while for the pur J
chase of some convenience or "first-aid" remedy, a J
fountain drink, or a ciipr and you have an occasional t
prescription filled there, too. Tliat's when you ap J
prcciate its proximity mott. $
If you had to travel a long distance, particularly at
night, to hive that prescription filled, you'd probably
give the nutter tcrious tnouht. You d bring the mat'
ter up, piihips, at the baud of trade, and propose
offering inducements to have a prescription druggist
locate in the rcfhborhood.
Has it occurred to you that your neighborhood
druggist cannot maintain a well equipped prescription
pharmacy on piofcssional services alone? Therefore he
carries a stock cf household goods many very suitable
for holiday pilu. "Shop at your drui'st's." You'll find
it a convenience, and you will help him to maintain an
efficient pharmacy, ready to serve you when you and
the Doctor mostnccJ him.
Pat PrrHrUM. fliTatrteM ptmttht
nal (1ibjim dtipmm Mtt a a psti pni4
arts, fa sjmcf sit mm fmmpiMiA chaawt its
(ruM Metis 1 1 atiutw Kaw ftd tht wv
bint o4 lam ptuit satost! surf.
fwt Ymt MsWsiw CmMnm. kV
rrtmitaanai M vmw 1o and Unaat
San stk pst4wn M
Mc4'. H4f.n NfosjJk
MvttVt Kfii Akl
Mmi'i Milium iVftwwwi
Bullards Pharmacy
"The Kobak Store"
lone, Oregon.
?l T
: i c
Lome in ana see
Specials For
Dec. 8 (gL Dec. 10
The Overcoat Season is
Close at Hand.
Let Us Take Your Meas
ure and Order,
We Try To Please.
Bristow & Johnson
lint of officers wa4 elected for for
the ensuing term. The list is as
II I). McCurdy, W. M.; John
W. Krehs. 8 W ; E. J. HlBlce, J.
W.; A, A. McUahe, Tea.; W. E.
H iHard. Secy.jGw). C. Krehs, S.
b ; Thos. J. Davidxon, J D ;Guy
Cson. S S ; Victor L. I'eterton,
J. S ;lElmer Grilfith, Marshal;
L P. Daviiaon. Tyler; S. E
Moore, Chaplain.
It wa voted to move the st iir-
May inside and to remodel the
irontof th builJifiK. The con
tract was awarded to Clark i.nd
Linn and the wnk is to start
oon as the weather will permit .
Morgan News
Mm. J. F. llAiF.srr
Mr. Med lock and family sp nl
TnankfitivinK with Mr. and &.is.
George Mahoney.
Several families Kathered al
(he I. O. 0. F. hull, in Morn it n,
un ThatikMttivinu day and f r.jcy
ed a bi dinner together. Ami ng
tee crowd were the Ek ebenys.
lialli, CooU, Treed one, i'a ine
teers and Elyr,
Lt'on Loitanandson Dick eien.
Thuisday at Mr. Nasties.
M'oiilliiiiiiliiii 'k 4.)
Wanted: Millions of Jack 1'al.
bit, do.nettic rabbit, and o: her
raw furs. Highest prices. V'al
cauda Fur Co. , 2131 Western
Ave. , Seattle, Wash
I R. R00I5ON
jmiles per dollar in
fft Actual Wear Thnf 3
I 0
Buy your tires! i
'hile the I'riceJ,.,
Local Happenings
Walter Eubank is shipping a
carload of turkeys to New York
this week.
Mr. E. Undegan. made a ship
ment of Jaekrabits lo Portland j
Among the social functions of JONE AT STATE COLLEGE
tie week was the house warming
Saturday night at the newly
completed residencsof Olie Kin
cade. From what we can learn
everybody was there. .
Mr. Walter Cochran is spend
ig a few days of this week with
this week, ihey went out Dyine cr(,njSi
John Day Freight Line. . h(S 'L,)uig jjergevin family
Wednesday evening a party oH.,. now ocated for the winter in
local Oddfellows joined wiihoth pendeton where the chi'dren'
ers from Morgan and Lexington are jn BChooI. I
in a viHtt to Wil ow Lodge h
Heppner. They ass'sted in thr
work of conferring denrees.
Mr. Edward Keller who nov.
lives in Fn 'leton, was in Ion j
Thursday of this wek and pni j
the Indep'nent a friendly visit.'
Mr. and Mrs. Jacn bidrtle o
Rhea Creek, whi'e enroute he m
from Portland. Wednesday o'
this week, tarried for a short
time in lone ml frimd Ja o
dropped into ihi editorial ta .
turn to exchange the compliment?
of the pxt political siaton.
We have aided to our Cburdl
Directory the official notice o'
the regular Catholic etrvices ii
lone. For the present theee wii
cor.tmue t be held in the hnm
f PaulO'M.afa. Wearer I j
intormed hewtver that il is ibi
purpose of the ptri li
erect a house of worship in Ion
in the spring.
. i.lfkd McMillan)
Oregon State CollegeCorvalis,
Dec. 5. lone is represented
b seven students at Oregon
State College, out of a total en
rollment, including summer ser
sion and short course students of
ntarly 5000.
Cuntinued on 'g 4
-- y j ,uts ''
All General Fund Warrants o j
Morrow County. Oregon, riiM !
red pr'or to November 20t',
1928. wid be paid on preieotai iui i
at the ol fiee of the C-iuMy Tr. u j
Ijrer. on or after December 1?. j
1018, at which da'e interest or,
Baid warrants will ctase. Da't i
at Heppner, Oregon, November '
Zi PJ28. Leon W. Brings, 1 1 cs.
JZ? Clark & Linn J&
Carptntcr Work. Paintin. I'a-
per Hanging and General I e-i
pair Woik. j
lone, Oregon. j
Dr. Clark, ot the Clark Oplicl
al Co, Rooms 202 and 303 Menh--nt
Trust Bldir. 6th and Wat h-
ington Sts. .Portlar.d Ore
lone a'l day and evening .Satur
day. Dec. 8th. at the lone Hotel,
Here's One New Car
With Style that's Tie ally Wew
No duplicate of this car or that one . . . the New ALU
Amiriraii Six. But a smartly original creation . . .
with Sf-iaLly designed bodies by Fihcr . . . with
at) le that's strictly its own. A car that you recognize
inntanUy . . . one that stands out in any crowd.
Because It has that air of being different . . . that air
which distinguishes a leader from the rest of the
field ... Just vhat every American wants hi an
automobile. Pulse-stirring performance . . . com
fort . . . luxury . . . distinctive style. And America
la giving it marvelous reception ... a motor-wise
nation's welcome to a new and triumphantly
different car.
V't." '''. I
Bharfc Aunrntbrnt mnd pOMf i.ipwi ' 'tirfrrf In f'rt mrtom
f-ukr Mrii .w. Ototd.llMMM.ka
I. R. R03ISON, Girage
lone, Oregon.
be in
Before you know it Christmas
is here. Why not give a life
time KeepsaKe.
Give him a Strap Watcht an Elgin Legion
oirei four styles pricetlat $19 to $25 or a fine
Hamilton pocKet watch selling at$3.5 up.
Give her a Deltah Creation inChakers
genuine crystals, also combination pearls
and crystals priced at $9 to $17.50, or Cos
tume Nechlace Diamond Set, Crystal and
Amethyst penants.
Suitable Gift Boxes With
Each Purchase
Gifts of Quality
.. . i S
Heppner, Oregon.
Why Be Cold?
I have Everything to Make
You Comfortable:
Wool Blankets, Cotton Blankets
Wod Underwear, Pendleton Shirts
Sheep Lined Coats, Leather Coats,
Overcoats, Wool Socks, Caps, Gloves,
Mufrlers, Sweaters, Blazers
Zippers & Overshoes.
Red & White Merchants arc permanent residents who:
thave your interests at heart and have helped build the
community. They pay taxes to support your schools and
local government and deserve the patronage of the com
i .