The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, November 16, 1928, Image 7

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    Thowi Spied of Airplane
Tho Irilrumont Uiinit lo Indleute llio
nlr speed of an nlrpliine U commonly
culled h "pilot lulio." Tlio nlr pusses
through thin lulio ucroa un npi'iilnu
In una tdtla and In 10 doing builds up
nlr pri'KHiiro on mio side, of His din
ph en n 111 iiml create viicuiiin In tho
oilier, 'J hlii uneven force opurulo a
imliiier un a d 1 tit nni Indicate tho
ulr speed.
Animal' Vocal Range
Humes nru sopranos, cow are ton'
ors, sheep pro cunlrulloi uud pig urn
Iiiihmck, snya Mr, OiHilTrey Klmw, ISng
Hull iiiimliliin. Ilu so cliiKHllInO tlio
ti ti I titn I h' "voices" during a lucture to
tliu member of ilia summer course
of iiiiinIc at Oxford. Ilo II rut nuked
lila audience to niuke the clnsslllca
Hon, but nono could do 10.
Cleanting Material
nolleimlone, often rucouiiuriidi-d for
cleaning end pullxhlng brass and oilier
metals la supposed to tif a decom
posed siliceous limestone and consists
eaaeniliilly of aluminum sllkute Willi
carbonaceous tmit tor. Several locnll
tl In Derbyshire, Kiigland, nnd In
Wales, are the iirlncljuil sources.
Let It Pate By
House centipedes are not audi prut
in iiinoy peoplo think. Tlicy dti not
feed on household goods, hut on fllcn,
roiuhea and .other household pests.
They are ugly thing), but reully help
ful, an If you lee ono lu your home
shudder a bit If you feel like It, but
let It go peacefully on Ita way.
Otprey Wae Pirate
Attempts were once inn do to t nil 11
the fish hawk or oaprey to cnlen flli
for Ita master' tutilo, but aa thla hint
roulil not be persuaded to rcllttqtllxti
III hnlilt of flying to the top of the
nearest lull tree with Ita catch, thesv
attempta aoon ended.
Ant Eggi by the Pound
Rome, of the lilrda at the Petrol!
Zoological purk are ao fuaay In regard
to their diet (tint they di-iimud, ami
get, ant FX!;. 'J'be mnnngeiileni hue
to. buy the eggs, which are 'dried ami
look like rice, by the pound. belroll
Wonderful Seme of Smell
It li laid that John Keuts, the poo'.
4-uultl nn me every flower near hi id by
Ita leciit. In the diirk or rut her, the
twilight, for It la a well known fuel
Unit very few flowers glv out any
nut after nightfall.
Early Cold Coinage
I'robuhly the gu!d creaeldes of Lydia
were tho esrlleat pure gold coin,
t'roeaus In'roduccd a coinage of pure
gold and illvcr more than 6) years
liefore Christ, ten sliver pieces psaslng
for one of gold.
Buffalo and Biton
The Asiatic buffalo 1.1 limllar to the
Maoii. but bus thinner horn which
alow bnrkwnrda. Koine of them ire
fight feel from honii to tall and
stand Ave feet and a half blgb at
the ihrulden.
Language Facte
In tho Kngllsh Innguiiga the letter
"e" la used moat fri'ipiently, but ac
cording to the New Oxford) dictionary
moat word begin with "a". In thli
dictionary they number fiT.423.
Oyitcr't Big Family
If only one oyster were left alone
until It had great-greatgrandchildren,
there would be o many oysters Hint
their shells would mnke a pile eight
tlniei the lire of the earth.
Matter of One 'a Fate
Everywhere and at all times It la
In thy (Hiwer piously to acquiesce In
thy preaent condition, and to behave
Jimlly to thoae who are about thee.
Murcui Antoninus.
Mammon Worthlp
"Ho who thinks only of money,"
mild III Ilo, the nice of Chinatown
"must be prepared for time when
money may forget Its best friends.
Waxlilnglon Btnr,
Workt Both Wayt
l.lfo has way of evening things.
Tor every woman who makes fool
out of some man there's another who
makes a man out of some fool.
Belittle Times.
What'e A Kitchen Utentilf ..
1)o you remember way back wren
peddlers came around wltb wagons In
which they cnrrlcd kitchen utensils to
be exchanged for rags 7 Chicago Trib
une. si
IV. ?mmv
&MaW. Auaaaai
13-years tucccu In treating Rectal and
Colon trouble by the Dr. C. J. Dean
NON-SHHUIAI, mfflKxl tin.
eVX Ti kllTL II L'L'tf LrlL'ttklliiYlt
J7. hcndt.Klaiyf.wKKhKHMI-iMiW
fJgdk buuk Uricf ililnil cu ami pmp
U i . An tratmtntt ff tvrh ailment.
The Med
cA Romance of
Draddocks Defeat
- h
Ilucn Pendexter
lll...i.,.t;-. L.
Copyright MuqK Pendent
I popped out from the door and pick'
lug up s tilde slid It Into place, re
maining until I hud three skins In
place. would have pcnlated longoi
hid ahe not run out to upbraid me,
scolding like vixen. Then begun the
phase of warfare I had been dreading,
the lending of Are-arrows. None bit
the roof; and while they were prepar
ing more Ore I ruahed forth and (lu
Ulied (ins aide of the roof.
The girl scolded ma o If I had been
a wayward child. Her gruvlty and
crlouuieae became her prettily. The
little lecture wns Interrupted by un
other flight of burning arrowa 'lids
time they bad the range and we heard
two strike ou the fool. Ilefore I knew
what she was doing the bud stepped
out to observe bow tier scheme win
working. I followed and picked ber
up and carried her Inalde.
"Anyway, mister, there ain't any er
rors on the roof," she told me aa I
stood ber on ber feet "Points
couldut git any hold 00 them skins
uit slithered off,"
Between volleys was the golden
time for work. I brcgrd her to keep
under cover and went to fltilah patch
ing tho aouth ild. This time the foe
win awaiting my appearance and de
livered crushing volley the moment
I cleurtHl the d ir. Koine of (lie lend
whlilled unwholesoiuely che. A voice
shouted loudly and tea li.dlitna, select
ed for their Uimens of fmt, come
raring arroaa the opening. It wae
grimly alKUlfleunt Hint they were
armed with a no a only. They were de
termined to bring the flglit to cl
quarters. I entered tin cabin is the
girl beg"n firing from the rear loop
hole. "Here they come from all direc
tional They tneun It this lliuei" alie
The attack wus perflated ii( ontll
one brave was backing the dixit wltb
bli ax. It la peculiar fact thut wltb
them at auch clone auartere none of
their number was mortally wounded.
Douhtleia we were nervous and a bit
confuaed by the attuck being presaed
on three aides while some of them
equally climbed on to the root and
dlatodgedi some of ihe skins. I have
no cleur recollection of details. I
know we durted from side to side and
illai homed the two rifles snd the mus
kets. The room was thick w ltb smoke
and I recall tuy fear lest those on the
root should make an opening and
Jump down upon us.
It waa Dot until they begun to full
bock that I discovered the girl bad
been more calm tliun U for she bnd re
fused to dlschurge ber (datol. I
peered from a loophole snd saw them
running for the woods and not a
wen pou la the cabin was loaded. One
ul their outuber bad been bit In the
foot and waa limping along wltb two
men helping bltu. I'robuhly he bad
been lilt while climbing onto the roof,
hla fool coming tn range wltb one ot
the loopholes as a niurket wus dis
charged. I loaded rnpldly to gi-t one of the
three men inuklng off together, but
the moment I opened the door a
warning was shouted from the lender
In the woods and the wounded man
waa dropped In a little hollow. Ills
anditnnta raced off In different di
rections. The hollow coulalnlng the
wounded mno wus too slight effec
tually to protect liltn, and opening the
door eullU'tctitly to accommodate my
rlfltt-hurrel I would huve stirred hint
up bad not the girl thrust ber hand
over the flint and at the same time
pulled me backward, I opened my
mouth to rebuke her, but she clnpid
hand over niy mouth and pointed
toward (lit room. Then pulling my
ear down to her Hps ahe whlaperod:
'They didn't all quit the roof,
mister. I heard 1 little noise np
I oodded and gently closed the door
and barred It and cocked my ear.
Blie nudged me as the man on the
roof made falut scraping sound.
This was danger I had never count
ed upon To get at the fellow neces
sitated my loving the cabin, we
begnn talking to allay any simpletons
on his part, and (he girl said:
"He's moving along to git directly
over the door. We must fool him"
lUiMIng her to move about at th
rear of th cnhln and to keep on
talking, I atepped to the door and
In the notches cut In the logs, so that
one might climb to s crevice under
tli eaves and scrutinize the opeuMii
berore opening the door, gently placed
niy feet and pulled myself np until my
eyes were at the crevice. My head was
close to the roof and aa the girl
chattered along I heard the telltale
sound of the savnge working his way
down to the eaves and directly over
the door.
As I was about to descend, I was
further rewarded, for a moccuslned
foot dropped down across my narrow
range of vision. The Itnlluu wus sit
Jab ad
ting with one foot hanging down from
the eaves and wultlng for me to leave
the ruhln, when be would drop down
ufHin me. The roof was formed of
siipllng-slze pole covered with Inrye
sections of thick bark, which In turn
was held In place by poles running
lengthwise at regular Intervals. I
drew niy knife and gently Inserted
It between two of the poles, then de
sisted, as at tho most I woulo only
prick the Icllow and put I1I111 on hi'
Itegnlnlng the floor I moved a roigh
table, which t'ruzlur used for riK
playing tils trade-goods, close 10 the
chimney, and gave the girl nn Iron
prod and directed her to mund n Ihe
tiihle and pretend to be making an
opening throui;ti the roof, ghe neal
tnted and asked:
"You're going ontf
Nle'll be watching the chimney "
"There mny be two of 'em."
I ahif k my bend and held np a
finger and directed her to keep tulk
Ing In a loud voice aa aha aaaailed
the r.xif Then taking the short rifle
and loudlng It I tiptoed to the door
and nulielrsidy removed the bar and
The girl begun Jabbing the Iron rod
between two of the poke and culling
down to me to mount the table and
help her. Hhe made much nolte .n
yet I believed I cnught a fain' sound
from over the door. Lifting the door
to It would not sag nnd scrape the
floor, I worked It open wide enough
for me to puss out
"The rod's through the roof I cried
the glrL
At the same t'me a shout rose from
the forest I durted through the nor
row openlug and whirled about and
raised the rifle. One savage was
there and bad been on the point ol
crawling to the ridge-pole to Investi
gate the several Inches of Iron rod
showing Uirough the bark when the
yell from the woods had warned him
to be 00 bis guard. He must have
connected the outcry of his friend,
wltb the sudden apiuraiice ot the
rod, for be was on all foars snd
staring over his shoulder to where
his friends were In biding.
When be saw me the rifle was st my
shoulder. He made a convulsive effort
to hurl bla ax and mil off the roof,
but he was dead before he could
throw It.
From the Indians' point of view
there should bav been hut one thing
for them to d return st once with
their guns and endeavor to shout as
through the loopholes. Luckily for
us, tliey were not Inclined 10 rink sny
more of their men. I could hear their
leader shouting to them, but If he were
exhorting them lo charge, they had no
heart for It They renewed the attack
wltb Ore-arrows. With loose hides.
I putched the bare mts as far ss I
could rencb while the girl looped
rk lust together lo go over the rldue
polo. I had Iguored their musket tire
but when a small bullet whined close
to my head I knew some Indian 01
Frenchman had arrived on the scene
wltb a ride, and I lost nn time In Ink
Ing cover.
"Thut sounds like cannon," said the
girl as I closed and made fast the
"It was title. We must be more
"I know a rifle when I bear It
Thut's what I mvim, mister."
I listened and heard It It was
thunder beyond any doubt I opened
the door a crock and reunited the
heavens. There was no storm In sight
"It's up the Monongnhela, I told ber.
"It's so far off I fear we won't get
even the skirt of It"
We oeeded much of It ; not only to
drencb the cabin but to cool the air
Inside. Wltb (he door closed and the
stout shutter In place over the one
ainull opeulng that served as a win
dow It was blood hot io tbe cabin.
Found ' Pleasure Only
The American business man, taking
his vucutton sbroud. Is one ol the most
depressing sights of the ttlvlura, ac
cording to Lloyd Morris, writing In
"I recull an Amvrlcun whom I met
on tbe terrace of restuuruht In the
hills back of Nice," he suys. "Ills
wife bad Inveigled hlin Into taking a
winter holiday; It was so much more
mart she said, than summer vaca
tion. They bad come to the Itlviera
for the winter. I Inquired whether be
wus enjoying It 'Kiijoylng It? U I,
00 1' Lie sput expressively. 'But I'll
tell you,' be added, his eyes lighting
up, 'back home my factory bns Just
sold a thousand beds. New hotel In
Cleveland. Had a wire toduy.' Mc
Mured off Into the distance. He dldu l
see the vineyards In the valley below
or the blue Mediterranean, framed by
hills. And when be added wistfully,
The place wus so Inruffcruble from
smoke and powder fumes and the
heat that I rlaked a chance shot from
the forest by removing the shutter
and opening the door. The thunder
rolled ncroHi the sky sgnlo and tin
girl sighed: '
"l.ct s with It's a smart one and will
come ilila tvny."
I mude her drink some wuter and
wltb a pewler ill-li bullied her wrists
nnd slim neck. Hlie complained thut
I was winding It, and In the next mo
ment wus on the point of weeping as
she an Id no one hud been kind to ber,
except her crippled undo, since ber
mother's deulh. I brushed back ber
linlr and bathed her fort-head and
washed the smoke and grime from ber
f 11 ce and tried to be very gi-ntle wltb
her. I wus beginning to realize what
a slip of a thing she waa to be don
tlclpullng In such grim tragedies. I
nlr appreciated her oturdy spirit
Suddenly she drew awny from ass
and rearranged her hair and diffident
ly euld:
"You've been muster kind to me,
uilater. I wish I was a witch, like
folks tn (Ireut cove say. I'd change
you Into s boss, or a bird, and you'd
git cleur of nil this."
"Kit here. Ju! hedde the door, while
I stand Mulch I've never bad
chum to wall nn such a brave little
woman before."
"Ilool That's fooling." ahe ecoffed,
and eyeing me hi atirprlvi;. "You've
lieen In big solllciiifiii. You ve seen
women, melilie, who neioi we s Injun.
All I lie j have lo do la 'v liruve. If I
had a pair of shoe 111. ,vtoit amne of
Hum ai-nlenieni moiten umsi likely
wear. I'd die tialiling to keep 'em."
"If we gel out ot (Ida. you 'hall have
1 lie gayest pulr ol almei to be found
lu Alexandria," I promised, and I
thought of Josephine and her love of
luxury and wondered how ahe would
huve endured the ordeal ol being cor
tiered In a trader's cabin at the mouth
of Turtle creek.
"I ain't used to have folka give me
things," ihe gravely told me. "We'll
have to think about thut." Then shy
ly: "Is Ihut where you wunt me to
go? To Alexandria, a reul b!g settle
ment?" In truth, I had given no thought
as to Just where rlie should go did we
escuie. Yet bow could I give ber a
pair of shoes In Alexr.idrla If she
were not there to receive them?
"If I go back there, yes. I have 00
home there now. Like yourself, I am
This pleased her and she snuggled
sgaliiHt my knee and murmured:
"I in thinking It's mighty good that
you're like thut no borne. Yon can
build a borne anywhere. All you need
Is un sx snd Mine trees. If you'd bid
a home, you'd never have come poking
round Great cove. Lor e love I What
would buve happened to me If you
hadn't come along? At Will's creek,
too. And In that other cabin, when I
run awuy. And now here."
"You have nothing to thank me for,
I sadly told ber. "At all those places
you name, you have bad trouble be
causo I did go to the rove. Now we'll
close the door will's t take look at
the woods from the bsck of the cabin.
Tbe Indians are too quiet to suit me."
I bent down to the loopbole sad
Immediately called to ber to make
sure tbe bar waa firmly In place.
"Another right." she sighed. "And
'we wus having sucb 1 talk!"
I heard her reloading ber rifle, but
did not remove my eye from the bole.
Something was slowly approaching
the cabin. For a moment I could
not make It out and then glimpse
the top of a leather showing shove
the strange object Simultaneously
wltb my discovery, the Indians be
gnn Bring their guns st tbe front
of the cabin and yelling. I paid no
heed to the gunfire and the ehontlna
for the real menace was where the
feather bobbed and slowly advanced
She elbowed me aside and after a
glome Informed me:
"They've fastened some of the Skin
together and are holding ttcm In
front of them. Wonder U It'll stop a
I fired my rifle. The moving bar
rlcade stopiied. and then came op
agnln. The savage, or savages, had
dllllculty In keeping It In place ani!
their approach was very alow. Exiilt
Ing cries resounded from the wood"
as the hidden watcher wl (newel
bow Ineffective had been my bullet
It seemed to be very long time
that I waited, and anally noted how
dark the Interior of the cabin was
growing. Had I not known the post
tlon of the sun, I would huve said It
waa later than the twilight hour.
. "I can't hardly see you. mlrter," suld
the girl uneasily. "Yon look all
bumped over like bear."
in Business Triumph
'I wish I was there now,' I knew what
he saw a thousand beds. In crates
stamped wltb his name, on tbe ship
plug platform of his busy fuctory."
Ot the Conifer Family
1 The torrey pine occur In restricted
localities In Florida, California, Japan
and China. They are genua ot con
Ifer, belonging to the laxlneae or yew
tribe. Tbe California apeclea, known
aa Cnllfornlun nutmeg. Is the largest
reaching 1 height of TO feet ind oc
caslonully even W) feet
Brittol Old Port
1 HrUtol Is one of (lit oldest port tn
Kngland. Its history I generally be
lleved lo go hack 'J.UUU year, when
it waa the terminal place of barter for
the Phoenician traders. It was latet
used by the Human navigator.
Aviator $ Have Found
Use for Old 'Chutet
Muffles for aviators are being ninde
from wornout parachutes used In the
aviation brunch of the United Mtutc
I'urachtites are mude of the finest,
softeat Japanese silk. They ure made
In many pieces, so thut If a break
occurs It wilt not run the entire length
of the cloth.
A parachute usually luxli about five
years. The Milk Is then turned In and
the larger pieces are used lo make
mufflers for pilots. The soft silk
serves vnlurible purpose In protect
ing the throat of the wearer from
chafing of the helmet strap, especial
ly on long hops.
After the World war the discarded
covering of airplane wings was much
In demand by botb men and women
for outing shirts.
Cold Need Caute
No Inconvenience
Binger can't always keep from
catching cold, but they can get the
best of any cold In a few hours and
so can yon. Get Tape's Cold Compound
that comes In iileasant-taatlng tablets,
one of which will break np cold so
quickly you'll b astonished. Adv.
Clung to German Marhe
When the will of a wealthy out-of-state
man waa filed wltb Assistant At
torney General gtubbs, of Maine, for
assessment of taxes on financial Inter
ests of that atate, an unusual clause
was found In the wilt That part of
tho document referred to H3.(XiO,uOO.
000.000 Germnn marks which the man
had bought during the war, and In
structed tbe executor to retain tbe
currency until It could be redeemed
at a "reasonable price" rather than
appraise It as practically worthless.
The man bought tbe marks for about
Field Hockey Old Came
Everyday discoveries are being made
with regard to ancient people.
When some workmen were clearing
out the rubbish from one of tbe walls
of the Acropolis In Athens, for which,
by the way, Themiatncles used any
thing that came bandy, they came
across tw- marbl tablets sculptured
In relief. And one of these tablets
represented two youths holding hockey
sticks In their hands ready to hit the
ball, which lies between them, whilst
third Is In tbe act of giving tbe signal
to begin.
Horte't Hooft Start Fire
More tban 2.0U0 acre of forest land
In California were swept by Ore re
cently, the blaie being started by
sparks from horse's hoofs, accord
ing to the report of the state for
ester, say Popular Mechanics Mags
sine. Thla Is believed to be the first
verified Instance of an occurrence of
thla kind, although other fires, start
ing in tbls manner, bare been re
ported. Poor Marktmanthip
Cub fteporter Don't you think my
articliMs have a lot of fire?
Proofreader Tea, considerable fire,
but no aim.
Tear are tbe war cry of an angry
10 minutes
aqo- M
Jlfr AnVx A
Remember all the things people used to do for headaches? Today,
the accepted treatment is Bayer Aspirin. It gets action t Quick,
complete relief and no harm done. No after effects; no effect on
the heart; nothing in a Bayer tablet could hurt anyone. (Your
doctor will verify this.) For any sort of headache, neuralgic pains,
rheumatism just try Bayer Aspirin. Taken soon enough, it can
head-off the pain altogether; even those pains many women have
thought must be endured. At all druggists.
Aaptrla H the trad nark X Bart Mtaafaetsre
staaoacailcaelatiHC ot Sailcilkacki
i.tiiigiiilicl for Excellence
for AH)' )car
The Soap to clean?, purify and beautify
The Ointment to aol'ten, toot he and htal
A world fiunous snd dependable treatment fur the sklu and balr
oU m)Ai Soap S!U. OlatixM S. a4 SO. T.lnrai tS laarpbaMfc A-m, AMmal
t'wMcnrS)," ltt. US, Maldcw, Slaaa. HtV I ullcara, Shaving Mtltk IS.
I v . it.
When Dr. Caldwell started to practice
medicine, bsck in 1875, the needs for
laxative wers not aa great as today.
I'eople lived normal lives, ate plsia,
wholesome food, and got plenty of fresh
air. But evin that early there were
drsjtic phyaics and parget for tbe re' iff
of conatipstioa which l)r. Csldwell aVt
Bot btlieve were good for humsn beiags.
Tlx prescription for eonatipstioa that
he used early in bis practice, and which
hi put in drug store in 1892 under thl
Dims of Dr. Caldwell's Byrop Pepsin,
ii a liquid vegetable remedy, intended,
for womeo, children and elderly people,
and they need just such mild, sue
bowel stimulant.
Thii prescription has proven its worth
and ii now the largest selling liquid
laxative. It baa won thl confidence of
peopli who needed it to get relief front
neidscbea, biliouaness, flatulence, indi
cation, loss of appetite and aleep, bed
breath, dyipepsia, colda, fevers. At your
druggist, or wriU "Syrup pepsin,"
Dept. DB, Monticello, Illinois, for free
trial bottle.
Llbaral Grading?. Bir profits) for Vout
Parinf lofwvotcn price for M yavra. Fur
market bsxxning, 9na today prtt llau
iWrtftTwla HwatWltfi. ffcftd Ar f oT rran!r trial
rerrlrxioa, - Irani sWJWTwrJ (res), llttts) fnn
Maaaiia. 109 ftraMasy Arvaa. Laa AaaaiM, Caitl.
Luruil mtif linft. tend lor literature.
X . SI. C. A. Uldg. Portia il, Ungoa
a t; a rs n a c a ei m
(fl BMBinjataa4mg lrHalrriUitefl
nejacoraa veor aaa I
BasatT la Grr mad fmtmd Haiti
w. vmi f i wai iirurri'u-
ff-. , .' -T. Wn T-Kt. t.. t''- V V.
tlORESTOH 9HAMPOO-!tal l" aja la
CoQMruoa wul I'arlvr'a liair ha.Mm. MaavaUtl
Oair toft and luffr. SO eenta bj mail or at drag
cuts, iliacus tataical Works, fautKfW, M. I.
W. N. U, PORTLAND, NO. 44-1928?
A Cool Proportion
Editor I'm " afraid these Jokea
leave me cold.
Would Be Contributor Then why
aren't they the very thing for your
summer number?
At the Side Show
The Fat Lady Is In love with the
Armless Wonder."
"If be can make lore without arm
he's wonder."