Thousands of New Words pelted, pronounced, nil defined in WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY TJle "Supreme Authority" Hen are a feu) samples I hot pureuit Red Star Air Council capital ahip mud (run mystery ahip 8. P. boat irredenta aerial caecade Eathonia American Legion Blue Croat girl acout airport cyper cryaul detector eippio superheterodyne ahoneen t ..... -. . e jnemMiea eerein. ' OOOUha. tratteae 407.000 Wordtea- Fkruee Caaetteeraad Biotraphlcal Dtotioaarr Car II" Btrf'-Wrlt for (ample PM of the Nw Wardm, tpeclmea of Rafuler tod India Papon, FRB. G.&CMERRIAM CO. Springfield, Mui, U. S. A. NOTICE of School MEETING ! i XOTHCE1S UERFJtY C1VKX to the legal voter of Schtml District No, 35,' of Morrow County, Stuff of Oregon, that a School, Meeting of said district will be heUi at the sc'uml house, on -he 23th ' Jay of Xov., 1923, at 1:30 o'clttck in the after loon of said day fo the i fwHtsfof discussing the ub Ige' hereinaj'ter . et o. t xvith the levying btmrd, and to vote on the proposition of leyyirc sp lal district Tax. j The Mat amount of money needed by the said school district huring the fiscal year beginning on Junt 30, 1928 and ending June 30. 1929. is estimated in the fo!-' lowing budget and includes the amounts to be received from the county school fund, ' s ate school fund, elementary school fund, special dirndl tax and all othermaneys of the district: , BUDGET j ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES mmm PERSONAL SERVICE: 1. Superintendent.. 3. Teacheis.. . No. Louis Balsiuer handles all inesof insursnce. Are you in. lured? After fh fir Is too lnti . For SAL crUEXT 160 acres ot wheat land in the Cecil district. Irqulre of delia M. Corson, tone, Orgm. . Church Directory FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School at 10:00 A. M. Prayer Meeting, Thur., 7:30P. M 4. Jan't ir . . 5. CltiK To l MATERIAL AND SIVPIES ts ii pi t $2000 00 1600 00 1305.00 1350 00 1125.00 1170.00 810.00 100.00 2000.00 1600.00 1610 00 2700.00 1125.00 1170.00 810.00 100.110 i.'4fV-'.ei,Hl mm Mm i.'iinia'-ii fill why AJa-u 1m mm i r . a i SB .1115.00 Furniture $400 00 Supp'ics - 400.00 Library Luk. 100 00 Flags 10 00 Pi) ground qipmiu 100.00 Janitor's supplies , 90.00 Fuel 600.00 Light 25-00 Water .. " 150.00 Postage, stationery and printiug ..150.00 Total MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS Building and tr.und. $1200 00 1. L 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. fflfi IV. HOWK Agent lone, Oregon. BUDGET NOTICE CITY OF IONE THE "ZERO" HOUR Shadows lengthen: . t . , The city's lights begin to glow. A call comes through 11)6 load dispatcher's desk and the man at the generator control board knc.vsthat the "zero" hour Is at hand. Eeflly, skilfully, he "lloats" one generator after an. other each a giant as strong as a million men thru' increasing speeds until they come within 1-500 of a sec ond of absolute synchronization with the generatois carrying the day load. Then the great switch is thrown. The strength of X t . ... ioiu minion men goes over the top over the wires to homes, to theaters, to transportation lines . . in an swer to the city's call for the electricity on which mod ern life depends. As you make fuller use of the pten tialities of electric service, that service Is enabled to Increase its usefulness not only to you, but to every department of our sodal and business life. , Pacific Power & Light Co. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. W. HEAD, Pastor Services 11:00 A. M.:C. E. at 6:45, P. M. Prayer Meeting, Wed., 7:30 $2550.00 1 HuJiJetlCoverinn Estimated Ex penses and Proposed Tax Levy of the Citv til lone Ort.nn for I lit Total J'200 00 year 1929. INDEBTEDNESS 1. Bonded and int rest I hereon JU.OU 2. Warrant and interest thereon 00 00 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Prayer Meeting Thurs. Evening Services C. E.:6:30; Preaching Service, at 7:30 P. 'M. Loage Directory IONE LODGE No. IX A. F. 4A, M. Meet every drat and third Wedne. b.tjr of each inoutb. W. M. Hoy Sicu d.T, Hevy., Elmer (irlfflth, Trvita., A. A. M.: Calie. Lucuat CliapU-r No. ll'J. O. K Uecta tlieacood arid fotirtb Tucn dityuteofh mouth. W. M.,Mra. Uar thn Dick. Secy., Hutli Mnson. IONE LODGE No. 13S. I. O. U. F Meat! every Saturday eveulng. N U. T. E. Ftriou. V. O . K. C. I I. I Ikvr, Sxcy,, Le Hon-til. Trvaa . V. J Brlatuer. lil'MH (ill A MX KKI1KKAH No It. I. U. O. F. Meet firm Mint third Thurailny otench month N. . ir. DmIIh Mel'lM-ili . V. (i. l.niKlel. Kecy., Verda ll.ti'hle, TJfU.. Kit llrlatow. Statement of Ownership, etc. ' Notice is hereby gives that on Tuesday, December 4. 11128 at the Ihnur of eiuht o'clock, P. M., th Total $4000.00 Common Council of the City ol T-nannrretinn nf a $2700.00 lone. Oregon, will meet at the itHIIUWI tainiVM wa a. - r aii ,a Council Chamber in said city, Jn8urMr'" ,w-w and any taxpayer in lone. Ore MISCELANEOLS: con will be heard in favor of 01 1. Premium desks bond $30.00 against the tax levy as her.inaf 3. Audit of clerk's books ... 10-00 ter proposed, which has been pre- Total $40 00 prred in accordance with the pro rwrorcvrv JinOllflf) tnnici now in- vi-ii rral Llw, ol lns oiai, oi rr(U" Total amount of money for all burposes during the yr.J-..uo.4U fof 2, which shows an ecti ESTIMATED RECEIPTS From county school fund dnring the year.. $1889 20 From Rtate school fund during the year 310.80 From elementary school fund dnrirgyear 1482.72 Estimate of probable unexpended balance at the end of the current year 1.91 Estimated amount to be received fom all other sources during the coming year...2771.63 Total estimstcd receipts, rot includ ing proposed tax - $6456.36 RECAPITULATION Total estimated expenses for thelyear... $23,705.40 Total estimated reaeipts not including mate of the amount of money j necessary to be raised by taxa tion by the City Government for the eusuing yetr of 1929; also showing the probable receipts of 'said City, other than by direct tax upon real and personal prop erty for the year 1929. votfrX 1 1' CJreat lJnUiorjrh l'l lurf'WLTJ'rifi -J.M-:, rw yi 1 werar- mm HI I III- (Il lMl V. llli 19 l.i.vNn:!r e ' - mam -m r i m mm m r m f m m YOUTH'S COMPANION TIlit 12-riilor art print it a reprinluiiinn of Ilia fainout neintinrt 1 hung in llie Capitol at Wailiingluu. Il it iulli.lirct ru.uti.el, , t (mpiiin tulwrrilirre. ' SPECIAL OFFER TDK rn-runo-i 1 r tVJ. -HI ,i .i.l.i lr HL-Ungik tela IS yi. '.-.., bm! o w.tlih el e-Me 1. TW TTu. . f.-f.-i.. Urn ICT. e eW 2. Tn nl.i . I. HrT Jr 3. cP).rvr'i i.-Un. ieri. I lb I m in -llli mmiimhm M ti ri'MJelil le of Tilt raeiJi.wwTMl Yotrru't cu-ear-ioK, kMa, ii. EXPENDITURES Electric Power $1200 00 Street Lights 420.00 Marshal's Salary SOtl.OO Recorder's Salary CO. 00 proposed tax ' 646.26 , treasurer . W.w Balance, amount to be raised by Dist. tax $17,249.14 Int. on Bond indebtednesB8IO 00 .vr----- Int. on Warrant debt 210 00 The indebtedness of Dist. No 35 is as follows: Total bonded indebtedness $38,000. Total warrant mdebttdnesis.... 9.975. Total amount of all indtbtepnest$47,975. Dated this 14th day of h'ovtmbtr, 1928. Attestv Delta M. Corson School clerk Church News Notes ol Interest to All Local Denominations. Ruth B. Mason, Chmn. A. A. McCcabi $5403.43 Itejulri'd by uct ol Cuiitfri'H-ol AiiK. 24, 1UI2, of lone Inilepi-liilt'iii piihllalied weekly at font-, Oregon, for Oct. 1. I'J'.'.. Editor, Managing Editor, I'iiIjIIMi er. Owner: W. VV. Henri' lone. Ore. Known bond holder, uiortKiiireeti and other ifcurity holder, holding ) per lent or more of totnl amount ol bond, mortgnffi' or other awnrl tie. Nolle, W. W. Head, Owner . Hiibwrlbed and aworn to before im till Hth dy of Octo,. F. If. ItoldiiKiin, Notary I'lilille My coininlnnloii expire 2 ill f'sncy Barrel Rock roosters fo sale by Mrs. Peter Timm Jr., one, Oregon. See Bal.siger For Insurance Mrs. Verda Ritchie is in chsrge of the R d Cross Roll Call for Ion. and vicinity. Better -tep over 10 the Hot 1 lone and se. cure your membership card to day. The small sum of one dol lar makes you a partner in a be nevolence th it belts the t obe. This year the Red Cross is an an gel of mercy In Porto Rico and in Florida. La.t year the Red Cross ministered to the hungry and homeless In the Mlssisippi val ey. fil IJ .! t ua arts if 3nou,u .- ,lmM0f peace and of war it has stands ready to the relief of Or- to ita mlB.ion of egon. This is not -ny orM,ninitep o5it wide adventure in o.nevoi jured an1 tho in dlstrefi. it is local hi vr.ll. Today we go State Ind. Acc. Com 28.10 iMiscel. Expensees 304.13 Street Work and Rock.... 381.20 Office Rent J 30.00 Sinking Fund ' 1000. CO I Total RECEIPTS The Ladies Ai I of the Churcl. j From Llht and WUr- 07'00 of Christ in lent, will hold a fooJ Licences and Fines 117.00 ana Fancy work rale. Dec. 22. tKitimated Taxe 2,5;iy 43 Swanson'a store. ! Total $5403.43 . ' It is estimated that it will nec See SVVanscn for Insurance, wary to raise by taxation the hum of $2639.43, as shown above, TU'rn rnnr- ,lw dedncting receipt from llliZ. KHU UKUbb other sources. " I P. J. Linn, E. J, Bristow, J. The Amesicar Red Cross is one II. Bryson, Finance Committee organization a!nst which the of the Council of the City ol lone voice of criticism is i Or-.aron. never raised. Us merciful pur-! ,Ppru0V'd J'i5'"28: . ... . .; W. E. Bullard, P. G. BHlsiger, poses are too ,llkrown to need g EMoore Budget Committee: discussion herr. Suffice to say r AtleB,. that high idea's of service were I ' H, II Robinson. established by . long ago and' KecorJ-r. that throughout the decade, in i - L NEW All-American to the help of the world. Tomor rjw, mayhap, the world will come t. ours. Join now an bear the cros as e badge of honor. This referent- to tie world, g best known agrn:y of mercy is to draw attention to the annua' roll call solicitation by which the American Red C osi expects to enroll 6 000, 0OC,nenbersat$l as ch Can you use good roll top desk? Peterson Baothers have one for sale cheap. See it at tl e lone Meat Market. FoR SALE Rho le Island Red roosters. Mrs. C. E. Heliker, Butte Ranch, lone, Oiegon. r In its Pulse -stirring Performance Yoz Find Net Motoring Thril! Skimming the trullitawy at arvrnty und lu-Uvr. Turning up hty.-Kht horaoiMiwi-r when It 'a rtally exerting Itmlf. Acer h-ratlnc from 10 to 25 miles pc hour in tlx abort cinJ. That's what thl New All-A moritafi ho been doing for months on General Motors Proving C round . . , And now It's hero when you can try it. Where you can experience In 1 glorious performance your-If. A amort, colorful enr that you're aura to admire . . , especially after you've had it out on the rmul t . . llere'a real pulae-Mlriing M-rfortnanee, JiihI try thU New AlUAnieriruri. You'll find that It offer brand new motoring thrill. Prim SlltS In HITS, ml nrlm. f.ivov Ht.lnullr h.k Al,,,l,r,. mnit iprlne Ml tnrtuiM in ll.l rl,... -,, mnH trntt..!,, .,.. .,, 4 hl, .(. lift Iim-iii.i. ....! ,.,.; rri.r.M. t..n.l M,J,, u' l ,m.l rimn mnlUbl. .1 minimum rale. I. R. Robison, Garage, lone, Oregn.