The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, November 16, 1928, Image 4

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A Romance oS Braddodi's BeSeat
By Hugh Pendexter
Corn-tiki r Hh Psmiestse.
CHAPTER IX Continued
Our course was to the head of Se
wlckloy creek, which was but a few
mile uortlt of Hie Thlcketty run citmp.
The night' rest had done the girl
much good hihI the did not appear to
have any trouble In keeping up with
lis. I wanted to curry Iter ride, end
thereby arousvd her Indignation. Al
most all the talk was between Gist
and ute, although 1 made several at
tempt to get some expression from
Iter. She preferred to keep at our
heels and hold her tongue. Once, while
Gist was climbing a tree to look for
moke from the army compote, rite
asked me:
"Doe he know 1 ain't a man!"
"I forgot to tell him. Think I must
have been forgetting the truth my
self," I answered.
"Keep on forgetting, and don't tell
him." she curtly requested.
"I shall never forget bow you Mood
by ute aud did a man's share of the
fghtlng," I told her, somehow sensing
he way displeased at sianethlng I bad
said, or left unsaid.
"Will the army be at Thlcketty
run?" she asked.
"No one know where It'll be." 1
sorrowfully replied. "It should be well
o Its way to the head of Turtle creek.
It was at the run two days ago, and
I'm afraid It Isn't far from there now.
If It's moved north we'll cut Its line of
march. Dunbar's provision train will
be stretched out over a long distance.
If It Is still wasting time at the Run
we'll shift our course and find It
"That man Braddock dont know
how to lead an army through this tort
of country, tle'll git licked."
"You should be ashamed for saying
that," I rebuked. "The army moves
slowly, but as It goes by the bead of
Turtle creek It can kill time till snow
flies and yet take the fort Captain
Beaujeu told me at the fort that he
could do nothing but run If the creek
course wat taken."
"Don't go ind git mad at me, mister,
i ain't used to armies and soldier.
Wonder where that Injun. Hound I'aw.
I just about this time."
"He should be several miles south
of us and moving parallel to us. T
day Is the sixth. It'll all be settled In
side of four or live days."
Girt came down from the tree aud
reported hate or (moke few mile
ahead He was skeptical about Its
being smoke as the army ought to be
In moMoo and not In camp. The Din
wold girl abruptly spoke up and de
dared :
"I feel like we was being followed.''
Gist looked at her curiously and
"Do yoo pretend to hear and nee
things Hint Brood and ute can't see.
nor heart"
"If I was a woman folks would uy
I was witch." she gravely replied,
meeting hi gaze steadily.
He glanced back through the shadowy
woods and assured us:
"I believe the Indians who chused
yon two hate gone back to the fort."
"My feeling Is that only one or two
men are following ns." she qualified.
"Younkers often feel that way when
Id Indian country." be carelessly re
Ills Indifference Irrltuted her, and
ehe stoutly Inflated:
"Some one's chasing us."
"Our danger will he ahead, from
the Indians hanging to flanks of lite
army," I told her. "We may bur some
trouble In cutting through their line.
She tutked tier rifle under her arm
and trotted along behind us. Kite had
had her say and was not Im-llned to
talk further. Curiously enough I soon
found myself glancing Hack ward, arid
each time I did so I met her question-
Ing gaze and felt ashamed.
At last I had to admit to myrelf that
her words had put a foolish notion
Into my betid. Of course one might Je
followed whenever alone In the forest,
but os yet there was no evidence
we were being dogged. I fought
against the Idea, and then told Gist:
"Keep on going. I'll overtake you
within the next tulle. I'm going to
watch our back track for a hlL"
He sped on, with the girl running a
few rods behind him. I settled dowu
between two tree and condemned my
sell for giving way to silly fancy.
My view of the forest was limited, but
I wutclted fulthfully. A slight noire
behind me made me duck and twist
my head. Instead of keeping ufter Olsl
the Dluwold girl hud turned hark to
share my spying. I nodded to her und
resumed Searching the low arches that
radiated In every direction from our
position She sank down beside nie
and clasped tier hands about her knees
and watched my frowning fine rniher
than the woods.
"You think I'm queer, don't you.
mister?" she ntftly usked.
"I believe you're notional," I re
torted. "We'll be traveling ufter Gist.'
"Look I" he whispered.
I was In time to cutch a suggestion
of motion near a walnut. I watched
the tree suspiciously, and from the
corner of my eye detected a Dicker ol
something off to one aide.
"! uw It," Inuriniired the girl, rest
lug an elbow on her knee and Uiuklny
ready fur a quick shot.
Hut she did not see It ngnln. nor did
t. Closv at hand low voice called
out :
"'Ha -hum-wen!' My white brothei
and the wltcli-wotnnn should be travel
Ing like the deer;" and Itomid I'aw
the Onondaga stepped from cover and
stood beside us.
The witch woman's medicine told
her some one was following us. We
waited.'' I explained.
"Site Is areudlouunen," be gravely
said. "The Wolf runs long und fust
from Allitqulppa's town to Mud the
army. The bone-breaking man took
your talk down the Youghlogeny and
will follow up Sewlckley creek If the
ghosts of the tluthuwekela burled there
do not stop him."
The Hnthawekeln were the principal
division of the Shawnee and claimed
to be the "elder brothers" of that na
tion. I bad been lu Old Sewlckloy
"You Think I'm Queer, Oon't You,
Misttrr Sh Softly Asked.
town on the Allegheny, twelve mile
above Puquesne. one of their village.
The Onondaga Hrmly believed that the
ghost of their ancient dead could. If
tliey so desired, stop the passing of
either red or white man.
"The man Cromll will reach the
army. The Shawnee ghost will uot
stop him. They have ool stopied the
English, who traveled down the Sus
quehanna, the Conemaugh. and the
Klsklmlnetas; and their dead are
burled along those streams."
"Ghosts phue traps." he uneasily
muttered. "They may make a trap
for Braddock anil his Swimmx ks."
"What Is be talking alNiul. mlnerf
aked the girl as we followed after
"Only some nonsense shout Shaw
nee ghsts waylaying Cmtuit If lie
goes up Sewicklcy creek."
"I dreamed lust night of dead Kng
llsh soldier."
"Then keep It to yourself. It out
friend knew that, he would accept u
as a warning of ISruddock defeat."
Hound I'u cuughl enough ol hei
Kngllsh to be curious, but I did id
Interpret It fully und etiquette re
strained him trotu questioning closely
CM left a plain trail for us to follow
hut did not hold back for us to over
take hlto. We did not sight hltn until
within two miles of the arui)'s cump
on Thlcketty run.
The head ol the army was well un
der way for Bush creek un eastern
dranch ol Turtle, hut a portion ol H
was still In the camp us shouu b the
smoke from the many tires. We fell
in with a long line of wagons that
laboriously making It way over the
road hewn through the forest tiy the
uxtuen. I talked with a young wagon
er, Man Morgan by name, and he told
me that the army had lnl twenty foiu
hour at Thlcketty run
The Illnwold girl was showing wear
Iness. and I found room toi net m
Morgan s wagon. An escort with sev
eral wagons tilled with sick soldiers
was about to start for Will's creek. I
endeavored to persuade hei to go back
Majority of Mankind
There are clubs and S'iclelle foi
every cnucelvuhle purpose undei tin
sun. yet one of the most obvious needs
of Americans today I lefi entirely un
covered. Whul we need I a don't get
excited club whose object ehall tie l
keep people fiom coming to the boll
Ing point when It Isn I necessary.
The trouble with moM ol u Is. we
get too excited ovet little things ami
not excited enough ovet the big ones
Agitation, bias ot temper and snr
render nt self command ovet the trivl
ul annoyunce ot life are a sheet
waste of time and energy In most
human affulr more can be a ceo in
pllnahed through poire wid phicldlti
than through effervescence and els
inlc phenomena.
If a dou'l gel excited club could f
o organised a lo conserve all tin
uuiuau voltage thai now goes lu waslt
''SI' J
by Irwin Myers
WNU rvk-
with the escort, but nil the time I was
talking rlie was shaking her head.
There was a number of women along
with the train, but bow many I never
could learu as their names were uot
on the rolls. She would have the com
pany of her sex, yet I wus much de
pressed, and not a Utile provoked, at
her stubbornness. We left her In young
Morgau's wagon aud went up the line.
The wagon train was alarmed by
rifle-lire In the woods; then Cronill ap
peared, trailing his long rllle. He bad
been mistaken for a ('tench scout and
had barely escaped (he bullet of some
of our Hankers, lie wus but little
worse for his hasty travel and grlnneo
broadly ou beholding us, and more
broadly when the Onondaga refused to
shake hands with hint
"Allnqulppa's Injuns are hhllng In
the woods, scared of (he Freuch," he
told me. "There's going to be a vast
ly severe wring before we llnlsb thi
"We march by the head ol Turtle
crock. The Indian will refuse to at
tuck. The French can do nothing
alone," I Informed Itliu.
"There's going to be a mighty tough
wring," he Insisted. "I've dreamed
again ot the witch-girl."
"She's back lu one of the wagons.
She'll put a spell ou the Freuch."
He was much Interested In my news
and prophecies, and by his gluucea
toward the rear I surmised he was
wishing himself buck beside the girl's
wagon. Yet he niulntulned that to
dream ot her Insteud of "Cut her one"
meant bud luck. He philosophically
decided It was an III omer for til in
personally and perhup did not con
cern the general welfare of the army.
We pusscd a covered wagon In
which Colonel Washington a very sh k
man, wat traveling. He had over
taken the rear of the army two day
before. July fourth. I have no doubt
he would have wished to question me,
but I knew he must Indeed be III when
be could not ride a horse, ami thought
It best not to make my presence
Before we caught up with (he stall
we learned that some of our rangers
had tired on several of our Indian
scouts, mistaking them for French In
dians, aud killed Searouady ton.
Scarouady. an Oneida chief, wa
known among the Ifcdaware a Uon
octuatha. but had been called the
Half King by the Kngllsh since the
death of Half King Scrunlyatha In the
preceding year.
The slaying ol bis son wus a ter
rible error as It might have resulted
In the complete alienation of our few
Indians. But Sfuroiiady wat above
the average Indian In intelligence and
was as devoted to the colonies as ha
wus hostile In the French.
They had hurled the youth with
suitable ceremonies the day before we
reached the army und had covered hi
hones with the gift of an elaborate
red Coat to the bereaved father. Yet
the tragedy bad a Inning effect on the
Indians. Hound I'aw told me that the
In-laware (rout were asking one an
ot her:
"If the Kngllsh shoot us what won't
the French do?"
A shadow seemed to hang over the
entire length of the slowly moving
xi my. The militia were oulsHken In
tlielr pessimism because they were not
turned loose to fight In the only way
they hud been accustonwd. The n-g
ulars were facing their tusk with grim
vlnge. wondering what chance thej
could have In this strnnse wild land
when the woodsmen were so down
We reached the shift just ns a halt
mis made for the otlher to eat llieli
poor rations. Gem-rul Hiiiddock mi
upart from the others, and we wer
not allowed to approach him. He Hp
inured to me to be dispirited over the
condition and aiiigglsbuesi of the
army, and disgruntled with several ol
his otllcers. How much the Inst con
elusion was due to my olncrvuiloii
and how much to the report Cromll
had brought me after lleauvula e
cuped from the roud builders' camp I
cannot my. Undoubtedly Cromlfs talk
llilluetieed my decision, us I saw him
there within seventy two hour of his
bloody death
Too Easily Excited
through needles excitement II woiihi
menu that mankind had reached tin
suburb of a tie era. Harry Ounlei
In 'ill rift Mugnxlne.
Word In vent on
Shakespeare Invented the word "be
smirch" am) Cnrlyle "besiiiulcb":
Sotilhey produced "betrayal" and
Colelldge "esemplasile"; Goldsmith
contributed "cantankerous," Burke
"disorganize," and Bernard Shaw "sn
pormaii," according to the Oxford Kng
llsh did binary.
Fruit ot thi Banyan
The halijuli tree ! a species of fl
und produces a fruit ol rich, curio
color not larger than a cherry, grow
ing In pair from the axils uf tb
OF AM. things of which woman'
uppurol he. made, the centuries
have produced no medium more al
luringly hcniitHul or so eminently ex
pressive ol exqulslto femininity as
luce, Especially, this season, I lucn
laying siege to the henna of women
who move and do and have their being
In fashion's fascinating realm.
A very Intriguing event look place
recently In New York, In the way of a
lace exposition The fortunales and
they Included women numbering Into
the thousands from all over the conn
try, win intended this marvelous dis
play of lace beautiful were enthralled
and almost bewildered by (he lovell-
T-1'''K J-' ASr V
'TfSi I I Wife
-1 V'
nes and scope of the exhibit. Lace
underwear, luce huts, lace shoes and
parasols and even luce handbags; In
fart, there wns a perfect galaxy of
lace for every conrelvnble ue In
The prhleful part of the showing
wus (bat the myriads ol luce ihown
were entirely American made; (bus
giving emphasis to the fact thai Amer
ican designs and fabric today com
pure flatteringly with those of any
country In the world.
A much tresscd theme Is that of
the lace gown for dressy afternoon
weur. Sot only Is the black all over
luce gown In favor, but I how In hlgn
tliudes as well. For the woman who
can afford but one handsome dressy
frock, undoubtedly black ahould be
her choice, for It can lie enlivened
with costume Jewelry or other acces
sories so as In lune In to most every
occasion. Beige also In a wl choice.
If one bus a feeling for color. The
gown ol red t wine colored luce
make n dlsllmi apfieal of newness
and novelty this season
The truth of the ru r that princess
lines are slowly hut surely returiilnu
I continued by the luce model shown
lit (be right Two lone ol AiuerciiP
cliHtilllly hue enter Into Us slvllng
A hit ol fut adds a luxury note li
the beige luce ensemble lo the left
Fashion Klve tl H' privilege of
choosing a brim or not, If, however
tha hrlm be chosen In preference
to the brlmlei molded lo th head
type, then It simply must display a
note o striking originality In order to
qualify us a worthy style exponent.
It Is I he plulled hrliu which Is claim
ing most attention Just now. As to
Just where the plaits be located, buck,
front or sides. Is not arbitrary, but
plaited nl some one point or uuotbur
It should be.
I'lii 1 1 n across the nap of the neck
Is the latest millinery gesture. So fur,
only youth bus dared to appear In
these plaited nt the hack hrlins. An
entirely new sl'hoiielte Is achieved by
certain shapes which shift their brims
from the, front to the buck, That la,
the brim Is entirely cut away from
aenwa the forehead, developing, how
ever, a plaited section at the back.
Sometimes the cloche Is allowed a
very narrow front brim which widen
nt tlie back, where It develops Into a
plaited frill quite like Hint on a baby's
In the Instance of the artfully man
Iptlhitetl brim featured by the felt
cbs lia In the iipK-r left corner of this
group. ih plaits form at one shle
only, the opposite able showing a
graceful Incision which forms rounded
The seated figure Is wearing a rx.n
net of exquisite fell. This model reg
later the newest tiling In brlma Note
bow elaborately It la plaited at one
side. The crown, too. Is ainnrtiies
Itself, answering to fashion' require
nient for head lilting line This
nobby bonnet, for It la a really and Iru
ly bonnet. Is bunded with wide bund
of butter' plush.
The ripple brim on the hat at the
frvtp or the
oc ooooooooooo
very lop I slushed nt one side, then
rolled so its lo make way for a cltou
of shirred velvet,
The face-framing brim which the
Hghl fell hat bousls 1 laced with wee
grosgriiln ribbon, mulching thv trim
mlng foul ure nt the lefl side crown
Duly one plall occur In the brim ol
the bill which drop a single while
gardenia over one ear. This brim Is
made of satin soldi and I very up
pie. The crown I felt,
Jlfl.lA HiiTTOMI.KY.
(JH till. Wntiir Niwididsi llolun.1
' Record Yietd of Wheat
The bureau of crop cslliiuilc say
that t ho largest yield, III bushels, of
wheat to nn ncro of which it has rec
ord Is 117,'J bushels, II was produced
In INUft In Island county, Washington,
The acreage harvest was IS and tint
Jleld 1 17.2 per aero. The lleld wa
measured und the wheat weighed.
I'l'obably a bushel per acre was lost
In threshing, duo to the tnahlllly of
tint threshing machine lo product! the
best result In such heavy grain.
Coif at High Altitude
IClirope' highest golf club Is lit
runt llomeuu, In the lltllile I'yrenees,
ami Us malinger arc boustlug Hat
It I somewhat above '.'.tSM) meter
nllllude. Till dives not compare qultii
wllb the famous club at Itogotit, nt
S.IWH) meter altitude, lull the Ku'iipean
physician say the iitmimphero nt
Font ltotntim will bo found perfect by
Needle Industry
The principal maiiufiietiircr ot
needles lu (irent llrltalu make nhutlt
OWUKsltsHI n year. Sixteen different
operations are. required to mal.u an
ordinary sewing needle. The small
est needle are made from wire
O.tKtKTi lin-li In diameter, and !.) of
them Weigh less than a quarter of ull
Peitt Eat PetUl
Blackbird tiuiv be Hern descend
ing on wheat Held lu Hoiks of hun
dreds. For every bushel of grain that
they may consume they have tlrst
eaten five, bushel of Insects, the lat
ter If left unmolested to feed ami
propagate would account for a dotcn
bushels for the year's end.
Real Good in Life
For invself I am certain Hint tho
good of human life cniinol lie lu tho
possesion of thing which for o'm
man to possess Is for Hie rest to lose,
but rather In things which all rati
possess alike, and where mm man's
wealth promote his iieLhbor. Spl
Bonn. For Diicolored China
To remove In own nun Us from cliltm
put the article In a saucepan with
cold water and a lump of soda, put
the pun on the stove and lei li Poll
for lift re n minute. Then rinse llm
china will mid you will Had thai llin
murk liuv disappeared.
More Deep-Sea Sailor
At the present time Ihere are more
men stilling Hie seas than there were
SO or Till year ago, allhoiiL-h llur r
now fewer sailing vessel. This do
crease I more I bun miule up by the
Increased number ot lemi-r.
At the Summer Hotel
One uf the reasons why many Mira
tions urn a failure I Ih it one talk
for hour on petty topic, urgulng mut
ter of fact that could In- settled In
mlnule by turning to a reference hook.
Woman's Home Companion.
No Free Advice
"Be careful If you re plu.vlng against
that new luwyer chap." warned II.
golf club oldest player. "I asked
(dm If I should use a ina-hle or a
niblick, and today I've had a bill (or
li" Border Clll.-a Stnr.
Peach Bone
It tin the first lime In her young;
life that a whole m-iic!i had been giv
en Mary Catherine. She ate It Willi
pleasure. Ihen brought Inn k the seed.
"Mother." she aald. "I ale all but Hie
bony part."
World'e Higheit Bridge
The highest bridge In the Wotld l
the railway hrldu-e Hint crosses the
gorge of the Zambezi n-i In-low Hi
fatuous Victoria falls In South Afri
ca, It Is il feel iihove the water.
Fine Tree Ringi
The tree rings of the glum sequoia
of California are sometimes o lino
thill IKI of Iheni. representing n cen
tury of growth, mli only 3 lm bo. (
tho diameter of a tree.
Tip for Mothen
A though! fill moi her R one who
leaches her boy how to use a run
0Hner ao be will never lune lo gi
hungry after he gel imiriled Cin
cinnati Knqiilrer.
Day Dreamer
"The reiison some folks never wnke
up to find themselves rich," snys a lo
cal philosopher, "In because they never
walio up." Atchison (llobe.
15-vear success In trcatlnd R.-iln.t
Colon trouble by the Dr. C. J. Dent
ni'n.niJKUIl At. meCind ti
Mi ut to glvs WHI Tl t.H AH.
u, rr.r,,
(tend latlav lor KRKE loo-ism
i bnoliilncrllilnluutHSndprmK
4 .