LIFE'S LITTLE Tubes arc the Nate Center of your Radio Choose Wisely OUR COMIC SECTION JESTS S3 D Events in the Lives of Little Mai MB AN APT PUPIL Makes Life .Oa Sweeter Too much to eot too rich a diet or too much smoking. Lots of tiling cause sour stomach, but one thing; can correct It quickly. Phillip Milk of Magnesia will alkallnlze the acid. Take a spoonful of this pleasant preparation, and the system Is toon aweotencd. Phillips Is always ready to relieve distress from over-eating ; to check all acidity; or neutralize nicotine. Ite menibor this for your own comfort j for the sake of those around you. Endorsed by physicians, but they al ways say Phillips. lon't buy some thing else and expect the same re suits .' Phillips Milk . of Magnesia HlimtmiiiiiiiiiiiimiiHiiiiiiiiimiiiiitts NERVES Do Not Nt(lecf Nervousness Irritability Sleeplessness P3stor Koenla's Nervlnei Hai Beta Ud Succeufullr for over 3 40 yeiri. Sold hr ill Drur Storti. 3 Ak (or FFKC SAMPLE 3 KOENIC MEDICINE CO. r 1045 N. W!l St. CHICAGO, ILE. 5 niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiS The Highroad Bernard M. Baruch, discussing sac cess, said at i luncheon In New Vork : "Julius Ilosenwald, the mall order king. Imputes his success to luck. I would Impute It to pluck, or what ever the quality Is that makes man fight on the harder, the more he Is knocked down and kicked about. Mr. Itarucb paused moment; then he said Impressively: "Failure I the highroad to suc cess." Bum Cloth Mr. IJewItt From his conversation one would gather that he was tailor. Mr. Jewltt I don't get you. Mr. Hewitt Always talking about cloak of friendship and mantle of charity. Social uplift the lorgnette. On the Job Janitor It's time to go home what are you waiting for? Clerk I'm waiting for the woman who said she'd look around i little and come back later on. The laws of Oregon require that pedestrians walk on the left side of country roads. In this wny they face oncoming (raffle If Kidneys Act Bad Take Salts Says Backache Often Means You Have Not Been Drinking Enough Water When yon wake up with backache and dull misery in the kidney region It may mean you have been eat ing foods which create acids, says well-known authority. An excess of such acids overworks the kidneys In their effort to filter It from the blood and they become sort of paralyzed and logity. When your kidneys get slug gish and clog you must relieve them, like you relieve your bowels, remov ing all the body's urinous waste, else you hare backache, sick headache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue Is coated and when the weath er Is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine Is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often get sore, water scalds and you ore obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. Either consult a good, reliable phy sician at once or get from your phar macist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoon fill In a glnss of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys may then act fine. This famous suits Is made from the ncld of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla, nnd has been used for years to help clean and stim ulate sluggish kidneys, also to neu tralize adds In the system, so they no longer Irritate, than often relieving bladder weakness. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive, cannot In jure nnd makes a delightful, efferves cent lllhla-watcr drink. Drink lots of good water. After a particularly frightful shot, his partner turned to hliu and In quired: "How long, may I ask, have you been playing golf?" "Oh, about live years," was the reply. "lteally," said the first scathingly, "I had no Idea It was possible to acquire such appalling Ignorance of the game in so short a time. AGAINST THEIR POUCY lusurauce Agent Madam, Is your son engaged In a hazardous occupa tion? Lady Whj no Indeed, he's col lete student. L A. Well, you know this company doesn't pay anything on suicides. Wrong End "I'll let shingle," I Heard Hipper Mary boast; But course 1 knew '(wouldn't be Where she did need It moil. Must Fall to Rite "Paddy,"' said his little daughter as they watched an airplane, "do you think they will ever get to heaven fly ing away up like that?" "Not by going away up, my dear," was the reply; "they are more likely to do It by coming down." Vancouver Province. A Mighty Seat Two young boys were telling about great deeds, when one who was s pro fessor's son spoke np and said his father occupied the cbalr of applied physics at Cambridge. "Dat's nutting," replied the other, "mine occupied the seat of applied electricity at Slog Sing." Making It Up Customer (to watchmaker) I told you that my watch lost half an hour every day, and now, that you have re paired It, It gains half an hour every day. Watchmaker Well, don't complain. It's only working to catch up lost time. COMFORT NO OBJECT "This shoe fits yon perfectly ma dam. Vou'll find It very comfortable." "Then give me a size sroa-s,r, please." Correct I There are meters of vole And meters of tone; But the beat of til meters I meet 'er alonel Going end Coming The Booking Agent Did your "Uncle Tom" tent show have long run on the road? The Lead Not very long run. But we bad a nice little bike getting back. When the Sap Flowt Marks There are summer, winter and auiumn resorts, but never any for spring. Parks That's because spring Is good enough for anyone anywhere. The Beginner VAub Pro. Have you played much golf? Novice Well, t falrlsb bit. course. Club Pro. H'm let' see how yoo hope up. Take your stance, Novice Which club I that? Subtle Suggestion Wife Will you help me with the dishes tonight, John? John Yes, but why not tell me yon need a new set and be done wttb It? 'CtTiQH, W III FINNEY OF THE FORCE RWiftO WHY VMOO V1 fJ?a 2!5i A HAR0 ? veifK-A WWU.W 01 rVf 1 W-- TOAT FLOOO.MouUJ.WWO.HAIL BOlj VABMMlHV ttH S ' HA)T.SH&btoMWt& Lx ' SSa, li 0). ' cr4i IK rgf , ASoooCOo( FAiH ZflOMTiECftCLObSS. A t A LOStS.'-'cWK NIQVWW) f 1 tiSBlGGKT GflMBllRS J 31 A nttwsfiAiaosoi.- h rrVilt wotuo' J Tl 2 N rA w ci a ct is , ; ! iN VV fa THE FEATHERHEADS No Rest for the Weary I . , . .M 1 -z I r-i riAVKW Tin Ait 1 clvr 1 t i t fit &. ' -p- of i ii i rv , .Mj'-tir i Weitei Keiraw ' ' ' Jt6 ht Ain't It the Truth s . Rare Curios at Auction For amnllierlng widows after their husbands have died, a dense tnnsk used by the relative of I'olyuusia was one of a immlicr of weird rari ties recently sold at nuctloo la Lon don. Other odd things Included a New Guinea "man catcher," hideous mask worn by the members of l Me Inneslnn secret society) a collection of human heads, somo of which have been inn de Into baskets; a Houth sea god and goddess which were fouud In rsve, and a primitive Iron toolli extractor. Without a Cover Miss Tattle I had a most romnntle gift sent me. Junt this plain open box with Your Countorpart" on It What can It mean? Miss Tittle .My dear, how In triguing. Did you say It won't shut np? London OpKlou. !' " - - -1 Los Angeles Boy Needed Help J.emy Young. 11H Oeorglu St., Los An iti'les, I a "regular fellow," active In tHrl, and nt thr top III his classes at si'hmil. To look at hlui now, you'd think lie never had a day's sliknee but hl mother says: "When Leroy was Jiint a llttle fellmr, we found his stotnni'li nml bowels were weak, lie kept sulTerlng from con stipation. Nothing hft sto ugriH-il wllh Mm. He wss fretful, feverish and puny. "When we started giving Mm Cull, fiirnln Fig Hyrup his rmiditlon Ini proved quickly. Ills consllpntlon and lilllousiiess stipp-d ami he has bad no more trouble of that kind. I have slnre used Culif'irnla Klg fyrup with him for rolls nnd upset Sn-IIs. lie likes It het'siise It taitp an gixd and I like It because It helps Mm so won derfully !" California Klg fyrup lias been the t nut I'd standby of inollier for over .V) years. Leading physicians recom mend It. It la purely vegetable and works with Nature to regulate, tone and strengthen the stomsib end bowels of rhlhlren so they get Ml nntirlihtneiit from their food and wnste Is t-lliiilnuted In normal way. I'our million hottli-s used a year shows how mothers depend on It. Al ways liMik for the word "Cullfiirnla" on the rnrton to be sure of getting the genuine. The Impossible Woman Illg, strung man like you begging. You otiKht to look around for work. Trump Excuse me, lady, but I've got such a stiff neck I simply can't look arouud. . Pertinent Question "She's always running somebody down." "lteally? Motor or 'gossip?" -Border Cities ijlas. COULD NOT GET OOTJlf BED Lydia E. Pinkham's VegeUbU Compound Strengthened Her Elkhart, Ind ' I had a tired feel ing and wss unable to gnt out of bed I Without thn hell) of my husband. We heard of the Vegetable Com pound and de oided to try It. I am still taking It and it sure Is a help to me. I csn do my work without resting b e f o r I am tli rough. I know that If women Will give the Vegetable Compound a trial they can overcome those tired and worn-out feelings. I cannot ex press the happiness I have received and how completely It has made over my home." Mas. n. H. Biiikht, 1324 Laurel St., Elkhart, luilLuua, INDIGESTION RELIEVED . . QUICKLY Carter's little Liver Fids ParehlVeseUfeleUut.1 la uium I. I, a -.i- I i .l .11 , ' "-""V pmet one uf Iheee little pllli ulua iher meali or at bedtime will do wooden, eepeclellr when you heee oeemtenot ere Irouhled with conttlpeiloa. Remember tli.T ere e dortor'e preecriiHIoa a f" ,tk,n .hf "'' 'Uf. All Drueeleu He and Tic Red Packaaee. CARTER'S ESS PILLS