3Mt IONE, OREGON, JFrtlDAY, Nov. 16, 1928 VOLUME XVII NUMBER 25 i Our Fall SPECIAL on Circulating' Heaters Leavesno excusefor a coldhouse. "Montague Special to Oct. 5j& A cord of wood or half a ton of coal in lone, Lexington or Hepp ner with every MONTAGUE. Allen's better than ever. A handsome Cherokee Circulator only $60 at Case Furniture Co, Heppner tttTOtfSCt.m4r'ta ft A T Lx V fthe J : c hand IVtoSTof ua manage to get our hiinds well smeared with ink when we do much writing with a pen. Rwningfajn Portable is the beat solutiun of that prob lem and the neatn&s and lmgtbHitf nS typewritUA work arc sure to make a bit with the profs. Get a Remington Portable nowi It's the smallest, lightest, most compact and most dependable portable with standard keyboard. Carrying case only 4 inches high. Weighs 8M pounds, net. Let us explain to you our easy payment plan. Remington Portable Dullard's Pharmacy The "Kodak Store" A FANCYWORK & FOOD SALE Will be held, at Swanson's Store, on : Saturday, Dec. 22, by the Ladies Aid of the Christian Church. Come in and See Our RED & WHITE Specials For Nov.17CELNov.19 The Overcoat Season is Close at Hand. Let Us Take Your Meas ure and Order. . We Try To Please. Bristow & Johnson Local Happenings The lone Church of Christ sr ouncei s Home Coming Servlrs for next Sunday. Nov. 18. After the Sunday achool there will be a sermon by John Garringer and at noon basket dinner. At 2 p. rr. thert will be k Home Coming aer vice; a abort program and ser mon by the pastor; at 6:30 Home Coming Endeavor aeavice and at 70 an Illustrated Sermon by tl e pastor, "Christ In the Home." Mr. John W. Graves and Miss Dorris Wilcox were quietly mar ried at the Congregational par- onag in lone, Thursday morn ing. Nov. 15, Rev. W. W. Head officiating. There were present the brie'a pareta and their young er children, her brotherand Miss Treasie Allstot,. lmmediatly aft er the marriage wan solemr ized the young couple motored to The Dalies. Lost somewhere on the streets of (one, one motor meter. Find er please leave at lndeuender t of fice or return to C. C, Sanent. An Orthophonic Victrola I al ways at your service hear one at Bullard's Pharmacy. Mr. Geo. Ritchie has been on s tour of the soth western part of the ataU tor several days of this week returning this Friday morn ing. Mr. Jos. Howk and family have arrived safely in Arlington, Tex as and are enjoying a visit with the horn folks. PUBLIC SALE A full list of personal property wilt be place on self, Nov. itt, at the Fren Aker place, i mile east of lone. The sale atarta at 10:30, a. m. A free lunch will be aerved at noon. - C. C. Sargi D . I- R. ROBISON BEFORE Buying a : RADIO Seethe iZ new Grebefo r i . i. n toi iuibier.i MACHINE SHOP i n t a nmTtr TFVT t A LAolliNvj Oir l Complete Line of Bracelet, Strap and Pocket Morgan News Mm. J. F. Hadhty j& Clark & Linn J& Carpenter Work, Painting, Pa- Mrs. Pat Medlock visited Mrs. per Hanging and General Re OeorgeMahoney last Wednefday. . ... , iil o b. h t- . . . pair Work. Mrs. R. E. Harbison and Mm r Bert Eaoon of lone left for Port! lone, Oregon. land last Wednemiay. Mrs. Har-1 .... " " . .. i , . . f sj . i Why not order your Thanks bissn relumed home, Friday. I . . ' . ' . . .... . , . .giving turkey now? Birds will be Friends of Mrs. Banrenfeind dre8sed for 8njprnent i( deBired. are glad to learn that she is con-1 ... ,, valesclng from her recent illness. Mltis Beulah Pettyjohn ia help- j Rhode Island Red roosters for ng Mrs. Banrenfeind. 'cale. Call or write Mrs. E C. DORCAS SOCIETY SALE The Dorcas Society sale of Food and Fancy-work will be , neiu uec, o ai me nuu uunu-, ; ing. 0 The Evenings are never too long with 'an Orthophonic Vic- tro'" '.ran entertainer. Mr. Ray Pettyjohn and fsmily ; Heliker, lone, Oregon. ' - Board's Pharmacy, left for theit old home in Mitsou .;:. ri last luesoay. p Mist Gladys Medlock came in on the Thuiaday morning ettge for S visit with her people thu, week. Jess Agee visited the Seel) home. Sunday. Miss Allen went to Hrppnei ! Friday night, returning Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Faulkner and daughter of Portland have bien visiting with John Nash and fam ily this week. Mrs. Faulkner is a sister of Mrs. Nash. They left; for their home Saturday night. I Mrs. Carrie Brashiers and fam; ily are vi&fting with her parents wr. ana mri. jmsbq. Miss Gladys Medlock has gone to work at Cutaforth's. Mr. Jess Agee and Miss Allen too Stsnley Stely to Cecil to vote Tncsdsy evening, then came : and got Mrs. Seely snd daughttr and all went to Christophersnn'r. AL1F0RNIA ORANGE i LAND Delightful climate, smple wste r, rich virgin soil, no frost. Don't j freeze sll your life. Write to me for particulars. J. C. Snow, 318 South Ram par, j Los Angeles. Calif. j For atyle. price snd qualit; try) Star Brand Shoes.-Bristow nnd! Johnson. "For Sale: Fine Piano neari lone. Will sacrifice for quick sale j A snap. Write Tallman runo Store, Salem. Oregon, for full. particulars." FOR SALE. Barred Rock roosters. Inquire ef Mrs. Peter Timm Jr., lone, Oregon. WATCHES Including the Late Model Elgins,Hamiltons&Walthams Latest Designs and Best Quality Featured on all Articles of Jewelry in Stock Select Your Gifts for Christmas While the Stock is Complete. Gifts of Quality Peterson's Hennner. Oregon. ttUA IS .- International Association A. C. (PARIS) recognizes 5 World Records OF STUDEBJ1KER President Eight 30,000 miles in 26,326 minutes J Studebaker also holds 1 14 official American records for endurance and speed more than all other manufacturers combined. You can buy brilliant, proven perform ance in any one of Studebaker's 4 great lines The Erskine, Dictator, Commander or President Eight at prices from $835 to $2485, f. o. b. factory. INDEPENDENT GARAGE, lone, Oregon. RED& WHITE SPECIALS! For Saturday and Monday. ! 4 Clorox 2 for 33; 'Queen Anne Best Pat. Flour $1.98 Red Fr White Coffee. 1 for .42 S. O. S Cleanser 1 for .23 Yellow Cling Peaches, 2l2 2 for .39 Spi-vik Tomato Soud 2 for .17 Best Oregonfrnquet Walnuts, 31b. 1.00 Red & White Merchants are permanent residents who have your interests at heart and have helped build the community. They pay taxes to support your scnoois anc local government and deserve the patronage of the com munity. BERT MASON I0NE, OREGON