VOLUME XVII IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Nov. 9, 1928 NUMBER 24 r Our Fall SPECIAL on! Circulating Heaters Leavesnoexcuseforacoldhouse.;; "Montague Special to Oct. 15j& A cord of wood or half a ton o': coal in lone, Lexington or Hepp-I; ner with every MONTAGUE.:: Allen's better than ever. A handsome Cherokee Circulator only $60 at Case Furniture Co, Heppner V 1 V1 f, WaTr 3a handP Mc OSTof us manage to fet oar hands well smeared with ink when we do much writing with a pen. Remington Portable is the beat aoiutioa of that prob lem and the ncatne&s and legibility of typewritten work are sure to make a hit with the profs. Get a Remington Portable now I It's the smallest, lightest, most compact and most dependable portable with standard keyboard. Carrying case only 4 inches high. Weighs 8H pounds, net Let us explain to you our easy payment plan. Remington Portable Dullard's Pharmacy The "Kodak Store" 4 A FANCYWORK & FOOD SALE Will be held, at Swanson's Store, on I Saturday, Dec. 22, by the Ladies Aid of the Christian Church. Come in and See Our RED & WHITE Specials For Nov.10CQ.Nov.12 I The Overcoat Season is Close at Hand. Let Us Take Your Meas ure and Order. We Try To Please. Bristow & Johnson Local Happenings The nutrition meeting held at the school house on Friday wai well attended and proved both interesting and profitable. The morning was spent in making and discussing salads. Avery In teresting It dure was given in the afternoon, this is the second of the series held this ytf urder the joint auspices of the State Colltge and the County Agent's Office. The lecturer is Mis-s Cane of the State College. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo McMillan and little daughter who have been visiting relatives here and in Lexington, have returntt to their home. Garland Swanson took them in the Swanson car. On his return he was accompai ied by Arleta and Ordie Farrena who visited friends here till Sunday, when they returned to Portland with their uncle, Mr. Ford, Mho operates a freight line betftrer Portland and Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Howk re turned Sunday morning from a shopping trip to Portland. Tr.ey and their little son Allan left for Texas, Sunday night. They plan to visit Mr. liowk's father and other relatives. They expect to be gone abont three weeks. During Mr. liowk's absence his place at the railway station is being taken by C S. Quilleuof Portland. An automobile accident occur red in lone, Fridsy night, when thecar driven by Janus McCbe, in coming down Second atitet, waa alruek-by a car driven by William Logan, which entired from a cross street. No one was hurt but both cars were dameged The Evenings are never loo long with an Orthophonic Vic trola for an entertainer. Bullard'a Pharmacy. j Turkey shoot at Eubanka ranch Sunday, Nov. 11. imxmmvxamtaxrni Morgan News Mm. J. F. HaUDKBTY 1 fel I- R. ROBISON J: BEFORE fo Buying a L 2 RADIO ii ii Seethe : 0:inew Grebe: io & Kolster.lim MACHINE SHOP J& Clark & Linn J& Carpenter Work, Painting, Pa- Wid Paimateer was gaiing'per Hanging and General Re some wheat from his lather's , olace. Saturdav. .pair worn. Jess Agee visited st the S. D. Sesly home, Wedotsday evening and attended the achool Program after which he drove td Board man to, see bis folks. Mr. and Mrs. Funk and dauvb ter Geraldine were over fiom lone, Oregon. Why not order your Thanks giving turkey now? Birds will be dressed for shipment if desired. W. M. Eubank. YOUNG LAD HURT While Playing on a haystack, one evening this week, Frederick Rankin was so unfortunate as to slip off the stack and is I In su'h a manner at to dinlocate his hip. Me wai taken to Heppner, w here Dr. McMurdo reduced the dislo cation. He is now testing as well as can be expected. Rhode Island Red roosters for Sherman county, thia week, v'sit sale. Call or write Mre. E. C. Sec CV.'anSon for Insurance. ,nKfnend8- Jleliker. lone, Oregon. I Hal Lly and uert ralmattrr are hdth huilrtmi new rhirkeri hounes. Most of the Morgan people vol ed at Cecil, Tuesday. Mrs. Hal Ely spent Tuesday visiting with Mrs. R. E. Hi' bi son and Mrs. E. It. Eklberry. Franklin E'y and Mr. Palma teer went to Heppner, last Thurv' day on business. The Morgan vicinity received a nice rain Wennesday and Thurs day which everybody was glad to see and more wculd be wel come. The Hallowe'en party given by the Morgan school was a success. The witches and fortunettllinp was great. Over sixty people wire present and all report hav ing had a pleasant time. Baurenfeinds, Harbisons, Elvs and Pettyjohns attended the school entertainment at lone, Saturday night. Miss Allen went toThe Dalles, Friday night to spend the week end with friends. . International Association R A. C. (PARIS) recognizes 5 World Records OF STUDEBJ3KER. President Eight 30,000 miles in 26,326 minutes J ( CALIFORNIA ORANCE j LAND j Delightful climate, ample w tu r, rich virgin soil, no frost. Don t, freeze all your life. Write to me for psriiculars. 1 J. C Snow, j 318 South Rampar, Los Angeles, Calif. For style, price and qualitj try j Star Brand Shoes. Bristow nnd! Johnson. "For Sale: Fine Piano near lone. Will sacrifice for quick tale. A snap. Write Tallman Studebaker also holds 114 official American records for endurance and speed more than all other manufacturers combined. You can buy brilliant, proven perform ance in any one of Studebaker's 4 great lines The Erskine, Dictator, Commander or President Eight at prices from $835 to $2485, f. o. b. factory. INDEPENDENT GARAGE, lone, Oregon. Piano t Store, Salem, Oregon, for full t i particulars." FOR SALE Barred Rock roonters ef Mrs. Peter Timm Jr., Oregon. Inmnre t lone, Produce Wanted Turkeys . . Year old, 12 lbs. up, No. 1 birds live . . 28-30c Turkeys . . Year old. 12 lbs. up, No. 1 birds dsd. . 36-40c Turkeys . . 1928 hatch, 12 lb. ue, No. 1 bisds, live . 81 83c Turkeys . . 1928 hatch, 12 lb. up, No. 1 birds, dsd . 37 41c Capons . . No. 1 bisds, 61b. up. live 30 33c Capous No. 1 birds, 6lbs.. up, dsd 39 38c ltpn Iteavv col. live 25.26c Hens Mcdlnm, live. Hens .... Light, live Sbrlrgcrs Stags Lambs.. Heavy Ceese .. Young, live, . Duck .. Young, live, . Lambs. Fancy, light Beef Hogs ..Top Blockers. Veal Fancy Top... 20c 17c 23c 16c 14.18c 21 .22c 21.23c 20..53C ...According to Grade 13.14c :. 18.19c 15 17c it Veal .Medium and Heavy THE ABOVE THE TREND OF ILL MAHKLT We want pouatry of all kinds. The price on turkeys will not be J any higher this year than last and a good chance of a lower market as there are.more.birds. Ship me your poultry. Nelson Produce Co. Wholesale Commission Merchants 151 Front Street, Poitland, Oregon RED & WHITE SPECIALS! For Saturday and Monday. Quick Cooker Oats, large pkg. 31c Servus Coffee, 1 lb. 47ci Servus matches, 6 pks. 27c Serv-us No. 4 Peas, 2 tins for 35d Red and White Oleo 1 for 22c Thompson's Malted Milk 1 for 49c Beechnut Spaghetti 3 for 39c White Wonder Soap 7 for 32c N. B. C. Grahams 21b. 1 for 37c Diamond W Strawberry Preserves, 48 oz, for 70c! Red & White Merchants are permanent residents wh'c : Xhaveyour interests at heart and have helped build tht community. They pay taxes to support your schools and t local government and deserve the patronage of the com Imunity.. BERT MASON 10NE, OREGON I