THE 10NE INDEPENDENT Published Every Friday by W. V. HEAD, Editor Publisher SUBSCKli'TlON One Year $150 ix Months .5 hree Month) ... .. . .5i) Entered as second clM matter at Oit poMofiice at lone, OrfRon. undf act of March S 1870 Friday, Oct. '26. 1S28. L STRAWS BLOW 7 TO 1 FOR HOOVER if art nnvr so likely In settle a Question rightly us when they discus it freely. Macaixav THE VERDICT The verdiht of History is t lint in 1828 a great man was elett-d to the presidency. We wonder what tho verdict will be a? to V-t elt ction o 1928 I LU-iC'CM?yT?,V)A";l ' i mi. Ethr Howard and Mlaa Hazal Eberh.-.rS r.ttc? In tha ttrawt The smart, new Erskine Six $860 f. o. b. factory Spuds For Sale Whilts they laat at a ll 25 per hundredwe'cht at the ranch or $1.50 delivered. C. 0, Sargent t-44444444444444444444444 i PROFESSIONAL CARDS "C. J. WALKER" Lawyer (EL Notary Public. O.M VOM1 UuiUlmH Hcppner, Oregon 1 JACK FERRIS : Dermatician : It pays to look well. "Specialist in Hobs" J& Clark & Linn J& Carpenter Work, Painting, Pa per Hanging and Ceneral Re pair VVoik. lone, Oregon. Luuisi Bttlniwer hundlea nil lines of InHucatu-e. Are you in sured? After thu firo ia too lute. For Sale SECD RYE 1 ct. or$.'15perton. atMrNabb wimhoiiHo. 1'hone 1411 or see Emit Swanaon. Krnrat Chridtopherson is the finest, fastest car under $1000 Champion of its class 1000 miles in 984 minutes! Drive it 40 miles an hour the day - you get it M 62-mile speed later. Change oil only at 2500-mile intervals! Independent Garage, ione,Oregon. STUDEi C. L Si ATTORNEY AT ! law; First National Tank Bldtf. Heppner, Oregon When You Visit.Heppncr Eat At The "Elkhcrn Restaurant" Good Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter !A.D.McMURDO,EDj A .av II rnysician And burgeon Oflice In Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner, Oregon A. H. JOHNSTON Physician & Surgeon See Swanson for INSURANCE 1 selling your wheat it will ii pay you to sec L Balsiger ii representing B. G. and Co. ii lone. Oregon -4444444444444444444444444444-4444 ''''"t44444444444444444444 I :-:-: Variety In Fine Meats:-:-: I One thing about this market - your mind nced'nt be made up when ? ou come in. Our layout ot choice meats is just one delightful! suggestion after annthi'r Y. iun If .- ,!,.. ..... i 1 - v.vm ii juu uuu i. svc niui yuu nave 4 Vlllir t.ltfp 4-t (tr lutt init .. M IL.l T T i 4 ufi ujf jtju UUUUl 11141 j ; 4 particular cm is in our refrigerator. t I T f,.i M rn r i-i , i iuiiu iucui lMdrKer, i. ii. reterson t i t 444fc4t I'lutiir Ilfflte KealilfUrr Main m Mala )'.-. f.J. w fliuaha g w i NURSING Dont forget we're in the market this: i-JSS"" Viola Cann;.:g, lone, Oregon. season. K-M M-t-'-? It will pay ycu to drop in at the i Earmers Elevator and see Cole SmiUi as he is buying fori J, C. Sanford & Son : ; E. LAYERS Mirrors Resilvered All Work Guaranteed Let me quote pike on your work. 6";nia n Iflilif. Phone Stain iilS tlrppmr, OrrKon- .... - - - - ' " TTTTTT rtTTTtTW 1 H TV1-4 STRAUSS & CO. Grain Dealers, of Portland, Oregon Will Be Represented this Season by W. M. Ei.banks It will pay you to see him before youj jsell your wheat. ) 4444M Vt4)tt44 4f : ir? il Heppner - Oregon inc. Turt'layt anrt Friday I'rom 9.&Ha IO.IHI A. M. F. H. ROBINSON Attorney & Counselor At Law W III I'rnrllii In All Tin- ( ourfu IONE ORECON 3C .iCNE BLACKSMITH SHOP" We are prepared to take care of your shafting requirements by the installation of an electric key way machine and a stock of shafting in a wide range of sizes. We also have a list of second hand combines for sale. Agency for the Harris Manufacturing Companies new combines. J. P. O Meara. Proprietor tt 4444444444444444444444 3 Morrow General HOSPITAL MI.h Z.Mid WVntfall. (jraduiilfl Kurw, Hii)iTlt,tculMit. A. II. Johnston M. D. riijulrlun In ( liarg-i. II AT KM KKAKONADU; Dr. F. E. Farrier Dentist Office; Odd Fellows BIJ'fi. Heppner Oregon ' Hal Hoss ( Regular Hepublican noml nee for Secretary of State J.O.PETERSON tEXPERT WATCHMAKER j AND ; JEWELRY REPAIRER .. Heppner, Oregon. b44444444444444444444 Ione Independent JOB PRINT P 44444'444444444444444t Dr. J. Arthur Craig DENTIST I'hone M 1012 Caw Apwlmfnt BHo EveniiiKi and Suniyi Ilrpprwr, CJre. by appointment n it 4 8 II. I. It SI Hotel lone it r Vy e cater to the patronage ot those wno 1 wish first class accommodations. George Ritchie, Prop. . HUDSON-ESSEX SUPER-SIX Paul G. Balsiger, Agent. At Paul C. Balsiger's g 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444.? I;.4itr.ttitlA... tinmmtim'jc'nAmti it it It BUY YOUR WOOD AND COAL FROM COLE YOU ALWAYS FIND THE VERY BEST AT THE FARMERS ELEVATOR & i 4-44ff444444t:-t4444r4444t Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR I DRILLS, FA1KMNKS MORSE ENGINES, I MYERS PUMIS. iTAR And AERMOTOR t WIND MILLS. WINONA WAGONS. PAULG. BALSIGER lone, Oregon 1 X i 44K4-4H-f444tI"'Hl 444 4l4