The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, October 12, 1928, Image 3

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    call for- trot
In tin niirtMHl U htlM'i' 11..' lit I'J
o'i'Iim k III lilt) fuiittmiiii nf mini ijny,
Ht'ultMl UUU will lit' n'lvn(l dy !
Ci.tmly Vuit nf Mum.w 'utility, Oik
M"ll, 'it 111) ntfti'f nf (hi- f iiiiiilV ('lei U
lit II" llll'r, 0iJ(h lllltil Mnlidnv, I'M
L.'llll hv nf (Mul,, r. 1I H fit tin- hi II
if Itl ti i Idi It h. Mi f"l Mm- hh ililltf '(
lilllU'tiHllMlllrly IJIKHIcU y 1 1 u( iTIJmi'i
tin tnttri i.tilnut of tlm rruth-'r
tun mi lit I'lipfi Kllit Mite tiuuk"i
immiI, IiIiIm In lm fui hinilliig jpi ymil
M'I fill If.
Km li hlil IniimI ln iirrniiiiMiiiliiil ly it
i rrlilii'il iin't It fur U M'T rent nf tin
hlil,' iniyiilflH to tlm Omiily Ticut
umr ft Morrow rini'tly. TIih mii'ii'-i
Till lillltlfM' tit fiinil.'h rolitliM'tui ft
I'ttmt In tho mini ut !i"tMiiMi f -r tin
luilhfut HilniniMiMn uf Him huiilln
TIih iMinly 1'i'iirl i-rni'ivim tin MKhl
tn ri'ji t miy mimI nil rM
liA.' kl. A.NIiKHHoN,
County Cli'ik
Church News
Notes ot Interest to All
Local Denomination.
Itev. M. II. 1'arounaifian, Field
U'IiiPHcntntlve of th Niiir Hat
Relief, was in lne Tuesday and
Weil im iHy of thin vuek, preHetit
j (Morfan IttmsCon'td )
. china pheasants on Willow Creek
i last Sunday,
Howard Hardety took his
father 8nd his brotherinlow, 8.
Seely ovt to Charley Christoph
erson's, Sunday afternoon,
W, K. Palmateer got a hard
fall, las' week when the cinch of
.he work of H at Kreat charily hm saddle broke while he wai
that for twelve years has been
father ai d mother, home and
riding after range hones.
II. 0. Ely ia having a machine
Thousands of
New Words
apallad, protni'iiirad,
nil lUftnoil In
Tha "liupftn Authtittty"
lift an a ftul lamplti I
hoi purntilt Ka,l Nmr
All Council capital ahlp
mild Run itiymar thlp
B. I', boat lirmlvtiM
aaltal raarade Kalhtmta
Anittlcan Laglon Ulna Ciuaa
(III trout airport
cypar crystal datartor
Ipplo aoparhatarudynt
I. ALL -. I . . .
mI Iwitmrmial m..
wooiuaa. f A; V
tr.Uaaa u- III
CaaaUMraaa 8l'traUalDUtliaiT
Cl liW I - Wrlla ht a mpl
g al lit Wortt; parlmaa af
Haalar nd Uvilm fx. Hk.
Springfiald, Malt, U.S. A,
country, church and school, life shed b uilt.John NaHh. Wid Pali
and hope to a greut armv of Jmateer and Franklin Ely are the'
li.. ......m .,ii tnii duo porrtuntfrrf I
huve petinhd, and which hait; Mr. L. Funk in over from Waa
! Htill in itc care 32,000 orphan, .co and ia loading a Car of oirt at!
j that it in fitting for aelf support j the'siding. Mr. Glenn Balliahelpj
'at th age of 10 year. Jng.
I Brother l'aiounagian present- Al Troedson, II. O. Ely. Mar
itheenuHeby praonal Interviews ; tin Baunneird, Stanley Seelyj
'in a house to Iioubb canvas hi d and James Hardesty were in Heppj
I addreVned the teachers and stud ! ner on business last Mondsy.
: cuts of the grammar and h;gh' Mr, Seely droveMr. TroedBonV
laxhvjlH. ; old Ford back from Heppncr, as!
Mr. Troedson purchosed a new
Mr. and Mr. R E. Harbison,!
ft v tt' "' 'inces thet
Father I
l,. .iiill I 'ml. Btrlit'H
... , , . took .Mr. and ulra. Seely to lone,
with mast lune n" ,ie nne (r ...
,, , , . ,, M.M . , Salnruay. to regihler.
Mr. and Mi. J t O Mt at,
10:30 on Sunday. 14. j N. E. Pettyjohn and son I'aul
After the service there will be hauling wcod from Mor-
a m eting of tl.e church con mil- an- lat Saturda) .
iee John Na h anrt N. E. Pettyjohn
riaiped Mkii nil liaurenfeind to
The Sundayschool attendance m0ve a cabin last week. Mr. tiau
contest at the (Jhiistian cl uic'i rc.t,feirid is havirgthe cabin turn
ii still in o. ouress ana is expet t f , jnt0 g hQj
ediorcaih a climax on uaiiv
Evening servicesin lone Church
i Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Harbison)
drove to Arlington Tuesday io
meft theii daughter snd grand
f s are now one
than formerly.
half our ear ur or'' r!l' - - I'B'ne ""d son'
-a $ui cvt(ul Si
Paul of Hillsborough, Oregon.
F.unklin and Elvin Ely return
ed from Portlagdd on Mondsy.
Miss Allen returned from Los
tine, Sunday nigbt.
Robert R. Butler
Republican Candidate For
Second Oregon District
The excellent work of Hon. N.
Sinnot should be carried on.
Judge Butler is the man to represent
Eastern Oregon in Congress to carry on Sinnott's service. He is
46 years old, young enough to serve the district for many more
Voters of Eastern Oregon
can well follow the recommendation of Senator Steiwer, Senator
McNary, Judge Stephen A. Lowell of Pendleton and Arthur V.
Swift of Baker, who represent the farming inU rests. AH of these
men endorse Judge Butler's candidrcy.
PuJ Jv. by RfpuMuin Cornjreutorul Committee, H J. Wrrr, CWnun. PtnJieton. Ore ,
Ben R. Litfin Secreury. The Djllei, Oie.
ITiV'''1''- t
r i - i
To those who admire former
I ereat leaders of this country and ;
adhere to their principles, the,
For Rent worda.of George Washington will
bring an enlightened message of .
Houce on Main atreet, opposite particular significance and pecu 1
the Tum-a hum lumber yard, liarly applicable to present cir;
Furnished or unfurnished. For;cum9tances.
see Mrs. Louvisa
at i. Jt i
Church Directory
I Th flWi V.lua
J lk.l,b. I.vr
V 1
Khl BySi:zfisAYcfyHeidits
1- a
of Pubkfc Favor h
His words teach a distinct les
son of tolerance and a thorough
understanding of them will re-1
veal their importance in the pres:
ent political campaign. J
In a letter written about 1795,
tn ik m imhffm nf the New i
Church in Baltimore,. a Baptist
As a rcmilf of lire new value oflfcreJ hy lxlav
Pimtiac as a com.-quct cc 'nf its grenrrr power,
hiulicr aptcvl ari.i snmrtir Mvle-thU low-priccJ six
U winning new i'f puMic favor . . . l'ontiac
now provide new motoring luxur'. Staunch,
l.iiilifnl Innlies hy I iber-smaller, siurjirr wheels
w it la larger tire an enpne of 1H6 cubic inches ilis
placement the cro- ll:uv raJiator die (i-M-R
clinJer head ... all l!uc and many oilier aJx'ance
menrs are cinplai:cil bv the H-rformancc suprcm
acv rcsuliin from new cartmretion and mani
folding . . . 1 bat's why today's Pontiac Six is
attracting thousands 4 new buyers. '1 hat's w hy it Is
winning leadership in the low-priced ixylindcr
J.H.MW f.iu. r-i 5r, s-.irt n..r.w, Ma, i
t nlxmlrt. S.Hl 4 !" Sr.'f. t IKi'i. A I hi U'rt
at .,.,..,.. (hnl, IhMatuI I n,,..f .l.lin.rf .!. thr. la. !.' hmml
fc.JI.HfilMii4fc I..II.I-I M..U.M I'l-a..lulal
a.miHiMin ihm.
I. R. Robison, Garage
lorn; Omwhi
! mmmm
Sunday School at 10:00 A. M.
Prayer Meeting, Thur.,7:30P.M.;con(ireiiation( hd g8id:
i "We have abundant reason to
CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH rejoice thah in this land the light
Rev. W. W. HEAD. p,gtor'of truth and reason has triumph
ed over the power ot bigotry and
Services superstition, and that every per
11:00 A. M.:C. E. at 6:45, P.M. son may here worship God accord
Prayer Meeting, Wed., V:30 ing to the dictates of his owt.
heart. In this enlightened age
FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH md in this land of equal liberty
Sunday School 10.00 A. M. it is our boast that . man's re
ligions tenets will not forfeit the
Prayer Meeting Thura. Evening the protection of the laws nor de
Services prjve him of the right of attain-
C. E.:6:30; Preaching Service, '"H nd holding the higher of fi
at 7:30 P. M. lCea that are known in the United
" States."
Pres. Thelma Furbes
V. Pres. John Condor
Sec. Mary Slocum
Treas. EJw. Keller
Next meeting, at
j Heppner Oreji m.
1 :v, . zp.
Special Rseslvlnq lulpmsnt Bult for Ust In Balloon
Loage Directory
' A'
IONE I.IHH1K N.i.r.'n, A. V. A, M.
Meet every flral n ml third WciIwb
li.ty otem-li iiiimh!i W. M, Hoy Htcii
iter, Siiy , Klnier Hrlffllh, Treiia.,
A. A. M.l CiiIh.
LmilHt Clutil. r No. 119, O. K.
Mi'i-ts the mH-oml inn) fourth Twk.
ility iifeneh tiiomli.W. M .Mra. Uiir
llm IHik.HiT.T.. Jt itl Ii Mnaon.
iU ',-:-. J, A
Highshool Bnilding, lone.
Motion Picture Travelogue To Be
Given at School Gymnasium
Wonders of New Zealand Will
De Shown, Oct. 19 at 8 P. M.
Lakes, fiords, waterfalls, mountains, glaciers; volcanoes, furaar
oles, boiling geysers dnJ bubling mud pools; lost underground tiv
rs untold, cavrrns lighted by glow worms, stalactites and stalag
mites; tne best fishing in the woald, also exciting whale chasing and
big game and wild pig hunting; these and many others are the at
tractions of New Zealand which wil be unfolded tn a motion picture
Travelogue by Miss Aimee Porter in lone School gymnasium on
Oct. 19 at 8 o'clock.
Miss Porter, whose home is in Aukland, New Zealand, Pake
ha Maori of to the third generation, is a noted authority on the
wsndersof her country.
There is no other country of any size", said Miss Porter "which
Is so vaired and complete as New Zealand. My country, the land of
the fern an J the southern cross, is. as it were, a miniature of the
entire world.
This talk will be illustrated throughout with movies and will be s
comprehensive as to include every phase of New Zealand life, from
the wicrd dances and customs of the ancient Maoris to the grandeur
of tho gorges and glaciers of the Southern Alps; fiom Rotorua's
Thermal Wonder landwith its almost unbelievable volcanic disturb
ances to the lonely, far flung nursery grounds of the Cannets at hie
toric Cape Kidnappers.
COME, spend an enjoyable evening and help out the finances of
our High School,
Hal Hoss
Regular Republican nominee
for Rcclctary of State.
IONE I.ODliK No. 11.1. I. O. (). K
Meets every Hniiinliiy evening. N.
l. T. K. retermiu, V. (1 . B. (!. Ilt l
Iker, Hwy Ue Howell. Treim., H .1.
Hrlxtow. '
UtlNClI (MASS l:KIHCKAllNo.ft.
I. O. O. K. Mi-etH tlrat mill third
Thurailiiy of ciu li month. N. O. iiro.
IMIii MeCunl.v, V . l.tindel,
Kee Verda ItlUhle. T.etw.. Ettn
r ) ' fi
Destln-'lon of Soul
Shown by Odd S'jm
The On urea, an sni'lent AfrU'iia
tr he, fiiloiiilicd the hudlcs of ili'iid
f: Itiuli In lull tnwt-rt Insiptid of hury
till Hhmii In tlw enrtli. I Hiring Hit)
Itrst three after the IhhI.t had
hoen litld In the tower It vnm thought
tu he In dniiuer of lipln earned uwuy
hy the devil, niul kinsmen kept wiiti-h
In prevent him from tnruicntlns His
soul oi It winged Its ny to the ee
lemlul regions.
On or before the fourth day the
so ill u In a pi lice of torment or hap
ilni'8. and the priests proceeded . to
iroKliimllrilte the future gttite of tho
deoeflaed The body wu laid on lis
hack, with the eyes turned toward
heaven, nnd the vultures were permit
ted to fens! npon It. The wuil was
suppored to huve Kone to bliss If the
rltiht eye wn taken first, but II wim
an eqmilly sure omen that the soul
hud smie to a place of puiilshmcul If
5 the left eye was first devoured.
Another mode of ascertaining the
state of happlnens or misery of soul
i was by the movement of a dug near
I, .1... It ....I.....I ........
viin.-, ii ink minimi wein vm'mi
to It, then were the relatives con
vinced the soul wits In a slate of bliss,
but If the dog could not he tempted
to n naur ilia hodv thev despaired
flu Sfkwl t Qunlilo Tsal f trata
l A'afira Slala
Coma ta our Stata Unlvanlty fof
cultural aJucatioa and proffutoaal
Opporlaalta it araS fa
22 ilopnrtmcDti of the College
of Lltrrnture, Science
and Hit Aria
Architecture and Allied Arts
Ruiineii Ailminiitratloa Eds
lation Joumalitm Ursiluite
Stailjr Law Medicine MuiiS
rhTslcal EdacntloB HoeloU
OBJ Social Work Extsaiioa
Collflta Ynr Opana Spt 14. lilt
Far taformalioa ar cataUifaa anN
Tht Ktavtw. (air.(a a
Orvpoa ffMoma. On
The worl is my country ard to
da good is my religion.
Tlwt. Paine