The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, October 12, 1928, Image 2

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Any Woman Can
ooooooo oooooo
J ' j ll Wr
Most stylish-looking women nr Just
"good managers." Tliey know simple
ways to mnke lust season's things con
form to this season's styles.
Thousands of tlicm hare learned
how easily they can transform dress,
or blouse, or coat by the quick magic
of home tinting or dyeing. Anyone can
do this successfully with true, fadeless
Diamond Dyes. The "know-how" Is In
the dyes. They don't streak or spot
like Inferior dyes. Xew, fashionable
tints nppear like mngtc right over the
out-of-style or faded colors. Duly Dia
mond Dyes produce perfect results.
Insist on them and save disappoint
ment. My new 64-page illustrated book,
"Color Craft," gives hundreds of
money-saving hints for renewing
clothes and draperies. Ifs Free. Write
for It now, to Mae Martin, Dept. E-143,
Diamond Dyes, Burlington, Vermont
Annua Fire Louet
tt is estimated by Charles H. Meigs,
fire commissioner of New Tork, that
there are two human lives and $00,
000 worth of property destroyed by
fir in the United States every hour.
The total fire loss for the month of
January, l'.CS, was In excess of $43,
OtXt.OOO, or about J5,000,000 ahead of
January, 1027. Our Br losses in
3020 were double what they were tn
1910 and three times what they were
in 1913, Our annual Ore losses total
nearly $500,000,000.
Valuable Find
A S000.000 sandalwood forest has
been found In the Jungle region of
Kamkanhally, India. The Musore
government has granted $3,OX for
collection and transportation of the
wood, which It is estimated will
amount to 000 tous, worth 000,000
rupes, or about $216,000,
Mrs. Swift This new bathing sutf
of mine Is a poem.
Hu.'nnd Well. It's unfit for pub
lication. Sydney Bulletin.
Those who can pay the taxes, not
the nieek. will Inherit the earth.
Too much to eat too rich a diet
er too much smoking. Lots of thing
cause sour stomach, but one thing can
correct it quickly, rbllllps Milk of
Magnesia will alkallnlze the acid.
Take a spoonful of this pleasant
preparation, and tha system is soon
rhilllps Is always ready to relieve
distress from over-eating; to check all
acidity; or neutralize nicotine. Re
member this for your own comfort;
for the sake of those around yon.
Endorsed by physicians, but they al
ways say PhtlHpi. Don't buy some
thin? else and expect the same re
sults 1
Milk .
of Magnesia
Business Training Pays
Last year we placed more than
1000 in good positions, Wt
can place you when competent.
When will you be ready?
Send for Sveum Catalog
Bebnke-Walker Business College
llth tnd Salmon Sums
Portland, Orel on
.... ""
lUBMVMlWKlrufr SUfiieHalrKaJllad
Reetorae Color and I
Baaaty ta Graf and Fadad Hale)
nurnt n,.m, wi,, ly. ir.kitg.t T
eouOTtion itb I ark-r e Hair Hiwa. Makes tbs
hair toft anil Suff r. an eenle by mall or at drug
SioU. illoto Cuamkal Works, 1'auliofiiO, A. I.
A Romance o2 Braddocfc's DeSeat
CHAPTER VI Continued
"Captain de Iteuujeu, youi words,
are so many puixles to me," I coldly
Informed him. "1 stood at the side ot
Montieur Kslest when he olTered his
belt to Allaqulppa, who refused IL I
waa not In the village, however, wheu
the dead llurou was found I know
that Allaqulppa did not relish our
friend's presence In the village and
that he left early In the evening In
stead of waiting to make the Journey
with me In the morning as we had
agreed. Do you mean to say that he
and the young Englishman have not
arrived T
"The Englishman arrived, but not
with Palest. It Is like this Monsieur
Beland: The young man arrived be
fore daylight. Hut It was Lieutenant
Beauvals who accompanied hi in."
I was tongue tied tor s good minute
It did not take me a second to realize
that In the vague light of enrly morn
Ing Cromlt had made a mistake and
bad killed poor Palest Instead ol
Beauvals; that It waa IWauvala
and the girl who had passed so
close to me when they entered the
fort trail In the evening. Palest, whom
I feared none, was at the bottom ot
the Uonongahela; Beauvals, the Inst
man I desired to meet, was due at any
moment to keep a dinner appointment
with me at the board. The world
seemed to be tumbling about my ears.
I could only say:
"I do not understand. Falesl was
to leave the Indian village with me.
Becaure of Allaqulppa's III will, he
changed bis plans snd left st olght;
or at least I surely believed he left at
night. Now, behold) A miracle Is
worked. He starts with the English
man, and It Is Lieutenant Beauvals
who cornea In bis placet"
Beaujea smiled faintly and pleasant
ly said:
"It .may not be a mystery after all.
Lieutenant Beauvals did tell me that
Fa lest planned to start at night and
for tome reason chsnged bis plan.
The Englishman who la Freucb at
heart was Impatient to reach the fort
and came with Beauvals Instead ot
waiting to come with Fa I est. Tea It
Is simple enough to get some bit ot
news. I ahall be surprised If he does
not arrive before we sit down to din
ner. An, Dow It begins to straighten
out. For some resron Palest left the
village last night. Our belt had been
refused and our Huron killed. Beau
vals told me that much. Palest was
aowelcome at the village, yet be tar
ried outside to transact some business.
Perhaps to win over some of the
younger Delaware. We shall know
what It was all about when he comes.
We shall laugh at the wonderment bit
change of plans has occasioned."
1 left him and went wandering
about the fort, seeking the Onondaga
to tell blm that our orendns were very
simple, or bad been asleep, to allow
ns to stick our beads into sucb an
ugly trap. It was a warm day and
yet I felt a chill as I glanced shout In
search of Itnund I 'aw. I .el us but gel
through the gnte snd to the edge nt
the forest and I would ask no more oi
Instead ot the Indian I came npoli
the Dlnwold girl She was standing
by the Water gate. She bad ber ball
carefully arranged under her hat, or
cut off, I could not tell which. And
she would pass for a young man read
lly enough; a very young num. Vet
she bad betrayed her sex to llesuvals.
and I wondered If de Beaujeo alra
knew the truth.
Fsr from being surprised at aeelng
he, she quickly greeted: "I have been
waiting for you. mister. I saw you
when you come In."
"I shall call myself most lucky II
' you see me go out allva and nut a
prisoner, I told her. "I have Just
learned that you came here with one
called Beauvals."
'At the last minute Mr. Fa lest
changed bis mind. He told me to tell
the truth to Mr. Beauvals. who, he
said, was a good man. Mr. Falesl said
be should be In such a mortal hurry
to make the fort I bad best go on
ahead. Mr. Beauvals Is a good man.
I'm to go to Cansds at the first
chance. What do you mean shout be
ing lucky If you git out of here alive)
Do they guess you're a scout for Brad
dock r
"For God's sake, burhl" I cautioned;
for we were oear the kitchen and
aharp ear might overhear os. "II
Beauvals comes back from 8henango
and finds me here, the Indians will
burn roe."
Her small face went white with
"Yon can pass through the guie,"
she muttered. "Why do you wait?
Go I Go now I"
"Two things hold me. The Onon
dagu, whom I haven't found and
"Mer she gasped.
"You must leave here and gel hack
to the sediments where you belong.
You must stop tills thinking of going
to Canada. It's a mud scheme. Ixi
you believe that sll men arc honest
as Beuuvala seems tn be You are
English and cannot speak French
How do you know how you will te
treated In-Cnnada. esM?clully after the
French are whlpiied and nn one n
the KngllHh hlnod Is pointed out tn be
haled? How do you know the few
French soldiers, once they r driven
from this place, run protect you from
By Hugh Pendexter
Irwin Myers
Osorrlaht tr Much Poadoato.
their own Indians? Why. child, the
French themselves will he fortunate
If they escnt being killed by (he Ot
tnwue snd Huron ' You must stop
this foolishness and go hack with me
It I van find the Indian and get
through the gnte."
"If you make me go back. I ahall
always hate you," she pnsslonately re
turned; and could Benujeu have seen
tier then he would have known she
was a woman Before I could speak
an expression of great misery passed
over her face and she whlsiwred:
"And If anything happens to you
I'll kill myself."
I had no patience with Jier, or with
her si x. Fair Josephine In old Alex
andria, who plighted herself to the
last of the Bronds, and this elf-wom
an of the Witches' head, were all of a
piece always changeable.
"I ll help you If I can," I told her.
"But 1 doul propose to go Into a tin-
rhn He Called for the Slayer or
the Bear to Enter. Pontlae Esccrted
Them Forward.
ron kettle trying It unless you are
willing to help yourself."
Much shouting and singing outside
the eastern gste broke up our talk,
and we turned and looked to see what
the clamor portended. Through the
gnte, walking two by two, came sev
eral Frenchmen. Next csme a long
string of Indiana. Pontlae. carina
no point, led these, a grsy blsnket
thrown over his shoulders although
the day was very hot. Behind him
came Captain Jacob and Shingle, the
leaders of the Delaware,
The Indians were whooping and
singing. The cause of the demons! ra
tlon puzzled me until I beheld the
body of a bear, slung on a pole. Over
the bear's head wss draped a red
coat, taken from some unfortunate
English soldier, who had been caught
off his guord by some of the enemy's
"He Isn't with- them!" whispered
the girl. "Thank God he Isn't with
them I"
I had been holding my breath while
I waited, as had she, to behold Beau
vals In the procession.
"Come with tne snd mnke the foret
and return to where you belong." I
urged. "Then Snd your life hating
me If you will. The Onnndnga should
he near the gale. The singing would
draw him to II."
But although I saw Delawares from
the Susquehanna, Shawnee from
Grove's Creek and the Muskingum.
Mlngoe from the Ohio, and Iroquois
from the Long Uoose, OJIhways and
Potawntoml from the northern lake.
Ottawas from Superior, and Huron
from the Falls of Montreal and the
mission of l.orette, Caughnnwagas
from the St. Lawrence, and even Ah
nnkl from the fsr eastern si reams. I
fnlled to locate the tall figure of
Hound l'aw nf the Onondngas.
"Go on 1" she whispered, aa I halted
Just outside the gate.
"My friend. I must not leave him
"Go on I I will And him and tell
him," she whispered, giving m a lit
tle push.
Royalty Had Eye to
The collection of hooks made b
the line King l.eopold I nf Belgium Is
extremely valuable. A French writer
tells of how l.coHld, hearing that
particular book he desired was In the
possession of a small dealer In a poot
qtiurler of Purls, sol nut to obtain ll
at the lowext price possible, for Leo
(mid counted with cure every nouns
he spent on his hobby and purl of the
pleasure It nIToided him. Recording tn
a wrttel In the New York lleruhl
Tribune, wus the getting nf a vain
utile volume at a low flump This par
tlculnr book was a French I run tin
Hon made In the Sixteenth renlurv o1
a I Jitln work by a writer nnmed
Crelneii. wrlllen about ft" A I.
When Leopold arrived lu Phi la be
"He would sot understand. II Is
no, with the snages outside. He
must be Inside the stockade some-1
where," I was demurring, when she
gave a little cry and moaned:
-Mister, you've killed both of us."
Before I could look shout to learn
what had prompted this lugubrious
speech nn arm waa hooked through
mine and Captain Benujeu win gentul
ly Inviting: ,
"Come, my friend. We will not
wall for Benuvnla, The Indiana have
killed a bear, and pontine tells them
It's a good omen, W will have the
chiefs In while we eat and give them
some brandy to keep their heart a
high. We will give some laced coats
to the warriors who killed the hear
Come, monsieur, let us forget for
few hour that the English are draw
ing close, and show nothing but con
Itdenre before our red children. Th
Englishman shall go with os. If he
But the Dlnwold girl was walking
hack toward the river stockade, and I
"He siieakt no French yet II
woiill not enjoy It."
Beaujeu Civet a Dinner
There were aix ol ua at the table
and two empty chair One of these
was reserved for Bcauval I followed
the example of the other on entering
the room and stood my long rifle up
In the corner nearest the door; but In
my belt, and concealed by the skirt
of niy hunting shirt, were my ai and
knife. I sat facing an open window
through which the savsge look turns
In sstchlng us. The night was closing
In hot snd close, and th door, Ilk
(he window, was left open. About the
door were grouped various tribal lead
ers, and the two warriors who bad
killed the bear.
I was seated between Sleur de Car
quevllle and Sleur d Parteut. Beau
Jcu wss at the head of the tabl aad
facing th open door. After w bad
taken our places and win had been
poured, the commandant called for
two jiewter dlshea and filled them with
brandy. Two laced coals were brought
snd plsced beside htm. Then he
celled for th slayers f the bear to
enter. Pontlae evurted them forward.
Th commandant recognized blm aa
being the Intellectual superior of th
other chiefs, and mee and clasped bla
hand and asked blm to be seated and
take a glass of wine. But Pontlae
seldom If ever departed from his role.
He was all for th red man and o
ferred to remain atandlng while he
filled the office of Interpreter, tie gave
the Impression of hsvlng hat one de
sire to expedite the bestowal of hon
ors on (he bear killers. And yet hi
crafty mind knew what the whit men
were thinking; that hla was the dom
inant personality, lie could perform
a humble service becsus It did honor
to the recipient
Csptaln Jacob and Shlngls, of th
Delawsret, for whos beads th gov
ernor of Pennsylvania would soon be
ottering a reward of hundred and
forty pounds apiece, were outside
anmng the lighting men. But I do not
believe (hey resented (he great Oils
was quickness to put himself ahead
and act the mouthpiece when be wss
not acting th leader. Sum will aay
thai Pontlae was Bend Incarnate,
one who used the peace pipe to mask
bis plans for wholesale killings. My
experiences early taught Bat that the
whit men, as well as red, were cruel
In war. Pontlsc was a great msa, by
whatever racial standards w Judge
him, And surely deceit and Intrigue
were practiced In the Old world long
before this red leader became as adept
at dissimulation.
Th bear killers greedily bolted
their brandy and proudly put on their
gay coats, although th room was like
an oven. Pontlae drank but portion
of bis win. After th mane of th
bear had been appeased and the happy
killers had hurried outside to display
their finery, Hi Ottawa chief re
mained to tsy:
"Son of Onootlo, child ot th Trench
king, your master and our and, the
sorcerer of th Potawatom! have
dreamed of medicine lodge act np
outside this room." He pointed through
tha window. "Th dead bear la th
English army, the dream said. In th
medicine lodge, ghosts will talk, and
tell If the English army will bar the
at stuck In Ita head "
Saving the "Bawbees"
clad himself In the attlrt of man ot
the working class, culled on the deal
er and bought the book for a few
franca. But coming bark lo the hotel
where he was stuylng Hie king sas
rohhed of hla purchase. Some year
later, when In Vienna, he saw the
book on a dealer's shelf. T'j price
asked for ll whs ll.'rO and after much
bargaining lox.l( pule) the money
- ll dm- nol appear clear why be
should have been so eager Is obtain
Oils particular volume, for IWu time
to time he olitiilned far mora va-'unble
and Interesting ones.
Honey Is flavored by the odor f
the dlffervtit flower vlalled by die
Loot th Ba$i$
Love Is at Ilia IiiikIs of all Una wnrk.
I.ove la tha ouo Inspiration of gi ulna.
Indeed, It Is love that causes genius,
and not, ns I lie untrue saying la, "an
Inllulte capiuliy for taking pulns."
There mind ho the piilimtuklng. ot
course hut low Ilea hack of It. If
onu has I ho power of loving greatly,
one has Hie power of doing great
work, and not otherwise. Amos It,
"Uncultivated" Seat
Ben flailing Is still In Us Infancy.
Developments are lo ho liiimcnao.
Every year larger and liner tlshlng
ruft are being built and new fishing
grounds ni'0 exploited. At present
man flahes only III shallow waters.
The extreme depth for commercial
trawling Is but UU fathoms (:iiH) feet),
and even long lining Is nol often prac
ticed In greater depths than WH) feet
Old Dueling Weapon
Main. gauche la French and trans
lated literally means left hand. It Is
the mime, however, given to a dagger
which was held In the left hand while
the right hand held a rapier. In com
bats of tho Fifteenth and Sixteenth
centuries this was used to parry tho
thurst of (he adversary's rapier,
Beware of being or trying to be
overly helpful. By wanting to do
much for your friends or loved ones
you will very likely succeed In mak
ing yourself a nulsnnce. In trying to
be of service take care lent you man
age to e mostly a bore. Grove Pat
terson, In the Mobile Iteglstnr.
Spani'sA-American Battlet
The War college says thai th num
ber of Americans who participated In
the buttle of El fancy was 0.U.VI; the
number of Spaniards, ft'.D. The num
ber of Americans who participated In
the battle of San Juan was HM-i the
number of Spsnlnrds, 1,1 IT.
Identifying Letters
The vlsagruph Is sn Invention by
which It Is said lo be possible to Iden
tify the letters of the alphabet by
sound after proper training, and the
sounds are produced by an electrical
device In conjunction with an ordi
nary book.
Pheaiant'e Good Work
The Chines ring necked pheasant
Is being given credit by many farmers
In keeping down cut worms. This pest
Is extremely persistent In (ruck gar
dens and msny farmers are batching
Even Sharhe Err
Doctor Ileelie says sharks never at
tack human Mugs except by accident
hen they mistake the moving object
for food. Imagine the distress nf the
shark w hen he finds out bis mistake I
Kansas City Star.
Rech!ei$ Autoittt
In New York city alone (he replace
ment of lamp posts destroyed by au
tomobile accidents rtista slxiul IIS.i)
annually. The costs are usually col
lected from the drivers or their
Purpose in III Creation
The "little entente" Is a union In
th Interest ol peace and stability. It
waa formed In I'.Oi by Cceclmsluvukla,
liumiinla and Yugoslavia l.aier l'i
laud and Austria became members.
Safe Bet
Speakln' o' sign when two fool
drivers meet on a narrow road It
usually Is a sign the hospital la going
to get two more pntlenls. Cincinnati
Golden Seaion
That season of childhood when th
soul, on the rainbow bridge of fancy,
glide along, dry-shod, oer the wall
and ditches of this lower earth.
Two Clanei
There are Just two classes; Those
who snake more atoney than you think
they do, and thma who make less
than yon think they do. Lo Angele
In Modern Timet
Servant Girl (at house phone) Nn,
Mr. Hlulthcr ain't In an he an' the
niisus ran 'l come over to your house
next Sunday because I'm going out
But All Seek It
"He who conceals wealth," snld III
Ho, the sage of Chinatown, "cannot
enjoy it. He who boasts of It Invite
th robber." Washington Slur.
four Silas llmlaotail or fMralimda tatha
WKJ n fcN Abbl IKANLB wa glvi In oUmlnhtcr.
i . .w. i .T i a. i
tiiw tn. w, itok nmii
Son-aurakal method at Irral.
meat, (Ijtrd by u air tuilvrlvt
Mrmarkahla aucraw aim Willi
oilier Nettal imI Colon altmvntft.
Bina ioimv lor rllKK 100.
V pan book giving details and
I hundred! at It ttlmrmlfllr.
- - ' .
ll'l.-- Is. r'.l.lssr.ll ssiatrljul tn hrsUllfls
IV IIV-ll l'l i stall "i ll ( a I
mnliriiw, I auk In 1H7S, tha iuhmIs lor
laialhs war not ss great as todsy.
Peoiilt lived normal lives, t plain,
wholeaimi luod, snd got plrnlv ot fresh
air. Has even that early tfirr war
drsitia physic anil purgr for th rel!f
ot conatiHition which lr. CsMwell did
nt helicio wr-r good for human beings.
The irroerilion lor conatlpstioa tht
hs uwd early la his practice, and which
ha put In drug atorrw in Wl under th
nam of Ir. Caldwell's Syrup Prpaln.
Is a ll'iuiil VryeUhls remedy, Intended
for women, children and elderly people,
and they need Just u.h mild, sal
bowel stimulant.
This prescription haa proven It worth
nd Is aw th Isrgeat selling liquid
lustiv. it hs won tha ronfldrnra ol
trnpl who needed It to get relief from
radsrhra, hllloueneu, flatulence, Ml-
Cealion, lists ol spprtit and sleep, bad
reath, dyapcptlo, fuM, fevers. At your
druggist, or write "Hvrup Peimin,"
e4. lilt, Monticsllo, Illinois, tor free
trial buttle.
Many-Legged Frog
Arnold Miles, sou of W. K Mile
of lllddt'tord, Maine. Is thinking of
Inking orders for frogs' tegs. II
almost decided to go Into Ihe busi
ness when he wss catching frogs for
pickerel bnlt and caught on with
seven legs. He placed II In a large
glass Js snd now has lo catch file
and bugs racb day for nieaj for the
Ode to a?oi
"What rhymes with sephyrr
"IH you think I am writing a poem
to a rowf tiulsvlll Courier Jour
nal. Coyote often hunt In park.
When your
Children Ciy
for It
Itahy bus little upsets at time. All
your cure cannot prevent them. But yon
ca be prepared. Then you can do what
any experienced nurse would die what
moat physicians would tell you to do
give a few drop of plain distort. Ho
sooner done than lluby la smithed ; re
lief la Just a matter of momenta. Yet
you have eased your child without use
of a single doubtful drug; Caslorltt is
vegetable. So It's safo to use as often
aa an Infant ha any llltlo pain you
ennnot lint away. And It's always
ready for Ihe cruder pang of colic, or
constipation or diarrhea; effective, too,
for older children. Treaty Ire million
office iter bought tail yrar.
Are Ifou
S at '
Some girls are kept so busy becom
ing engaged that they have no time
to marry.
made HANFORD'S "17
is Balsam of Myrrh
Try H for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, etc.
AO stolen ara aolaarlaaj la rafeMat roar OMaar lor its
Urt betas II oat eaSei
tsetse's UlUs liver Pins
I rami Vaiataela Loater
I nn.. tUm t.l- I a
, " mna wnpiaaaailf ailoe
MoS. loot relievo 0a erstem nl con at In.
2?. po',,, '"s " alull and a. hlng
feeling. Hoaaoeabot Ihov sea a ataetoe'o pea.
!?C"" " " h hv Ihe entire fa soil.
All bnnsMts 20 ood , a Red I'
bf JUUfltM