p. X X I VOLUME XVH IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Oct. 5, 1928 NUMBER 19 Otir Fall SPECIAL on Leavesnoexcuseforacoldhouse.t Montague Special to Oct. A cord of -wood or half a ton oi coal in lone, Lexington or liepp-J ner with every MUN 1 wM Allen's better than ever. A handsome Cherokee Circulator only $00 at Case Furniture Co. Ilenpner fl.n.tt'ifOiin't:'tf.::'H'n:ftttt.u:' t A r mm - -r -Jl'l Will 1 i INOW YOUR l)Ktti(.l KM 'I 1 f tot I I?," . tin ' " . I". ; . sal ' as 4 M 4 4 X I J 4 4 4 4 4 4 i X I Understand I low Serious It Is Tl ICRE is serious f illness at home, and you hurry with the prescription the doctor has given you to your local prcripuon pharmacy. The pharmacist immediately senses the reriousness of the case from the medicine the doctor has ordered. Every minute that treatment is delayed counts against the patient. Perhaps the prescription calb for a rare drug or a new remedy. Yes, the phannaci: t assures himself he has every ingredient he had prepared for emcr grncies. Cool, deftly, accurately, he compounds the prescription, and carefully checks his work. Such emergencies sho'ild help to impress on you that your prescription pharmacy is entitled to support. There isn't enough prescription business in most com munities to support an exclusively prescription drug store. Therefor: the druggist must sell many sundries he must he a merchant, too. Only by doing this can he make a hvi. and maintain his pharmacy, in equip ment and cf.'. :i xy, so that it may best serve the needs of the community and its physicians when serious sickness comes. mm, p.rfrM-.l art. tA h.t nlhhf-lM L k ..II. I. .11 I... alill .. I r.rr M.I Ilm I-,.t- Ii4 .'. f,l..-.,. II, Mrrrk p..riip!l... lUiwjIt Inntt fe kor, Ikat tut fnrfttttt tt. pr!urla ( klck'i bl(,ti., Iwt, i4cc al bulk 1'kjM.MM iJ flutt.la. BULLARD'S PHARMACY 4 Local Happenings Kverybody in lone wet to the Itoiloo at Hf tpnr lant Saturday, Kven thr villBife preacher was it here. The preacher nidn't nee mneh of the hiickinir and hulldotr rg conteHts but he bears wit netifl 'tothn natiffactory character of the refrenhmcnU served at the i Christian ('bureh. I For the r- al thintr In onions. ae W. E. Ahalt of "The Iove M. Hi " Itrnlhnr Ahalt If ft a Him- pie at The In lependent office to J cheer the editorial heart and we must cay that for elegance of , form beauty of tint and rithcacy 'of aroma we have never seen their equal. I Spuds For Sale i While they laat at a tl 25 per hundredweight at the rannh or i$l.G0 delivered. t n t ! The Dorcas Society isplat."ir on aervini? lunch at some ceritral i location on election day. Definite announcement w to place and mnu will be ma le later. See Dr. Clarke, the Kyr ;nht Specialise about your eyer. lie will be it the lone Hotel all flay and even nir, Saturday, Oct. f. Cltford Crintoiiher'on rec nt!y purchased a Sorber radio thr up h the local auent. Walter Cor!:: y. 4 , 4 ! 4 4 . 4 4 4 ; 4 i 4 ; 4 i 4 4 ' 4 4 t X 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 BSBBB mm 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 X Weather Report For Sept. Total precipitation 0 I". "fince Sept. 1 CM " " for the correa- noi.dinir oeriod last year 1 CO " . No of clear das No. of cloudy dK i .. 2. No. partly cloudy ?. Prevailing wind Wi t. It. K. Iliirliixnii CtnperMtive Olwrxtr V. S. W " Mornan. Oregon. Oct. 1. I92S. Coming to The Dalles and Ptndld m Dr. Mcllenthin Specialist In Inl. rniil M.'illi lni' for tin (iiihI twrlve yi'iiri) DOKS NOT OPERATE Will be in The Dalles City Hall Briefs The nifular meeting of the Common Council of the town of lone wins held Tuesday, Oct. 2. The roll call ah" wed aa pre-eut; the Mayor and Cotincilmen Lun- dell, Bryson, Ritchie. McCabe and Bribtow; absent. Linn. The minutea weae read and ap annroved and the following list of claims uppproved by the com tnittee on finance and by motion duly made, seconded and carried, O'd rtd paid: lone City Dray $22 20 i G. Halsiuer 2.20 I'.ert Mason 24 CO lone Independent 10.00 llalph Ilarrin. in the matter of proposed sewer, in accordance with the understanding rerched at the lasi meelinv of the Ooun iaid o the table a cheek in the b- mount of $"00.00 and deeiiinatert for the purchase of vitrifieo sew er pipe, and when maxm me im der, that w hen the pipe a deliv tred. he would proceed with the feonslruelion of l be sewer The atreet commitue beina called for a report coiicen;ii' xide walkconstiuctioii proposed at the last meetinv of the coun cil repoited no projires. A proposition to join with Ue Pacilic 1'ower and Liitht Co. in the rental of office room in the (Milk btiiblinu on a 5 ) -50 basis wus aubmiited by the town mar shal and njecien by the Cuunci'. A qiiesiion as to the advu-abil ity of attempting the contiol rf raiio inteiferanee by ordirance armii.K, uneral discussion f.i low I' d but no action was tikn. tri.- concensus of opinion ben a thai it would be better to rely upon voluntary co-operattoii forti.ee- limination of loca'. interfeuuce Council adjourr.ed, Morgan News Mk. J. F. IIakiikstv J. A. Harbke and wife arrived in Morgan, Thursday, from Ljlf, Washington and viited with Mr. and Mrs. Hatdentv. Mr. Clips, the McNess Agent, was in the Morgan vicinity, on business las Thursday. Miss Edith Ely, with Beulah and Geneva I'ettyjohn.camehome from lone, Friday. Mr. Harbke and Mr. Hardesty were busines visitors in lnr.e, Thursday afternoon and in the evening all went to Ilepprier. ,j. 1'he 0. W. K. & N. work train moved, by Friday night'a train, from Morgan to Hock Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Harbke left for Heener, Friday. They expect to return to Lyle, Saturday or Sun day. K. E. Harbison, Glenn Ball and Frd Griffin loaded out two cars of wheat last Friday. Howard Hardesty finished hauling wheat for Ed Rietmann 'a-t Wednesday. Mcfjrs. Ely, Troedson, Palma ter-, Harbison, Pettyjohn and B. v ;;h i heir familien, took in tu l.-xi-aHeppner. Saturday. C.i ntinutil on l'a-4 lv.i r":':fJJA 1 H1GIISC110OL ATHLKT1CS Sunt. Earl A. Brown and Coivh Thosr J. Davidson of the lone schools were io Ar'.'u '.:tiui Saturday forenoon in attendance on themeetirig of the Upper Co- Uimbia Athletic L ague. Thy re port a good attendarce. Ofi'iers were elected as follows: F. M. Johnson of Lexington, t ref. ident and Wiley Knighton o! Fo The "Kodak Store" t4t44444444444:t 44 Come in and See $ Our I 1 RED & WHITE j X I Specials For Oct. 6 CBL Oct 8 ! Rcd& White OIco 1 for 21 ct ? ICIorox 2 for 33 ct f Fancy Blue Rose Rice 3 for20ct i Quaker Quick Oats, large 1 for 31 j Serv-us Cane and Maple l Syrup, Quart Jugs, 1 for 49ct 3 ; We Try To Please.' Bristow & Johnson 44444tt4"t't i i : i on Wed. and Thu . Oct. 10 & 11. ail, aecretary-treaunr. The ni-m at The Dalles Hotel and in Pcndle bers of the executive tornn ,, tee I . ... n . are Messrs Green of tossil, iel- ton, Friday. Oct. 12, at the Donon Md o( Hotel. Boardman.l he footb:.ll schedules I Office Hours, 10.00 A. M.'for lo..e. Condon and Fossil are ... as follows: to 4:00 P.M. l0NI: i ' ....... .' (ni (-Practice came at Ar k'. I V V I VT 1 .1. N: I 11 I. I I I u w - U.M U.Al 1.. U1UI.I.IU" AND TWO DAYS ONLY IN THE DALLES. i No Charge for Consultation I Dr. M-IIWliln Ih m rrgitliir Kr"1'"- ate in medicine and eurgi ry ami I Hci'iiHCil liy Itiextale ot Uri'tjun. He i1im-h not npi'Mie tor cliroiilc iipiu'u- tlll'lltH, K"H HtOIICK. lllltTH Of HtOlll- m il. toiiNlU or iiili'iuihlM. llo Iimh lo IiIm creillt, wuiulcrf nl re hiiHh tu iIIhiiihi' ill the Hloiuiu'li. live IIiowcIm, IiIiiimI, mU I ii, iiiTH'm. Iirnrt kUIiii'V. blinlilrr, lied wi'ttlnt;, cut ni rli, wi-iik Iiiiikm, rhi'iiiiintlMiii, m'lat j It'll, Irti iiIimth ami riful iillini'iitH. I IW'low lire tlu iiihiii'N nt u lew nl ! IiIh iiim iiy nut Udi'il patlenla In Ore jjoii, who have Ih'cii t rented tor one j nl the nliove mimed cutiHea: II. II. Illlike, MnrMliMelil. Kliner Hooker, Coiiilon. Hi'Mhle KeklrH, l'.niilre. ). (I. Horn, Homing. Tho Iluttf, Will.mliia. M M. R ( 'coper, Crcgon City E. M. Hurt, Ailiniiton; Mr. Omge W. Millici, AnliUn J. Ueineliitier lie nlioveililte ntlil.tliil eoiiNiili Ion will lie free iind hut hi treatment. I different. Married women immt tie nccoinpnn led liv tlielr IimhIiiiikIm. litmton. Oct. 13- Arlington at lone. Oct. 20-Condon at Con- don. Oct. 27 Fossil at lone. Nov. 3-0pen. Nov. 9- lUpp ner at I ne. Fossil Oct. 20: Arlington' at Ailinif ton. Oct. 27: loe at nione. isov. 3: Heppner at Fossil. Nov. 12: Condon at Fossil. Condon Oct. 20: lone at Condor. Nov. continued in I'tt. 4 m ' i MiW 'iiT'V 'i TX 4-Door VJon BoJjr by fuhrr Because Pontiat Six offers infinitely more than other cars of comparable price, over 350,000 I'ontiacs are now in use ... It is the lowest priced six offerinst the style, comfort and silence of boJies by Fisher. It is the only low priced" six oiferins a 1S6 cu. in. encine with the G-M-P. cylinJor hcaJ. It is the only six of its price coml inins the advantages of cross flow radiator, of foot -controlled headlishtsand of coincidental uansriUiion and ignition lock. It i such feature as tiiee which are so impres sive when i'oiuhc Six is compared with any other car of similar price. They typify the ex ceptional quality and value being built into this low-priced General Motors Six. Come in and learn how much more you get for your money when you buy a Pontiac Six. J.U wf Wan. ?4?l Co..,---. 7 l-" K-r. PK-lo. ).i.and All S.t. SliM ll5. Alt l"Kn mt Imc- la,,. Ch.l lal!uiui Fmil.ur I,-IimtI tcf,-ln-j kur.ai.xi c(va,jfc 0M..I M I ,m. I'.vwM l'U m4mbU m minimum HUM. I. R. Robison, Garage lone, Oregon- rosiM six PRODl'CT OF GENERAL MOTORS "Cold Weather Coming' i Prepare yourselves with warm clothing. T have received a well select ed stock of Moleskin sheep lined coats I Leather Coats, Waterproofed Jack- I ets, Blazers, Sweaters, Wool Unions, . i Pendleton Shir, Etc. Jnow IS olTheTime ofr 1 112 US. to equip your RADIO W in Mew JbatterriesI MACHINE SHOP I See these garments before j making your fall selections. t 1 BERT MASON j j IONE, OREGON AddreHH: '.':'l llradliury HUItf., I.oh AiiKi'leH.Callfiii'iila.