The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, September 28, 1928, Image 1

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IONE, ORECON, FRIDAY, Sept. 28, 1928
At the reuUr meeting of the
local puHt of thu American Leuion
on Wedneday af this week, of f i
cera elect were duly inatalled.
The list in an follows:
Commander, E. G. Sperry
Vice Com. Victor Uietmann.
Adjutant... Chan. Dane.
Fmance Officer ... John Farrla.
Serut. at ArmB, Carl Troedaon.
Walter Cochran wan retained an
Movie Manager and the aclinic
Dance Committe wan reappointed
After the Installation the
Leirionairea gathered round the
featal hoard to ton at the future
in bowls thut brimmed wilh nec
tar of clam.
Local Happenings
Mr. and Mra. Harold Ahalt
who have been apendinir the
summer in the mouutnini are
again in lone where they plan to
upend ihe winter. Mr. A.haa been
nm ployed as a hunter in the kov
ernrnent aervice during the cum-
imer hut will rot be bo employed
Dr. Clarke of the Clarke Opti-j " ""! He pi laM to trap Ip,
. ilanumlbnl u anH fni" lh UMr.ler
cnl Co.. MO A Alder Street,! ' ,t
The Dorcaa Society la planning i
on arving lunch at aome central
location on election day, Definite
announcement as to place and;
menu will be made later. I
Portland. Ore., EYESIGHT SPB
CIALISTS, will be in lone, ah
day and evening, Saturday, Oct.
C. at the lone Hotel. See him a
bout your eyes.
NOW YOUR. DkUGCItr I1TTU r rrnri Wkmii
"I Understand How Serious It Is"
THERE is serious sickness at home, and you hurry
with the prescription the doctor has given you
to your local prescription pharmacy. The pharmacist
immediately senses the seriousness of the case from the
medicine the doctor has ordered. Every minute that
treatment is delayed counts against the patient.
Perhaps the prescription calls for a rare drug or a
new remedy. Yes, the pharmacist assures himself he
has every ingredient he had prepared for emer
gencics. Cooly, deftly, accurately, he compounds the
prescription, and carefully checks his work.
Such emergencies should help to impress on you
that your prescription pharmacy is entitled to support.
There isn't enough prescription business in most corn
munities to support an exclusively prescription drug'
store. Therefore the druggist must sell many sundries
he must be a mcrdunt, too. Only by doing this can
he make a living, and maintain his pharmacy, in equip
ment and efficiency, so that it may best serve the needs
of the community and its physicians when serious
sickness comes.
TW Drama! aU ataatim tail ra nwW
am lat KramMal mit al a Mt,w.W
Wk laiw Imt aU an 4 aaa nn al M.
rij.-W V ftmimmt. H. tHt
alms' atamtM tfcaawran) Wraa a.
lam Ikal lat ramlwal I at avladi al
Mmti LaUnlann km M lU a
Una) a Uia rkriaw Ma ItaoamU.
The "Kodak Store"
will eatabliah hla home in the M.
It. Morgan houae on Second St.
Mrs. Werner Rietmann recently
purchased an Orthophonic Vic
trola through the local agency,
Billiards Pharmacy.
Mrs. Caatile of Heppner and
Miss Helen Wells of Lexington
were lone viaitors last Sunday.
Mrs. Caatile was accompanied
home by Mrs. Edward Jack son,
who wil. temain there fr an in
definite period.
Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Drake mov
ed into the apartments over the
lone Independent office.
Mr. E. L Ayers, of Htppner,
was a busineas viaitna in lore on
Tuesday. See bis adv. in am tht r
The Feteraon residence on
Second street in recelvinf a ne
coat of piint this week. Lint and
Clark have the work in haid.
"Formal Jehyde ' Hiing jour
jug. Carry it away for $2. per
-Bullard's Pharmacy.
Laat Friday,, Mrs. Hi.beit
Smith and daughter, Bonnie, and
Mrs. Jed Smith, were buawicaa
viaitors in lone.
Mrs. Alice Cocl.ran, Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Warfield. Gtorge and
E'mer Cochran have gone tu the
Hoo.l Hiver country to woik in
the apple harvest.
The Dorcas Society will told a
food tale on Saturday, October 6
J in the McMurray hLiluing.
X j Mrs. Millie Newton of South
; Betid is visiting relatives in lone.
J. H Cochran who has t e n vis
king with relatives in Yakima
for a time is at home again.
J Line's post master whos abaen
on a holiday excursion into W uth
jington was noted last week has
returned and is again at the pott
of official duty.
I Grand Secretary Sharon of the
1 1. 0. 0. K. was in lone one Jay
.this week and registered at the
i lone Hotel. Mr" Sharon is now
serving his 34th consecutive year
as Grand Secretary of tht Grand
Lodge of Odd Fellows.
On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. F.
Mack Itigrom v. ho has been ill
n the hospital at Heppner for
severol week with ruptured ap
pondix, has been removed to the
Coie Smith home, in lone where
his mother is careing for him.
He is now suficienlly improved
to be able to ait up for a few
minutes for a time.
Have you registered?
The Easter! slarheid a regular
meeting on Tuesday evening, aft
er which a social evening waa en
joyed by members and invited
gu sts.
Morgan News
Mk. J. F. IIakw.hty
The families of Mr. Glenn
Ball and Mr. King attended the
round Up at Pendleton last Sat
urday. All say it was fine.
Mrs. KeJIer. Mrs. Shippy and
Mra. Hardeaty called on Mrs. S.
Seely, laat Wednesday.
Martin Baurenfeind and Jamrs
Hardeaty went to lone on busi
ness laat Saturday.
Mra. Keller and Mrs. Shippy'
went to lone to church Sunday
Mr Frank Young with his fam
ily and his mother visited with
continued on Fg. 4
New Jeraey Insurance Co.,
Portland, Oregon.
Sept. 18, llttl.
Mr. F. H. Robinson,
lone, Oregon.
Dear Mr. Uubicson:
acki.ow'eige the nceipt of your
check for $10), covering salvage
allowance on muchiie of Le
Beck tier.
Kindlv find attached ourdraft
for $2000 payable to Lee Beikner.
' Thanking you for your kind
ness in this matter, we remain,
You-s very truly,
SEELEY CO., General Ax's..
C. II. Doughertv
Claim Exami.nkr
j& Clark & Linn J&
Carpenter Work, Paint ing. Pa
per Hanging and General Re
pair Work.
lone, Oregon.
Mirrors Resilvercd
All Work Guaranteed
Let me qucte price on ur work.
(hlman Whig. Vhorn Mum
Il,ftmr, Oregon-
Improved Concord prspes for
sale. Any quantity.
L. D. Saling,
Iirigon, Oregon.
Come in and See
Specials For
Sept. 29 (EL Oct. 1
Original Shredded Wheat 2. for 2.fcts
Albers Pearls of Wheat 1 for 24cts
Wesson Oil, Quart 1 for 51cts
Oval Sardines, J 2 for 29cts
Servus Coffee, lib. 1 for 47cts
Servus Jell Desert 3 for 23cts
Kellogg Corn Flakes 2 for 17cts
See our Van Brunt Drills & John Deere Plows.
We Try To Please.
iBristow & Johnson
Don't fail, to Register.
Books are still open.
FIVR years ago the possibili
ty of extending electrical service
, to any considerable number of
farms Wuj problematical. Yet with
in three years the number of elec
trified farms in 27 states has near
ly doubled. Two hunred ways in
which electricity can make farm
ing pay greater dividends in great
er dividnds in living comlort and
dollar producing efficiency have
been developed.
Ruled by the hard-won facts
of engineering science, not by
theories or dreams, the electric
There are today about lght and power industry is to-day
4(X),MMJ farms inA merka making one of the lew real con.
using electrical sen'ice. In tributionS to the Solution of th;
four states alone, elrctricily farrner'S problem,
m er tended to 21,217
additional farms daring A national rural electric proj
jrj27. ect near Washington is now un
dertaking the study of new elec
tric labor saving devices and the
electrical treatment of the soil
and of crops to increase the pro
ductivity of farms.
FACTS are the foundation
on which the light and power
companies of America have built
the structure of a public service
unequalled in all the rest of the
Pacific Power & Light Co.
Louia Balsiuer handlea all
F. Engelman drove to Pendleton yxnPt o( ineurttnce. Are yon in
to attend the funeral of Mrs. En.lured? Aftef th (,re jg t00 ,le
,nl aan tin's II n rtl n St p 4 l.aMiVul 1
Tney were accompanied home by
Mrs. Engelman's mother. Mrs.
Kutt Pettys who has been with
relatives in Pendleton for sever
al days.
Mr. and Carl Feldman drove
t ) the valley the latter part of
the week to take their daughters
to their respective colleges. Miss
Hazel 'will return to the State
College at Corvalis and Miss
Katherine will the State Univer
sity as a Freshman.
The Hebekaii District Conven
tion is to be held at Lexington
on Saturday, the 20th of October.
Mr. E. J. Briatow is having
some improvements made on his
residence property. ChaB. Nord,
Esq. is officiating ie the dual ca
pacity of supervising architect
and construction engineer.
Mr 8. Earl Brjwn gi d son Win
nie are attending the State Fair
a. Salem. Mrs. brown went as
chaperone of the Club girls of
this county.
Mr, and Mrs. John Grimes left
this we, k for points In the valley
and expjet to be gone for an in
dafinlte period.
Experienced practical i urse
would like maternity cases.
Viola Canning. lone, Oregon.
election .
See Swanson for
10, 15, & 25 ct. Counters.
For real bargains visit our
10, 15 and 25ct. counters.
A Large
Assortment of I
1.14. 11 V V xav
.ZrT-t T-' rQ
wine limp or
to equip your
; With New
Household Needs
u as-Limit? cunn
Can be filled by a visito this
section of the store.