The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, August 17, 1928, Image 5

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    True American Spirt . -The
pliraao, "Don't give up tb
flip I" la attributed to Jnme Law
rence, Amerlciio nnvul olllcer, who
coinmnnded theCheanpeuke, an Aincr.
lean ahlp, lo the encounter with the
Urlllah ihlp, Shnnnn!?.. Lawrence w
wounded eurly In the encounter In
the leg, but retained fal poat on the
deck. He wit mortally wounded a
aecond tlme end while being carried
below, noticing that the crew wn
heiltnnt, cried, "Boya, don't urren
der tlio veaaell' '
Men and Musle
Dr. Tliotnns Arnold of KuKby
Animator What? "T5
Julia bud been invited to accom
It May Be
entirely lacking In piuslcnl taste.
pany liergrnnd)iirentto the xoo. When
Speaking of thl defect, ho says: "I
preparing for the trip Junior, Julia
oun no more remedy It than I could
younger brother, asked where his sister
miike my mind mathematical, or thnn
some men could enter Into the deep
delight with which I look at a wood
anemone or wood-sorrel."
was going. Ills mother told him thnt
Julln's grandmother and grandfather
were going to take tier to the soo.
Junior asked his mother whether that
was not the place where they kept
animals. Being assured that It was,
Dean Hook used to maintain that
landers "Messiah" bad turned more
sinners to righteousness than had all
be said: "Why are they taking her
there? Is she going to turn Into an
animal or what?"
the sermon that were ever preached.
rwa-w " 'Zr'7ZZ7 "2
When w
Children Cry
for It
Castnrln Is a comfort when Hahr li
fretful. No sooner tiiki'it than the little
on In at east. If restless, a few ilroiii
tiHin tiring contentment.. No tiiinn done,
for Cnstnrla li baby remedy, meant
fur bnhlcs. I'crfiM ily atifo to ulvo tin
ynunxcst I n fiint ; you Iiiivr the doctors'
word for Hint It U a vegetable pro
duct and you could on It every iin
Hut II I In ii n emergency that Caatorla
tiii'iuiii iniMt. Home night when consti
pation tnimt tie relieved or colic pulnt
or other suffering. Never I without
It; mniie mother keep nn extra bottle,
unopened to niiike aura there will al
ways be Caatorla In the limine. It li
effective for older children, too J read
the loik Hint cornea with It.
Tin Playt Large Part
in Feminine Apparel
How tnuny women aud girls who
wear flesh-colored artificial illk Block
ings kuow that the gulden sheen on
nine of tlieur la really a tin one? A
cording to a dyestuffs eiiert, tin II
used hi a meiiiia.of tiling color In Ilia
dyeing of artificial allk. Th modern
girl tun really ba regarded aa a god'
deaa of tin, for rlia la largely res'ion
alhl for tin Increnelni application of
tin to new uava. .
Tin plays an Important part In the
manufacture of all artl tidal allk lin
gerie, and la uaed In lh manufacture
of nearly all artlclca of Hit toilet ta
ble. Tin, too, makea poaallil the col
lapalhle tnbea of toilet am) cosmetic
preparation i.
Something Wrong?
A teacher In one of the clljr achnola
told her four-year-old an, "-"reddle.
Jr that tit waa to ro lo achool with
her the following day. The mother
explained to her ami that My-and
glrla do nl tnlb lo school and that
be should tint talk.
Freddie Jr. Inquired: "WI'M's the
matter with then t"lndlnun oil
Cefi New Thrift in Age
A year iM-ture he retired from active
fiirniliig when ninety font year old
Harvey Vntint. I'lvll war veteran nnd
early actllcr near Otierl, Si-Ii.. dm-lded
he would illm iml in tenuis nod hot
for travel, mid IhmiuIiI a motor car
80 at ninety Hint lie learned to drlv
a rnr and tin been his oun rhnuffeur
Palace Ther Ideal Home
That iihnlrrn iiMHli Inn lis Ideal
win dc itmiiitrntcd at 11 Loudon wIiim
recently The pnplla were nked to
draw a picture of thelt Ideal home
The tenclier. expected entliiue com
nlete with roaehiuU. hut hall the
young H-npll drew pictures of
liiulinin pitlnce. the home of the kins
and queen .'
Husband (a hltpcilniii - Once, the
imp la terrllily weak
(irnce Sh ! It a dune on purpoe,
an that the biicis can ace the lieiiutl
fill ornnuietitiitlon In the bottom of
the dlHli
Wife Trie Compound
Every year the Nnkham Medicine
r,.m,.. .ll.lriLiitn. a limit .io.ouo.nuo
uoos lata iron.
ImllNA to lion
Mr. ted Ulniman
dura thla work in
liodl, California.
Ilia wife writeat
"It waa In then
little hooka that
I read about ao
manv women be
ine be1ied by the
medloine. I
thought I would
r-tv it a trial
and I can truly lay that It haj don
Vt tiniulilmri and friend
Mk nii what I m ddnir to mnk-s v
.1- ..... U. tnn f ii.ll fhnm that
I am taking Lydla K. riukiiaia'a
. . s
yegeUbl lmuuuuu."
' .'..0 l-; Tv
1 'I V::- -MMtii
Kaletaur Falls In
Tmn4 ht Itia Nillonal (."fraphla
Wukinaioa. I' C.)
TIIK OiiIhuui llrltlali. rengo
and Duuli which form coutluu
oua area on the north coait of
Soutlt America, are m 0017
rltorlea In thut cmtlnent not under a
local, republican form of government.
The word (Julun hi derived from the
name of in old Indian tribe which
once Inhabited the eutlre country be
tween the mouth of the Orinoco and
Amaxim river fur back the 1110
Negro end Ihe Ciialiiuliire. Thl huge
territory formerly went by the name
of Culnba. but much of It I now In
cluded In Venezuela and UrnilU
(iuliina nilaed one chance for fame
through a typographical error, me
humble "guinea" pig, a native aon.
would have carried lie boine land a
name Into pular uaage had not early
wrltera cotifuM-d the habitat of the ro
dent with African Oulnea a confusion
which I nop altogether overcome to
thl day.
Gulan Brut came Into public nolle
becauae of the tnlcn of Juan Martinet,
who, for getting bl He believed, out
rank! Munchnuaen or Ananlna. HI
taU-i of Manoa, where the monument
were marvel of lutrou gold, and
where men were anointed with oil and
then aprlnkled with pulvorlied gold,
captured the Imaginations of many ex
plorer even tM-rore Mr waiter un
lek'h penetrated the humid Interior
of Oulana In eearcb of thl Kl Dorado.
So generally la the term now uted in
a fluurntlve en to denote any fan
ciful rainbow end that It I hard 10
rcallie how erlouly the tnlea of Mar-
llnex, and leer llura. were credited.
' The flrtt actual relllemcnt were
made by lmuh eolonlats In the lout
m.urter of the Slxleenth century. Par
amaribo, or, a Ihe Dutch call It, Surt
nam. the cnpltnl or inucn i.uiuna. 1a
Interesting a the city which wa trail
ed to the KiiKllih fr the aettlcment
of New Amsterdam on Manhattan Is
land, preaent-duy New York. I'aru
marlhn now has a population of about
40.000 people, tnotly negroes.
Oalntd Black Nsms.
Of the three colonies, French Gui
ana, the eartcrnmnst. Is the smnllcxt
Itccnuw It has been heard of princi
pally In connection with the depone
tbrn of convicts, snd specially la re-
gnrd to the Dreyfus cne. French Gul
ana has gained a black nnme. It Is
true the region has been developed
chiefly aa a penal station, and perhaps
It deserves Its evil repute! but In phys
ical Btecte nnd pomlhllllle. at least,
It Is rloelT compnrable to Itrltlah and
Dutch tiuliinn, Ulh of which have had
a nieiiKtirnhlo degree of prosperity.
With the convict millstone around It
neck. French Gultinn, aa a colony, ha
never really had a chance.
Cayenne, known by aound at lewd
because It hna given Its name to
pepper, I the cnpltnl and only port of
liuimrtiince In French Guiana. Its In
habitants number 10H). nearly
third of the entire population of the
country. With It houses of colored
stucco nnd Us avenues and squnre
shaded by superb pnlms, It has attrac
tive expect. In It dwell men of mnny
climes and colors. Chinese keep the
shops; natives of tndo-Chlna supply
the market! nntclalihim .Is French
nnd on the streets are to be seen Cre
oles from Martinique, Arabs from
northern Africa, nnd negroes from
(ienegiil and the Guluna Interior.
Dutch Guliinn Is about the size of
Florida, The llrltlsh first held It; and
the Dutch first held what now la Hrlt
lull Guliinn. The easternmost of the
three foreign holdings, French Oulana
I used, In part, as a penul colony.
Along the const Dutch Guluna la a
Elegance in Taffeta Wraps
Two auminer evening wraps In
peach-rose taffeta are slngulnrly fem
inine In type. A shirred flounce of
some depth and matching cnpclet
shirred below the ihoulders are the
salient polnls of one, whllo two nar
row flounces of double, material add
width to the accond wrap.
Metal and Suede Flower
A new sort of aporta flower dis
tinctly modern lu spirit it cut lu un
t 7
British Oulana.
trip of transplanted Holland. Back
In It forest I a bit of Africa, In
habited by Iluahmen, who live much
aa do their Dark continent cousin.
The Afrlcana were Imported In slave
days, and chased back to the forest
fastnesses when the tax collector came
around. Many of them found their
tropical environment there ao home
like that they eluded their owners.
Paramaribo baa the Immaculate ap
pearance of a Dutch city; It has one
natural extravagance of which It 1
proud, It street lined with mahogany
ehudo tree. For the tree on one
block, spreading over neat weather
board bouses, a lumber firm once of
fered i;-0,0), and the residents de
clined to sell.
I'.rlilsh Guiana has great potential
riches, but baa always lacked the la
bor to bring It hidden wealth Into
usable form. It I a tropical land
with much rich Kill and an abundant
growth of tropical plants. The Brat
step In developing ruch a region I to
push back the Jungle; then a constant
battle must be waged to keep It back.
Where thl ba been done by the teem'
Ing populations of certnln tropical
countries, such as Java and parts of
the Straits Settlements, the region has
become one of the world's garden
spots ; but In llrltUh Guiana the puny
attack that man ha so fur made In
his war on an Implacable vegetation,
bare In most cases led to defeat
Great rivers flow through the land.
forming wide estuaries where they
meet the sea. The earliest settlers.
the Dutch, sailed up the wide streams
and attempted to carve plantations
from the forests on their banks. Hut
this was the most difficult method of
attack, and In addition the soil In
the arena selected was none too rich.
Near the coast were wide mud flats
of rich alluvial matter without fur
ct growth. Iteclaluilng overflowed
lauds was a problem belter under
stood by Dutchmen, so they retreated
before the forests and made a new
start on the constat lowlands. Dike
and drainage dltche were constructed.
with a system of sluice gates to let
the water out at low tide. In this wny
much rich land was brought under
When Ihe British captured the coun
try from the Dutch In KM they con
tinued to develop the coastal mud
flats and the slightly higher Innd Im
mediately Inland,, leaving the forests
practically untouched. That policy
has been followed pretty closely since,
so that even now the Inhabitants and
development of British Gnlnna are -In
Inrge part confined to a strip of ter
ritory from ten to fifty mile wide
along the coart.
Ha Many Rivers.
British Gulnna Is a land of mnny
rivers. Three very Inrge ones flow
northwnrd to the coast roughly pnrnl
lei:' the Essequebo, Dcmernra, and
Berblce. These are the nmln road
Into the Interior, especially the Di m
erora and Kjciiicho. The total mile
age of rnllwny In the country I about
its), all but SO of It parallel to the
coast and. within Ave mile of the rea,
If growth In population and solution
of the Inhor problem ever permit Brit
lull Gulnna to become Intensively de
veloped, it will not luck water power
for it Industrie. Bupld and catar
acts are found In all the rlverr; and
nboul mile from the coast, on the
I'nlnro river, a trlluitnry of the Es
sequegn, la Kuleteur falls, one of the
great waterfalls of the world. The
river ha a cheer drop of 741 feet, and
cataracts Increase the total full to
more thnn 800 feet, approximately
five times the height of Niagara.
even angulur lines from pastel-colored
suede. Metnl In cutwork pressed on
Ihe suede nllowa the color to show
through. Novel leaves of the tame
mnterlnl at the flower are used. This
posy I worn a a decoration on rout
lapel, dress scarf or lint
Circular Theme
Skirts, cupes and collars show tho
circular theme, ' A lemon-colored suit
has a cape back on a tailored at
thut Is romovuble, . .
Wealth From Watte
Aluminum, 10 popular for the manu
facture of pol and kettle, may be
aupcraeded or find a clone rival In a
ew metal called beryllium. Extracted
fcom orea prevloualy dumped away a
waate, beryllium promlae apeclal val
ue In making kitchen utenalla, frame
for alrahlp and plstona for motor
car a.
It I about a third lighter than alum
inum yot much harder, with four
time It elaitlclty. It real! aalt wa
ter, which corrode aluminum, and
loema unaffected by Ihiulda and fumea.
It light gray color take 00 a poliin
like that of fin tteel.
Time values for punctuation are gl-
en In the method of pointing known a
rhetorical punctuation. Here the com
ma la said to Indicate pause long
enough to count one, semi-colon two,
a colon three and a period four. Since
reader would vary In rapidity of read
Ing and counting puS-"tuatlon accord
ing to grammatical clrcninstanct la
usually followed.
House Made Famout
Tbe location of the house In which
Jefferson wrote the Declaration of In
depence was on the south tide of Mar
ket trect. Philadelphia, between Sev
enth and Eighth street. The bouse
I no longer itauulng. but the desk
upon which .he wrote has been pre
served and I the property of the fed
erul government.
Placet for No$e$
The grindstone I no place for 1
man to keep bl nose, but It Is better
there than In other folk' affulr.
Two Sorti of Work
Scientist say that four hours' hard
mental work I a physically exhaust
Ing a eight hour manual work.
flere and there a "hallelujah" In a
people' letter celumn
the "howlelujahs."
brighten op
While you look at what I given,
look also at the giver. Seneca.
on the, Tnxvtket ,
jS -se ¬
Four-cylinder Touring 1 133; Roadster (2-pass.) $ 183; Roadster (with rumble seat) $325;
Coach 1333; Coue $333; Cabriolet Coupe (with collapsible top) $393. Whippet Six
Touring $615; Roadster $603; Coupe $695, Coach $695. All prices f. o. b. Toledo, Ohio,
anJpcciiications tubjoct to change without notice. Willys-Overland, Inc., Toledo, Ohio.
Intelligence It an inherited charac
teristic which grows year by year In
childhood, and I fully develnied obout
sixteen or seventeen, after which yon
may cultivate the mind through ntudy
and experience; but not by th meas
ure off a brain cell can you Increase
your "Intelligence." Many grown-op.
and com of them successful a th
world count! success. If tested scien
tifically, would And that their "Intel
ligence" war no more than that ol
their cchoolboy son of twelve. Glas
gow Herald.
Damatcut It Oldett
The oldest city U. tbe world still
In existence I Damascus It 1 prob
able that there are ruin of other
cltie antedating Dnmarm Excava
tions In Central America Indicate that
some f" the oldest cities In the world
mny originally have stood In these
countries. This has not yet been
definitely estnblhhed.
Shakespeare' "Borrowing"
The famous biographies by Plutarch
(40-120 A. D.) were of undoubted
service to 8hakespeare In writing his
torical play. "Jullu Caenr," "An
thony and Cleopatra," "Corlolanua'
and other. Plutarch apent most of
hi life writing bl "Live" of Greek
and Horaan celebrities.
Aerial Teat for London
A leading London aviation service
ba Just started the Idea of aerial
tea parties, and will hold the eventa
every Friday afternoon throughout
the summer. In a 21eater plane the
passengers will be able to view the
city while sipping their oolong.
All-Day Rainbow
A rainbow ometime may be seen
all day long In a cloudless sky In
Siberia. It I said to be due to reflec
tion of the aun on One particles of
snow lo tbe air.
Th margin of anfety grow lea
at the margin of profit srows more,
Buffalo Newt.
nilis quality, lcauly and style dominating
In definite dollar-for-dollar value there are no 4-door
enclosed cars on the market comparable to the
Whippet Four and Whippet Six Sedans.
The perfected Whippet Four offers such desirable
features as full forcc-fced.lubrication, sileut tim
ing chain, extra leg room and powerful 4-whctl
brakes. The new Whippet Six, in addition to
these, provides a 7-bcaring crankshaft, Invar
strut pistons and many other advantages.
Such notable values as these Sedans are
possible only because of the skill and ex
perience gained in the production of
more than Z,(KK),(HH) motor cars.
Hytteria Hitt Dogt
Hysteria, or what Is known at
fright disease" In tome southern
state of this country, hna attacked
valimhle racing greyhound of Eng.
land. On one day four were ill at the
Burnley track, and three at Salford.
According tolaj. V. Ilopkln. official
veterinary urgeon to the Greyhound
Boeing association, the complaint I
new to England, and 1 believed to
huv been Imported from the United
States. It comes to a dog without
warning, and Ihe animal goea off "Into
the blue," crle wildly and becomes
Manner of Doing It
Whatever we are, high or lowly,
learned or unlearned, married or tin
gle, In a full house or dwelling In
quietness, we have our dally round
of work, our duties of affection, obe
dience, love, mercy, Industry, and th
like; and that which makes one man
differ from another It not to much
what things he does, at bit manner of
doing them. Cardinal Manning.
"Ob Tm coming along, thank ye,"
cheerily piped old man Totterly, who
wat III. "I'm getting weller all the
time. I can quarrel with my son-in-law
a little, and hope to bold him
level after a while. Tea, si reel ril
be strong enough to play checker! by
and by. Philadelphia Record.
Holdt Itt Age Well
Scientist at the University of
California, after geologic turrey of
Colorado, Utah nd Arizona, claim
the world I 7-VOUO.OOO year old.
Outt and Int
There' thl difference; An outlaw
frankly rob you of money ; an In-law
promise to pay It back. Santa Bar
bara Dally Newt.
In fighting Insomnia, deliberately
stay avake all of one night. That
makea insomnia alck.
Suspicion la a heavy armor, and
with Itt own weight Impede mor
tbau protect. Byron.
7 I