The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, August 17, 1928, Image 4

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Works Both Ways By Charles Sughroe
fc ARB 1
t1 A Few
j Little J
J?M JIMIOR, WUERC ARb til er-'nA SFT1 jL (NO, HE ISktT 4 lPf II C - 23t32I
m w goax? r-' !rr7c7Tr LI W Nik&YUEfk lr-tWEUMAYBS wave)
: On Trail of Ghosts :'
Shanghai. Thro Shanghai men
who don't believe In ghosts hare left
the city for ilongkong, where the;
plan to Investigate the alleged ghoets
of Sung Duang hill, In Kowloou, the
place where the last emperor of the
Sung dynast; Is told to have hliUlen
himself from his pursuing enemies,
The three nonbellevers are U. Itloh
xaood Curie;, J, B. Bornian, and Alex
ander V. McDonouga. The; claim
that their curiosity has been aroused
bj the persistent reports from Hong
kong of the strange carryings-on of
Die "ghosts of Sung Uuang bill.
"Ghosts don't exist and we propose
to prove It to the satisfaction of all
persons In Hongkong and Kowlooa
who think otherwise," Curley, spokes
man for the trio, declared.
Stories Accepted.
Chinese residents of Shanghai who
formerly lived In Kowloou take much
stock In the ghost stories of Sung
Huang hill. Jn all seriousness they
will tell of strange moans and groans
to the dead of night; of wild cries of
tortured men and women, and of
white robed forms flitting mysterious
ly about the place.
Lee Chai-llng, an Intelligent, edu
cated Chinese of the international set
Giant Letter Sent by Air Mail
, mDE 690 !
The largest letter ever sent by air mall was received by Postmaster
General Harry 8. New In Washington from the chamber of commerce of
Muskegon, Mlclf. The letter contained a vote of thanks from the business men
of Muskegon to the Tost Office department for establishing an air mall route
from Chicago to Muskegon. The letter measured S'i by 6 feet and required
$11.50 postage. Mr. New Is standing beside It.
Murder in City of
New York "Unusual"
Albany. Murder In New York
state. In tho view of Senator John
Knight, chairman of the subcomml
lon on statistics of the Baumet crime
commission, "Is a relatively unusuul
This view, expressed by Knight In a
report of his commission, wus taken
after two years of Investigating by
""V T
Lloyd lluhn, America's premier lu'ler
as be appeared at bis home, Fii'ls
City, near Oinuhu, before his le;eir
lure for the Olympic games nt Avir er
dam. Ilahn Is shown with o:uc f
the trophies he has collected r Ills
victory emlilems In the past few jean
tlement, formerly a tea merchant lu
Konloon, swears to the truth of the
following story of the haunted bill,
which, be says, he personally wit
nessed :
In 1024 three children disappeared
while playing In the vicinity of the
place. A group of Chinese determined
to Investigate. Their leader was a
powerfully built, fearless Cantonese
named Lo Hul-chlng.
Lo Disappeared.
Lo led the party to within 33 feet of
the place, lie was about 10 feet In
udvnuce of the others when there
came a piercing scream from the rear.
All beads turned. They could see no
one. Turning back, to their con
sternation they could find no trace of
Lo. He had disappeared completely.
The party tied In all directions.
Two days later Lo's headless body
was found in the bay. The mystery
never has been solved.
The lutest story from the haunted
hill hus It that a prominent Chinese
woman was lured to the bill by a
young man and an old num. A charm
seemed to have enveloped her and she
followed them blindly. A bewildered
servant was with her. The servant
relates that bis mistress followed the
T ST"'
the body Into the crime situation Id
the state,
"To be exact," said the report,
"murder constitute! about one-half of
1 per cent of the felonies prosecuted
In New York state. The gist of
crimes that constitute IK) per cent of
the work of the criminal courts puss
almost without notice, a few sensa
tional cases rupture Interest and to
greut degree determine the popular
conception of Justice."
"The general problem of making the
United Slates less lawless." was seen
as "hound up In what Is done In these
prosaic prosecutions, rather than In
the Hull-Mills and Bny-dor-Gray
eases In the generation," the
report said.
Figures covering the crime record In
New York city Include cases ol
murder and manslaughter In IJi-'S; 2-SU
In lli'JO and 'JTS In
The a "n ii 1 1 and robbery cow re
IMirled were I.IS.1 fur l!K!5; 1.17.1 for
I'.r.U and !i.V, f..r IIC7. Itelutlve to
burglary cilso the siihcoininlsslon'l
Mgures slum Unit while there were
4. mi In l!i-.'.'. the number rt'mlnlshed
In 1112(1 to a. 7.1 nml climbed again to
S..1MI In l!r.'7
The Itaumi-s laws provide life sen
tenees for Have ronvleled ol four fel
onies. Out Squcr'c
New York -Tliere's such n Hilng as
being allnjii iher too sarcnc le about
unsatlrfiii lir-y new shoes. A furni
ture merchant put his In his how win
dow Willi plaeiird telling what he
thought nl i tin tn The shoe deuler
obiulned mi tiijuiiitlon. .
two men to the edge of the precipice,
where the men dlsapienred.
The woman then exclaimed to her
servant that there was something
strange behind them. The servant
looked. There was nothing. He
turned back and his mistress was
gone. Her body was found to the
X Deal of Men, University of $
V Illinois.
it LI 0V old Is Mrs. IlrownT" some
' ' one asked me a short time agj.
We have known the Prowns a long
time W years or more and Mrs.
Itrown was middle-aged then. I had
to answer that I dldu't know. Age
nnd birthdays are subjects which Mrs.
Itrown does not refer to. Even her
children are uncertain as to Just when
she was born. She Is eighty-five If she
Is a day. She Is ninety very likely,
but she doesn't look It nnd she Is giv
ing nothing away. She quit having
birthdays forty or fifty years ago.
There are no milestones of progress
In her journey of life. She goes right
along without regard to time or dis
tance. If anyone should be rode
enough to ask her bow old she Is, I
am sure she would evade the question
or Ignore It, It Is her own business
nnd she doesn't rare to have people
kuow about It.
Now Mrs, Groves takes quite en-
I Dad Claim Boy, 5, !
Youngest Auto Driver
Columbus, Ind. Donald Ford,
five, son of Mr .and Mrs. Walter
Ford, Is one of the youngest
auto drivers In Indiana, bis fa
ther claims. Before he reached
his fifth birthday Inst February
the boy was able to start the
engine of bis father's car, but
lurked length to manipulate the
clutch aud brake pedals.
The father has rebuilt an old
car In such a manner that It
will HI the tiny driver, and now
hardly a day pasne without
Donald taking a spin. And he
knows bis stop and go signs, bit
father says.
New Orleans, La. Wherever cotton
It traded the world over business men
are alert to dally development In a
New Orlennt street which bears the
name of a French noblerran famous
mi a public benefuctor.
Carondelet ttreet, where the New
Orleant Cotton exchange It located,
extendi fifty-one tqunret from Cunul
ttreet to Itobert, west end. The first
tlx blocks from Canal to I'oydms
street encompass the city's financial
district, where the daily turnover
runt Intc hundreds of thousands of
Budding "Undy" Seeks Fame
I'M TRAtMlfl
jump; YOU'LL
w SMu i i i i i i i i nncwc'
other view of the question. She It
proud of her age, she takes every oc
casion to Haunt It In one's face. She
Is constantly reminiscent giving with
exactness alwuyt the time aud place
and date.
"That win In 1S4U," the will an.
nouuee when relating tome tale of
early life lu the Middle West, or re
ferring to some occurrence of her
childhood. "I must have been five or
six years old then five I guest It
was." Then she goes on with her
story leaving one to make the easy
mathematical calculation which deter
mines her present age.
She dotes uion birthdays and
never tett her frlendt forget when
hers It approaching so that there
may be cakes and candles nnd remem
brances of various sorts. She Invites
In her friends and sits tn atnto while
receiving congratulation! on ber
health and her youthful appearance
and the fact that she does not look
anything near ber age. She recounts
all that hat happened to ber during
the past year. A birthday to her
meant progress progress In making
friends. In experience, In mental do
velopment. It brings her nearer to
the end of life which to ber Is an ad
venture full of Interest and possibili
ties. Little Jenn Is to have a birthday
soon, she was telling me today.
"l'o you kuow bow old I'll be)" the
"Four," 1 ventured.
"Five," she corrected me proudly.
"Do you know how many days It Is
still?" she Inquired eagerly. I could
only guess.
"IHi you know what day of the week
It Is J" she went on. I venlured to
suggest Friday and luckily waa cor
rect. She was eager for the time to come
when the could announce that she
was year older than she hsd ever
been before. She was going to school
the next year. Ulrthdiiys for little
Jean meant new experiences, new
friends, new adventures. There wus
the mystery of gifts which she was
sure she would receive. There was
the eagerness for Independence, for
greater freedom, for grow th, for added
responsibility. It was a great thing
to have a- birthday. Hope and ambi
tion welled In her little heart.
Would that each birthday brought
lo each of us the same enthusiasm
the same ambition !
tfi, Itll, N.w.ppr I'oloa.)
Happiness may
resemble either a
mountain or mole
hill. It depends on
the distance you are
from It
Noble, Honored
dollars. Midway In these alt blinks
It the cotton exchange, at Carondelet
and Gravler streets. From this build
ing Secretary Henry 0. Hester sends
out bis reports which affect the mar
ket wherever the ample It known.
The French nobleman for whom the
ttreet It named wnt christened Fran
cisco Luis Hestnr de Carondelet.
Seigneur d' Hiilne RL I'lerre de Not
tles. Horn In Flanders In 1747, be
cam to Louisiana In 1701 for a six
year stay. During this time he served
at governor. Then bt went to Peru
1 tmmm
A vc'g5
AlT r I 1 1 I I L. I Bt i ' Mr
. ' is)
Where Iceberg Com
Iccbcrgt are broken off pieces
of greut glaciers In the Fnr
North and are sometimes car
rled far to the south where they
cross regular steamship routes
Occasionally an arctic animal,
conveyed from native haunts. Is
found upon them. Athotigb
only one ninth floats above wa
ter some have been seen with at i;i
much at 300 feet showing $
OB. 1011. WwUra Nswii'iMr t'nln.k w
Mist Itobel Stons.
From the Pennsylvania state execu
tive mansion to a sunken barge, Is the
sad story of the Misses IsnM and
I'egity Stone, daughters of the Inte
Gov. William M. A. Stone of I'ennsyl
vnnln. From a fortune of millions,
from art and opera and sculpture,
from the best drawing rooms In the
nnllon, to dingy derelict barge an
chored In the muddy waters of Sher
man creek, near 41 Dyrkmau street.
New York. When Governor Stone died.
It was said be left a largo estate.
When sell lenient of the estate wns
made, the girls were given only fl.tDKI,
They are still flghllng for the mys
teriously vanished millions, but they
have Utile bo. IsnM appeared In
several IlrnniUay prodm-tlmis before
her present poverty was known to her
self. Now that she needs a Job, It Is
not forthcoming. However, she man
ages to support herself and sister,
I'eggy, who Is a sculptress, by singing
over the radio weekly.
from Louisiana to serve it viceroy.
Karon Carondelet recognised the
advantage! that would accrue to New
Orleans from construction of a cunul
linking the Mississippi river with
Lake I'ontchnrtruln. Giving much of
bis personal fortune and lending hit
slaves for Hit or, llsron Caron
delet wns the dynamic force behind
the movement for the canal, although
a yellow fever tcourge prevented Hit
consummation of hit plan. Cunal
ttreet, now ranked at one of the fa
mous thoroughfares of the world,
marks the tile of the noblvmnn't un
For bit ninny bcnefnctlont Louisi
ana welcomed him nt governor. New
Orleans paid blm tribute with Caron
delet street. Ilaroness Carondelet
ttreet, now llnronne ttreet, nnd Cunul
ttreet, named for hit work.
sOHKKHt)O0 00000000000000
Judge Marries 5,000
Couple in 25 Years
. Fresno, Cnllf. George Wash
ington Hmllli, who has been a
Justice of the peace here since
IIKtf, has Just let what be be
lieves to be a record at I "mar
rylng Justice" In officiating at
his A,00Uth wedding,
Smith began hit career at a
marrying Justice January 18.
111.1, and hat kept a record ol
(lit ceremonies. Ills records
show that the greatest number
of marriages performed In one
yeur wns 804, and thai 40 was
the most In any tingle month,
while Hit record day brought
eight couplet to hit office,
& OOOO0O0O0 oooooooooooooooi
V i C Vs.
"Aunt Dinah, what art the namet
of your twlu children T" tskvd a caller.
Aunt Dinah swelled with pride. "Da
boys' mime aiu Alphabet, an' de glrl't
Dame nm Alphaheita," she said.
"Could I sea them)"
"Yns'm, I'll call urn," said Dlnnh.
And shudllug to the door rhe cupped'
iter hands tnd culled, "Alfalfa I Ai-i
"If a man Steals, he'll live lo regret
"Jack stole a kiss from me last
"Well, what I said, goes."
MuxtU Hr
A Asms w would like
To nut out of bis.
Is ths oris who phnnta:
"Duais whs Ibis Isl"
David Garrh k, the actor, was one
ttopped In a tendon 1 1 reel by a wan
In very ragged clothes. "Hullo, Gar
rick, d n't you know meT said the
man. "I am afraid I do not," re
plied Garrlck.
"Hut we used to act together at
Drury Ijine." replied the tattered one.
"Is (hut sot" exclaimed Garrhk. "In
what playr "In 'Hamlet.' I look
the part of the cock and crowed be
hind the curtain."
Trying to Plta$t Him
"Ah, monsieur I I call lo see Mr.
Smith," said the foreign visitor.
"You can't, he's not down." replied
the valet.
"Vat you tell r said the visitor. "I
come yesterday and you suy I cannot
tee beein bernuse he Is not up Now
you Say I cannot tee heem hat-uusa
be Is not down. Vut you meuot Yen
vlll he be In xa mlddicr
The Master What Is Ignorance)
Hit I'upll Ignorance Is when yoa
dou't know something sou somebody
Duds It out.
Willing Worker
"My lpH-al Is to the plain peepul
"Go easy there. iHin't you went ut
to gel out the good looking votcT
"Did you lay stie dresses wellf
"No, dresses swell she's fat."
Humble Pyrotechnia
The flrfflr tirlnis s snll tlow.
II maks no glorious dm.
II sss bis tjuly bur btlnw.
And lots the btsl be kin.
Exigencit$ of Art
"It teems to me," mid the man who
bad returned after a long absence,
"thai Crimson Gulch Is clinging te
the old lawli sr traditions lo a remark
able extent."
"Yes," answered Cactus Joe, "aud
It'l gelt In' terrible tiresome. Hut we've
got our business Interests lo protect.
When wt ought to be lit in luxurious
we have to keep up appearances nee
essary to prestige ns locution for pic
ture dramas of the untrummeled
WetL"-Wnshlnglon Star.
Farmer (to friend) I hear, Itert,
tliut wlille ye were In the city ye look
up this here golf, llow'd ye like It J
liert-Well, It slut bad. It'i a hit
harder than hoeln' turnips an' a bit
easier than dlggln' Kitutet,
That'i the One
Johnson -I bear Smith it looking
for a cashier. It It true? He en
gaged a new ont only a month ago.
Jackson That's Hit ont he It look
ing for.